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Table of Contents

Why Scholars Of Education Do Not Choose To Become Teacher?

(A Case Study In The Apparel-Vocational Teacher Education In Java)
(Lutfiyah Hidayati) ………………………………………………………………..……….. 1-7

The Effect of Teaching Ability of Vocational Teacher on The Implementation of

Using Scientific Approach in DIY (Bayu Rahmat Setiadi, Sulaeman Deni R.) ……… 8-12

Development of Performance Assessment Based on Curriculum 2013 in

Vocational Education In DIY (Sulaeman Deni Ramdani & Haryanto ) …………………… 13-23

Developing The Model Teacherpreneur In Vocational Secondary School To

Improve Learning Quality (Wisnu Rachmad Prihadi & Galeh Nur I.) …….………… 24-32

Prototype of Augmented Reality Technology Based on Smartphone for Children

Reading Media (M. Fadhlurrahman., Ivan Hanafi, Lipur Sugiyanta) ………………. 33-37

Framing Teacher’s Feedbacks In Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy (A Content Analysis

at SMK Negeri 46 Jakarta) (Yoga Putra Alam & Eka Nur Rizki) ………………….. 38-44

Video Clip Application for Fostering Family Welfare’s Cadre On Learn To Making
Bread (Metty Muhariati, Nurlaila and Mahdiyah) .........................................………… 45-48

Influence Model of Learning and Learning Interest Against The Results of Learning
Physics (Ermi Medias) …………………………………………………….………….. 49-62

Development Video As Media For Diabetes Mellitus Among Pre-elderly

(Ari Istiany) ……………………………………………………………..…............. 63-66

Model Design of Education Regarding Establishment of Preferences Childs’

Nutritional Meals Women Based Community Development
(Mutiara Dahlia, Rusilant2, Sachriani, Nur Riska) …………………………………. 67-71

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
(A Case Study in The Apparel-Vocational Teacher Education
in Java)
Lutfiyah Hidayati
Faculty of Engeneering, Surabaya State University
Jalan Ketintang Surabaya
+62-031-8280009 psw. 504.


This study aims to: 1) identify the types of non-teacher profession that is currently undertaken by scholars of
Apparel Teacher Education, and 2) investigate the factors underlying the graduates or scholars of Apparel
Teacher Education in choosing a non-teacher profession or career. Education institution of teacher in the
apparel study program, produce educators in the field of dressmaking and fashion management, whose
strong personality and professional, so that they can compete and collaborate in meeting the needs of
society. But contrary to the fact, that scholars of Apparel Teacher Education not entirely choose teaching
as profession. There are many factors thought to be the cause. Causative factors is very important to know,
in order to evaluate and obtain feedback on the implementation of education that have been implemented. In
general there are two types of non-teacher profession choosed: 1) independent entrepreneur by hiring some
employees and 2) as an employee who works at a place of business or institution. Factors influence the
selection of this profession majority is self and environmental factors: how scholars view the world of
teacher and the school as a place that is not conducive for them, how they reviews their own self-assessment
on the teaching profession, real experience which strengthening the resolve to pursue non-teacher
profession, the influence of environmental factors involving spouses and customs that lead to career choices
away from the world of teaching.

Keywords : Apparel Teacher Education, Scholars of Education, Teacher profession.


Q ualified education plays an important

role in improving the quality of human
resources. The Key of success is the
both in formal education, basic education,
and/or secondary education, as well as to
organize and develop educational and non-
quality of teacher education (Kartadinata, educational science (Undang-Undang No. 14
2010). Education institution of teacher tahun 2005).
(LPTK, in Indonesia) as a pre-service teacher Education institution of teacher in the apparel
education programe (Unesco, 2010) that study program, produce educators in the field
produce teachers in Indonesia and the role for of dressmaking and fashion management,
improving the quality of teachers. LPTK is whose strong personality and professional in
colleges assigned by Indonesia Government the field of apparel education, so that they can
for the procurement programs of teachers, compete and collaborate in meeting the needs

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
of society. But contrary to the fact, that the 2.1. Theory of Career Choice
scholars of apparel teacher Education not Career is an occupation or profession,
entirely choose the teaching profession. Based especially one requiring special training,
on the tracer study of Home economics followed as one’s lifework
department in 2014, showed that as many as ( Career
50.6% scholars of apparel teacher education development for most people, is a lifelong
working in the field of education (2% a process of engaging the world of work
lecturer, a teacher 44.7%, 3.9%, to an through choosing among employment
instructor / tutor). The rest 49.4% of scholars, opportunities made available to them. Each
working in the field of non-educational individual undertaking the process is
(workers at the Quality control 0.7%, 0.7% influenced by many factors, including the
Supervisor, Designer 4.3%, 11.8% Pattern- context in which they live, their personal
maker, Cutting 1.3%, 5.2% Sewing , others aptitudes, and educational attainment
(staff, technicians, operators, etc.) 26.4% (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli,
(Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan 2001). According to Peter M. Blau (Sukardi,
Tinggi, 2014). 1987: 86), the choice of a career is a process
Problems regarding changes in the choice of that last a long time and is influenced by
profession has also become international various factors, as follows: social experience,
attention. Based on research in the UK, USA, interaction with others, potential-potential,
Europe, Australia and Asia, the researchers aspirations of parents, the social Economic
estimate that over 5 years about 30% of parents, knowledge of the world of work,
teachers who leave the teaching profession. interest, consideration of career options, as
Australia and New Zealand occupy the well as skills in making career decisions
highest in the teaching profession changes (Sharf, 1992: 45) and adjustment of career
towards other professions. In America and the choice is the development of one's
UK reported that within three years there is personality. Individuals express themselves,
one of the five teachers who leave the interests, and values through their career
profession. Contributing factors include: the choice. This theory suggests that there is a
growing gap between the salaries of the relationship between career choice with
teaching profession with other professions, personality type of the individual. Holland
breach of agreement (disappointment) and admits that the theory can only explain some
difficulties (hardships) in teaching (Watt & of the variables that underlie career choice.
Richardson, 2007: 168). He stated that the theoretical model can be
influenced by age, gender, social class,
There are many factors thought to be the intelligence, and education. Three important
cause. Causative factors is very important to for the construction of the conceptualization
know, in order to evaluate and obtain and use in counseling.
feedback on the implementation of education Holland personality types are 1) the
that have been implemented. These factors appropriateness, 2) the difference, and 3)
can be used to trace the success and failure/ consistency. This refers to the relationship
barriers to the pre-service teacher education between personality and environment
programs. So that this study wants to: 1) (suitability), the relationship between the
identify the types of non-teacher profession environment and the relative importance
that is currently undertaken by scholars of (differentiation), and the type of relationship
Apparel Teacher Education, and 2) investigate to each other (consistency). Main ideas
the factors underlying the graduates or underlying the theory of Holland (Manrihu,
scholars of Apparel Teacher Education in 1992: 70) as follows.
choosing a non-teacher profession or career. 1) Individuals can be categorized into six
personality types, ie: realistic,
II. Theoritical Base investigative, artistic, social,

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
enterprising (like trying), and environmental models and personality types.
conventional. The weakness of this theory is the lack of a
2) In determining career choices, review process that underlies the development
individuals are directed to select the of six types of personality and not been
work environment (occupational) in demonstrated at certain phases in the process
accordance with the type of of development and accumulation of the age
personality. range. Regarding the stages or levels that can
3) Individual study and work be achieved person in a particular field of
environments practice the skills and work (occupational level), is shown at the
abilities, expressing attitudes and level of intelligence that allows a certain level
values, and accept the problems as of school education. But still questioned the
well as the appropriate roles. existence of other factors that affect, such as a
4) The behavior of a person is person's level of aspiration (Winkel &
determined by the interaction between Hastuti,2005:639).
personality traits environment.
David V. Tiedeman (Sharf, 1992: 304) argues
In the process of occupation choice, Holland that the decision to choose a job, a position or
was quoted as saying by Sukardi (1987: 81) a certain career is a result of a series of
that there are several factors that influence, decisions that are made of individuals at
namely self factors and environmental factors. different stages of his life in the past, which is
Factors include the self-knowledge of self divided into two periods, namely the period
(self-knowledge), self-evaluation, and anticipation and the period of implementation.
knowledge of career (the direction or extent The Period of Anticipation consists of four
of the work). Whereas environmental factors processes, namely the exploration,
include the potential environmental, social crystallization, election, and clarification.
pressure that comes from family and friends, While The Period of Implementation and
superiors and assessment of potential Adjustment are classified into three stages:
employers, as well as the limitations that induction, transitition, and maintenance.
come from socio-economic and physical
environment. Self-knowledge has a role 2.2. Apparel Teacher Education as
increases or reduce (Decrease) accuracy of Part of The Education Institution
one's career choice. Knowledge of self is of Teacher In Indonesia
defined as a person's ability to distinguish a Education institution of teacher in the apparel
variety of possible environments in light of study program as part of LPTK, organized in
the capabilities of the individuals themselves. the form of concentration in the bachelor's
Self-assessment (self-evaluation) is different degree. Referring to the Buku Pedoman
from self-introduction. Self-assessment is Akademik Universitas Negeri Surabaya
more focused on respect for himself, while (2014).that the mission ofthis study program
the self-knowledge contains some information is generating an educator in the field of
that a person has about himself. Self- dressmaking and fashion that excels in
assessment is too high resulting in options education and science; Develop educational
that exceed the skill or aspiration unrealistic scientific of fashion that is relevant to the
and cause less judgment under prowess development of national and international
choice or unrealistic aspirations. science and technology; Develop cooperation
Holland's theory by many vocational and partnerships with various institutions in
psychologist assessed as a comprehensive order to improve the relevance and quality of
theory as reviewing employment options as graduates. The apparel study program
part of an overall pattern of life and as a achieving education goals through a series of
theory that gets a lot of support from the educational process inside and outside the
results of the research so far related campus, a number of subjects of theory and

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
practice as much as 148 credits of the 151 of educational fashion, 4) Ability to develop
credits provided. Competency Standard of and manage education learning of apparel
graduates, include: 1) Attitude, 2) acquisition education according to the principles
of knowledge, and 3) special skills. pedagogic, 5) Ability to apply various
Competency Standard of graduates associated teaching approaches and methods of apparel
with Attitude include: 1) Devoted to God education, 6) able to utilize media based
Almighty, 2) It has a moral, ethical, and learning ICT in apparel teaching, 7) able to
personality both in completing its tasks, 3) take strategic decisions based on analysis of
Serving as citizens of a proud and love of the information and data in determining the
homeland and supporting peace in the world, various alternatives meeting the needs of
4) Able to work and have a social sensitivity learning for students in vocational areas of
and a high concern for people and the expertise fashion by applying the values of
environment, 5) Respect for cultural diversity, humanitarian and human rights, 8) capable of
views, beliefs, and religion and opinion/ performing the educational praxis of fashion
original findings of others, 6) Uphold the rule that can be accounted for in service users,
of law as well as having a passion for putting stakeholders, and the public by applying the
the interests of the public. basic principles of critical thinking and
empowerment in educational practice of
Competency Standard of graduates related to fashion, 9) Ability to conduct research and
the acquisition of knowledge include: 1) strategic decisions with accountability and
Mastering the theoretical concept of pedagogy full responsibility for all aspects of which are
and the concept of knowledge in the field of under the responsibility of apparel education,
fashion study in accordance with the scope of 10) Ability to manage business couturier,
their duties, 2) Mastering the concepts, garment/ garment, and or boutique
principles, and application of various methods
of apparel learning particularly oriented life
skills (life skills ), 3) Mastering the principles III. Research Methodology
and techniques of planning and evaluation of
apparel learning, 4) Mastering procedures and The research is a qualitative research with
analysis of educational research of apparel, 5) phenomenological approach. Qualitative
Mastering the concepts of theory of fashion research seeks to uncover and understand the
with the support of sociology, anthropology, phenomena that are not known, or in other
psychology, management, communication, words able to provide details about the
and art and culture as a cornerstone in complex phenomenon that is difficult to
analyzing and implementation of educational disclose via quantitative research (Strauss &
services for students in vocational areas of Corbin, 1998).
apparel expertise, 6) Mastering the concepts,
principles and applications of The data source is scholars/graduates of
entrepreneurship needed to manage the Apparel Study Program from State University
business of apparel/fashion. of Surabaya (UNESA) and Yogyakarta State
University (UNY), who have worked at least
Competency Standard of graduates associated five years in the field of non-teacher
with specific skills include: 1) Being able to profession, spread in 3 provinces: east jawa,
utilize science and technology that are central java and Yogyakarta . The selection of
relevant within the scope of education fashion data sources is done by purposive sampling.
to understand the potential learners in Technical Data validity, include: Credibility
education services fashion on formal (internal validity), transferability (external
education, 2) \ able to develop vocational validity / generalization), Dependability
education curriculum in apparel field, 3) (reliability) and confirmability (objectivity).
Ability to plan, execute and evaluate a variety Data Analysis based on the Interpretative

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Phenomenology Analysis (IPA)(Smith, indepth- interviews that summarized, as
Flowers, & Larkin, 2009), consist of: 1) follows
Reading and re-reading; 2) Initial noting; 3) a. Teaching at vocational schools takes
Developing Emergent themes; 4) Searching work until the afternoon, so a lot of
for connections across emergent themes; 5) time out in the outdoors.
Moving the next cases; dan 6) Looking for b. Less interested in teaching in schools,
patterns across cases. due to the many rules that bind and
very procedural, especially related
IV. Result and Discussion schedules and administration.
c. Being a teacher is hard work, many
Based on a series of in-depth interviews with obstacles encountered as recalcitrant
informants, obtained information about types pupil, low salaries, particularly
of non-teacher profession that is currently teachers whose status is not permanent
undertaken by scholars of Apparel Teacher employees.
Education, as follow: d. Teaching in schools require full time
a. Fashion designers in the fashion house outside the home. Whereas if you run
b. working as a tailor in the boutique a business sewing at home, can still
c. Singer sewing machine company (as take care of the family, without
employee of the production of leaving home.
prototype products, Trainer, and e. Vacancy to be a teacher, especially the
Researcher of new sewing machine) civil service is very limited. So despite
d. Employee of the bank and life having the desire to be a teacher, it is
insurance the biggest obstacle, and led to the
e. Owner of clothing shop graduates, practicing a profession
f. Souvenir and Hantaran Penganten outside teacher
enterpreneur. f. Strong idealism to run the apparel
g. Mass-product enterpreneur business.
h. Modiste entrepreneur g. The emergence of clothes made
i. Accessories designer satisfaction for its customers, to
j. Designer and entrepreneur of kebaya interact directly with them.
products h. Strong ideals to become a designer
k. Owner of Muslim fashion brand and not diligently to be a teacher.
l. Bakery and pastry entrepreneur Cultivate self-owned businesses also
felt more relaxed, can be a boss of
In general there are two categories, namely as: employees.
1) independent entrepreneur by hiring i. The initial desire was to become a
some employees and 2) profession as teacher, while running a sewing
an employee who works at a place of business. With more and more number
business or institution. Seen there that of customers, making it comfortable to
most types of business that was work as an entrepreneur. The ability to
involved, it is very relevant to the field create jobs for the local community.
of apparel. On the other hand, was On the other hand that by running a
found partially few scholars who sewing business, knowledge and skills
choose in different fields such as acquired during the study is always up
working in a bank as well as in the to date, as the current fashion trends.
field of food business. This causes the feeling of getting
enjoy as an entrepreneur apparel.
The arguments underlying the scholars, j. A strong desire to be a successful
choose the type of non-teacher profession is businessman. Capabilities lead to
very diverse. It appears from the results of more entrepreneurial than to be a

