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I T would not be difficult to come to an agreement

as to what we understand by science. Science
According to this interpretation, the well-known
conflicts between religion and science in the past
is the century-old endeavour to bring together by must all be ascribed to a misapprehension of the
means of systematic thought the perceptible situation which has been described.
phenomena of this world into as thorough-going For example, a conflict arises when a religious
an association as possible. To put it boldly, it is community insists on the absolute truthfulness of
the attempt at the posterior reconstruction of all statements recorded in the Bible. This means
existence by the process of conceptualization. an intervention on the part of religion into the
But when asking myself what religion is, I cannot sphere of science ; this is where the struggle of
think of the answer so easily. Even after finding the Church against the doctrines of Galileo and
an answer which may satisfy me at this particular Darwin belongs. On the other hand, representa-
moment, I still remain convinced that I can never tives of science have often made an attempt to
in any circumstances bring together, even to a arrive at fundamental judgments with respect to
slight extent, all those who have given this ques- values and ends on the basis of scientific method,
tion serious consideration. and in this way have set themselves in opposition
At first, then, instead of asking what religion is, to religion. These conflicts have all sprung from
I should prefer to ask what characterizes the fatal errors.
aspirations of a person who gives me the impression Now, even though the realms of religion and
of being religious : a person who is religiously science in themselves are clearly marked off from
enlightened appears to me to be one who has, to each other, nevertheless there exist between the
the best of his ability, liberated himself from the two strong reciprocal relationships and depen-
fetters of his selfish desires and is preoccupied with dencies. Though religion may be that which
thoughts, feelings, and aspirations to which he determines the goal, it has, nevertheless, learned
clings because of their super-personal value. It from science, in the broadest sense, what means
seems to me that what is important is the force of will contribute to the attainment of the goals it
this super-personal content and the depth of the has set up. But science can only be created by
conviction concerning its overpowering meaning- those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspira-
fulness, regardless of whether any attempt is tion towards truth and understanding. This
made to unite this content with a Divine Being, source of feeling, however, springs from the
for otherwise it would not be possible to count sphere of religion. To this there also belongs the
Buddha and Spinoza as religious personalities. faith in the possibility that the regulations valid
Accordingly, a religious person is devout in the for the world of existence are rational, that is,
sense that he has no doubt of significance and comprehensible to reason. I cannot conceive of a
loftiness of those super-personal objects and goals genuine man of science without that profound
which neither require nor are capable of rational faith. The situation may be expressed by an
foundation. They exist with the same necessity image : science without religion is lame, religion
and matter-of-factness as he himself. In this without science is blind.
sense religion is the age-old endeavour of mankind Though I have asserted above, that in truth a
to become clearly and completely conscious of legitimate conflict between religion and science
these values and goals, and constantlyto strengthen cannot exist, I must nevertheless qualify this
and extend their effects. If one conceives of assertion once again on an essential point, with
religion and science according to these definitions, reference to the actual content of historical re-
then a conflict between them appears impossible. ligions. This qualification has to do with the
For science can only ascertain what is, but not concept of God. During the youthful period of
what should be, and outside its domain value mankind's spiritual evolution, human fantasy
judgments of all kinds remain necessary. Religion, created gods in man's own image, who, by the
on the other hand, deals only with evaluations of operations of their will, were supposed todetermine,
human thought and action ; it cannot justifiably or at any rate to influence, the phenomenal world.
speak of facts and relationships between facts. Man sought to alter the disposition of these gods
• From a written communication to the Conference on Science, in his own favour by means of magic and prayer.
Philosophy and Religion recently held at the Jewish Theological
Seminary of America, New York. The idea of God in the religions taught at present

