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3 Texts That Melt a Scorpio Man’s

The Scorpio man’s heart is a mysterious thing indeed! By turns remote
and tender, this man has a whole lot of defenses to break through before
he allows himself to trust. Can you find your way into his heart with a
well-thought-out text? 

When it comes to expressing your true feelings, some people just find it so
much easier texting than talking. Though some of us may have those special
verbal skills, most people stumble over their words and don’t say exactly
what they mean! 

This is where messaging can be a blessing, rather than a curse. We have

the time to think about what we would like to say, and how we
want to say it. 

Most men, on the other hand, tend to struggle with texts and phone calls,
and may be a little better in person, so if you send a heart-melting message
to him, don’t always expect him to be able to craft the same kind
of message back. Rule number one! 

And, of course, timing is everything. In my experience as a relationship

astrologer, timing is often the difference between a moment of deep
bonding versus creating a rift. 

For example, sending a message in the middle of the day when he may be
knee-deep in meetings may not be all that constructive! But sending it first
thing in the morning, or last thing at night, when you know he’s relaxed, is
thinking smart.

So what kinds of texts melt the heart of the mysterious Scorpio man? What
will make him want to be with you, choose you, love you? Well, texts can’t
be the only thing that makes him fall for you—but they can certainly help! 

The Scorpio Man’s Preferred Texting style:

Let’s start with the style of texting that the Scorpio man tends to like, which
can give you a few ideas of your own when it comes to grabbing his heart. 
Seductive and Sexy
The first step is making your texts seductive and ever-so-sexy. As you may
know by now, the sign of Scorpio is the most sexual in the Zodiac, so having
passion in your words is ultra-important! 

Try to seduce him – subtly. Be sexy, suggestive, and playful. He will be

eating out of your hands in no time! 

Subtle and Mysterious

Scorpio men don’t like texts that are obvious. They’ll find this
lacking in finesse and may lose interest. Being too straight-up doesn’t feel
like fun to the Scorpio man, so while you’re being sexy and seductive, try to
keep it subtle. Hint rather than spelling it out – he’ll pick up what you put

Here’s a secret – Scorpio men love good-natured mind games. They
enjoy the art of (harmless) manipulation, when everyone’s consented to it
and you’re both aware of what’s going on. He likes to test your boundaries,
and for you test his. Don’ be scared of playing a few emotional games with
him, helping you both to figure out what you really feel without
being uncomfortably open about it. You may have a lot of fun with

Secretive and Forbidden

Another thing a Scorpio loves is secrets. Even more, they love the
forbidden and the taboo. Receiving texts that “shouldn’t be sent,” like
sharing a secret, will make him feel special. It will also flick all his switches
on, and you can be assured that he’ll come back for more! 

Intense and Deep

Scorpio men hate small talk. They want to get deep fast, and they love
an emotionally loaded and intense conversation about things that matter.
Something metaphysical, aliens, war, crime, or politics – these are the sorts
of things that he takes an interest in. He’ll respect a woman who can keep
up with him! 
Scorpio is a fixed sign, which means that they treasure reliability and
consistency. If you decide to “ghost” him, stop replying, or be inconsistent
or careless with your messages, he will switch off. In fact, being an
extreme sign, he might move on to someone else who does show more
commitment. Beware, ladies – this man is not playing around! 

So now, how about a few texts designed to melt his heart and make you his?
These are my top three texts suggestions to bring love and passion into your

3 Texts to Melt a Scorpio Man’s Heart

1. “I Would Never Want to Leave You”

The deepest fear of most Scorpio men is being abandoned or
betrayed. Most of the time, this manifests as jealousy and insecurity,
which they try to hide. 

They need to always appear they like they’re in control, when in

fact, they’re terrified inside. 

Knowing this helps you understand so many of their seemingly strange

behaviours – their game-playing, obsession with your past, your exes, their
jealousy, and their drama. They just want to be sure that you’re not  going
to hurt them. 

Sending a text assuring a Scorpio man that you have no plans to leave him
makes his heart soar. Obviously, you have to pick the right moment to say
this because sending it out of the blue may just make them question your

When you have a really intimate moment, try sending something along
these lines. 
2. “I Just Want to Be All Yours” 

This is a text designed to go straight into the Scorpio man’s heart – and
everywhere else! There’s nothing as sexy to the Scorpio man as “possessing”
his partner, body and soul.

This is also a very vulnerable text, which will make him feel powerful, in
control, and protective over you. These words will go a very long way
toward helping him to be more vulnerable, too. Watch the sparks fly when
you send this text, ladies! 

Read next: 5 Questions to Make a Scorpio Man Fall in Love With You—

3. “Do You Want to Know a Secret?”

Scorpio men trade in secrets! It’s their chosen form of currency when
it comes to love and relationships, and they just love to collect other
people’s deepest and darkest! 

Plus, you really can trust him. This is not the type of sign to air out your
dirty laundry, unless you do the unthinkable and cheat on him! Then all
bets are off, of course. 
Hinting at a secret you have to tell him will definitely get his heart beating
faster. And that secret may just be how you feel about him, or something
sweet and soft like that. You can choose what you decide to tell him! 

Three Biggest Mistakes Women Make When

Texting a Scorpio Man
Now that you know a few tips to help you get the heart of a Scorpio, I do
have to warn you about one thing.

There are certain texting behaviors that will make an intense Scorpio lose
interest in you…

Communicating with a love interest is a very delicate dance (and so much

trickier to do over text!) and all it takes is one wrong message to send him
walking the other way…

Just to be safe – you need to check out the three big texting “no-no”s you
should avoid, before you make a mistake that leaves you on read!

Check the link below and learn how to avoid the biggest texting mistakes
with a Scorpio man. You won’t regret it!

>> Stop what you’re doing and click here right now!

Wishing you lots of luck and love on your journey.

Your friend and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

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