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
teacher. It is undeniable that in V. Conclusion
entrepreneurship have a higher risk,
but entrepreneurs have a very good Scholars in the apparel teacher education
prospect for improving financial program is expected to become professional
capability in the future. teachers. However, in reality there are some
k. The busyness during the care of who choose to pursue non-teacher profession,
children who still need attention led to which is being enterpreuner apparel as well as
the choice to become a teacher employees: as a fashion designer, accesories
neglected. designer, etc. Factors influence the selection
l. Prompted by the husband to stay and of this profession majority is self and
work at home. This causes no more environmental factors: how scholars view the
desire to be a teacher or work outside world of teacher and the school as a place that
the home. is not conducive for them, how they reviews
m. Culture in Indonesia, especially Java their own self-assessment on the teaching
that a wife despite her status as a profession, real experience which occurred in
scholar, often cause to be according to an environment of strengthening the resolve
what the husband said. to pursue non-teacher profession, the
influence of environmental factors involving
List of many arguments above, has become a spouses and customs that lead to career
solid foundation underlying the scholars choices away from the world of teaching.
choose the profession today. The first - the This is a phenomenological study which
fifth argument, illustrates how scholars view occurs in a limitation of space and time.
the world of teacher and the school as a place Further broader and deeper studies may be
that is not conducive for them. Here also seen able to find other typical phenomena.
how their own self-assessment on the
teaching profession. The sixth until the tenth
arguments, load views and real experiences REFERENCES
that forge scholars finally convinced them to
achieve success in the non-teacher [1] Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan
profession. Here also the integral Tinggi. (2014). Buku III: Borang
environmental factors, because the experience akreditasi yang diisi oleh program
is formed in an environment where scholars studi. Jakarta: BAN PT.
live and participate. The eleventh to the [2] Bandura, A., Barbaranelli, C., Caprara,
thirteenth arguments, is the influence of G.V., & Pastorelli, C. (2001). Self-
environmental factors involving spouses, efficacy beliefs as shapers of children's
parents and customs. Javanese women have aspirations and career
adherence to the nature of their experience as trajectories. Child Development
mothers who demand a large role in raising Journal, 72, 187-206.
children and keeping the family management [3] Buku Pedoman Akademik Universitas
running well. Although great sacrifice in the Negeri Surabaya. (2014). Surabaya:
form of a career to be at stake for it. University Press.
[4] Kartadinata, S. (2010). Institutional
This is particularly relevant to Holland's Governance Requirements to produce
theory that In the process of occupation Dedicated Teachers: Restructuring
choice, there are several factors that influence, Teacher Training Institutions Towards
namely self factors and environmental factors, Efficient and Effective Management.
and really proved also in the phenomenon of Retrieved on June, 29th 2013 from
career choice by scholars of apparel teacher
education in this study. PSIKOLOGI_PEND_DAN_BIMBIN

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
SUNARYO_KARTADINATA/Institu [9] Sukardi, Dewa Ketut. (1987).
tional_Governance_%28ENGLISH%2 Bimbingan Karir di Sekolah-sekolah.
9.pdf Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia.
[5] Manrihu, Muhammad Thayeb. (1992). [10] Undang Undang No 14 Tahun 2005
Pengantar Bimbingan dan Konseling tentang Guru dan Dosen. Kementerian
Karir. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
[6] Sharf, Richard S. (1992). Applying [11] Unesco. (2010).Teacher Education.
Career Development Theory to Retrieved on August, 1st 2015 from:
Counseling. California: Brooks/Cole
Publishing Company. s/teacher-education/2010
[7] Smith, J.A., Flowers, P., & Larkin. M. [12] Watt, H.M.G & Richardson, P.W.
(2009). Interpretative (2007). Motivational Factors
phenomenological analysis: Theory, Influencing Teaching as a Career
method and research. Washington: Choice: Development and Validation
Sage. of the FIT Choice-Scale. The Journal
[8] Strauss, A. & Corbin, J. (1998). Basic of Experimental Education. 75 (3):
of qualitative research: techniques 167-202.
and procedures for developing [13] Winkel, W.S & Hastuti, S. (2005).
grounded theory. Second Edition. Bimbingan dan Konseling di Institusi
Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo.
career/Retrived on August, 5th 2015.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015

Bayu Rahmat Setiadi 1), Sulaeman Deni Ramdani 2)

Vocational Education and Technology Department
University of Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Postgraduate Yogyakarta State University
Jl. Kusumanegara No.157, Yogyakarta 55165, Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281
Phone +62274-562265, Phone +62274-550836
Email: (1), Email:

This research aims to: (1) describe empirically the quality of using scientific approach, classroom
management, teacher's creativity, and teacher’s ICT skills; (2) investigate the effect of classroom
management on the implementation of using scientific approach; (3) investigate the effect of teacher's
creativity on the implementation of using scientific approach; (4) investigate the effect of teacher’s ICT
skills on the implementation of using scientific approach; and (5) together, investigate the effect of
classroom management, teacher's creativity, and teacher’s ICT skills on the implementation of using
scientific approach.This study used ex-postfacto method. The population was classes X and XI of student
mechanical engineering program ofvocational high schools in DIY with total of 2.354 students and
selected samples of 290 students. The sampling technique used was the proportional random sampling
technique with the standard error of 0.05. The data were collected using questionnaires. The data
analysistechnique used correlation and regression analysis.

The results indicated: (1) the empirical description of the quality of the using scientific approach is
sufficient (71,28%), the quality of classroom management is sufficient (63,54%), the quality of teacher’s
creativity is sufficient (75,96%), and the quality of teacher’s ICT skills is sufficient (59,25%); (2) there is
a positive, strong enough, and significant of classroom management on the using scientific approach by
19,18%; (3) there is a positive, strong enough, and significant of teacher's creativity on the using
scientific approach by 32,14%; (4) there is a positive, weak, and significan classroom management,
teacher's creativity, and teacher’s ICT skills on the using scientific approach by 37,3%. The regression
equation obtained Y = 10,168 + 0,215X1 + 0,439X2 + 0,058X3.

Keywords : using scientific approach, classroom management, teacher's creativity, teacher's

ICT skills.

I. Introduction ranking in producing international documents

was ranked 61 from
Advancement of Science and Technology can 224 countries in the world by the number of
be determined by the number of discoveries registered documents is 25,481 documents.
made by scientists, researchers and This shows that the writing culture Indonesia
developers. Results of the survey conducted is still very far from the United States which
"SCImago Journal & Country Rank" (2013) is the most widely number of
from 1996 to 2013 mentioned that Indonesia's documents uploaded as much as 7,281,972

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
The challenge facing Indonesia Government Learning in Primary and Secondary Education
through the Ministry of Education and explained that methods of learning such as
Culture (Kemendikbud) is the quantity and Problem Based Learning, Project Based
quality of the population in the year 2020- Learning, Inquiry Learning, Discovery
2030. At that year, Indonesia has a more Learning and other methods can be developed
number of productive age population than the and combined by teacher with scientific
non- productive age. That time Indonesia is approach which consists of 5 steps: observing,
also facing windows of opportunity which asking, gathering information/trying,
requires people high quality to face it. reasoning / associating and communicating.
Indonesia will have the golden age and Those steps are activities that must be done
become a developed country, if managed when the student learning process happen.
properly. To answer these challenges, the The results of pre-survey at three SMK
Kemendikbud prepare a curriculum design namely SMK N 2 Depok, SMK N 2
that emphasizes science-based learning Wonosari, and SMK Muhammadiah
(scientific)namely Curriculum 2013. Yogyakarta through interviews and
observations showed that the implementation
Development of curriculum 2013 in of scientific learning by vocational teachers
Yogyakarta has many obstacles. . According have not showed learning steps 5M
to Anies Baswedan, some obstacles (observing, asking, trying, reasoning, and
encountered are understanding of teachers in communicating). Based on the class
implementing the using scientific approach to observation at SMK Muhammadiyah 3
their subject, books that have not been showed that there are many teachers who do
prepared, the assessment system that make not implement 5 M in scientific learning. This
teachers confuse, training and mentoring is because there are still some teachers who
teacher and training Headmaster which is yet do not understand the instructions and the
uneven (Kemendiknas, 2014). This is operational definitions of each scientific step.
showing that the implementation of It presents obstacles for teachers to implement
Curriculum 2013 done by the schools need to the scientific learning.
be evaluated and mapped for the readiness of
the implementation of Curriculum 2013. The barriers experienced by vocational school
Learning models existing in schools using the teachers in implementing the using scientific
curriculum 2013 will be oriented on learning approach are influenced by many factors. One
with scientific approach. In Permendiknas of the factors is the management class.
Number 70 Year 2013 about the Basic Observation result in all three schools showed
Framework and Curriculum Structure of SMK that there are classrooms which are not neatly
/ MAK stressed that the scientific approach arranged, many students are not conducive,
will affect the development of teacher and the seating arrangement does not adjust
mindset. teaching methods used. According to Bonus
and Riordan (1998), classroom management
The mindset include: the habit of learning can improve student motivation and changing
centered on the learner (student centered), the behavior of students in a positive
interactive learning, networking learning, direction. Teachers is easy in controlling,
active learning, learning group (team based), guiding and supervising students in learning
multimedia based learning, mass learning by and interacting in the classroom which can
considering the needs, learning science plural provide an effective and conducive to
(multi disciplines), and critical learning. The implementation of the using
learning.Implementation of th scientific scientific approach through classroom
approach in learning at school can be applied management can be performed well when the
in a variety of learning methods. In teachers know the operational definitions of
Permendikbud Number 103 Year 2014 about the management class. Weber in Cooper,

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
(2010, p.217) states, “The term classroom education, government, community, and
management refers to the actions teachers democracy. In education, ICT has an
take to create an environment that is important role. According to Hayashi (2003),
respectful”. This means that classroom “ICT is helpful for people not only when they
management is a complex set of behaviors use computer networks and satellites but also
which teachers are able to maintain the when they use traditional media such as
condition of the class for the purpose of figures, blackboards, printed materials, OHP
learning in the classroom to be effective. sheets, and audio-visual aids”. This means
that ICT has an important role for teachers as
Classroom management can be viewed based teaching aids.
on the arrangement of the room. The rooms
that have good arrangement were able to Basic ICT skills possessed vocational teacher
provide an effective and conducive learning. is mastering software administration. The
That means the arranged rooms could avoid survey results of Evaluation & Accountability
the empty space that can be converted into Department of Education and Training
another function in optimizing learning Western Australia (2000, p.15) states that
activities. Evertson & Poole (2002, p.4) there are eight applications which are often
provide strategies for teachers in arranging the used by teachers for administration, namely:
room as effectively as possible, among others: Internet, Email, Spreadsheets, Word
minimazing distractions, maximizing access, Processing, File Navigation, Presentation
matching arrangement with lesson purpose, Packages, Databases, and SIS Curriculum
dan movement with ease. If it is associated in Manager (SIS). This means that teachers must
the implementation of the using scientific be able to master multiple applications or
approach, the functions of classroom software that is commonly used in the
management arrangement can be applied by administration of learning.
teachers in adjusting the teaching methods
used in the classroom. ICT applications specifically for vocational
teachers in machining engineering can be
The interview results with vocational teachers used as a learning support. These applications
indicate that the role of media such as include: AutoCAD, CAD / CAM, Autodesk
Projector, software-software (Microsoft Inventor, Ansys, etc. Mastery of the
Office, Engineering Software, etc.), visual application is important for teachers and
aids, simulator, modules, and other media can students to solve certain types of work.
enhance students' motivation and interest in According to Wijayanti (2011),
learning the material presented by the teacher.
According to the pyramid Dale (Dale's cone ICT can be used as the administrative work
of learning) states that students who hear or (Word processor and
read only able to remember 20% from what
Mandatory Requirement Basic Level,
teacher give. Therefore, the student's ability to
spreadsheet), packing teaching materials
remember and understand the lessons not only (multimedia), assist in the management of
just through audio or visual but in the audio- learning (e- learning, advanced needs, and
visual learning. others), and for technical support and improve
knowledge to enable the creation of self-
The role of ICT (Information and running (antivirus, tools, network, internet,
Communications Technology) has progressed etc.).
very rapidly. In Indonesia, ICT will be the
mission of the National Education The complexities faced by teachers in
Development in Long Term Plan 2025 that implementing the using scientific approach
make optimum use of radio tools, television, feels heavy when linked with the selection of
computer and ICT tools in business, creative problems. According to study results

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Nichols & Stephens (2013) states that the classroom atmosphere. In addition, teachers
scientific method can work effectively with are also required to master the ICT as an
the determination of creative thinking intermediary bridge in conveying the
processes. Determination of creative information to students.
problems can enhance student’s motivation in
reasoning and thinking. Based on the description above, required a
comprehensive study to review the factors
The results of interviews with several students that influence the effectiveness of teachers in
said that they feel happy and enthusiasm in implementing scientific learning programs,
learning when teachers give problems related especially vocational teacher in machining
to issues that occur at this time. Some engineering in terms of verbal
students interviewed thought that there are communication, classroom management,
still vocational school teachers who use the teacher's creativity and teacher’s ICT skills.
old mindset (lateral) in comparison with the
the modern mindset (divergent). II. Research Methods
According to Amabile in Adams (2005, p.3), This study is an ex-post facto with
creativity consists of three main components quantitative approach. Thstudy was conducted
that mutual coherence of each other, namely: in SMK of Machining Engineering PrograThe
knowledge, creative thinking, and motivation. number of schools used are 16 SMK in the
Knowledge is the components that help the Daerah IstimewYogyakarta province. The
formation of creativity through an research was conducted from Novemb2014 to
understanding of the individual. Creative March 2015. This study population was class
thinking is a components that juxtapose X and XI SMof Machining Engineering
problems in the patterns of diverse thinking. Program in DIY amounted to 2,3students. The
determination of samples number using Issac
Motivation is the executor component of aMichael formula with an error level of 5%,
creation creativity formed by the intrinsic of so that the number selected samples is 290
the individual. Teachers should be able to students. The sampling technique
apply the PAIKEM learning which include usiProportionate Random Sampling
Active Learning, Innovative, Creative, techniques. The sample unit wdivided
Effective, and Fun (Endang Mulyatiningsih, proportionally according to population unit
2010, p.2). This means that in improving used. Tvariables in this study consisted of:
interaction interactive learning, teachers must one dependent variable is usiscientific
have creativity in developing the learning in approach (Y), and three independent variables
the classroom, so that he can change things as are classroomanagement (X1), teacher’s
expected. Various problems faced by teachers creativity (X2), and teacher’s ICT ski(X3).
in implementing the using scientific approach The collecting data technique using
became a problem that is urgent to questionnaires. Tquestionnaire used is a
immediately study and inspect deeper. The closed questionnaire with four
problems encountered when pre-survey gave alternatianswers. The scale of response
a conclusion that there are many factors that assessment using rating scale. Tvalidity of the
influence the effectiveness of vocational instruments used in this study is the construct
teachers machining engineering in validand reliability tests with Alpha Cronbach
implementing the using scientific approach. formula with a significanlevel of 5%. The
Using scientific approach is a learning that data analysis of this research are: (1)
involves the creativity of teachers in teaching. descriptianalysis; (2) testing requirements
In supporting the positive interaction, the analysis (test for normality, linearand
teacher must be able to manage a class well. multicollinearity); and (3) test the hypothesis
The management will provide easiest ways using correlation aregression analysis.
for teachers to create effective and conducive