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is a sublimation of that old conception of the gods. which are in the main known to us. Occurrences
Its anthropomorphic character is shown, for in this domain are beyond the reach of exact pre-
example, by the fact that men appeal to the diction because of the variety of factors in opera-
Divine Being in prayers and plead for the fulfilment tion, not because of any lack of order in Nature.
of their wishes. We have penetrated far less deeply into the
Nobody, certainly, will deny that the idea of regularities obtaining within the realm of living
the existence of an omnipotent, just and omni- things, but deeply enough nevertheless to sense
beneficient personal God is able to accord man at least the rule of fixed necessity. One need only
solace, help, and guidance ; also, by virtue of its think of the systematic order in heredity, and in
simplicity the concept is accessible to the most the effect of poisons, as, for example, alcohol on
undeveloped mind. But, on the other hand, there the behaviour of organic beings. What is still
are decisive weaknesses attached to this idea in lacking here is a grasp of connexions of profound
itself, which have been painfully felt since the generality, but not a knowledge or order in itself.
beginning of history. exa.m ple, if this Being is The more a man is imbued with the ordered
omnipotent, then every occurrence, including regularity of all events, the firmer becomes his
every human action, every human thought, and conviction that there is no room left by the side
every human feeling and aspiration is also His of this ordered regularity for causes of a different
work ; how is it possible to think of holding men nature. For him neither the rule of human nor
responsible for their deeds and thoughts· before the rule of Divine Will exists as an independent
such an Almighty Being? In giving out punish- cause of natural events. To be sure, the doctrine
ment and rewards He would to a certain extent of a personal God interfering with natural events
be passing judgment on Himself. How can this could never be refuted, in the real sense, by science,
be combined with the goodness and righteousness for this doctrine can always take refuge in those
ascribed to Him ? domains in which scientific knowledge has not yet
The main source of the present-day conflicts been able to set foot.
between the spheres of religion and of science lies But I am persuaded that such behaviour on the
in this concept of a personal God. It is the aim part of the representatives of religion would not
of science to establish general rules which deter- only be unworthy but also fatal. For a doctrine
mine the reciprocal connexion of objects and which is able to maintain itself not in clear light
events in time and space. For these rules, or laws but only in the dark will of necessity lose its
of Nature, absolutely general validity is required effect on mankind, with incalculable harm to
-not proven. It is mainly a programme, and human progress. In their struggle for the ethical
faith in the possibility of its accomplishment in good, teachers of religion must have the stature
principle is only founded on partial successes. But to give up the doctrine of a personal God, that is,
scarcely anyone could be found who would deny give up that source of fear and hope which in the
these partial successes and ascribe them to human past placed such vast power in the hands of priests.
self-deception. The fact that on the basis of such In their labours they will have to avail themselves
laws we are able to predict the temporal behaviour of those forces which are capable of cultivating
of phenomena in certain domains with great pre- the good, the true, and the beautiful in humanity
cision and certainty, is deeply embedded in the itself. This is, to be sure, a more difficult but an
consciousness of the modern man, even though he incomparably more worthy task. (This thought
may have grasped very little of the contents of is convincingly presented in Lord Samuel's book,
those laws. He need only consider that planetary "Belief and Action" .) After religious teachers
courses within the solar system may be calculated accompLish the refining process indicated, they will
in advance with great exactitude on the basis of surely recognize with joy that true religion has
a limited number of simple laws. In a similar way, been ennobled and made more profound by
though not with the same precision, it is possible scientific knowledge.
to calculate in advance the mode of operation of If it is one of the goals of religion to liberate
an electric motor, a transmission syS:.em, or of a mankind so far as possible from the bondage of
wireless apparatus, even when dealing with a egocentric cravings, desires and fears, scientific
novel development. reasoning can aid religion in yet another sense.
To be sure, when the number of factors coming Although it is true that it is the goal of science
into play in a phenomenological complex is too to discover rules which permit the association and
large, scientific method in most cases fails us. foretelling of facts, this is not its only aim. It
One need only think of the weather, in which case also seeks to reduce the connexions discovered to
prediction even for a few days ahead is impossible. the smallest possible number of mutually inde-
Nevertheless, no one doubts that we are confronted pendent conceptual elements. It is in this striving
with a causal connexion the causal components of after the rational unification of the manifold that

