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By Kirsten Kapur for

Through the Loops!

On the coldest days of winter cowls provide warmth and protection from
bitter winds. As the weather starts to warm in the spring, cowls add a touch
of color, style and comfort.

The perfect project for stash busting, the Chickadee Cowl uses one skein of
bulky weight yarn. The linen stitch pattern is ideal for variegated yarns, as it
breaks up pooling and adds textural interest.

Worked at a bulky gauge, this project will be finished quickly. Be sure to

have two or three cowls on hand. You’ll want to wear one every day.
Size: One size 6x24”

Gauge: 13 stitches = 4” in linen stitch pattern.

Yarn: The Plucky Knitter 70/30 Merino/Cashmere Bulky Weight;

Colorway: Janis

Needles: US 10.5/6.5 mm, 24” circular

Tapestry needle
Place Marker

Linen Stitch Pattern

Round 1: Knit 1 *(slip 1 with yarn in front, k1) repeat from * to end of
Round 2: Slip 1 *(k1, slip 1 with yarn in front) repeat from * to end of

Cast on 79 stitches. Mark the beginning
of the round with place marker. Join and
work in the round in linen stitch pattern
until cowl measures 6”.
Bind off loosely.
Weave in ends. Block.

Copyright 2008 by Kirsten Kapur
This pattern is intended for private use only. It is expressly forbidden to sell this pattern or products made
from this pattern without the written consent of the designer.

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