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Check if your F5-F9/Applied Skills exam is Paper Based PBE or Computer Based CBE.

Search by your location and see when the exams transition from PBE to CBE:


Read the ACCA FAQ webpage about the CBE exams, this covers queries such as…. can I take a
calculator into the exam? Will I be given rough paper in the exam? etc.

Paper Specific CBE Video

Watch the Paper Specific videos showing how to use the CBE software for your specific exam, for
example how to lay out an NPV in the F9 exam. This covers 15mins on F5, 15mins on F6 etc. It also
has links to de-brief videos for questions.

BPP Practice Exams

This is the link to access free BPP and Kaplan practice mocks.

More information on the BPP practice ones….

Access additional free practice questions and mocks. BPP has joined forces with ACCA to provide a
bundle of questions for students to practice on the CBE software. Depending on the courses you
have booked with us you may have already completed some of the questions. There is at least one
new mock which none of our students will have seen. To access this software please use the link
below and to receive a 100% discount on the price of this bundle use the offer code:

The bundle includes the following….

Progress Test 1

Progress Test 2

Mock 1
Mock 2

Blank word processor and spreadsheet replica ACCA software

Exam Pass Mark

You need to achieve 50% or more to pass the exam. For PBE exams that is 50/100 for the CBE exams
that is 50/100.

Key Dates

The exam results will be released along with all of the exam results from the exams on demand
sitting. Section B is human marked so this takes approximately 5 weeks.


This depends on whether you are answering the exam in PBE (paper) or CBE (computer) format. PBE
exams it is 1.95mins per mark. CBE it is 1.8mins per mark. Practice a few mocks and see if you are
speedier on the OT questions and then reallocate the standard timings between the OT and CRQ

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