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1.Communication is always a ___ way process.

a. one b.two c. three d. four
2. _____is the sharing of information in which a receiver understands the meaning of a message.
a. netiquette b. distraction
c. non verbal d. communication
3. When a receiver relays information, they expect _______.
a. feedback b. communication c. reaction d.symbols
4. This type of communication is speaking to teachers and students.
a. non verbal b. oral c. body language d. written
5. This type of communication includes sending emails, typing reports and letters.
a. non verbal b. verbal c. body language d. written
6. Delivering a message by means other than speaking or writing is called ___________
a. non verbal b. verbal c. oral d. written
7. When you are out with friends, what should you tell your friends when you are expecting a
phone call?
a. Let them know ahead of time that you are expecting a call.
b. Walk out of the room with no explanation
c. Answer the call in the middle of the conversation with no heads up
d. Ignore the important phone call completely.
8. When making conference calls how should you answer the phone?
a. Hello, who this?
b. Introduce yourself to the caller.
c. Remain on the phone silently
d. Begin the conversation with no introduction at all.
9. . ___ means communication without words.
a. Object communication b. Written communication
c. Oral communication d. Non- verbal communication
10.The person who transmits the message is called ___.
a. channel b. sender c. receiver d. response

11. ___ aims at making people work together for the common good of the organization.
a. communication b. conversation
c. combination d. connection

12. Normally communication is ___, wherein the information or message is transferred from one
person to another.
a. impersonal b. interpersonal
c. personal d. important
13. A ___ connects the sender to the receiver.
a. Channel b. Noise
c. Communication d. feedback
14. The ___ in the usage of words may be a serious barrier to effective communication.
a. disturbance b. discrimination
c. disorder d. distortion

15. Most of us use ___ and ___ in addition to words when we speak.
a. words and gestures b. gestures and body language
c. body language and posture d. posture and eye gazing

16. ___ refers to pitch, loudness, duration, intonation and, tempo.

a. touches b. prosody c. gestures d. haptics

17. ___ reading is ideal and helps comprehension

a. extensive b. loud c. intensive d. silent

18. While making a slide the number of words should be limited to a maximum of ___ per slide.
a. seven b. nine c. eight d. ten

19. Communication that takes place between the members of an organization within itself is ___.
a. external b. formal c. informal d. internal

20. Oral communication ensures___ and ___.

a. fluency; speed b. adequate attention; immediate response
c. speedy interaction; immediate response d. speed; attention

21. As a means of communication, e-mails have features of the immediacy of both ___ and ___.
a. reading, receiving b. writing, sending c. calling, receiving d. receiving, sending

22. Unclarified assumptions in communication can lead to ___ and ___.

a. premature evaluation, poor listening
b. lack of planning, physical barriers
c. information overload, selective perception
d. confusion, misunderstanding

23. The primary goal of communication is to ___.

a. create barriers b. create noises
c. effect a change d. none of these

24. Communication through ___ and ___ is called verbal communication

a. written material and gestures b. gestures and spoken words
c. spoken words and written material d. body language and gestures

25. ___ is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.
a. communication b. combination
c. conversation d. connection
26. The ___ of the correct channel depends on the situation under which the communication
takes place.
a. chance b. choice c. change d. channel

27. ___ is the study of touches as non-verbal communication.

a. haptics b. body language c. gestures d. prosody

28. Too much of ___ communication in the workspace may also prove ___. It may lead to
negligence of work.
a. formal, positive b. informal, negative
c. verbal, positive d. non-verbal, negative

29. Communication helps managers utilize ___ and ___ in the most effective and efficient
a. employees, organization b. control, evaluation of performance
c. plans, goals d. manpower, resources

30. The most crucial part of the ___ process is thinking of converting to ___ what one hears.
a. reading, understanding b. speaking, meaning
c. hearing, interpreting d. listening, meaning

31. In letter writing, ___ indicates to the reader of the letter what the ___ is about.
a. salutation, letter b. subject, notice
c. body, memo d. subject, letter

32. Which one of the following is correct: the process of communication.

a. encoding, receiver, message, response, feedback, the sender
b. sender, encoding, message, decoding, receiver, response, feedback
c. sender, response encoding, message, decoding, receiver, feedback
d. sender, decoding, message, encoding, receiver, response, feedback

33. One of the great tools that are used to handle complaining customers is the technique of
BLAST. The acronym stands for:
a. believe, listen, apologize, satisfy, treat
b. believe, listen, apologize, suggest, thank
c. believe, listen, apologize, satisfy, thank
d. believe, list, apologize, satisfy, thank

