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Return Period of Recorded Ground Motion

Article  in  Journal of Structural Engineering · June 2006

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2006)132:6(833)

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Praveen K. Malhotra
StrongMotions Inc.


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Return Period of Recorded Ground Motion
Praveen K. Malhotra, M.ASCE1

Abstract: Ground motions recorded during earthquakes are often used to assess the seismic performance of structures affected by those
ground motions. However, it is necessary to first establish the return period of the recorded ground motion, because structures are expected
to perform better for frequently occurring ground motions than for rare ground motions. A systematic approach is presented to establish
the return period of ground motion recorded at the base of the Templeton Community Hospital during the 2003 San Simeon California
Earthquake. A similar approach can be used for any other ground motion.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2006兲132:6共833兲
CE Database subject headings: Earthquakes; Ground motion; Probability; Building codes; Seismic effects; Building design; Seismic

Introduction wood frame hospital in Templeton, Calif., during the 2003

San Simeon Earthquake of magnitude 6.5M w. The hospital is
Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis 共PHSA兲 provides ground 14 ft 共4.3 m兲 high and was built in 1977. The instruments were
motions for different rates of exceedance 共Cornell 1968; Reiter installed and maintained by the California Strong Motion In-
1991; McGuire 2004兲. For a time-independent 共Poisson兲 process, strumentation Program 共CSMIP兲 of the California Geological
the inverse of the exceedance rate is the return period; the longer Survey 共CGS兲. The processed records were downloaded from the
the return period, the stronger the ground motion. Structures can COSMOS 共1999–2005兲 webpage 共CISN 2004兲. According to
be designed to meet different performance objectives for different Sydnor 共personal communication 2005兲, the hospital is underlain
return period ground motions. by Monterey Shale at shallow depth 共1 – 3 m兲, so that the site is
After an earthquake, the success of a seismic design 共and its properly classified as National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Pro-
implementation兲 can be measured by comparing the observed gram 共NEHRP兲 Site Class C 共BSSC 1998a兲. There were no free-
performance against the expected performance 共e.g., Poland field instruments at the site. However, since the hospital is a light
2004兲. Since, the expected performance depends on the return wood structure, the base motion is not likely to be affected by the
period, it becomes necessary to first establish the return period of inertial soil-structure interaction. There may have been some fil-
the ground motion experienced by the structure. Many critical tering of the high frequencies by the foundation of the structure
structures have on-site instrumentation for recording ground mo- due to kinematic interaction 共Veletsos and Prasad 1989兲, but we
tions. In the event of design ground motion, certain inspection assume that the base motion is the same as the free-field motion.
procedures are launched 共e.g. NFPA 2001兲. Since the design The ground motion histories shown in Fig. 1共a兲 are for the
ground motion is usually expressed in terms of the return period, 90° 共east兲 direction and those shown in Fig. 1共b兲 are for the
it is helpful to establish the return period of the recorded ground 360° 共north兲 direction. The values of peak ground acceleration
motion. 共PGA兲, peak ground velocity 共PGV兲, and peak ground displace-
Ground motions are characterized by their amplitude, fre- ment 共PGD兲 are shown on these histories. Also shown are the
quency content, and duration. All these characteristics should be significant durations computed from the acceleration histories.
considered in establishing the return period of the recorded Significant duration Ds is the time difference between the arrivals
ground motion. This is illustrated here with an example. of 5 and 95% of the area under the square of the acceleration
history 共Trifunac and Brady 1975兲. Ds = 10 s in both east and
north directions.
Recorded Ground Motion