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
III. Results & Discussion Based on the picture above, it is known that
the quality of the using scientific approach in
The data description in this study will produce SMK of Machining Engineering Program
an overview of empirical occur each learning DIY Province in the percentage can be sorted
variables studied include: a using scientific as follows: (1) Sleman with the percentage of
approach, classroom management, teacher's 72.58% or in high category; (2) Yogyakarta
creativity and teacher’s ICT skills. The with the percentage of 72.46% or in high
description of the data describe that is category; (3) Kulon Progo with the
happening today in SMK of Machining percentage of 70.29% or in sufficient
Engineering Program in DIY province. category; (4) Gunungkidul with the
Analysis of statistical calculations using SPSS percentage of 69.04% or in sufficient
18.0 software. category; and (5) Bantul with the percentage
of 68.83%, or in sufficient category.
Summary calculation of each variable can be
seen in Table 1 below: Based on these results, it can be known that
the percentage difference is due to policy
Table 1. Description of the calculation of each discontinuation of implementation curriculum
variable research 2013 in several school that has followed
Curriculum 2013 on 1 semester to go back to
implement the Education Unit Level
Based on Table 1, it can be described in depth Curriculum (KTSP). Yogyakarta and Sleman
about the development of each variable in the occupied the highest
five research areas consisting of: Yogyakarta,
Sleman, Bantul, Kulon Progo, and
Gunungkidul. This empirical overview can be
used as information regarding
developments in that region. The
implementation of using scientific approach
refers to Permendikbud Number 103 year
2014 about Learning in Primary and
Secondary Education which states that the
using scientific approach consists of 5 steps:
observing, asking, gathering
information/trying, reasoning/associating and
communicating. If it is used as an indicator of
research, the development of each region in
the province can be seen
in Figure 1 below:
Yogya Sleman Bantul Kulon Progo Bantul

Figure 1. Histogram variable using scientific

approach in DIY

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015

Sulaeman Deni Ramdani(1) & Haryanto(2)

Vocational Education and Technology Department
Postgraduate Yogyakarta State University
Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281 Telp. +62274-550836
Email: &

Vocational education as one of the secondary education has an important role to create graduates who have a quality
and ready to work. Innovation and development of assessment in vocational education are essential to maintain the
quality of graduates in order to remain relevant and up to date. This research aims to develop performance assessment
refers to the Curriculum 2013 in Light Vehicle Engineering Department of vocational education in automotive electrical

This research is the Research and Development (R & D) adopted from Borg and Gall model with qualitative and
quantitative approaches. The stages of development consist of research and information collecting, planning, develop
preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product
revision, operational field testing, final product revision, and dissemination. The study involved four experts for product
validation phase consisting of two lecturers and two teachers. Assessors in the implementation of performance
assessment involved three teachers. The sampling technique used purposive sampling technique. Data collection
techniques in this study were observation, interview, questionnaire, and documentation. Data were analyzed using
qualitative and quantitative analysis. Formula of content validity Aiken used to determine the content validity of item and
intraclass coefficient correlation used to determine the consistency and agreement of the rater appraisal.

The results showed as follows. (1) Performance assessment tools fulfill valid criteria, reliable, and practical. (2)
Component of performance assessment tools consists of guidelines for the assessment development and performance
assessment instruments. (3) Contents validation of performance assessment instruments included into the very well
category. (4) Reliability of performance assessment instrument using intraclass correlation coefficient for 0.74. (5)
Profile of performance assessment result indicates that from 25 students, 3 students (12%) received predicate “A”, and
18 students (72%) received predicate “A-“, 3 students (12%) received predicate “B+”, and 1 student (4%) received
predicate “B-“. (6) Based on teacher opinions, performance assessment procedures in electrical subjects to measure the
skills of students as a whole can be used easily.

Keywords: Performance Assessment, Curriculum 2013, Vocational High School.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
I. INTRODUCTION vocational education. Therefore, efforts to
improve the quality of education can be
The quality and relevance of education have a reached through improving the quality of
very important role in creating the quality learning and improving the quality of
human resources. The development of science assessment systems (Djemari Mardapi, 2012:
and technology in era of globalization 12). Learning and assessment which is good
nowadays requires educational institutions to quality designed according to the
create graduates who have competence and characteristics of vocational education. It is a
professional. Increasing competence needs of necessity that should be developed by
graduates have an impact on the demands of teachers for the advancement of the quality of
the education quality development. Therefore, vocational education.
the Government should continue to develop
education quality. One of educations level Curriculum 2013 is a new chapter for
which has an important role to create human vocational education. Curriculum 2013 aims
resources ready to work and compete in the to prepare Indonesian people who believe,
world of work is vocational education. productive, creative, innovative, affective
through the strengthening of attitudes, skills
Vocational education is secondary education and knowledge integrated. It affects the
that prepares students primarily for work in a pattern of learning and assessment in
specific field (Law of the Republic of vocational education which have specificity to
Indonesia Number 20 Year 2003 on National a particular competence. A blend of
Education System). Specific competencies curriculum 2013 with the characteristics of
contained in the competency expertise in each vocational education will be able to synergize
fields of expertise is characteristic of each other in order to achieve national
vocational education. The Improvement of education goals.
quality and relevance of vocational education
graduates through the strategic policy of the The curriculum change requires the readiness
Government, the active role of education of teachers to implement the curriculum.
experts, and active participation of schools, Teachers are the main part that must be
are expected to improve the overall quality of prepared to face these changes. If the teachers
vocational education to produce graduates are not ready to accept the changes, then there
who have appropriate competence to the will be variety problems in implementation.
needs of the workforce. The issues that need to be considered in
education are: (1) curriculum development,
Curriculum development in vocational (2) the implementation of curriculum, and (3)
education has very important role to realize monitoring and evaluation (Oemar Hamalik,
the quality of graduates qualified and relevant 2012: 4). These three points should be
with demands of the workforce. Curriculums properly addressed by the curriculum
which do not develop systematically, do not developers and implementers of the
change, and do not relevant will be an adverse curriculum.
impact on all matters related to the curriculum
itself (Finch & Crunkilton, 1979: 13). Many problems arise in the implementation of
Knowledge of the development of learning the curriculum 2013. Unpreparedness of
and assessment is one of key to the success of teachers to implement the curriculum 2013
learning become a burden for teachers. In

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Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
addition, the assessment method is very implementation of the curriculum 2013
complex confusing and time consuming (Abdul Waidl, 2014).
(Anies Baswedan, 2013: 1). A research states
that the teacher still have a trouble in Vocational high school has different
understanding learning models, how to assess, characteristics with secondary education
and how to develop an assessment (general high school). Characteristics of
instruments (Ani Rusilowati, 2013: 1). This subjects in vocational education are different
shows that the readiness of teachers in from the subjects on academic education
implementation of curriculum 2013 is still (Lucas, Spenser, and Claxton, 2013: 33). This
low. The difficulty in using learning model should be a concern for educational
and developing assessment becomes a serious institutions in developing learning and
obstacle that must be resolved. assessment used. Vocational High School
oriented in competence in accordance with the
The results of pre-survey with teacher in needs of the workforce. One of the goals of
SMK 2 Yogyakarta and SMK vocational education is creating learners with
Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta on Light the skills to meet the needs of life and
Vehicle Engineering (TKR) informed that the increase prosperity (Clarke and Winch, 2007:
most difficult thing in curriculum 2013 is the 9). Mastery of specific competencies becomes
scoring system more complicated and a very important factor for vocational school
confusing. Integration between assessment of graduates. This affects the pattern and
attitudes, knowledge, and skills that aim to strategy in developing assessment in
determine the extent to which understanding vocational high school. Competency-based
of learners who have mastered is still a big assessment is one assessment approach which
question for the teacher. Therefore, to is very appropriate to measure students'
improve this situation, the Government abilities based on competence acquired.
published new regulations namely Education
Minister Regulation Number 160 Year 2013 Authentic assessment is a form of assessment
regarding Compulsory Enforcement curriculum 2013 that requires students to
Curriculum 2006 and Curriculum 2013, to show attitude and using the knowledge and
suspend implementation curriculum for skills gained from learning in performing
school which implement the curriculum 2013 tasks in real situations. This is appropriate
since the first semester year 2014/2015 and with assessment applied in vocational
re-implement curriculum in 2006. Schools education that relies on an assessment applied
that implement the curriculum 2013 for three in the form of assessment practices and
semesters continue to use the curriculum required students to complete the task / job
2013. The school became a pilot of which requires attitudes, knowledge, and
implementation curriculum 2013. Although skills integrated. Assessment that is used to
the curriculum is suspended and only the pilot assess the specific competencies is the
schools that implement the curriculum 2013, performance assessment. Based on the results
but the decision is legitimacy that the concept of pre-survey, especially performance
of curriculum 2013 has been good, but that assessment for competency skills, teachers are
was considered not ready to implement the not using the guidelines and assessment rubric
curriculum is the school so as to get optimum clearly so that the assessment tend to have a
results, required preparation planned for the high subjectivity. If this is allowed, then the

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Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
assessment process do not go well and do not assessment guidelines, grating instruments,
be able to measure the competence of students assessment rubrics, and processing the score,
with fair and valid. are very urgent matter that should soon find a
solution. The importance of developing
Performance assessment also called authentic performance assessment which is complete
assessment or an alternative assessment. and detailed in vocational education are
Alternative assessment tends to the traditional strong reasons to undertake the development
assessment that uses a written assessment and of performance assessment. Development of
authentic assessment emphasizes the duty performance assessment tools applied to
applications that are real in accordance with Electrical Subjects in Light Vehicle
daily occurrence (Miller, Linn, and Gronlund, Engineering in vocational high school.
2009: 261). Performance assessment is more
descriptive than the alternative assessment
and more concise than the authentic
assessment. Performance assessment is based II. LITERATURE
on a performance that not only assess learners 2.1.Vocational Education
from one domain of competence, but more Law on National Education System section 15
complex and holistic. Performance states, "Vocational education is secondary
assessment was first developed on vocational education that prepares students primarily for
education and skills training (Asmawi Zainul, work in a particular field". Vocational
2005: 57). education is a secondary education in the
form vocational high school which aims to
Performance assessment is the student
produce skilled labor in certain areas. This is
learning achievement covering all learning
different from vocational education organized
assessment in writing, products, or attitude
by higher education which aims to produce a
(Danielson & Marquez, 2013: 1).
skilled workforce that has the basic science
Characteristics of vocational education which
applied in certain areas with a maximum level
refers to competency based considered is very
equivalent to an undergraduate program.
suitable for applying performance assessment
Vocational education in this study refers to
system. The existence of the assessment
vocational education called vocational high
principles which are real and
comprehensively through the performance is a
positive point of performance assessment in Tilak (2002: 673) states, "Vocational
curriculum 2013. Development of vocational education has an advantage, imbibing the
assessment is appropriate for using authentic specific job-relevant skills, that can the make
approach enhanced with the principle of the worker more readily suitable for a given
performance assessment. This is expected to job ad would of make him / her Tus more
optimize learning process and learning productive". The advantage is that it can
outcomes of students. create the vocational education students who
have specific and relevant competencies. This
Based on data the above, the development of
has an impact on the readiness of students to
performance assessment in vocational
work and make them more productive.
education in accordance with the principles of
Readiness of graduates in work is very
the curriculum 2013 is very important.
important. Specific competencies are the
Problems concerning the development of

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
characteristic of vocational education. It is guidelines for the organization of learning
very important to focus on the competence of activities to achieve specific educational
learners in one sub skills. Clarke and Winch objectives". The definition explains that the
(2007: 9) states, "vocational education is curriculum is a document containing the
confined to preparing young people and planning, regulation, and teaching materials
adults for working life, a process Often that serve as guidelines for education and
regarded as of a rather technical and practical learning fully prepared to achieve certain
nature". Vocational education is education goals. Curriculum development has a very
that prepares students to be able to enter important role in achieving successful
employment. Vocational education is a learning.
learning process with regard to technical and
practical problems. Finch & Curnkilton (1999: 11) states,
"Curriculum may be defined as the sum of the
Winch (2007: 135) states, "the proper aim of learning activities and experiences that a
vocational education is to provide individuals student has under the auspices or direction of
with the skills to earn reviews their living, the school". Curriculum can be defined as the
thus supplying one of the conditions for number of learning activities and experiences
economic prosperity". The main objective the for students organized based on the direction
implementation of vocational education is to and objectives of the school. Number of
provide skills to individuals to meet their learning activities determined in accordance
daily needs. The skill provide opportunities with the purposes and characteristics of the
for learners to improve economic prosperity course or a particular department. In addition,
by working because it has specific the curriculum is a learning planning
competencies that can be used to actualize experience that should be experienced by
themselves in social life. learners to master competency.