34. Which of the following statements are true?

1. in oral communication, there is a possibility of immediate response.
2. if one wants to have effective communication, one should be egoistic.
3. Oral communication always saves time.
4. Never leave a caller on hold.
a. false, true, true, false
b. true, false, false, true
c. true, true, false, false
d.false, false, true, false

35. Which of the following statements is true about Powerpoint slides:

1. all the slides must be part of a simple PowerPoint file as it saves time.
2. Use fonts that will get distorted while processing.
3. Keep images away from the edges of a slide as they may get cropped while mounting the
4. If you are preparing for a 35 mm image the PowerPoint slides must not be formatted for 35
a. true, true, true, true
b. true, false, true, false
c. false, true, false, true
d. false, true, true, false

36. While communication with the ___, ___ phrases and ___ have to be used in their ___
a. customers, polite, expressions, appropriate
b. relatives, harsh, gestures, inappropriate
c. Subordinates, impolite, impressions, true
d. audience, rude, dialogues actual

37. The forum where people sit together and discuss a topic with the common objective of
finding a solution for a problem is called ___
a. Interview b. Drama
c. Play d. Group Discussion

38. ___ is the person who coordinates the group discussion

a. Manager b. Timekeeper
c. Moderator d. Leader

39. ___ pertains to the “what to say” aspect of the group discussion
a. Group Behaviour b. Appearance
c. Manners d. Knowledge of the content