Fig. 1 shows the acceleration, velocity and displacement histories Response Spectrum of Recorded Ground Motion
of horizontal ground motions recorded at the base of a one-story
Fig. 2共a兲 shows the 5% damping pseudovelocity response spectra
Senior Research Specialist, FM Global, 1151 Boston-Providence of the two horizontal ground motions shown in Figs. 1共a and b兲.
Tpk., Norwood, MA 02062-9102. E-mail: praveen.malhotra@ Fig. 2共b兲 shows the geometric mean of the two horizontal ground motion spectra. The large variations in the spectral amplitude with
Note. Associate Editor: Sanj Malushte. Discussion open until the natural period are not significant because the natural period
November 1, 2006. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual
of a structure is usually not known exactly and nonlinear response
papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must
be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper of the structure during strong shaking continuously changes the
was submitted for review and possible publication on October 11, 2004; natural period of the structure. Therefore, the essential features of
approved on August 23, 2005. This paper is part of the Journal of Struc- an actual response spectrum are captured by a smooth spectrum
tural Engineering, Vol. 132, No. 6, June 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733- fitted through the actual spectrum 共Malhotra 2003兲. The smooth
9445/2006/6-833–839/$25.00. spectrum is shown by solid lines in Fig. 2共b兲. The linear plots of


Fig. 1. Acceleration, velocity, and displacement histories of horizontal ground motion at base of Templeton Hospital during 2003 magnitude
6.5M w San Simeon California Earthquake

the actual and smooth acceleration response spectra are shown by the site. The hazard curves are plots of spectral acceleration
dashed and solid lines, respectively, in Fig. 3. From now on, we versus return period. The CGS and the United States Geological
will refer to the smooth geometric-mean spectrum as the spectrum Survey 共USGS兲 have generated hazard curves for sites through-
of the recorded ground motion. The spectral accelerations 共SA兲 at out the country assuming firm rock 共average shear wave velocity
0.2 and 1 s periods are: SA共0.2 s兲 = 1.13g, and SA共1 s兲 = 0.33g VS = 760 m / s in top 30 m兲 site conditions 共Petersen et al. 1996
共Fig. 3兲.
and Frankel et al. 1996兲. Fig. 4 shows the SA共0.2 s兲 and SA共1 s兲
hazard curves for the Templeton Hospital site 共35.556°N,
Return Period of Recorded Spectral Accelerations 120.719°W兲 obtained from Frankel and Leyendecker 共2001兲.
Fig. 5 shows the hazard curves adjusted for Site Class C using the
We now estimate the return period of the recorded spectral ac- NEHRP soil amplification factors 共BSSC 1998a兲.
celerations from the hazard curves generated by the PSHA of Next, we read the return periods of the recorded spectral ac-

Fig. 2. Pseudovelocity response spectra for 5% damping: 共a兲 spectra of horizontal motions recorded in 90° 共east兲 and 360° 共north兲 directions, and
共b兲 geometric mean of two horizontal ground motion spectra 共smooth spectrum shown by solid lines兲


Fig. 5. SA共0.2 s兲 and SA共1 s兲 hazard curves for Templeton Hospital
Fig. 3. 5% damping acceleration response spectrum of horizontal site assuming NEHRP site class C
motion. Actual geometric-mean spectrum is shown by dashed-lines
and smooth spectrum is shown by solid lines.
webpage for these return periods: 72, 224, 475, 975, 2475, and
celerations from the hazard curves. SA共0.2 s兲 = 1.13g has a return 4975 years. For the Templeton Hospital site, we perform the de-
period of 1962 years, and SA共1 s兲 = 0.33g has a return period of aggregation for SA共0.2 s兲 at 975- and 2475-year return periods.
445 years 共Fig. 5兲. We find that the dominant earthquake associated with both these
return periods is 7.1M w at 5 km on the Rinconada Fault. There-
fore, the dominant earthquake for 1962-year SA共0.2 s兲 is 7.1M w
Duration Adjustment at 5 km. The median duration for this earthquake ground motion,
estimated from the Abrahamson and Silva 共1996兲 prediction rela-
Return period of 1962 years for SA共0.2 s兲 does not imply that a tionship, is Ds = 17 s.
0.2 s period structure at the Templeton Hospital site would have Similarly, the dominant earthquake for 445-year return period
experienced 1962-year return period load during the San Simeon SA共1 s兲 is 7.8M w at 43 km on the San Andreas Fault. The median
Earthquake. By definition, SA共0.2 s兲 provides the peak load ex- duration for this earthquake ground motion, from Abrahamson
perienced by a 0.2 s period structure. In addition to the peak, the and Silva 共1996兲 relationship, is Ds = 35 s.
structure experiences several smaller load cycles, each of which The durations for both dominant earthquake ground mo-
can cause some damage to the structure. Therefore, the peak, in tions are longer than the 10 s duration of the recorded ground
itself, does not provide a complete definition of the seismic load motion 关Figs. 1共a and b兲兴. This implies that the recorded ground
experienced by the structure. The number of load cycles is also motion was not as intense 共damaging兲 as the spectral accelera-
important 共e.g., Malhotra 2002兲. Assuming that duration is an tions would suggest. We will adjust the spectral accelerations of
indirect measure of the number of load cycles, we compare the recorded ground motion to account for its shorter duration. We
duration of the Templeton Hospital base motion with the duration start by assuming that the shaking intensity is directly propor-
associated with a 1962-year return period SA共0.2 s兲 at the site. tional to the duration, and to the square of the amplitude. This
Seismic deaggregation 共e.g., McGuire 1995; Cramer and assumption is consistent with the definition of the Arias intensity
Petersen 1996; Harmsen and Frankel 2001兲 provides the magni- 共AI兲 共Arias 1970兲

