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Do you know about Pro Tools Shortcuts? Ever dreamt of becoming a Pro Tool 
Expert by using the mouse? Well, no one could ever become a Ninja with the 
help of a mouse but definitely yes with the help of Pro Tools Shortcuts. Pro 
tool, a music software especially for Mac users helps in mixing tracks. It is a 
complex tool so if you do not know about the system you might spend hours 
digging the tool listing down the controls and the features. 

General Shortcuts 

Action  Shortcut Keys 

Undo  Command + Z 

Redo  Command + Shift + Z 

Restore last selection  Command + Option + Z 

Cut  Command + X 

Copy  Command + C 

Paste  Command + V 

Select all  Command + A 


Learn more: 1
​ 01 Adobe Audition Shortcuts for Windows and Mac 

File Menu Shortcuts 

Action  Shortcut Keys 

New session  Command + N 

Open session  Command + O 

Open recent  Command + Shift + O 

Close session  Command + Shift + W 

Save  Command + S 

Bounce to disk  Command + Option + B 

Import session data  Opton + Shift + I 

Import audio  Command + Shift + I 

Import MIDI  Command + Option + I 

Import video  Command + Option + Shift + I 

Print  Command + P 

Exit  Command + Q 
Track Menu Shortcuts 

Action  Shortcut Keys 

New  Command + Shift + N 

Group  Command + G 

Duplicate  Option + Shift + D 

Set record tracks  Option + K 

Scroll to track  Command + Option + F 

Clear all clip indicators  Option + C 

Edit Menu Shortcuts 

Action  Shortcut Keys 

Clear  Command + B 

Cut special  Control + Shift + X 

Copy special  Control + Shift + C 

Paste special(Merge)  Option + M 

Clear special  Control + Shift + B 

Selection change timeline  Option + Shift + 5 

Selection change edit to match timeline  Opton + Shift + 6 

Selection play edit  Option + [ 

Selection play timeline  Option + ] 

Duplicate  Command + D 

Repeat  Option + R 
Shift  Option + H 

Insert silence  Command + Shift + E 

Trim clip to selection  Command + T 

Trim clip start to selection  Option + Shift + 7 

Trim clip end to selection  Option + Shift + 8 

Separate clip  Command + E 

Heal separtion  Command + H 

Consolidate clip  Option + Shift + 3 

Mute clips  Command + M 

Strip silence  Command + U 

TCE edit to timeline  Option + Shift + U 

Copy to send – automation  Command + Option + H 

Thin – automation  Command + Option + T 

Write to current – automation  Command + / 

Write to all enabled – automation  Command + Option + / 

Trim to current – automation  Command + Shift + / 

Trim to all enabled – automation  Command + Option + Shift + / 

Fade create  Command + F 

Fade to start  Option + D 

Fade to end  Option + G 

Narrow Mix  Command + Option + M 

Clip Menu Shortcuts 

Action  Shortcut Keys 

Edit lock and Unlock  Command + L 

Time lock and Unlock  Option + Control + L 

Send to back  Option + Shift + B 

Bring to front  Option + Shift + F 

Group  Command + Option + G 

Ungroup  Command + Options + U 

Regroup  Command + Option + R 

Loop  Command + Option + L 

Capture  Command + R 

Rename  Command + Option + Shift + R 

Identify sync point  Command + , 

Quantize to Grid  Command + 0 

Elastic properties  Option + 5 

Window Menu Shortcuts 

Action  Shortcut Keys 

Window configuration list  Command + Option + J 

Hide all floating windows  Command + Option + Control + W 

Close window  Command + W 

Mix  Command + = 

MIDI editor  Control + = 

Score editor  Option + Control + = 

MIDI event list  Option + = 

Task manager  Option + ‘ 

Workspace  Option + ; 

Project  Option + O 

Bring to front – browsers  Option + J 

Send to back – browsers  Option + Shift + J 

Transport  Command + 1 

Big counter  Command + 3 

Automation  Command + 4 

Memory locations  Command + 5 

Video universe  Command + 7 

Video  Command + 9 
Options Menu Shortcuts 

Action  Shortcut Keys 

Loop record  Option + L 

Quick punch  Command + Shift + P 

Track punch  Command + Shift + T 

Transport online  Command + J 

Video track online  Command + Shift + J 

Pre and post roll  Command + K 

Loop playback  Command + Shift + L 

Dynamic transport  Command + Control + P 

Link timeline  Shift + / 

Auto-spot clips  Command + Option + P 

Edit or Tool mode keyboard lock  Control + Shift + T 

Session  Command + 2 
Event Menu Shortcuts 

Action  Shortcut Keys 

Time operations window  Option + 1 

Tempo operations window  Option + 2 

Event operations window  Option + 3 

Quantize  Option + 0 

Transpose  Option + T 

MIDI real-time properties  Option + 4 

Beat detactive  Command + 8 

Indentify beat  Command + I 

All MIDI notes off  Command + Shift + . 

DownloadPro Tools Shortcuts – Pro Tools Keyboard Shortcuts PDF

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