40. Your body language tells people in front of you _________

a. nothing important
b. exactly what you are thinking
c. your thoughts and feelings
d. none of the above
41. The message you send through your body language depends on what is occurring with your
a. posture and gestures
b. facial expressions
c. eyes
d. All of the above
42. In order for effective communication to occur between two people,
a. only spoken words can be used.
b. only body language can be used
c. a clear message must be sent and then properly received and understood.
d. none of the above
43. If miscommunication occurs with body language, then there may be
a. Mixed messages
b. you may end up following the wrong information
c. you may fail to learn something important
d. All of the above
43. Pointing out someones faults or mistakes is known as _______.
a. Constructive Criticism b. Destructive Criticism
c. Criticism d. Aggressive communication
44. We can improve our ability to read and use body language by
a. observing how body language is used
b. practicing using body language
c. being aware of body language when communicating with others
d. All of the above
45. If an interaction or issue has upset you at work, it is best to
a. respond immediately
b. wait until you are in control of your emotions before responding
c. respond two weeks later by email only
d. none of the above
46. When communicating with others at work, you should
a. mirror all of their body language
b. pay attention to body language and gestures
c. try and do most of the talking so they know you are into the conversation
d. none of the above
47. Specific items that can distort, destroy, or prevent communication in the workplace
a. Workplace communication b. Active listening
c. Communication barriers d. Clarifying
48. Giving your full attention to the speaker, using all senses to listen, and showing the speaker
you are listening.
a. Workplace communication b. Active listening
c. Communication barriers d. Clarifying
49. What is the best way to deal with destructive criticism?
a. Ask questions to clarify the information
b. Make changes based on the criticism
c. Ignore the person giving the criticism
d. Provide destructive criticism to the other person.
50. What is the best way to deal with contructive criticism?
a. Ignore it
b. Defend yourself against it
c. Reflect and try to make changes
d. Provide criticism to the other person
51. Effective communication does not take place until the receiver ________________ the
a. agrees with b. understands
c. hears d. pays attention to
51. What is the role of the receiver when communicating?
a. To start the communication process
b. To give signs and symbols to others
c. To receive the message and then decode it
d. To be the primary person communicating
52. Why do we communicate?
a. To solve problems
b. To establish relationships
c. To understand other people
d. All of the above
53. Which of the following can be a distraction to effective communication?
a. The weather b. Phone
c. Music d. All of the above
54. Communication is ______________________________ .
a. passing along factual data
b. sending information to another person
c. a two-way process of sharing information
d. shouting a request across a noisy room
55. At the start of a conversation the most important skill is to?
a. Think about what you are going to say
b. Be open minded
c. Speak first
d.Text at the same time
56. Without proper ___________, communication does not occur.
a. listening b. writing c. language d. audiences
57. Description of communication skills
a. the ability to convey or share ideas and feelings effectively.
b. things that stop you being able to communicate effectively with other people
c. the ability to convey information professionally in a short document
d. reports, letters, emails, social networking
58. Description of body language
a. the conscious and unconscious movements and postures by which attitudes and feelings are
b. excellent artistic and design skills, customer focused.
c. being in charge of a group of people and making sure tasks get completed effectively by them.
d. Ability to do what needs to be done, without needing to be managed or persuaded so you can be
relied on to complete a task.
59. Description of barriers to communication
a. things that stop you being able to communicate effectively with other people
b. the ability to finish a job without being helped or influenced by other people
c. expressing ideas in writing
d. problem-solving and inititative, communication, project management, and leadership skills
60. Effective communication happens when the message is supported by facts, figures and real-life
examples and situations.
a. Conciseness b. Concreteness
c. Consideration d. Clearness
61. Implies the use of simple and and specific words to express ideas. It is also achieved when the
sender focuses only on a single objective in his/her speech so as not to confuse the audience.
a. Conciseness b. Correctness
c. Conreteness d. Clearness
62. Being informed through the television or newspaper is an example of what type of
a. Online or machine-assisted communication b. Public communication
c. Mass communication d. Small group communication
63. As you know, you need to understand before understood, what kind of skill that you have to
understand the other people?
a. listen to understand, and reflect feelings and words
b. seek to be understood, and state your point of view
c. you just need to listen the other people said
d. just believe in other people said
64. Which of the following is a barrier to communication?
a. Message is not clear b. Not listening
c. Lack of language skills d. All of the above
65. Which of the following elements of communication refers to the information or ideas conveyed
by the speaker?
a. Channel b. Context c. Message d. Receiver
66. In the model of the communication process, ____ occurs when a message is put into a written,
verbal or symbolic form that can be recognised and understood by the receiver.
a. encoding b. decoding c. transmission d. feedback
67. The four elements of communication are:
a. Message, sender, receiver and feedback
b. sender, message and receiver and barrier
c. Message, feedback, verbal and nonverbal
d. Books, television, computers and radio
68. You can help control prejudice by:
a. believing your first impression and not allowing others to influence your thoughts.
b. believing only what your parents taught you about other races.
c. evaluating all information before making a judgement.
d. doing all of the above.
69. Good listening skills include:
a. a message, a sender, and a reveiver.
b. verbal message, written communication and a receiver
c. labeling, cultural sensitivity, and talking slowly.
d. showing interst, hearing the message, and not interrupting
70. Which of the following below are not barriers to effective communication?
a. Selective perception b. Emotions
c. Hand gestures d. Poor listening skills
71. When a person states his/ her opinion in a firm but positive manner, this is _________
a. Aggressive b. Passive
c. Assertive d. Active
72. A person that is overly forceful, pushy, hostile or otherwise attacking in approach is known as:
a. Arrogant b. Assertive
c. Passive d. Aggressive
73. Putting yourself in another person's situation is:
a. empathy b. apathy
c. sympathy d. understanding
74. When you reword the sender's message and ask for confirmation, it is referred to as:
a. Paraphrasing b. Reflecting
c. Asking questions d. Requesting examples
75. It pertains to communication problems encountered by people regrading their beliefs, traditions
and intrinsic values.
a. Physical Barrier b. Psychological Barrier
c. Linguistic Barrier d. Cultural Barrier
76. These are the natural or environmental condition that act as a barrier in communication in
sending the message from the sender to the receiver.
a. Psychological Barrier b. Physical Barrier
c. Emotional Barrier d. Natural Barrier
77. It means use simple and concise words as much as possible in delivering a message
a. Keep Focused b. Minimize Distraction
c. Be Specific d. Speak Intelligibly
78. The message is __% spoken word
a.7 b.55 c.38 d.6
78. The message is __% tone of voice
a.7 b.55 c.38 d.6
79. The message is __% body language
a.7 b.55 c.38 d.6
80. Marge is resigning from her company. Which is the best way for her to communicate this
a. Text her supervisor.
b. Speak to her supervisor in person.
c. Send a group email to the entire company.
d. Leave a sticky note of her supervisor's desk.
81. Quang is attending a work meeting. When is it appropriate for him to use his smartphone?
a. If the meeting is boring.
b. If his supervisor is not present.
c. If the speaker cannot see him using it.
d. If the meeting specifically requires the participants to access information online.
82. Hung is delivering a sales presentation. During his presentation, he should do all of the
following EXCEPT...
a. Make eye contact with the audience
b. Look down and read directly from his notes.
c. Talk at an appropriate speed and volume.
d. Remember to breathe and smile.

83. Marcus is in a face-to-face interview. Which is an example of positive nonverbal

a. Looking around the room.
b. Talking about why he is the best candidate for the job.
c. Sitting up straight and making eye contact.
d. Reading his resume out loud.
84. When should text messages be used in the workplace?
a. To share large amount of information.
b. To share confidential information.
c. To share inappropriate jokes.
d. To share urgent information, provide a quick response, or ask a simple question.
85. Select the subject that is NOT appropriate to communicate through email.
a. Requiring a response in writing.
b. Communicating information needed by many people.
c. Praising an individual or group of people for a job well done.
d. Requesting a password.

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