tude and distance of earthquakes associated with spectral accel- ⬁

erations at different return periods. Seismic deaggergation for AI = · 关a共t兲兴2 · dt 共1兲
sites in the Unites States can be performed at the USGS 共2005兲 2g 0

where a共t兲 = acceleration at time t, and g = acceleration due to

The SA共0.2 s兲 for the recorded ground motion is 1.13g
共Fig. 3兲. The measured duration is 10 s, but the duration for
the dominant earthquake ground motion is 17 s. We multiply
SA共0.2 s兲 by 冑10/ 17= 0.77 to account for shorter duration of the
recorded ground motion. This gives the duration-adjusted short-
period spectral acceleration of SA共0.2 s兲 = 1.13⫻ 0.77= 0.87g.
Similarly, the duration-adjusted SA共1 s兲 = 0.33⫻ 冑10/ 35= 0.18g.
We apply the SA共0.2 s兲 adjustment factor to the entire short-
period 共acceleration-sensitive兲 region of the spectrum and
SA共1 s兲 adjustment factor to the intermediate period 共velocity-
sensitive兲 region of the spectrum. The duration-adjusted smooth
spectrum of the Templeton Hospital ground motion is shown by
dashed lines in Fig. 6.
From the SA共0.2 s兲 hazard curve shown in Fig. 5, the return
Fig. 4. SA共0.2 s兲 and SA共1 s兲 hazard curves for Templeton Hospital period of the duration-adjusted SA共0.2 s兲 is 937-years. The
site, assuming firm rock soil condition SA共1 s兲 for the 937-year return period is 0.43g. The return period


Fig. 6. Duration-adjusted response spectrum of Templeton Hospital Fig. 7. Duration-adjusted spectrum of recorded motion and 500-year
ground motion compared with 937- and 103-year spectra for site return period spectrum for site. 0.27 s period spectra acceleration of
recorded motion has return period of 500-years

of duration-adjusted SA共1 s兲 is 103-years. The SA共0.2 s兲 for the

103-year return period is 0.38g. Building code-type smooth re- spectrum method 共ATC 1996兲 to estimate the effective period of
sponse spectra were constructed from the SA共0.2 s兲 and SA共1 s兲 the building. For this, we need the capacity curve for the building
values, as follows. and demand spectrum of the recorded motion.
First, the control period TS is obtained The capacity 共pushover兲 curve is a plot of building deforma-
SA共1 s兲 tion under an increasing horizontal force, normalized by the first
TS = 1 s · 共2兲 modal mass of the building. An “accurate” capacity curve can
SA共0.2 s兲 be constructed by reviewing the structural design of the building.
Next, the spectral accelerations in various period ranges are For the purpose of this study, we assume the following parameters
computed from to construct the capacity curve: 共1兲 the elastic period of the build-
ing is 0.2 s; 共2兲 the yield capacity of the building is 0.4W, where