Based on the discussion above, it can be Oliva (1992: 6) states, "Curriculum can be
argued that vocational education is secondary conceived in a narrow way (as subject taught)
education aimed at preparing students to gain or in a broad way (as all the experiences of
mastery of specific competencies that are learners, both in school and out, directed by
ready to enter certain jobs. Vocational the school)". In simple terms the curriculum
education has a very important role in can be defined as subjects taught to students
meeting the needs of the workforce and to in a lesson plan. Understanding curriculum in
grow the small and medium enterprises of the complex way that is as a collection of
graduates. Therefore, the development of learners' experiences both in school and
quality vocational education is one of the keys outside of school are organized and managed
to improving the quality of human resources by the school / institution directly.
in a nation's prosperity.
Based on description above, it can be argued
2.2.Curriculum that the curriculum is a set of lesson plans and
Law Number 20 Year 2003 regarding arrangements governing the purpose, content
National Education System chapter 1 states, and learning materials that used as a guide to
"The curriculum is a set of plans and provide a learning experience to students who
arrangements regarding the purpose, content, managed by the institution or school.
and teaching materials and methods used as Continuous curriculum development is a

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
necessity that must be undertaken to adjust Performance assessment requires
and maintain the quality and relevance of measurement of the learners' actions in
education itself. carrying out practical assignments. Kunandar
(2013: 257) states, "Assessment of the action
or performance is the assessment of the act or
2.3.Curriculum 2013 practice tests that can effectively be used for
Education Minister Regulation Number 70 the benefit of collecting a variety of
year 2013 explained the objectives of the information about the forms of behavior or
curriculum in 2013 is to prepare Indonesian skills that are expected to emerge in the self-
people to have the ability to live as learners". Performance assessment assess the
individuals and citizens who believe, competence of learners in carrying out
productive, creative, innovative, and affective practical assignments, how to use measuring
and able to contribute to society, nation, state, tools, work attitudes and other behaviors that
and world civilization. Faithful Citizenship is are considered important. Additionally,
the main capital to build a state character. Kunandar express some aspects that can be
Productive, creative, and innovative with a assessed or measured as follows:
good affective competence is a combination
- Quality of work completion
that can produce quality human, relevant, and
- Skills using work equipment.
competitive. Structure curriculum 2013 - Ability to analyze and plan work procedures
consists of the core competencies, subjects, to complete.
study load, and basic competence. - Ability to make decisions based on the
Competence consists of four core information given.
competencies (KI) is KI-1 spiritual attitude, - Ability to read, using diagrams, pictures,
KI-2 social attitudes, KI-3 knowledge, KI-4 and symbols.
Berk (1986: 9) states, "Performance
Assessment of learning outcomes of students
assessment is the process of gathering the data
in primary and secondary education in
by systematic observation for making a
curriculum in 2013 based on some principles
decision about the individual". Performance
of assessment. Implementation of assessment
assessment is the process of systematically
development should be based on principles of
collecting data through observation to make
assessment in curriculum 2013 so that
decisions about learners. The definition
teachers can measure student competencies
contains four important points that process,
and develop learning. The principles as
data collection, systematic observation, and
decision-making. Johnson, Penny, & Gordon
- Authentic - Comprehensive and (2009: 2) states, "A performance assessment
sustainable is a system composed of; (1) a purpose for the
- Objective - Systematic assessment, (2) the task (or prompts) that
- Fair - Reference to criteria elicit the performance, (3) a response demand
- Integrated - Accountable that focuses the examinee's performance, (4)
- Open - Educative
systematic method for rating performance ".
The performance assessment is a rating
2.4.Performance Assessment
system that consists of the assessment goals, a

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
task that comes with work instructions, III. METHODOLOGY
demand response focuses on learner
performance, and a systematic method that This study is a research and development
aims to assess the performance of learners. using the Borg and Gall development models
with qualitative and quantitative approaches.
Reynold, Livingston, and Willson (2009: 247) This research conducted at SMK 2
states that "performance assessment more Yogyakarta and SMK Muhammadiyah 3
closely reflect real-life settings and Yogyakarta. The study population were
application than traditional paper-and-pencil students of class XI TKR. The sampling
assessment". Performance assessment reflect technique used was purposive sampling. The
the nature and shaped by real-life settings. number of samples used were 25 students
Performance assessment is an application of from class XI TKR. Data collection technique
traditional valuation (paper and pencil test). used observation, interview, and
Johnson & Johnson (2002: 79) states, documentation. Data were analyzed using
"Student performance refers to a set of actions descriptive statistical analysis techniques. In
students engage in to demonstrate reviews addition, a review of the validity of using the
their level of skill in enacting a procedure or formula Aiken content validity and review of
creating a product". The performance of consistency and inter rater reliability with
learners refers to the series of actions which analysis of intraclass correlation coefficient
the participants involved in demonstrating a (ICC).
skill level with appropriate procedures or
creating a specific product. Johnson &
Johnson (2002: 28) states, "The student IV. FINDING & DISCUSSION
Performance assessment tools is one of the
performances that can be assessed are
assessment tools that aim to measure the skills
academic learning, reasoning, skills and
of students in terms of psychomotor. Based
competencies, attitudes, and work habits".
on preliminary studies and the development
This means that the performance assessment
of the initial draft, the product development of
is a comprehensive assessment assess the
performance assessment consisted of
ability of learners.
guidelines of performance assessment
Based on the explanations that have been development and instrument of performance
described above, the general understanding of assessment itself. Performance assessment
performance assessment leads to the judgment instrument was equipped with a grating
that requires an individual to make a product assessment, guidelines, rubric, task sheet,
or demonstrate a work process. In addition, answer sheets, and the score operation. The
performance assessment can be defined as an draft of the preliminary study validated by a
assessment that is not only focuses on validator. Sheets validation of assessment
demonstration of a specific competencies, but tools used by experts to review the suitability
also can be used comprehensively to assess of the materials, construction and the
the cognitive, affective, and skills are integral language used in the performance assessment
so as to create a concept of a comprehensive form. Calculation analysis results presented in
assessment, authentic, complete, and holistic. Table 1 below.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Table 1. Expert Validation Results of 9. The item task do not 4,0 S.V.
Performance Assessment Instruments use the word/phrase
that cause a double
Aspects Examined ̅ Criterion interpretation or
The Material The mean total score 3,71 S.V.

1. The tasks/problems 3,25 V. In general ratings: can be used with some

already appropriate minor revisions
with the indicators of
competence Description: S.V. = Very Valid
2. The materials already 3,25 S.V. V. = Valid
appropriate with the
basic competencies
(urgency / relevance)
3. The contents of task 3,5 S.V. Based on the analysis in Table 1, it can be
material already concluded that the content of performance
relevant with the level assessment stated valid criteria with very
of schools or grade. valid score (3.71). Analysis of the level of
The Construction consistency and stability of the expert
assessment of the performance assessment
1. The item tasks using 4,0 S.V.
command sentence that instruments showed that the value of ICC was
demands 0.75. The ICC values was greater than the
action/practice recommended minimum criteria that is 0.70,
2. The instruction on how 4,0 S.V. so that it can be concluded that in general
to do the task presented stated reliably.
3. The scoring guidelines 3,5 S.V. In general, performance assessment
presented clearly instruments have fulfilled criteria valid and
4. The assessment rubric 4,0 S.V. reliable. However, there were a number of
presented clearly
important inputs and recommendations from
5. The instrument of 3,5 S.V.
question practice exam the validator that directs the need for minor
presented clearly revisions to improve assessment tools.
6. The assessment 3,5 S.V. Correction of the validator presented as
instrument of practice follows: (1) scoring should be made more
exams presented simply and clearly, (2) the assessment sheet
clearly should be merged with the assessment rubric
The Language to simplify the assessment, (3) development
7. The item task using 4,0 S.V. of customized items with basic competence
communicative indicator in the syllabus. Furthermore, the
language (easy to instrument enters main field testing and
understand) operational field testing.
8. The item task using 4,0 S.V.
word/sentences, Preliminary field testing of performance
spelling, and grammar assessment involved four experts as a rater to
properly and correctly.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
assess each item of instrument developed. The learners. The calculation results presented in
items of performance assessment were 23 Table 3.
items to assess the competence of learners in
doing the performance of maintenance and Table 3. Calculation Analysis of ICC in
repair of starter motor. The results of content Main Field Testing of Performance
validity analysis of Aiken calculation showed Assessment
that the items have a coefficient of from 0.75 Intraclass Correlation
to 1.00. These results indicated that the items
have relevance between the content of Student Coefficient
instruments developed with KI and KD on s Single Average
Electrical Maintenance Vehicle Subjects. A Measures Measures
review of inter-rater agreement with the ICC
presented in Table 38. Results of calculation 0.462 0.721
consistency rater showed ICC values for
average measure of 0.74. Based on these Student
calculations it can be seen that the coefficient 0.503 0.752
is greater than the minimum criteria, namely
0.70. Student
0.524 0.768
Table 2. The ICC of Performance
Assessment Student
0.548 0.785
Intraclass Correlation
Single Measures .426a 0.492 0.744
Average Measures .748c Student
0.547 0.783

Average 0.759
This further expert assessment was the
next step of the analysis results validation the
contents of the instrument assessed by
validator / expert. It was called main field Based on the analysis of the ICC score
testing. Once the instrument stated valid and in Table 3, the performance assessment tool
reliable in conceptually, then performed main has ICC score more than 0.70. When viewed
field testing involving 6 students from class from the single measures, the ICC coefficient
XI TKR in SMK 2 Yogyakarta with three is about 0.42 - 0.54. Although its value is low
assessors. Main field testing of performance enough, a review of the decision see the
assessment was intended to determine the average measure that is in the range of 0.72 to
achievements of learners in skills competency 0.78. This showed that the performance
test starter system by reviewing the assessment instruments can assess
achievements of the starter motor scores and competency skills well and has a good degree
consistency of rater assess performance of of reliability.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
The achievement of skills assessment for student is 0.30. This shows that the value
outcomes presented in Table 4. Six learners tend to be same of each rater. Based on the
follow a series of performance tests to show results of the appraisal product readability, the
their ability. Rater assess the performance of teacher found the assessment of performance
the student in accordance with the assessment tools can be used easily to assess
performance assessment sheets which is the competence skills of students because the
developed. Performance assessment device is very complete and detailed. In
instrument equipped with a clear assessment addition, rater appraisal regarding the
rubric so rater find it easier to assess the practicality of the product development of is
competence of student in accordance with the stated very practical and can be operated
assessment rubric contained in the assessment easily.
form. Aspects used rater to assess the
competence of learners consists of five The last, analysis of the calculation results of
aspects, namely preparation, process, the operational field testing involving 25
outcomes, attitudes, and time. Every aspect students with 1 rater generate profiles
has a different percentage, namely; a achievement of performance assessment,
preparation was 10%, a process was 40%, a namely, 3 students received the title A, 18
result was 20%, an attitude was 20%, and a students received the title A-, 3 student
time was 10%. received the title B +, and 1 student received
the title B -. The results show that the
Table 4. Results Analysis of Appraisal performance assessment can measure the
Rater in Main Field Testing of skills that learners which are valid for
Performance Assessment reviewing aspects of preparation, process,
outcomes, attitudes, and time in detail.
Average of Assessment Rater
Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3
Student 1 3.67 (A-) 3.76 (A-) 3.56 (A-)

Student 2 3.52 (A-) 3.75 (A-) 3.70 (A-) Based on the discussion above, it can be
concluded that the product of performance
Student 3 3.84 (A-) 3.84 (A-) 3.60 (A-)
assessment development consisted of
Student 4 3.42 (B+) 3.12 (B) 3.24 (B+) assessment development guidelines and
assessment instrument equipped with a
Student 5 3.65 (A-) 3.64 (A-) 3.31 (B+) grating, assessment guidelines, assessment
tools, and processing value. Product
Student 6 3.53 (A-) 3.51 (A-) 3.46 (B+)
development was declared valid and reliable
based on appraisal rater. Reliability based on
the ICC showed of 0.74. Aiken validity of the
These results indicate that there is value of content was 0.75 to 1.00. The use of this
rater consistency in assessing the performance assessment was considered very easy to use
of each learner. 72% of students received the by teachers on skills assessment.
title very well, 28% of students received the Achievement of the performance test results
title good. The biggest range of rater appraisal showed good result because it can measure

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
the ability of learners in detail and detail, [9] Finch, C. R., & Crunkilton, J. R. (1979a).
raising the level of objectivity of assessment. Curriculum Development in Vocational
and Technical Education. Massachusetts:
Allyn and Bacon Inc.
[10] Finch, C. R., & Crunkilton, J. R.
REFERENCE (1999b). Curriculum Development in
Vocational and Technical Education (5th
[1] Abdul Waidl. (7 Desember 2014). ed.). Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon Inc.
Pemberhentian Kurikulum 2013 [11] Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T.
Diapresiasi. Taken on 10 January 2015, (2002). Meaningful Assessment: Geable
from and Cooperative Process. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
5/ pemberhentian -kurikulum-2013- [12] Johnson, R. L., Penny, J. A., &
diapresiasi. Gordon B. (2009). Assessing
[2] Ani Rusilowati. (14 Desember 2014). Performance: Designing Scoring, and
Kurikulum 2013, 87 Persen Guru Evaluating Performance Tasks. New
Kesulitan Cara Penilaian. Taken on 10 York: The Guildford Press.
January 2015, from
[3] Asmawi Zainul. (2005). Asesmen
Alternatif Untuk Mendukung Belajar Dan
Pembelajaran. In Tim HEPI. (2005).
Rekayasa Sistem Penilaian Dalam Rangka
Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan (pp.
51-61). Yogyakarta: HEPI.
[4] Berk, R. A. (1986). Performance
Assessment: Methods & Applications.
London: The John Hopkins University
[5] Borg, W. R., & Gall, M. D. (1983).
Educational Research An Intoduction 4th..
New York: Longman.
[6] Clarke, L., & Winch, C. (2007).
Vocational Education; International
Approaches, Development And Systems.
New York: Routledge.
[7] Danielson, C. (2014). A Collection of
Performance Task and Rubrics: Middle
School Mathematics. New York:
[8] Djemari Mardapi. (2012). Pengukuran
Penilaian & Evaluasi Pendidikan.
Yogyakarta: Nuha Litera.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Wisnu Rachmad Prihadi & Galeh Nur Indriatno Putra Pratama,
Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University &


This research aims to: (1) reveal the teacher’s professional development model which has been
applied; (2) reveal the development model of teacherpreneur; and (3) test the internal
effectiveness of teacherpreneur development model in the vocational secondary schools (SMK)
which run the Study Program of Technology and Engineering Expertise. This research
employed the research and development method which consisted of three steps: preliminary
study, model development, and internal model testing. It was conducted at SMK Negeri 2
Yogyakarta, SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta, SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, SMK
Perindustrian, SMK PIRI 1 Yogyakarta, and SMK Taman Siswa Jetis Yogyakarta.The research
data were collected through indepth interviews and observation. The results of this research are
as follows. (1) The professional development of teacher is from the government and school. The
government program has been scheduled consistingof consensus of subject teacher forum
(MGMP), OJT, socialization of curriculum, examination of competence, and training of
assessor. The school program depends on the policies and strategies of each principal. (2) The
development model consists of competency, creativity, and effectiveness. (3) The result of
internal effectiveness testing which involved the bureaucrat of the City Education Office, the
experts of vocational education, and the SMK administrators concluded that: (a) 92.83% of
experts agreed that the components of the model are sufficient; (b) 91.65% of experts agreed
that the structure of the components of the model has been understood; (c) 95.83% of experts
agreed that the relationship between the components is clear; (d) 95.83% of experts agreed that
the model has good readability; (e) 95.83% of experts agreed that the model is acceptable; and
(f) 87.5% of experts agreed that the model is effective if it is implemented.

