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Regardless of the type of manipulation, they lead to short tern result. Therefore,
the only good way is to win the loyalty and that happen by GOLDEN CIRCLE.
Golden circle:
-A theory used by some organization, people inspire others because the message
is send to the brain who may also control the emotions, behavior and decision-
making, and that's what help leaders to be successful.
-inspired by GOLDEN RATION an idea, a mathematical relation used by architect
and mathematician.
Southwest air lone create the most profitable airline ok n history.
Martin lutter king: led the civil right movement in America. "He wasn't the only
one who suffers"
Those entire examples let us think about the important of the golden circle.
There's 3 part :( why, how, what)
-every person know 100% what they do.
-easy to describe the product.
-other know how they do it, how is given to explain. Something is different or
- Few know why and it does not. Mean to make profit. That is the result but why
means the purpose, the cause, the reason to exist.
- People do not buy what we do they buy why we so it.
- Not hiring people who need a job but people who believe on what we do.

Chap 5: clarity, discipline and consistency:

When manipulation flourish, incertantly increase for buyers and instability
increase for everyone.
Clarity of why:
The author insist on the fact that people need to know why you do the activity cuz
it is the link between u and others. Example the politician and people. People
should know why to let politician win their willing.
Discipline of how:
Is the value and principals that guide you to bring and do actions.
The values to be truly effective they need to be actions and verbs something
Expressing, articulating our values us action, verbs give us a clear idea how to act
in any situation.
Consistency of what:
Everything you said and u do has to prove what you believe.
People will test our believes by our action and things that we say.
Simon insisted on the important of the meaning of authenticity and that there is
some companies ask there costumers about the way to gain there authentic.
With consistency people, will see u without a doubt.
Authenticity means your golden circle is in a good balance and everything u do u
believe in it.
Without why any attempt at authenticity will usually be inauthentic.
In the right order:
One best way is starting with why so we should respect the order of the golden
circle. Example «think differently «the slogan of apple, include a lot of value like
innovation freedom and creativity.
Companies that knows their why can know how to do business.
Manipulation and inspiration are the same but not similar:
-manipulation is the result of feeling of fear or peer pressure.
Lead to inauthentic client that do not buy product because they believe in it but
because they are manipulated.
-inspiration based on the feeling of trust and loyalty result to loyal clients and
authentic costumers.
If you do not know the why, you cannot know how:
The different is not offering high quality product with more or better services or
process, it cannot make different and only happen when u know why and how to
do the activity.
Doing business is like dating:
Dating is like business and relationship can work when we start by why and not
what .For example brad started his dating by what money he can offer house that
he had and he succeed in the beginning but not in long-term result.
Therefore, to get people to make favorable or professional decision you should
focus on the why. The writer said people do not by what you do, but the buy why
you do.
Three degree of certainly: There 3 type of decisions:
1) i think it's right:
When we can point to tangible elements or rational measure .the higher level of
confident is i think this is the right decision. In addition, it is because it activate our
brain. Example the choice between DELL. HP etc we think about pros and cons.
2) I feel it’s right:
When we make gut decision, decision happen or controlled by our emotion.
The highest level of confidence that we can offer is decision feel right.
3) I know it’s right:
It is a Combination between the first one and the second ond without forgetting
the why.
When u know the why the highest level of confidence is i know it’s right.
The goal of business is to do it not only with who need your service or work but
also with who believe what you believe.

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