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A four-day workweek can have two effects, it could benefit the companies and employees, at
the same time it will not affect positively the company profits.

The author of the reading passage draw attention to the positive side of a four-day workweek,
he said that a fewer hours of work can increase the incomes of companies. The speaker
contradicts what is stated in the reading passage, and affirms that companies will have to add
more workers, so it requires more costs.

Secondly, this strategy helps to be less expensive and high-cost for the company, and the
employees are only paid 80% of their salary. Otherwise, the speaker attests that it will not
create more jobs.

Another pertinent point is that this strategy empowers the employees to make their lives
better; he gives an illustration that employees spend more time with family. But according to
what is said in the lecture passage, even thought, employees might have less of a stable life.

In conclusion, the speaker thinks that a 5-day worker is more available for a company, either
for the workers so they can advance in their career.

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