0.4 · SA共0.2 s兲 + 3SA共0.2 s兲 · T/TS for T ⬍ 0.2TS W = first modal weight of the building; 共3兲 the ultimate capacity of
SA共T兲 = SA共0.2 s兲 for 0.2TS ⬍ T ⬍ TS the building is 1.2W; and 共4兲 the ultimate capacity is mobilized at
SA共1 s兲 · 1 s/T for T ⬎ TS 29 cm deformation. Parameters 2–4 are consistent with the
HAZUS 共FEMA 1999兲 guidelines 共Kircher et al. 1997兲. The elas-
共3兲 tic period is based on the analysis of strong-motion data by Huang
A response spectrum obtained by the above procedure is not and Tokas 共2004兲. The capacity curve constructed from these pa-
strictly a uniform hazard spectrum, because spectral accelerations rameters is shown in Fig. 9.
at natural periods other than 0.2 and 1 s may have different return The demand spectrum is obtained by plotting the spectral ac-
periods. However, in this study we assume that the spectral ac- celeration SA against the spectral deformation 共SD兲. SA and SD
celerations at all natural periods have the same return period as are related to each other as follows 共Newmark and Hall 1982兲:

冉 冊
SA共0.2 s兲 and SA共1 s兲. 2
Fig. 6 shows the 937- and 103-year return period response T
SD = SA ⫻ 共4兲
spectra for the site constructed by using the above procedure. 2␲
Note that the duration-adjusted spectral accelerations up to 0.21 s
period have a return period of 937-years. Duration-adjusted spec-
tral accelerations between the 0.46 and 1.9 s period have a return
period of 103-years. From the 0.21 to 0.46 s period, the return
period varies from 937- to 103-years. To obtain the return period
of recorded spectral acceleration from the 0.21 to 0.46 s period,
we construct the site spectra for return periods ranging from 103-
to 937-years, and determine the natural periods where these spec-
tra intersect the duration-adjusted smooth spectrum of the re-
corded ground motion. In Fig. 7, the 500-year return period spec-
trum intersects the smooth spectrum at 0.27 s, therefore,
SA共0.27 s兲 has a return period of 500-years. Fig. 8 shows the
variation of return period with the natural period of the structure.

Return Period of Seismic Load

From Fig. 8, we can estimate the return period of the load expe- Fig. 8. Return periods of duration-adjusted recorded spectral
rienced by the Templeton Hospital building, if we can first esti- accelerations 共Templeton Hospital base motion兲 for various natural
mate the effective period of the building. We will use the capacity periods


Fig. 11. Duration-adjusted recorded base motion spectrum compared
with MCE 共maximum considered earthquake兲 and 2/3 MCE spectra
Fig. 9. Assumed capacity curve for Templeton Hospital building

peak response. For the Templeton Hospital building, the average

We also assume that the structural damping during strong
period is considered to be close to the linear elastic period due to
shaking was 10% of critical. This was based on cyclic tests on
small nonlinear response 共Fig. 10兲. Huang and Tokas 共2004兲 esti-
wood frame shear walls by Shenton et al. 共1998兲. Their results
mated the peak deformation of 1 cm. This is same as the defor-
show that the equivalent viscous damping in wood frame shear
mation estimated from the capacity spectrum method. The excel-
walls ranges from 10 to 15% of critical, but it decreases under
lent agreement between the measured and the estimated
cyclic loading. We reduce the duration-adjusted spectral accelera-
deformations is a coincidence due to the approximations made in
tions 共and deformation兲 by 20% 关in accordance with Newmark
the analysis.
and Hall 共1982兲 and Malhotra 共2006兲 amplification factors兴 to
account for damping increase from 5 to 10% of critical. The 10%
damping spectrum is superimposed on the capacity curve in Fig.
10. The intersection of capacity curve and demand spectrum pro- Comparison with 2003 IBC Load
vides the effective period of the building to be 0.3 s and peak
deformation to be 1 cm. From Fig. 8, we read the return period of The maximum considered earthquake 共MCE兲 ground motions in
the seismic load to be 353 years. the 2003 IBC 共ICC 2003兲 are based on the 1996 USGS/CGS
From strong-motion records, Huang and Tokas 共2004兲 esti- analysis. These ground motions have a return period of 2475
mated the period of the Templeton Hospital building to be 0.2 s. years throughout the country except where a “deterministic limit”
However, this is the “average” period, while the period estimated is applied to the probabilistic values 共Leyendecker et al. 2000 and
from the capacity spectrum method is the instantaneous period at Malhotra 2005兲. Hospitals are expected to meet life safety perfor-
mance for MCE ground motions and immediate occupancy per-
formance for 2/3 MCE ground motions 共BSSC 1998b兲.
For the Templeton Hospital site 共35. 556ⴰN, 120. 719ⴰW兲, the
short 共0.2 s兲 period and 1 s period MCE spectral accelerations,
from 2003 IBC 共ICC 2003兲, assuming firm rock site conditions,

