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Today, we will learn how the meaning and conjugation of regular verbs in -re.

Mettez ces expressions en ordre pour avoir la conjugaison de vendre = to sell.

je vends nous vendons elles vendent elle vend vous vendez tu



je vends tu vends elle vend

nous vendons vous vendez elles vendent

How do they compare with endings of regular -er verbs?

Alors, comment dit-on:

1. He sells
2. They (all masc.) sell
3. People in general sell

4. He sells il vend
5. They (all masc.) sell ils vendent
6. People in general sell on vend

More regular -re verbs:

Descendre - to go down/get off a bus

Attendre - to wait
Répondre - to reply

Alors comment dit-on:

1. I go down
2. You (sg) wait
3. He replies
4. She goes down
5. People in general wait
6. We reply
7. My brother and I reply
8. You (pl) get off the bus
9. You (formal) reply
10. They (m) go down
11. They (f) wait

Descendre - to go down/get off a bus
Attendre - to wait
Répondre - to reply
Drop -RE, add s/s/nothing/ons/ez/ent
1. I go down - je descends
2. You (sg) wait - tu attends
3. He replies - il répond
4. She goes down - elle descend
5. People in general wait - on attend
6. We reply - nous répondons
7. My brother and I reply - mon frère et moi(, nous) répondons
8. You (pl) get off the bus - vous descendez
9. You (formal) reply - vous répondez
10. They (m) go down - ils descendent
11. They (f) wait - elles attendent

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