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In case of Africa, this book reveals how missions have wreaked devastation on the native

populace. Many European and American researchers considered Africans as subhuman species
and performed research on the anatomy of their bodies. They captured natives for scientific
experiments while sometimes even exhuming their graves to perform experiments on exhumed
skulls. Most of this research was a fraudulent one to generate research funds for academic &
medical researchers.

This book not only raises concerns, but also suggests immediate actions that need to be taken
to preserve the identity of natives of Europe, Africa and other places.

The concept of 'Democracy' was questioned by the author. According to the book, democracy
was employed as a new colonisation instrument to grab territory from the native people. Only
Natives who backed the European settlers were allowed to work in the government as
subordinates. By claiming that most Native Americans were not part of the new nation, the
United States, the author exposed the United States and its democracy.

The propaganda against natives is extremely damaging, and they are treated as if they were
animals or plants. To the European settlers, their rights were meaningless. The Church also
perpetuated the myth that the Natives lacked souls.

Based on data from native and American accounts, the author thinks that approximately 35
million natives were killed in the continental United States between 1492 and 1924, and that
the number of natives slaughtered in Canada between 1475 and the late 1900s should range
between 15-20 million.

Person from the past in this book, Columbus loses his prestige. According to the book, if you
look at his search through the lens of today's human rights, he was nothing more than a terrorist
to indigenous Tainos. The District of Columbia, Colombia, and a slew of other well-known
organisations bear his name. Why was it necessary to celebrate a terrorist? Why is the United
States' capital still named after such a zealot? These are questions that we rarely consider. This
book, on the other hand, will make you think.

According to the book what happened and is happening to the natives was/is the competition
for ‘Gold, Glory & God’ between European rivals. This book asserted that the account of St
Thomas' arrival in India in the fifth century is a myth. Local Indian historians have abundant
proof that a person named St Thomas did not come to India till the Portuguese reached India
in the 15th century. To convert local Hindus, the Portuguese stole a local temple and erected

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