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Grammar Test

Name : Mutia Maulida

Class : Semester 1 B

Tenses – various sentences

1. Hendra and Zul live in Semarang

Negative : Hendra and Zul don’t live in Semarang
Present Continuous :
(+) Hendra and Zul are living in Semarang
(-) Hendra and Zul aren’t living in Semarang
Present Perfect :
(+) Hendra and Zul have lived in Semarang
(-) Hendra and Zul haven’t lived in Semarang

2. Ati pours water into my glass

Negative : Ati doesn’t pour water into my glass
Past :
(+) Ati poured the water into my glass
(-) Ati didn’t pour the water into my glass
Future :
(+) Ati will pour the water in to my glass
(-) Ati will not pour the water in to my glass

3. I buy some flowers for my mother.

Interrogative : Do I buy some flowers for my mother ?
Present Continuous :
(+) I am buying some flowers for my mother
(-) I am not buying some flowers for my mother
Passive : Some flowers are bought by me for my mother

Questions - Make the question:

4. My father : Who will meet the doctor later ?

5. At 8 o’clock in the morning : What time did you go to supermarket ?
6. To Surabaya : Where did you go at the end of the year ?
7. Because it is raining : Why didn’t you come to the dinner last night ?
8. Five liters : How many liters of water do you drink for one day ?
9. 10 km : How far is it from your home to home boyfriend?

Complex sentence -Translate : (Terjemahkan dan boleh dibuat bentuk ringkas)

10. Susi yang rajin adalah temanku.  Susi who is dilligent is my friend.
11. Karin berbicara dengan Sinta yang memasak sup.  Karin talks to Sinta who cooks soup.
12. Seorang pria yang menulis sebuah surat adalah Andi.  A man who writes a letter is Andi.
13. Aku melihat seorang penyanyi yang dipanggil “V”.  I saw an actor who is called “V”.
14. Cerita yang diceritakan oleh Hana mempunyai sebuah akhir yang indah.  The story which
is told by Hana has a beautiful ending

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