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Seven Daily Organizing Steps

1. Organize each day around your HPOA’s / goals

To get value for your time, it is important that your daily planning is around your High Pay Off
activities that take you to the next step towards your goal.

2. Schedule blocks of time for your HPOA’s

Scheduling blocks of time for your HPOA’s ensures that interruption and Low Pay off activities
do not eat into your prime time.

3. Priorities each day

Priorities starts with using the ABC method:
A stands for Must Do. It is both urgent and important. Not completing it could lead to serious
consequences. Place these in the imperative section.
B stands for important-should do but it’s not urgent.
C stands for things you would like to do but if you put off pose no serious consequences.
D is for delegate. Use the letter of the person name you intent to delegate it to.
Group Tasks: The next step is to group tasks by prioritizing each letter numerically in order of
priority that you want to accomplish them.

4. Record your accomplishments for the day

It’s important to end the day on a positive note. Recording your accomplishments acts as an
affirmation for you.

5. Record all commitments and promises in one place

Recording your commitments & promises in one place ensure that you don’t miss anything and
you save valuable time and energy.

6. Track progress on your goals everyday

There is something you need to do every day towards your goals. Unless you track these
activities, you will suddenly realize that you have lost time.

7. Close out each day

Closing out each day does not mean transferring the uncompleted tasks to the next day.
Throughout the day, all tasks need to be either completed or transferred. Each task has to be
evaluated for its validity, relevance and transferred to the day you intend to complete it.

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