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Nama : Bima Arya Fatah

NIM : 21090029

Kelas : 1B

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

My First Day of Collage

Today is my first day of collage at Politeknik Harapan Bersama Kota Tegal. I went
alone on the bike. I went to collage at 08.30 A.M. Because, my course starts at 09.40 A.M. I
arrived the campus at 09.10 A.M. In collage, I went straight to class and got to know my new
friends. In my class, waiting for his teacher to come in and prepare to start collage. After
collage, I bought an aoutdoor snack and I doing the dhuhur prayer. After praying, I went
home. My first day of collage was so happy and enjoying my life. Because, see friends.

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