Keywords: development, professionalism, teacher, teacherpreneur


Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
1. Introduction requirements of professionals such as: have the
practical skills sufficient in all fields of study
Teachers is a component that most affect of
(subjects productive), capable of organizing
process and outcome quality education. Any
learning (training) that are relevant to the
repairs are carried out in the education system to
competencies required by the world of work, and
improve the quality of education will not progress
capable of designing learning in schools and in
without the support improving the quality and
businesses or industries (Sardi Salim, 2009). So
professionalism of teachers. Teachers are
that vocational teachers are required to constantly
applicator directly involved in the formation of
update and upgrade the scientific owned to
human resources (HR) on the school. The
changes that occur in the industry to be adapted to
education process is successful if it is able to
the conditions at the school.
involve the majority of learners are active, both
physically, mentally, and socially in the learning From the above mentioned fact, efforts to
process and also the passion, spirit and confidence improve the quality of vocational teachers
in learning. In terms of educational outcomes is continue to be done by the various programs
successful when given the learning is able to increase the professionalism of teachers. Increase
change the behavior of most learners towards a the professionalism of the teachers are the
better mastery of the competencies shown from responsibility of individual teachers in line with
the aspect of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and changes in the workplace, the development of
values they have. science, technology and learners. Individual
teachers can improve their competence as agents
The quality of teachers in Indonesia has not
of learning through the experiences of daily life in
shown maximum results, it can be seen from the
the classroom or through communication with
results Ujian Kompetensi Awal (UKA) for
colleagues in planning, implementing and
prospective participants of certification and Ujian
evaluating the learning that has been done. But
Kompetensi Guru (UKG) for teachers who are
unfortunately the reality shows that there is no
already certified carried out in 2012 shows that the
such thing. Based on the results of research
average value cumulative less than 50 of what is
conducted by Tri Jalmo (2008) explained that
required by the government. UKA test result data
there was no significant difference between
can be explained that the acquisition of the average
experienced teachers teach less than five years
value of 58.87 kindergarten teacher, elementary
with the teaching of more than five years in
school teacher at 36.86, 46.15 for junior high
developing test learning outcomes, and learning
school teacher, high school teacher at 51.35, and
activities. This illustrates the individual
vocational teacher at 50.02 of the total participants
professional development of teachers has not done
UKA 281 016 people (source: Dikmen, 2012).
Results UKA and UKG be entered for teachers,
schools, Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan Government get involved and organize efforts
(LPMP), department of education and educational to increase the professionalism of teachers. It
institutions educators (LPTK) to improve coaching waswritten in the National Education Act lecturers
and professional development of teachers and (Act No. 20 of 2003 article 40 paragraph 1c) stated
prospective teachers. This is because the role of the that "every educator and education personnel have
teacher is so great and included a major the right to obtain career guidance in accordance
component in the education system can not be with the demands of quality development".
replaced, especially in vocational high schools. Among the government's efforts through a variety
of training programs, workshops, form
Teachers in Vocational high school
associations subject teachers, empowering
abbreviated vocational teachers are teachers who
program Subject Teachers Council (MGMP) as
teach in formal education unit which organizes
well as other activities programs. However, the
vocational education. Vocational teachers in the
results of the implementation of the program is still
program productive characteristics of complex and
not optimal and even a lot of
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
training that can be considered to have failed in development of children's learning also change.
improving teacher performance in the classroom.
The above statement is confirmed from the results Challenges professionalism of teachers in the
of research Tri Jalmo (2008) that competence present time is not limited to the ability of teachers
pedagogy, especially executing turns penilaiaan in terms of competence, but also the teachers in the
between teachers who attended the training with process of improving the quality of education
teachers who are not or have not completed the required more creative and effective. To obtain
training did not differ significantly. These results such attitudes can adopt a positive attitude which is
are evidence of the success of the training owned by a businessman (entrepreneur), in which
organized yet, or there is an error in designing or an employer must have the attitude of a good
implementing training. competence in the field, has a creative attitude in
developing the product, packaging and delivery of
Teacher challenges now and in the future is products, and has been active in a variety of
very oppressive. This is due to the competition development activities, and effective in marketing
increasingly fierce between countries including the product. This attitude is not to make the teacher
competition in terms of human resources (HR). to move the profession of a teacher to be an
Besides the development of technology is so rapid entrepreneur, but the adoption of the attitude of an
and discoveries so quickly lead to science made entrepreneur. As described by Novan (2012)
easy to obtain and there are sciences that are brief. teacherpreneur not make the teacher as an
Media facilities and learning resources have been entrepreneur, but it makes the teacher
widely available and some have been held in entrepreneurial. Teachers must have a good
schools. Teachers who are agents of change in competence, creative attitude in organizing
which the function of the teacher not only learning, and effective in applying the learning
educators, but also as a facilitator, motivator, delivery methods so that faster participant in
innovator. This requires teachers to continue understanding the teaching given and not boring.
professional development so that teachers can Moreover, the vocational teacher who has a lot of
carry out his duties as a teacher by following the potential and roles so great. Vocational teachers
rhythm of the changes that occur both from the are required to prepare graduates to be ready to
technology, methods and learners. apply the human resources field of science, and
has a mindset that continues to evolve as set forth
For example of a teacher paradigm today that in vocational educational purposes.
teachers are required to understand the use of
technology both the technology used for learning The situation in the field is still far from the
activities, and technology contained in his areas of expected, this is due to many factors, one of which
expertise, as well as the use of a wide variety of resulting from a vocational school teachers in the
learning methods. The approach used by teachers state have not been fully formed and directed
in teaching must also be changed. Teachers act learners in totality and integration between theory
more as facilitators of learning compared to and practice is still deemed not to have a good
learning resources. Surya Dharma (2012) relationship. Considering these problems required
describes a paradigm shift in teaching do teachers an effort to increase the competence of teachers
past and the way teachers teach today. This is due especially vocational teachers through training
to developments in science and technology is with the concept teacherpreneurship. Indeed a
developing very rapidly. The technological teacher is also an entrepreneur in which teachers
developments influence the development of can develop in a scientific field that is owned as
students as well as education. For example, teachers to make modules, make textbooks, or
telecom or mobile phone technology is now so teachers to design a product that has economic
advanced that has made the mobile phone can value and usefulness based on scientific
access the Internet to function, making it easier to development owned.
get information quickly. Due to the technological
Aware of the conditions, the role and function
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
of the teacher development programs at vocational Yogyakarta, SMK Negeri 3 Yogyakarta, SMK
secondary schools which have not been able to Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta, SMK PIRI 1
effectively improve the quality of learning Yogykarta, SMK Taman Siswa Jetis, and SMK
undertaken by participants, it is necessary to Industry, Yogyakarta. These six are
develop models of professional development of representatives of SMK Cluster and Non-Cluster
teachers that departed from the weaknesses and in the city of Yogyakarta. The Respondents
advantages of program development activities of consisted of the principal, vice principal areas of
teachers who have running for this. The program curriculum, QMR (Quality Management
developed to be able to change the mindset of Representative), chairman of the department,
teachers by improving teachers' creativity and teacher productive.
effectiveness in carrying out duties as a teacher in
the learning activities. Research and development is carried out
through three stages. The first stage is research
Based on the problems and developments in that is intended to obtain preliminary information
mind, it is necessary to research the development regarding the professional development of
of a model for the improvement of vocational high teachers that has been done so far. The second
school teacher professionalism which later was stage is the stage of planning or early design
named the model teacherpreneur. Teacherpreneur concepts teacherpreneur development. The third
model development is the adoption of a positive stage is the stage of the model development. At
attitude possessed entrepreneur into the profession this stage, model validation and test internal
a vocational teacher, vocational teacher which has effectiveness. Model validation performed by a
a lot of potential in addition to the education sector management education, vocational education
in the preparation of qualified human resources. experts, and bureaucrats who came from the city
The development of this model will consist of the of Yogyakarta Education Agency. While testing
design of the conceptual model in the training of the effectiveness of internal conducted in each
vocational teachers with more emphasis on the school.
element of creativity and effectiveness in the field
of vocational training. Data collection techniques used in this study
are: (1) direct observation in the study site with
2. Research Method the help of a tape recorder picture and sound, (2)
in-depth interviews to all the respondents who
The final results of this research is the have been determined, and (3) see the documents
discovery of the model development by educators at the school that includes : school Budget, the
in vocational was naming teacherpreneur models. work program vice principal areas of the
Therefore, this study uses the method of Research curriculum, the matrix program to improve
and Development (Research and Development) secondary education teacher Department of
developed by Borg and Gall (1989), but limited to Education, as well as other data that is needed and
three stages: preliminary studies, model support in the research.
development and testing of internal models
Before developed models in vocational techno, The data obtained is the result of interviews,
conducted needs assessment aimed as a study to observation, and documentation are analyzed and
determine the need or initial picture of the interpreted to meet the demands of the purpose of
educator development has been done in SMK. research and other information. In order for the
Research conducted using a qualitative approach presentation of data more meaningful and easier
to understand the steps of data analysis used in
This research was conducted in November this study using the analysis interactive model of
2014 – February 2015. The research location Miles and Huberman (1994, p. 23) that divides
chosen was six SMK Expertise Group the analysis activities into several parts, namely:
Technology and Engineering in the city of data collection, data reduction, data presentation ,
Yogyakarta, which consists of: SMK 2
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
and conclusion should be completely approved by the foundation.
Figure 2. Scheme Development of
3. Results and Discussion
Vocational Educators in private in Yogyakarta
Based on interviews, observation, and In Figure 2 can be explained that there is a
documentation are carried out in six vocational
educators can be described development that took
place in SMK.

