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Startmate Accelerator: W21

Application Questions Preview

Please make a copy of this document if you prefer to write up your answers here by
going to File > Make a copy.

Company Profile
1. What is your company's name?*
2. Link to your website*
3. What industry are you in?*
4. What stage are you at?*
5. Number of employees? (co-founders included)*
6. Does your company reduce carbon in the atmosphere? If yes, please include the
impact it would have at scale (per year)
7. Where are you located?*
8. What is the Postcode of your neighbourhood?*
9. First name of primary contact?*
10. Last name of primary contact?*
11. Primary contact email*
12. Primary contact phone number*
13. Primary contact LinkedIn Profile*
14. Primary contact Twitter
15. How did you hear about the Startmate accelerator?* (Multiple choice)
16. Would you like to receive emails from Startmate to keep you in the loop on future
events and other updates?*

1. How many co-founders are there (excluding you)?*
2. Please provide their full names and LinkedIn profiles. [Description: (up to 4
○ Co-Founder 1’s*
○ Co-Founder 1’s LinkedIn*
○ Co-Founder 2’s*
○ Co-Founder 2’s LinkedIn*
○ ...

The Problem + Solution

1. Describe the problem your company is solving (400 characters)*
2. Describe how your company is solving the problem (400 characters)*
3. Why are you the right team to solve this problem? (800 characters)*
4. Give us an idea of your traction to date. [Description: Do you have customers? How
much revenue are you generating? If you don't have customers, what have you done to
validate the idea you are solving?] (800 characters)*
5. What substitutes do people resort to because you don’t exist yet? (800 characters)*
6. Who is your ideal customer and how will you find them? (800 characters)*
7. What is your business model? How do you plan to make money? (800 characters)*
8. Is there anything else we should know about you? (800 characters)

Your Cap-table
1. Is the company incorporated? (Yes/No)*
2. Please describe the full captable. How much does each founder own? How much do
any other investors own? [Description: "For example: There are 2 co-founders.
Co-Founder A owns 40%, Co-Founder B owns 40% and our seed investors own
20%] (800 characters)*
3. Have you raised money before? (Yes/No)*
a. How much and at what pre-money valuation? (800 characters)*
4. Are all founders full time on the business? If not - describe the situation and when
they will be joining full time? (800 characters)*
5. Lastly, have you met any of the Startmate Mentors? If yes, who? (Multi-select of all
the mentors) [Description: This will not be assessed as part of your application,]

Diversity Metrics (Optional)

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