SS = 1.263g 共5兲

S1 = 0.546g 共6兲
For Site Class C, the short-period and 1 s period spectral ampli-
fication factors are 共ICC 2003兲

Fa = 1 共7兲

Fv = 1.3 共8兲
The MCE spectral accelerations for the site are

S MS = 1.263 ⫻ 1 = 1.263g 共9兲

S M1 = 0.546 ⫻ 1.3 = 0.71g 共10兲

The control period TS is
Fig. 10. Estimating effective period and deformation of Templeton S M1
Hospital building from pushover analysis TS = 1 s · = 0.562 s 共11兲


ground motion from peak ground acceleration 共or short-
period spectral acceleration兲 alone. In general, short-,
intermediate-, and long-period spectral accelerations have
different return periods.
4. Since duration plays an important role in the damage po-
tential of a ground motion, it must be considered in esti-
mating the return period of the ground motion. The
method proposed in this paper can be used to consider the
effect of duration.
5. The Templeton Hospital ground motion from the 2003
San Simeon, Calif. Earthquake has the duration-adjusted
short-period 共0.2 s兲 spectral acceleration of the 937-year
return period, and duration-adjusted 1 s period spectral
acceleration of the 103-year return period. The return pe-
riod of the load experienced by the Templeton Hospital
building is 353 years.
6. The deformation demands on the Templeton Hospital
building under the 2/3 MCE and MCE ground motions
are estimated to be 3.5 and 8.8 times that under the San
Simeon Earthquake ground motion.

Fig. 12. Response of Templeton Hospital building under recorded,

2/3 MCE 共maximum considered earthquake兲, and MCE ground Acknowledgments
Three anonymous reviewers of the original manuscript provided a
thorough review and several helpful suggestions. Robin McGuire,
Bob Shdnor, Tom Hale and Rakesh Goel provided additional
The MCE response spectrum for the Templeton Hospital site is
constructed by substituting S MS and S M1 in place of SA共0.2 s兲 and
SA共1 s兲 in Eq. 共3兲. Fig. 11 compares the MCE spectrum with the
duration-adjusted smooth response spectrum of the recorded
ground motion. The short-period spectral acceleration of the MCE Notation
spectrum is 46% higher than the duration-adjusted short period
spectral acceleration of the recorded ground motion spectrum. The following symbols are used in this paper:
The 1 s period spectral acceleration of the MCE spectrum is Ds ⫽ significant duration;
300% higher than the duration-adjusted 1 s period spectral accel- M w ⫽ moment magnitude of earthquake;
eration of the recorded ground motion spectrum. The 2/3 MCE SA ⫽ spectral acceleration;
spectrum is shown by dashed lines in Fig. 11. Next, we compare SD ⫽ spectral deformation;
the responses of the building under the MCE and 2/3 MCE T ⫽ natural period of building; and
ground motions with that under the San Simeon Earthquake VS ⫽ average shear wave velocity in top 30 m of site.
ground motion.
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critical. We reduce S MS and S M1 by 20% to obtain the correspond-
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