foundation role in developing human resources,

including in terms of educators. This is because
the role of the foundation that carries ideology of
Figure 1. Schematic Development of
individual foundations, and in the implementation
Educators which took place in SMK in
adapted to the existing budget.
Based on the results of the study, found the
In Figure 1 can be explained that the problems and weaknesses that often occur related
development of vocational educators in the to the development of educators that occur in each
country in the city of Yogyakarta consists of school, so that the results of the implementation of
government programs, school programs and other development educator less than the maximum,
institutions. Government programs are generally these problems are: (1) Obstacles often faced by
applicable to all public and private schools. teachers in participating in development activities
School program relies policy direction of each is in terms of the division of time between
school principal and head of department in teaching hours as MGMP activities. (2) There are
organizing the development of educators, can evaluation of the ability / competence of teachers
include trainings aimed at increasing-the quality after the implementation of activities related to
of teachers, team teaching, shortcourse (short development, so that the picture of the result you
courses), and other programs. While the want to target is not known. (3) In private schools
development programs of educators who come budget factors are among the factors that need to
from other institutions may be universities, be associated management in the hold of an
industry as a form of devotion, research or independent development activities organized by
awareness to education that is still associated in the school. (4) The difference between the
the field such as the training of the industry to the working climate and environment of private
school teachers who hopes generated vocational schools and public schools. (5) The effectiveness
graduates who had been prepared within the of guidance to the professional skills of vocational
required standards in the industry. secondary teacher who applied for this is still
While the educator development scheme that weak, the weakness of the aspects of the planning,
took place at a private vocational school there is implementation, and monitoring. It can be seen
only a difference in terms of the role of the from the quality and competencies of teachers, the
foundation. This means that all the activities end result of the implementation of the
carried out in schools
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
development program are less than the maximum. DIV. It means that the teacher has been equipped
It can be seen from the acquisition of teacher with competencies held. (5) School-based
competency test results (UKG) that has followed, management that has been applied in each CMS
where there are teachers who have less value than needs to be maintained, so that the school
what is required. Also based on the resulting management can freely develop their human
productivity and achievement of teachers not yet resources according to the vision and mission set
fully maximize the competence and scientific by the school. (6) involvement and closeness with
development, can be seen from the productivity of LPTK and universities so as to facilitate the
the works produced. (6) Guidance in the form of development of educators in the coaching
in-service training for vocational teachers has program vocational teachers in the city of
been felt not provide optimum results, especially Yogyakarta. (7) To collaborate with the industry
in developing capabilities and skills in accordance as well as organisasis profession. Some SMK has
with the actual development of the industry / cooperated with the industry one PIRI SMK
business. (7) The lack of attention of the manager/ Yogyakarta where the Company has been
leader/ principal in terms of the implementation of working with Yamaha.
development for educators. Based on analysis of educator development
Seeing the condition that occurs on the program that has been taking place then
participation of all parties (stakeholders) involved developed a model teacherpreneur. Model
in the development of educators. There are several teacherpreneur construction consists of three
advantages of weaknesses that need to be components that are interrelated that is a
maintained and enhanced, namely: (1) There have component of competence, creativity component
been a lot of educator development program which must be owned by a teacher, and a
organized by the government and schools that component of effectiveness. A complete
have been formulated in RKAS for one year. (2) description of these three components can be
Most schools already have the facilities and show on the conceptual model below.
means of learning are adequate and complete, Model techerpreneur consists of components
meaning that the means or facility is not an of competence, creativity and effectiveness. All
obstacle due to the implementation of learning the components can not be separated from each
things the school has given school operational other. Teacherprenur models belonging to the
assistance (BOS) for the procurement of improvement of teacher professionalism. To face
equipment and media learning tools. (3) A lot of the challenges of the 21st century and compete
information and communication technology with other countries is not enough to increase the
(ICT) in this day and age that can be used to help professionalism of teachers by improving the
facilitate the implementation of learning activities, competence of the components alone, which has
so that teachers can learn independently through been frequently in Rehearse. Necessary for
the video, the source of other readings, journal, or innovation and integration between multiple
semisalnya besides the presence of ICT support components, namely the aspects of creativity and
teachers in explaining to the students' learning effectiveness of teachers in the use of various
activities, through the media or in the tools that is resources in teaching and learning activities.
available online, so students become easier to Teacher must be have a good competence in
understand. (4) Qualification of teachers in carrying out duties as a teacher that consists of
vocational school has met the majority of what is pedagogical competence with regard to how or
required is minimal S1/ the ability of teachers in
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
teaching, social competence with regard to the development of students to actualize various
relationship of teachers to students and parents / potentials; (2) Social competence is the ability of
guardians and the community, personal teachers as part of the community to
competence with regard to personal demands that communicate and interact effectively with
a teacher should possess, and the professional students, fellow teachers, staff, parents / guardians
competence of teachers in relation to control of of students, and surrounding communities; (3)
the material being taught. The personality competence is the ability
Components of teacher's creativity is the personality steady, stable, mature, wise and
ability to accomplish good learning shown by an dignified be role models for students and noble;
increase in learning outcomes. It means that (4) Professional competence is the ability mastery
teachers use / utilize the available resources in the learning materials widely and deeply that allows
learning activities to enhance the ability of both to guiding learners to meet the standards of
change the environment, using the media / aids, or competence. Here is presented a picture of the
can also organize activities outside the classroom. final product component teachepreneur model of
While the effectiveness of the components of the teacher competence as in Figure 4.
conformity between tasks with the intended
target. That is what is outlined in the learning
activities of all are met in a timely manner means
that learning takes place completely, conformity
with what was planned with what was realized.
All the components can not be separated from
each other, and is an integral component in
realizing teacherpreneur. The following image
teacherpreneur model development. The
following are pictures of models teacherpreneur
as in Figure 3. Figure 4. Component of Competency in
Model Techerpreneur
Component creativity techno models consist
of components: (1) Creative thinking is the state
of someone who can hit things that are new or
develop a condition in achieving the goals.
Creative thinking is an attitude which has been
described by Piirto (2011) consists of aspects of
preparation, incubation, combination, verification,
and applications; (2) Being creative is Being
creative is a state open to new experiences are
Figure 3. End models of Teacherpreneur
remarkable, flexible in tand acting, free to express
Techerpreneur competence component of the
themselves, to appreciate fantasy, interested in
final product includes components: (1) pedagogic
creative activities, and believe in your own ideas
competence, the ability to manage the learning of
as well as in; (3) Conduct the creative is brave in
learners that includes an understanding of the
the establishment of state behavior, independent
learners, the design and implementation of
thinking, able to work hard and tenacious. The
learning, evaluation of learning outcomes and
following schematic
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
drawing creativity component teacherpreneur vocational techno model development can be
models hasi revision. Here is presented a model of summed up as follows:
creativity component images teachepreneur as in First, the development of vocational
Figure 5. educators in the field of expertise Technology and
Engineering who has been running comprised of
government programs and school programs.
Government programs consist of vocational
teachers partnership activities, MGMP, OJT,
socialization curriculum 2013, the competency
test for teachers (UKG), training assessor, training
and writing scientific papers. School program
depends based on the needs of schools and the
Figure 5. Component of Creativity in
strategies undertaken by the respective principals /
Model Techerpreneur
head. One example that has been done is the
presence of team teaching, shortcourse and
motivational training.
Components of the effectiveness of the Second, the implementation of development
model consists of the techno aspects: (1) programs for educators are: weakness
professionalism includes keterbaharuan a teacher encountered in the development educator during
can be shown through the process of teaching a this time: (1) The division of time between
teaching hours and hours of development
more reflective and sustainability in professional
activities (MGMP); (2) There are evaluation
development themselves; (2) The social capabilities / competencies related teacher after
relationships of teachers include developing good the implementation of development activities; (3)
relationships with the students to be motivated Factors budget is the most dominant issues in the
and confident during the learning process; (3) The development of educators, especially in private
success of the class is the ability of teachers to schools; (4) The difference between the working
climate and environment of private schools and
manage classes, cooperation with parents,
public schools; (5) The effectiveness of guidance
colleagues, and willingness to constantly improve to the professional ability of vocational teachers
professionalism. The following are the final who applied for this is still weak, the weakness of
image efekifitas component the aspects of the planning, implementation, and
monitoring; (6) Guidance in the form of training
in the position it is still not maximized; (7) The
lack of attention of the manager / leader / principal
in terms of implementation of the development
for educators; (8) The development of educators
was not considered an important issue. Excellence
in the development of educators for this are: (1)
There are many development programs for
Figure 6. Component of Effectiveness educators held, and has been facilitated by the
government through the Department of
Model Techerpreneur
Education; (2) Most schools already have
complete facilities and infrastructure in
implementing learning activities; (3) The
4. Conclusion development of technologies that bergitu many
and varied that can be utilized facilitate the
Based on the results of research on
implementation of learning
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
activities; (4) Qualification of teachers have met pendidikan menengah tahun 2010-2014.
the national standards as an educator; (5) Has the Jakarta: Kemendikbud, 2013, p.41.
implementation of school-based management so
that the principal can freely develop educators [3] Novan, A.W. (2012). Teacherpreneurship.
who are in school; (6) involvement and closeness Yogyakarta: AR-RUZZMEDIA.
with LPTK and universities so as to facilitate the [4] Piirto, Jane. (2011). Creativity For 21st
development of educators; (7) Some of the SMK Century Skills How To Embed
has cooperated with DU / DI. Creativity Into The Curriculum. Ohio :
Third, the grand design of the development USA. Sense Publishers.
models on vocational techno consist of: (1) Model [5] Republik Indonesia. (2005). Undang-Undang
teacherpreneur consists of components of that RI Nomor 14, Tentang Guru dan Dosen.
competence, creativity, and effectiveness. (2)
Component teacherpreneur competence consists [6] Republik Indonesia. (2003). Undang-undang
of pedagogical competence, social competence, RI Nomor 20 pasal 40 Ayat 1 c.
personal competence and professional
competence. (3) Teacherpreneur creativity [7] Salim, Sardi. (2009). Upaya Peningkatan
component consists of aspects of creative Kompetensi Profesional Guru Sekolah
thinking, be creative, and creative behavior. (4) Kejuruan.
The effective component consists of
[8] Dharma, Surya. (November 2012). PTK
professionalism, social relationships, and the
Dikmen. Media Informasi dan
success of the class.
Komunikasi PTK Pendidikan
Fourth, internal test results that can be Menengah. Jakarta. Direktorat
concluded that the experts agree: (1) The Pembinaan PTK Dikmen.
components of the model have been completed
[9] Dharma, Surya. (Juli 2012). PTK Dikmen
(92.83%); (2) the structure of the component
Media Informasi dan Komunikasi PTK
models have been clear (91.65%); (3) the
Pendidikan Menengah. Jakarta.
relationship between the components of the
Direktorat Pembinaan PTK Dikmen.
model have been clear (95.83%); (4) model has
good readability (95.83%); (5) models have been [10] Jalmo, Tri & Rustaman, Nuryani Y. (2010).
feasible (95.83%); and (6) the model effective if it Pengembangan Program Pelatihan
is implemented (87.5%). Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru IPA.
Forum Kependidikan, Volume 30,
5. References
Nomor 1 Juni 2010.
[1] Borg, Walter R. and Gall, Meredith, D.
[11] Milles, M.B & A.M. Huberman. (1994).
(1983). Educational Research : An
Qualitative data analysis. California:
Introduction. New York and London :
SAGE Publications Inc.

[2] Directorate General of Vocational School.

Rencana strategis direktorat jenderal

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015

M. Fadhlurrahman. A *1, Ivan Hanafi2, Lipur Sugiyanta3

Name of authors must be included (First Name and Final Name Font: Cambria , size 10 Bold)

1 Education of Information and Computer Technology Division, Electronical Engineering Departement,

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia.


Background: This study aims to determine the performance of the prototype of Augmented Reality technology
on smartphones in visualizing the children reading media. Objective: Research along with the development of
a prototype application conducted using experimental research methods with prototype software development
model. Smartphone camera resolution samples used is 5 Mega Pixel, 8 Mega Pixel, 16 Mega Pixel. As well as
eleventh images marker is used as the target sample in the testing process. Prototype application performance
in visualizing the reading media tested with blackbox testing model based on object-making aspects of the
distance, the angle of the object, and object lighting conditions.. Results: The percentage of success in the
prototype application read the image marker and display a visualization of 3D objects based on the three
types of smartphone cameras are respectively 68.37%; 62.50%; 70.45%.. Conclusion: Based on the blackbox
test results known that the performance of the prototype of Augmented Reality technology on smartphones in
visualizing the child reading media can be optimally at a distance of 15 cm retrieval with success percentage
of 74.49%, with the angle of the 'medium' in the range of 300-600 with a success percentage of 72.35%, and
the lighting conditions using 8 watt fluorescent lamp which is equivalent to 475 lumen with a success
percentage of 91.67%.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Reading Media, Smartphone, Visualization

INTRODUCTION scientific research where researchers manipulate

and control one or more independent variables and
Augmented Reality prototype smartphone based observations of variables bound to find variations
on the child reading media was developed in order that arise in conjunction with the manipulation of
to determine the performance of the prototype of independent variables.
Augmented Reality technology on smartphones in
visualizing the reading media in the form of a The software development model used was a
book for children that have been made into the prototype model is an approach to software
form of visualization prototype that has been development model most effective for an
developed. The method used in research and application that still has a requirement that can be
development is an experimental method that is as a interpreted broadly or new applications that are
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
known by the user / consumer. And testing
methods using black box method is to test the There are many implementation of Augmented
ability of applications developed only on the Reality Techonology in real life. Such as in art,
output limit without observing the process. entertaintment, military, etc. Among the
implementation Augmented Reality is the reading
Aspects observed from the results of the prototype media visualization including reading media in
of Augmented Reality technology smartphone education. Based on the research Otilia Pasareti
based in the child reading media in the form of the (2011) that the use of Augmented Reality
performance of the prototype on the lighting technology in learning activities can increase the
conditions, the distance of the tool to the image value of learners. This is caused by the level of
marker, and the angle which has been determined interest of students towards learning increases [7].
by using hardware in the form of smartphones
using the Android operating system that is Methodology
different in terms of brand producers and the The method used in this study was a laboratory
quality of the rear camera. This type of testing experimental method by using one of the software
done of the object retrieval range test, the test development model, the prototype model.
angle of the object, and the test object lighting Prototype model is an approach to software
conditions. development model most effective for an
application that still has a requirement that can be
Media interpreted broadly or new applications that are
Media literally means the tool, intermediary or known by the user / consumer [8].
messenger [1]. According to Gagne [2] that the
media are the various components and Development stages of the application starts with
environments. Also described by Raharjo [3] that the determination of short requirement that
the media is the container of a message by the applications can recognize the image marker and
source wants to be forwarded to the target or display three-dimensional image based on the
recipient of the message. coordinates of the image marker. Based on these
In development, media development flow with the requirements, created a prototype that will be
current technological developments. The oldest shown to the user to be tested the performance of
technologies used in the manufacture of printed the application. After trying a sample performance
media is a technology that works on the principle of the prototype augmented reality application,
of mechanics to the latest media technologies that then set back requirement needed for the revised
have been using digital or computer technology version of the previous prototype application. The
[4]. following diagram of the process of early
development prototype augmented reality
Augmented Reality application in figure 1.
Augmented reality according Tobias Domhan
(2010) in "Augmented Reality On Android Figure 1. Prototype Development Stages
Smartphones" is a combination of object / virtual
object into the real world [5]. Implementation of Instruments in this study consisted of smartphones
Augmented Reality technology has long been and quality of the camera found on the
invented in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland, a Computer smartphone. The independent variable used is 5
Scientist from the University of Utah, which was Mega Pixel camera quality, 8 Mega Pixel camera
released in the journal of Harvard University. The quality, and 16 Mega Pixel camera quality. For
findings in the form of Head Mounted Display lighting conditions, use 4 types of treatment that is
System or other similar visualization equipment dark room without the use of lights and using three
shaped glasses / binoculars mounted on the head types of lights are LED lights 5 watt equivalent
of which is the first implementation of the with 350 Lumens, fluorescent lamp 5 watt
Augmented Reality technology [6]. equivalent with 285 Lumens, and fluorescent lamp
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
8 watt equivalent with 475 Lumens. There are three types of smartphones used in the
test is 5 Mega Pixel camera quality, 8 Mega Pixel
The dependent variable of this study is the ability camera quality, and 16 Mega Pixel camera quality.
of augmented reality prototype application in Three smartphones were tested in the same room
reading the image marker and display the 3D in order to produce the same lighting conditions.
objects. The method used in the testing is the Consists of the lighting conditions is the dark with
Blackbox Testing Method. This type of testing that no lighting, using 5 watt LED lamp equivalent
is used consists of 3 types of testing that the object with 350 Lumens, 5 watt fluorescent lamp
retrieval range test, the test angle of the object, and equivalent with 285 Lumens, and 8 watt
object lighting test. fluorescent lamp equivalent with 475 Lumens.

In the implementation process, the programming Angle is divided into three parts, namely 'high'
language used is C # language and Unity. The angle in the range of 00 to 300 of the vertical line,
three-dimensional shape of the object visualization 'medium' angle in the range of 300 to 600, and a
created using 3D design facilities owned by Unity. 'low' angle in the range of 600 to 900 of the
For the manufacture of image markers, using vertical line. There are four distance conditions, at
CorelDraw X4 applications using scientific logo a distance of 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm from
planet each object as the contents of the image the image marker to the camera.
marker. Image markers made using black and
white in order to contrast the difference in the form Based on observations, it is known that there are
of images to facilitate the reading process. some conditions in which the 3D objects displayed
successfully and unsuccessfully displayed.
In the process of data analysis or testing, Overall, smartphone with the quality of the camera
application technology implementation 16 Mega Pixel marker can recognize and display
Augmented reality tested using blackbox using 3D objects are best among the three smartphones
this type of testing functional and non-functional were tested with success percentage of 70.45%.
which were tested was limited to whether the Further to smartphone with a quality camera of 8
application is functioning properly or does not Mega Pixel has a success rate of 68.37%. For
match the requirements visually without observing smartphone with a 5 Mega Pixel camera quality
the performance of each program code , The has a success rate of 62.50%. The following
variables in this test is taking distance, angle, Figure 2 is a graphic comparison of the percentage
lighting conditions, type of device / smartphone of success is based on the type of smartphone
and quality of the camera on the smartphone. cameras with maximum control indicator is 100%.
While this type of testing to be done is making
distance test, angle test, test lighting conditions. Figure 2. Success Percentage Chart by
Smartphone Cameras
Based on the lighting conditions, making using
Research Result fluorescent light / lamp 8 watt has the highest
The products produced in this study is a prototype success rate in the display of 3D objects by
application that used on Android-based 91.67%. 5 watt LED lamp has a success rate of
smartphones with Augmented Reality technology 88.89%. And 5 watt fluorescent lamp has a
to implement along with a reading book as an success rate of 87.88%. To capture without the use
image marker that will be read by the application. of lights, all experiments are failed to read the
Applications can recognize 11 types of image images marker and display 3D objects so that the
markers that has been created and produced 11 percentage of success to 0%. The following Figure
types of three-dimensional objects to be displayed. 3 is a graphic comparison of the percentage of
success is based on lighting conditions with
Analysis maximum control indicator is 100%.
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
of 68.94%. Here figure 6 that is a comparison chart
Figure 3. Success Percentage Chart Based on picture percentage of success is based on angle
Lighting Conditions with maximum control indicator is 100%.

