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Interview with WHL Vancouver Giants defenseman, Detroit Red Wings

prospect, Alex Cotton

Interview Questions:

Sports psychology is a very broad topic, there is a lot that goes into it.
Today while talking to Alex Cotton, the goal is to gain insight on how the
pressure of being a professional athlete affects mental health.
1.) Why did you choose to play hockey competitively (high level) ?

2.) Does the number of people watching, whether it’s a full or empty
area, make an impact on your confidence and/or focus?

3.) Once you got drafted in the 2020 NHL draft, did the pressure to
perform get to your head?

4.) What do you do after a bad game? What do you do after a good

5.) Can you talk about the level of sacrifice you have had to face along
your journey to becoming a high performance athlete?

6.) Your coaches and trainers train you to be a good hockey player, do
you feel they train you on how to deal with the pressure?

7.) Where do you turn for support? Family?

8.) Do you have any advice regarding the stress and pressure for
upcoming elite athletes?

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