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Name : Mutia Maulida

NIM : P07124121048

Class : 1B

1. Myself

My name is Mutia Maulida. In live in Amuntai Hulu Sungai Utara, South Kalimantan. I
studied at the Poltekkes campus, the Ministry of Health, Banjarmasin, majoring in Midwifery.
My favorite vacation is to Jogyakarta.Usually on weekends, my family and I go to my
grandparents’ place. I like playing guitar and singing. I don’t have a

2. my favorite person

She name is Haris Fadillah. He is 18 years old. He comes from Amuntai Hulu Sungai
Utara, South Kalimantan. He was the most important person in my life, he was my boyfriend
who always encouraged me in good times or bad

3. To keep me healthy i eat nutritious food, do physical activity and maintain mental health

4. he is at house today ( Nominal ) is exercising this morning ( Verbal ) he plays with the cat
( Subject Pronoun )
She asked me to hang out together through a letter(Object Pronoun)
he is exercising so her body is very fit. ( Possessive ) he
treats his pet cat like he treats himself ( Reflexive )

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