As if it was observed by a sample image marker, Figure 6. Success Percentage Chart Based on
an image marker number eighth that displays the Angle
objects Jupiter most easily recognizable and
displaying 3D objects with a success percentage of Based on the chart the percentage of each test, the
75.00%. Out second most easily recognizable and unsuccessful application in displaying 3D objects
displays the object is the first image marker that due to two factors. First, the lack of a functioning
displays object of galaxies have success facility of auto focus on the smartphone cameras is
percentage of 73.61%. For the most difficult to used especially when shooting with the angle of
recognize that the fifth image marker that displays the 'low' on the vertical line by making a far
the objects moon with the smallest percentage of distance is 20 cm. Second, the cause of the failure
success among the sample of images marker that is of the application reads the image marker is also
equal to 62.50%. The following figure 4 is a due to the location of the three-dimensional object
graphic comparison of the percentage of success is is generated by the image marker is in a position
based on the type of image marker with maximum above 5 cm perpendicular from the image marker.
control indicator is 100%. Except for the objects 'Galaxy', 'Sun', 'Jupiter' and
'Uranus' which has a large size of the object so that
Figure 4. Success Percentage Chart by Type of the distance of 5 cm is still a fraction of the image
Marker of the three-dimensional object. That conditions is
descripted as the following figure 7 and 8.
If observed by the distance from image marker to
camera, at a distance of 15 cm from the image is Figure 7. Graphic Description About The 3D
most easily to recognize and display the 3D Object Generating Error
objects with a success percentage of 74.49%. As
for the distance of 5 cm from the image is the most Figure 8. Graphic Description About The 3D
difficult to recognize and display the 3D objects Object Small Fragment
with a success percentage of 54.04%. At a distance
of 10 cm from the marker have success percentage The factor of cameras resolution and smartphones
of 71.21%. And for a distance of 20 cm from the type is too less visible effect on the performance of
marker have success percentage of 68.69%. The the prototype in recognizing the image marker and
following Figure 5 is a graphic comparison of the display three-dimensional object. For lighting, the
percentage of success is based on the distance with appearance of a shadow on the image marker may
maximum control indicator is 100%. hinder the recognition process by the camera
because there are differences in the color contrast
Figure 5. Success Percentage Chart Based on between the shaded area and are not shaded.
Based on the angle, the angle of the 'medium' with
a range of 300 to 600 of the most easily recognized Conclusions
the image marker and display the 3D object with a The conclusions based on the results of research
success percentage of 72.35%. While the angle of that has been done as follows: The prototype of
the 'high' of the vertical line with the range of 00 to Augmented Reality technology as visualization of
300 of the most difficult to recognize and display children reading media on the smartphone device
the 3D object with a success percentage of with a camera quality is 5 Mega Pixel are able to
60.04%. For the angle of the 'low' of the vertical display 3D objects with an overall success rate of
line with a range of 600 to 900 has a success rate 62.50%. As for the smartphone device with a
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
quality of camera is 8 Mega Pixel are able to [3] Kustandi, Cecep dkk. 2011. Media Pembela-
display 3D objects with an overall success rate of jaran. Ghalia Indonesia : 7.
68.37%. And on smartphones with 16 Mega Pixel
camera quality are able to display 3D objects with [4] Kustandi, Cecep dkk. 2011. Media Pembela-
an overall success rate of 70.45%. jaran. Ghalia Indonesia : 29.

The performance of the prototype Augmented [5] Domhan, Tobias. 2010. Thesis Augmented
Reality technology based on smartphones in reality on Android Smartphones. Duale
visualizing the children reading media can be Hochschule Baden - Württemberg (Baden -
optimally at a distance of 15 cm retrieval with Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University) -
success percentage of 74.49%, with the angle of Department of Information Technology : 8.
the 'medium' in the range of 300-600 with a
success percentage of 72.35% , and lighting [6] Wikipedia - Wikimedia Foundation. 2015.
conditions using 8 watt fluorescent lamp which is
equivalent to 475 lumen with a success percentage History Accessed at April 29, 2015.
of 91.67%.
[7] Pasaréti, Otília. 2011. Journal Augment-ed
REFERENCES reality in Education. Eötvös Loránd University
Faculty of Informatics : 1 - 15.
[1] Tim Pusat Bahasa Depdiknas. 2008. Kamus
Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Depdiknas : 1002. [8] Rosa A. S, M. Shalahuddin. 2014. Rekayasa
Perangkat Lunak. Informatika : 31 - 33
[2] Kustandi, Cecep dkk. 2011. Media Pembela-
jaran. Ghalia Indonesia : 7.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
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Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015

Metty Muhariati 1, Nurlaila2 and Mahdiyah3

Program Studi Tata Boga, Ilmu Kesejahteraan Keluarga, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Negeri Jakarta


This research aims to develop learning media video clip for making bread for the fostering family welfare (PKK) cadre.
Outcomes of this study is to produce instructional media-based Video Clip for the development of learning materials that
will be used to make bread by member of PKK. This design study conducted at two places, namely Education
Technology Program and Cateringn Program, Family Welfare Science , State University of Jakarta. Common objectives
based instructional media design Video Clips about making bread is PKK cadres in east Jakarta and general public.
Media video clip in this study, gradually revised after consultation to the media expert and also the expert material. Data
is collected in order to provide reference for the revision of the format of the material gradually. The revised is then used
for trial phase 2, namely small group evaluation. The data obtained were used as a reference for the revision prepared
for the second fiscal year of this study. In the second year, the prototype will then be tested in large group. Results of the
evaluation were considered to meet the standards of the future media Video Clip of bread making use through education
and learning mechanism by members of PKK cadres. Design made well, efficient, effective and innovative so that it can
be easily understood and can be applied as a final destination guide to learning or knowledge in making the sweet
breads of various content and form. Based on the results of the assessment of media experts test the overall average
values achieved are good that the point value of 4.14. Based on the calculation, criteria for the percentage obtained
which 82.86% are in very good criteria. Based on the calculation of test by the expert results overall average values
achieved are good that the point value of 4.46. By looking at the calculation, criteria for the percentage obtained which
89.14% are in very good criteria.

Keywords : Development Video Clip, Learning Baking, cadre PKK

Ministerial Regulation No. 7 of 2007 concerning

Community Empowerment Cadre, stated that
empowerment is a strategy used in the
I. INTRODUCTION construction of society in an effort to realize the
capabilities and independence in society, nation
The problem of development is a complicated. and state (Article 1, paragraph (8). The core notion
The example of the complexity of management of community empowerment is a strategy to
means necessary planning, implementation, realize the capabilities and self-reliance. The goal
monitoring and evaluation. From the side of the is to enable the community development and the
field to be built also has a very broad aspects of community's independence, especially from
life. The aspects of life are inculde political, poverty and underdevelopment / gap /
economic, social and cultural as well as defense fecklessness. These objectives can be achieved if
and security. Empowerment as a process of learners are able to master science, in order to
developing, memandirikan, menswadayakan, think and act according to the demands of society.
strengthen the bargaining position of the lower So that these objectives can be achieved
layers of society against suppressive forces in all effectively, needs to be developed learning model
areas and sectors of life (Sutoro Eko, 2002). Trade which is oriented towards personal spur efforts
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
learners who have the cultural characteristics of efekif and innovative so as to easily understood
critical thinking, creative, innovative and rational and can be applied as a final destination guide to
reasoning and have a pattern of behavior and learning or knowledge in making the sweet breads
patterns of follow-independent so it can improve of various content and form. The specific purpose
the family economy. Selection of the media of this study is to apply the educational product in
should support the learning activities in order to the form of learning objectives, methods,
increase the motivation of learners in participating evaluation of learning, so that the learning process
activities. Learning media is anything that can be becomes more effective, efficient and in
used to deliver the message, so as to stimulate the accordance with the demands. In the video clip
attention, interest, motivation, thoughts and media development research there are several
feelings of the students, especially the PKK cadres steps being taken by the system development life
to achieve the learning objectives. Community cycle, namely Planning Phase, Analysis Phase,
empowerment through PKK cadres are given Design Phase and Implementation Phase. The
learning about making bread using the medium of evaluation procedure for students include aspects
video clips. Bread is a part of everyday life. The of display quality, quality of presentation of the
development of the Bakery (bread) in the material, comments, suggestions and conclusions.
industrialized world are progressing quite rapidly, Formative Evaluation of Student stages through
to be a skilled and productive need for an increase Evaluation Field / Field Evaluation, is the final
in learning that can solve these problems. Video stage of the formative evaluation. Then sought a
clip is one of the alternative media that can answer similar situation to the actual situation. In the
those needs. By using Video Clip expected that implementation given to members of PKK cadres
learners are able to build an understanding of the are with various characteristics that include
knowledge and skills in the field of Bakery (bread) background, gender, age, learning progress and so
acquired through improving the ability to create on. The instrument is an invaluable tool in research
and innovate the form of self competence. With that aims to gather data systematically. Instrument
regard to the existence of this Competitive Grant, testing video clip media refers to instruments
the authors are interested in doing research making issued by the Central Institute of Technology and
bread Video Clip as an effort to help to get the Communication (PUSTEKKOM) of the Ministry
PKK cadres learning model that can increase the of Education and Culture of the Republic of
effectiveness, efficiency and creativity in learning Indonesia. In the media trying out learning through
Pastry Bakery so that later can improve their video clips making a sweet bread is using the
economy. instrument in the form of a questionnaire with a
rating scale of 1 to 5, which is sequentially value
of 1 is very good value, and the value of 5 is a very
II. RESEARCH METHODS good value. The goal is the grading scale used to
The research was conducted over 6 months, from identify the weaknesses and strengths of products
March to October 2015. Place of research made and can also be a material consideration to
conducted in the laboratory Pastry Bakery revise the media components in the video clip of
,Cathering study program Family Welfare Science, making a sweet bread. The video clips of making a
Faculty of Engineering, State University of sweet bread is expected to be a new tool for the
Jakarta. Application of media carried out on education community.
housewifes in Housing Bulak Tigers Rt: 007 Rw:
013, Village Harapan Jaya, Bekasi, West Java.
This study aims to produce a model of education
in the form of media media Video Clip of making CONDITIONS OF RESEARCH LOCATION
bread through the mechanism of education and Location of making this video clip is in the
learning in members PKK cadres in order to laboratorum pastry bakery Catering courses State
improve the local economy by using the media University of Jakarta, East Jakarta Jalan
Video Clip made with good design, efficient, Rawamangun Front, which is located in the
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
complex of the State University of Jakarta. Have media Video Clip, whereas the PKK cadres, in this
facilities for processing bread, learning, instructor, study can be used over and over again so as to
making it possible to create instructional media facilitate learning and can be applied to other
video clip making a sweet bread. State University communities as learning materials that produce.
of Jakarta is also a multimedia learning center run The description shows that the target application of
by the Faculty of Education Technology, open to media Video Clip bread making is very important
the public who are interested in improving for people, especially the PKK cadres. The results
expertise in the management of information achieved in the development of this media has
technology especially in the field of formal and been in the test phase media experts and expert
non-formal education. material. In the test phase media experts, media
products video clips sweet bread making is
MEDIA EXPERT TRIAL obtained an overall average values achieved are
In the test phase , media products video clips good that the point value of 4.14. By looking at the
making sweet bread tested to Wahidin, S.Pi, MM. calculation, criteria for the percentage obtained
an expert on the development of instructional which 82.86% are in very good criteria. In the test
media based on PT. Copyright Global Integral phase, product video media clips sweet bread
(Exploring Media and Technology) addressed in making is obtained an overall average values
Jalan Cilandak Central 2 No. 3A, Cilandak, achieved are good, that is the point value of 4.46.
Special Capital Region of Jakarta 12430 (021) By looking at the above calculation, criteria for the
70,652,257. There are thirty-five questions. From percentage obtained is 89.14% in the criteria very
the test results of instructional media video clip well.
making a sweet bread.

By looking at the calculation, the results of the REFERENCE

overall average value achieved is good that the [1] Arsyad, Azhar. 2003, Media
point value of 4.46. By looking at the calculation, Pembelajaran. JakartaRaja Grafindo
criteria for the percentage obtained which 89.14% Persada.
are in very good criteria. This shows that the
learning materials video clip in making sweet [2] Asnawir dan Basyirudin Usman. 2002,
bread has a quality that can be said nice views of Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta Ciputat
aspects of the view, program and instructional, so Press.
it can be used by students, teachers, professors or
people who are interested in obtaining a variety of [3] Deni, Arisandi. 2011, Manfaat
learning resources to support the learning process. Penggunaan Video Sebagai Media
IV. CONCLUSION [4] Muhariati Metty, Dra. 2008. Buku Bahan
This study aims to produce a model of education Ajar Roti. Jakarta UI Press.
in the form of media media Video Clip of making
bread through the mechanism of education and [5] Munadi, Yudhi. 2008. Media
learning in PKK cadres in order to improve the Pembelajaran, Sebuah Pendekatan Baru,
local economy by using the media Video Clip Gaung Persada Press, Ciputat.
made with good design, efficient, efekif and
innovative so as to easily understood and can be [6] Tim Penyusun, 1995. Kamus Besar
applied as a final destination guide to learning or Bahasa Indonesia. Balai Pustaka. Jakarta
knowledge in making the sweet breads of various HYPERLINK
content and taste. In addition, the application of the 7/12/27/ayo-produksi-sendiri-video-
results of this study will also provide opportunities 2007/12/27/ayo-
confidence in faculty as facilitators to use the produksi-sendiri-video-, diakses 3Maret
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015

[7] Sunyoto Usman,2004, Pembangunan dan

Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Yogyakarta
Pustaka Pelajar.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Ermi Medias


The research aims to reveal the influence of learning model and learning interest on
student’s physics achievement. The research was conducted at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra
Jakarta. The experiment was conducted using 2x2 factorial designs. The research concludes
that: (1) Physics achievements of students who took part in Quantum Learning are higher
than those who partipated in Expository model; (2) There is interaction between learning
model and learning interest on student’s physics achievement; (3) Physics achievement of
the students having high learning interest and taking part in Expository Learning Model are
higher than those participating in Quantum Learning Model; (4) Physics achievement of the
students having low learning interest and taking part in Quantum Learning Model are
higher than those participating in Expository Learning Model.

Keywords: Physics Achievement, Expository Learning Model, Quantum Learning Model,

Learning Interest.

