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ry 4 a Tt 20 ia THE GREATEST MIRACLE Hello Children, hope you have had an amazing week, We have learnt that miracles are supernatural happenings in our lives by Ged ao that only God may re- ceive the Glory. God still performs miracles for all who ask and believe. Let's keep asking in Fath until Wwe receive our miracles, ‘Today, our topic is “The Greatest Miracle.” What do you think is the greatest miracle? All those are great, healing, raising the dead, loaves of bread and fish being multiplied but there is one. Which is greater ond the greatest of them all, This miracle is Tesvs becoming human like us. We call this in bible words incarnation. It's spelt T-n-e-a-r-n-a-t-i-o-n, T have taught you anew word, right? Con you believe that God the almighty creator of everything became human like you and me? Yeah, that's right, John L:1 tells us thot "in the beginning was the word and the word was with God tnd the word was Ged. Vs 14 continues to say, "and the word became flesh (meaning human) fand dwelt among us.” meaning lived with us and did things like us But why? You may ask? Ged loves people so much that even when they disebeyed Him, he was sad ‘and disappointed, but he made a way for man to be friends egain with God, because man had sinned tnd all whe were being born were sinners it had to be God ta save us from our sina but for us to be faved, our savoir had to be like us and go through what we go through that's why Ged had to become flesh ike us s0 thot you and T could be saved from sin, hell and the power of the dev NOW THAT IS THE GREATEST MIRACLE OF ALL. THE GREATEST MIRACLE Let's read together what Hebrews 2:14-15 says. (18) ‘These children are people with physical bodies. 50, Jesus himself became like them and had the same experiences they have, He did this 20 that, by dying, he could destroy the one wha has the power of death. That one isthe devi 18 Jesus became lke men and died so that he Could free them. They were like slaves all thet lives because of their fear of death, Thats what Jesus did for us when he became flesh and human like you and me. The angel Gabriel told Joseph in Matthew 1:21 "You shall eal his name Jesus for he will save his people from their sins.” We celebrate the incarnation of Jesus every December on Christmas doy. By the way in 27 days, we thal be celebrating this great miracle of how Jesus become like us to save us from our sna, {As we begin to celebrate the greatest miracle of cll, I want this celebrotion tobe different for you. First ofall celebrate with ‘thanksgiving in your heart for Jesus that made you free from sin. When Jesus became human like us, he showed ws who ta lve He served and helped others, Instead of maitin to be served this Christinas, write down ond plan hew you ean serve others. And lastly, remember that He Teaus is always with you. The bible calla hin Enmanuel- God with us and by the Holy Spint, He le God in The incarnation made it possible for us to become friends agoin with God, Are you a friend of God? Are you sure that if you died today wauld you go te heaven? Lf your enawer was no ta both questions and you want to change it to yes. T want you to repeat this prayer after'me. Say Jesus Now I want us to ask all of us to tell God about our needs. He gave us Jesus; He will give us all the other things ‘we need. Let's all talk to God. “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (133 TB el Ye Yel TO 00

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