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BS Criminology (BS Crim)


Guide Questions:

1. What was the “Million People March” all about?

The “Million People March” was the series of protests in the Philippines which held at the Luneta
Park. It was called to bring in a million people to march supporting the total abolition of the Pork
Barrel Fund, triggered by the mass’ growing collective anger over the Priority Development
Assistance Fund (PDAF) scam.

2. Who initiated the movement?

The movement was initiated by friends Arnold Pedrigal, Peachy Bretana, and Bernardo

3. What role did media play in the conception and actualization of the Million People

The initiators created a Facebook event page to gather people who wanted the PDAF scrapped.
They also used the #MillionPeopleMarch, together with #PDAFKalampag and #ScrapPork,
flooded Twitter and Facebook feeds with over 140,000 social media mentions. These proved
that the media influenced the citizens to express their opinions and beliefs, and these also
helped to serve the people facts about the PDAF scam, encouraging them to join the “Million
People March” and telling them the benefits of joining such movements.

4. What was the outcome of the Million People March Movement? Was it successful in
terms of achieving its goals?

The Million People March Movement became successful as the online campaign gathered
80,000- 100,000 people at Luneta, and made President Aquino decide for the suspension of the
release of money and vowed to reform the system.

5. What can you recommend for the betterment of mass media- assisted campaigns such
as the Million People March?

Mass media- assisted campaigns can be improved if everyone will be in a point of agreement
goal in hand, although it is hard to envision it since people have their own agendas and outlook
on a situation. Public relations must be improved in order to be united in a single front to scrap a
common enemy.


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