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Understand Leopold·s Maneuver

, Purpose and OutcoAme
Leopold·s Maneuver

‡ Are used to determine the

orientation of the fetus
through abdominal palpation
Overview and Rationale
‡ ° 



‡ ° 







‡ °   











þifficulties in
Performing Maneuvers
‡ h

‡ h


‡ °   




Aid in Performing the
‡ °       



‡ ° 

‡ °  



Abdominal Palpation
‡ °      






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‡ °  







‡ Fetal station is the

position of the fetal
presenting part and
its descent into the far has
the fetus
ischial spines of the
maternal pelvis are
used to describe 0
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‡ °    



‡ °  



‡ °  





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