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The Nature

From a young age I've found everything about nature fascinating. Whenever I feel stressed or
need to take a break I go to the forest nearby where I live to relax. I find that it is the best kind of
therapy for me, and I know it also is for a lot of people.

Taking walks in a forest or in a place full of nature, like a park, actually was scientifically proven to
have good effects on your body. It is actually recommended to go on a walk in a place that is
surrounded by nature at least 10 minutes a day. The green color of plants give you a sense of
calmness, reducing anger, stress and fear. The smell of vegetation also helps with relaxing the
muscles in your body and with reducing heart rate and blood pressure.

Personally, I go on walks in the forest because I love admiring the landscapes. I love how plants,
trees and lakes make beautiful sceneries and offer a great home to lots of animals. The air is
alaways crisp fresh and the tension from my body just dissapears when I breath it in. I'd love for
everybody to get the chance to experience such a relaxing feeling.
To sum it up all up, taking walks in the forest is beneficial for both your mental and physical health,
and you also get to see amazing landscapes and animals. I think that no other hobby is more
relaxing than a nice walk in nature.

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