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it encounters its greatest successes, even though religious in the highest sense of the word. Thus
it is precisely this attempt which causes it to run it seems to me that science not only purifies the
the greatest risk of falling a prey to illusions. But religious impulse of the dross of its anthropomor-
whoever has undergone the intense experience of phism, but also contributes to a religious spiritual-
successful advance made in this domain is moved ization of our understanding of life.
by profound reverence for the rationality made The further the spiritual evolution of mankind
manifest in existence. By way of the understanding advances, the more certain it seems to me that
he achieves a far-reaching emancipation from the the path to genuine religion does not lie through
shackles of personal hopes and desires, and thereby the fear of life, and the fear of death, and blind
attains that humble attitude of mind towards the faith, but through striving after rational know
grandeur of reason incarnate in existence which, ledge. In this sense, I believe that the priest must
in its profoundest depths, is inaccessible to man. become a teacher if he wishes to do justice to his
This attitude, however, appears to me to be lofty educational mission.



IN kinetic
the nineteenth-century development of the
theory of gases, the molecules were at
Enskog and I, in our general theories of the
mean free-path phenomena, dealt particularly with
first ·usually treated as solid spheres like billiard the simple force-law f(r)ocrn, and with the van der
balls, differing in size and mass. This molepular Waals model. Lennard-Jones7 first applied the
model, though it furnished a conveniently simple theory to molecules of the Boscovich type, by
picture of many gas phenomena, nevertheless taking f(r) = Krm + K'rn; the first term repre-
represented a retrogression from the model dis- sents the repulsive forces at short distances, and
cussed long before by Boscovich t, who regarded the other (if K' < 0) the attractions at long
atoms as centres of force, varying with the distance distances. He also calculated the equation of state
r both in intensity and sign. for a gas composed of such molecules, and used
Maxwell 2 , in 1867, made a partial return to the both types of data (and others) to determine the
Boscovich model, when he gave the first mathe- force constants K, K' and the force indices m, n.
matically accurate theory of the mean free-path He found that except in the case of hydrogen and
phenomena of gases (namely, viscosity, conduction helium neither the equation of state nor the
and diffusion), for a gas whose molecules interact viscosity determines the molecular field uniquely ;
according to the inverse fifth power of the distance, for other gases the two methods permit a range
r•. This special law was chosen because its con- of possible models (or values of K, K', m, n), and
sequences are relatively easy to work out, within other methods have to be used to narrow this
the brilliantly conceived framework of Maxwell's range.
general method; not until 1915 was it found The ambiguity of the models inferred by
possible to adapt this framework so that any law Leonard-Jones extends even to the sign of K', that
of variation of the force f(r), with the distance r, is, it remains uncertain whether the distant field is
could be dealt with•. Soon afterwards the same attractive or repulsive8 • Hence for many gases
results were achieved by Enskog4 , who overcame his formula for. f(r) may be regarded only as a
equal difficulties in generalizing a method due to means of indicating a change of the index of the
Boltzmann, itself inspired by the work of Maxwell. repulsive field at moderate distances, instead of
Meanwhile, in 1873, van der Waals• improved as representing the undoubted attraction at larger
the solid-sphere molecular model by adding to it distances. If n itself is taken to be a. function of r,
a field of attractive force ; on this basis he de- a.ny functionf(r) may be expressed as Krn, over any
veloped his famous equation of state, the first range of r for which f has a constant sign ; and
great advance on the ideally simple Boyle-Charles n = -d log f(r)/d log r. For a. particular tem-
law. Sutherland•, in 1893, used the same model perature or range of temperature the important
in connexion with the theory of gaseous viscosity. range of r at collisions will correspond to certain

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