In education, everything must be planned part of the annual basic science of nature's
and done in accordance with the goal of most fundamental and became the backbone
keeping the results of education it can be for the development of science and
beneficial to the student and became a technology. Development of students '
capital of the basis for the survival of ability in physics is one of the keys to
learners with other communities. To achieve success and improved skills in adapting to
this, each individual will need to undergo a the changes of the era of globalization.
process of education and learning itself. It
was in accordance with the opinion of the The science of physics is actually very
Ward who stresses that education is a interesting to study because it examines the
process of improvement which has the main things that exist around humans, primarily
function in improving the quality of life of related to natural events. However, the
the people (team development of science reality in the field (based on informal
education, 2007:230). interviews to some students and observation
the author in SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra
Vocational education should be able to Jakarta) shows that in the learning process
equip students with finding science concepts of physics students look less enthusiasm,
with mature, so that the problems that will creativity, and low power student being
arise in the future can be anticipated. indifferent. This is because Physics is
Physics is one of the subjects that exist in regarded as the science which cannot be
Adaptive curriculum at Vocational School applied in the technology. In fact, for most
areas of expertise in Technology. Physics is

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
students, physics is a subject that is very
frightening and always wanted to avoid. Based on the results of interviews with the
X-grade physics teacher in SMK Telkom
On the other hand, the Vocational School is Sandhy Putra Jakarta and direct observation,
required to prepare graduates with during the learning process of teachers are
competencies have been defined in order to more likely to convey the matter verbally
be able to compete in the world of with the look of the power point
business/industry or compete at the level of presentation and instantly giving handouts
higher education, in accordance with power point form of the material/concepts
REGULATION No. 29 of 1990 about that are prepared. During learning, the
secondary education that "Vocational students sit listening material and records
secondary education give priority to the was then asked to reveal back material
preparation of students to enter the which has been described after the
workforce and develop a professional completion of the discussion. Based on the
attitude" (Government regulation of the characteristics of the implementation of the
Republic of Indonesia, 1990:1). The study which was carried out at this time, the
competence of graduates of SMK refers to learning model used is a model of
the needs of the workforce that is able to expository learning because in this case,
compete in the information age, teachers have a very dominant role. The
communication, and technology. learning model as it makes the students
viewed as the object that receives the
One of the factors that affect the quality or explanations from the teacher, make
the quality of education is the competence of students become less active, and does not
the students. Meanwhile, the competence of stir up interest in his studies of learning
the students is influenced by a variety of outcomes resulting in less than optimal.
factors, both internal factors (of the
students), such as: intelligence, interests, and The learning model applied in learning in
motivation; as well as external factors (from the classroom will indirectly affect the
the surrounding environment), such as: activity of students. If the liveliness of
teachers, curriculum, facilities, students included in the learning process,
implementation of learning. One of the students will feel itself play a role, so that it
many factors that affect the process and will have the responsibility in the learning.
quality of learning is a factor of the students But conversely, if during the process of
themselves, i.e. the learning interest of learning the most dominate teachers,
students. Therefore, teachers must be able to students will feel indifferent and has no
create a situation that can support the responsibility in the learning.
development of student learning, including The selection of an appropriate
in encourage students to explore its potential learning model can create a cozy atmosphere
so that it can improve the results of the and fun. Quantum learning model is one of
study. the learning models insist freedom, relaxing,
amazing, fun, and exciting. Characteristics
In the learning activities, interest is all the in the model of quantum learning i.e.
driving force in students a learning activity structuring a learning environment that is
that creates continuity of learning activities comfortable and fun as well as using a
and provide direction on learning activities customized musical accompaniment with the
so that the desired goals can be achieved. mood.
Interest in studying the psychic factor is a
non-intellectual. A student who has a high Based on the exposure of the problem
intelligence, could only get a low learning above, then the author will conduct research
outcomes due to lack of interest in learning. under the title "influence Model of learning
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
and Learning Interest against the results of (create): in this stage, the student is required
the Study of Physics". to combine several elements into a unified
whole or create original product. There are
The Results of Learning Physics three kinds of cognitive process that belongs
skill in using formulas, concepts, and in this category, namely, producing,
procedures is very important in the physics planning, and producing (Krathwohl,
calculations. Munn in Harrow defines about 2002:213 – 218).
skill, that of expertise do the task (Harrow, From the above description, it can be
1972:56). Therefore, errors in the use of concluded that the results of the study of
formulas, concepts, and procedures of any physics referred to in this research is the
calculation of course wrong, resulting in level of mastery of the students against the
errors in the determination of the magnitude subject matter of physics was studied after
of quantity in physics. The results of the was given a test on the cognitive aspects of
study subjects in Physics is a measure that learning Physics during a certain period of
indicates how far the physics learning time based on the plan of implementation of
objectives have been achieved by the the learning that has been set.
learners through experiential learning that
has been acquired by looking at actual The Learning Model
capability level measured. The actual Learning can be defined as a planning or a
capabilities within the cognitive domain pattern that is used as a guide in planning
include: (1) remember (remember): the learning in the classroom or learning.
remembering is the process of retrieving Function model of learning is as guidelines
relevant knowledge of long-term memory. for designers of learning and teachers in
Included in activities bearing in mind, implementing the learning (Trianto,
namely to recognize (recognizing) and call 2010:15). Strengthen the sense of Sagala
back/remember (recalling). (2) understand Syaiful by explaining that the learning
(understand): in this stage, the students model is a conceptual framework that
demanded to determine the meaning of the contains systematic procedures and
message learning, whether oral, written, or organizing the learning experience of
graphic communications. That is included in students to achieve specific learning
this activity is to interpret, exemplify, objectives are functioning as a guideline for
classifying, summarizing, comparing, and teachers in learning (Sagala, 2010:176).
concludes, explains. (3) apply (apply): in
this stage, the student is required to carry out As for Soekamto in the posited meaning of
or to use the procedure in a given situation. Trianto said, learning model is a conceptual
The activities included in the stage to apply framework that describes a systematic
(apply) is running (executing) and procedures in organizing the learning
implement (implementing). (4) Analyze experience to achieve specific learning
(analyze): in this stage, the student is objectives, and serves as a guide for learning
required to break down the material into designers and teachers in planning activities
sections constituting and detect how the of learning. (Trianto, 2009:22). Added by
parts relate to each other and form an overall Kardi and Noor that the term learning model
structure. Included in activities analyzing is has a wider meaning than the strategies,
the differentiating, organizing, and linking. methods or procedures (Kardi, 2000:9).
(5) Evaluate (evaluate): in stage of Arends said, "The Term teaching model
evaluating, students create a consideration or refers to a particular approach to instruction
assessment based on criteria and standards that includes its goals, syntax, environment,
that exist. There are two kinds of cognitive and management system" (Arends, 1997:7).
processes that are included in this category, That means that the term model of learning
i.e. checking and critiquing. (6) Create leads to a certain learning approach
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
including its purpose, is, its environment, according to a model of learning, Nieveen is
and systems management. said to be good if it meets the following
criteria: (1) Valid (invalid). Validity of the
From the opinion of some experts in the aspects associated with two things, namely:
above model of learning can be defined as (a) whether the model developed is based on
the description of a learning environment a strong theoretical rationale; and (b)
that shows a pattern on a learning process whether there is internal consistency. (2)
and result in certain environments that cause Practical. The aspects practicality can be
students to interact so that the change met only if: (a) experts and practitioners
occurred especially on the behaviour of menyatkan that what is developed can be
students. The learning model in it contained applied; and (b) reality shows that what is
learning strategies, i.e., a pattern of learning developed can be applied. (3) effective.
activity used to achieve learning objectives. With regard to the effectiveness of this,
Therefore, the learning model is very helpful provide the following parameters Nieveen:
in determining the teacher thing has to be (a) expert and practitioner based mirrors the
done in the class in order to achieve learning experience stated that the effective model;
objectives. and (b) the models operationally provide the
results as expected (Nieveen, 1999:127).
The learning model has four special
characteristics which are not owned by the Quantum Learning Model
strategy, methods or procedures. These traits The term quantum or in bahasa
are: (a) the theoretical logical Rational Indonesia are written with "quantum" has
composed by the creators or development; the meaning as part of the energy can not be
(b) the Foundation of thought about what separated again. The term quantum was first
and how students learn (learning objectives introduced by Max Planck, a German
to be accomplished); (c) the behavior of physicist, Germany at the end of the 19th
learning that is needed to that model can be century in the quantum theory of light to
implemented successfully; and (d) the explain the blackbody radiation (Wirjawan,
necessary learning environment so that 2001:1). At the time he found a valid
learning objectives that can be achieved Physics formulas can cope with ultraviolet
(Trianto, 2009:22). catastrophe. Since then, the term quantum is
widely used in various aspects of life, one of
In addition to the above characteristics, which is used in the field of education and
according to Joyce and Weil in Dills and learning (Siregar and Nara, 2010:81).
Romiszowski, learning model has four main
elements, namely (1) syntax, i.e. operational In the world of education, the term quantum
measures learning, (2) social system, namely is often referred to as Quantum Learning.
atmosphere and norms/rules that apply in Quantum Learning stem from an effort
learning, (3) principles of reaction, i.e. Lazonov, Bulgarian Citizen, an educator
depiction of how teachers perceive, treats, who is experimenting with so-called
and respond to students, (4) support system, Suggestology or Suggestopedia. The
i.e. any means, materials, tools, or learning principle is that the suggestion could and
environment that supports learning , such as definitely influence the results of the
the arrangement of the classroom or learning situation, and every detail of events
curriculum material that can help learning of any kind can provide positive or negative
success (Drills and Romiszowski, suggestion (DePorter and Hernacki,
1997:522). 2007:14).

In addition to the specific characteristics and According Bobbi DePorter, Quantum

the main elements on a model of learning, Learning is part of the way of learning, but
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
it covers the important aspects of Neuro through interviews or oral explanation
Linguistic Programming (NLP). Neuro is a directly against the students. (2) the method
brain, neural linguistic is a way of speaking of questioning: is a way of presenting
(verbal or non verbal), which can affect the learning materials in the form of questions
system of thoughts, feelings, and behavior. that require answers to reach a goal. The
NLP program is unique, IE do mental questions can arise from teachers, can also
building to get rid of old habits and beliefs from learners, so the answers can emerge
that result in failure, pessimism, less from teacher or learners (Mulyasa, 2007:114
confident, and replace it with a new program – 115).
that can optimize all brain function and
trigger a positive thinking pattern (Faisal As for learning the steps in expository are:
and Zulfanah, 2008:95 – 96). Quantum (1) preparation (preparation): in this learning
Learning combines suggestion, acceleration preparation is an important step, successful
learning, and techniques of NLP with implementation depends on preparation.
theories, beliefs and methods of its own Some of the things done in the preparatory
(DePorter and Hernacki, 2007:16). steps which are: (a) Give positive
autosuggestion auto suggestion and avoid
Expository Learning Model negative (b) start with a goal to be achieved
The word Expository comes from the word posited (c) open the files in the brains of
Exposition which means giving blurb students, subject matter can be captured and
(exposure) which aims to explain the intent stored in memory while the corresponding
and purpose. In the process of learning files are already available. (2) Presentation
Expository, meaning a teacher giving (presentation): in presenting the teacher
explanation to learners about the facts, data, must strive so that the subject matter can be
or information that is important. Learning easily captured and understood by students.
Expository learning activity is centered on
the teacher, so that collectively, the learning Therefore, there are a few things to note in
directly (direct instruction) or deductive this implementation. Some of the things
learning. The main goal in learning done in the presentation include: (a) use of
Expository is "move" the knowledge, skills, language, the language used should
and values from the teacher to the students preferably be communicative and easy to
(and Dimyati Mudjiono, 2006:172). understand as well as teachers should pay
attention to the development of the students.
Expository learning model based on the (b) voice Intonation, sound settings
theory of information processing on outline correspond to the message. (c) Maintaining
explaining the process of learning: 1) the eye contact with students, eye contact is
learner receives information about principle very important to make the students pay
or proposition explained by example, 2) attention to the lesson. (3) Connect
occur in self understanding learners on the (correlation): Measures the correlation step
principle or the evidence given, 3) learners is linking the subject matter with the
draw conclusions based on its particular experience of students or with other things
formation, 4) action on the self learner, that allows students to capture the
which is the principle of processing dependencies within the structure of the
results/evidence in the actual situation knowledge that has been owned. (4)
(Miarso 2004:530 – 531). Concludes (generalization): concluding
stages to understand is the essence of the
Methods used in learning models Expository subject matter that has been presented.
are: (1) the method of lecture: Is the most Results can be summed up in several ways,
common method used in the study. In this including the following: (a) reiterate the core
method, the teacher presents the material material that becomes the subject matter (b)
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
give some questions that are relevant to the something outside himself, can give rise to a
material (c) Mapping by mapping linkages sense of interest, so the existence of a
between material points. (5) the application favorable reception. Close the relationships
(application): the application step is a step or not will affect the small great interest.
performance capabilities of the students In relation to learning, interests
after they listen to the teacher. The according to the subject which is the
application can be done in several ways, propensity of Wikel settled to feel interested
namely: (a) grant the relevant material. (b) in the field of study or a particular subject
give the corresponding tests with material matter and had the pleasure of studying the
that has been presented (Sanjaya, 2008:184 subject matter (Winkel, 1999:212). If
– 191). students feel happy to learn something then
Whether or not a successful model of it will be able to easily understand what has
learning is influenced by effective or he learned, so can get a fun learning
whether the model that is used to achieve a achievements.
goal that has been set. There is no model of
learning which is considered better than the Wikel opinion also reinforced by Slameto
others. There are a number of principles who says that an interest can be expressed
must be observed in the Expository learning, through a statement which indicates that the
namely (a) Goal-oriented learning model: student prefer a thing than anything else, it
before it is implemented, teachers formulate can also be manifested through participation
learning objectives are clear and in an activity. Protege who has interest in a
measurable; (b) the principle of particular subject tend to pay greater
communication. The teacher serves as a attention towards the subject (Slameto,
message source and students serve as 2010:180). Therefore, the interest that has
message recipients; (c) the principle of been realized against learning areas likely
Preparedness. The teacher places students in will keep the mind so that students can
an attitude of good physical or psychic to master a lesson, in turn achievements earned
receive lessons; (d) the principle of will add an interest that can continue
sustainability. The teacher can convey throughout life (Crow and Crow, 1989:249).
material that can bring the students in a
situation of imbalance, thereby encouraging Interest is an interest to give attention to
students to search for and find or add insight something the object is accompanied by a
through the process of independent study desire to find out more. The object can be
(Sanjaya, 2008:182 – 183). Basically the known and studied through a process of
Expository learning is same with the study or through experience. This process is
learning that occurs with learning to accept. a psychic symptoms closely related to one's
consciousness to the needs, thus leading to a
Interest In Learning desire to fulfill them. The magnitude of the
Simple interest (interest) means the interest and awareness of the magnitude of
inclination and high excitement or desire the benefits and the perceived usefulness,
toward something (Shah, 2011:152). will affect the quality of the activities
Furthermore, the interest is defined as the undertaken.
sense of taste and prefer an interest in a A person is said to have an interest in
thing or activity, without anyone telling learning if the power arises interest formed
(Slameto, 2010:180). Interest is essentially by affective and cognitive aspects in the
acceptance will be a relationship yourself form of attitude demonstrated by: (1) the
with something outside themselves. The existence of individual awareness, (2)
stronger the relationship, or close to greater feeling love or pleasure, (3) have a
interest in (Djaali, 2007:121). The existence significance for him, (4) an interest that
of the relationship of a person with arises from within, (5) actively participate
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
towards what is of interest, and (6) give Jakarta class X, then elected into the
greater attention regardless of the other (the population in this research is the affordable
focus). grade X. The number of students who are in
II. RESEARCH class X is as much as 320 students.
The research method used was experimental To determine the sample in this study done
method that uses the pattern of influence by random from four existing majors in
between the free variables against the class X, which consists of: (1) Transmission
variable. Therefore, there will be one class Engineering (2) Switching Technique (3)
became the experimental class or class access network Techniques (4) computer
treatment that uses Quantum Learning as a and network. Having retrieved the course
model of learning in the classroom, and one that will be examined, then the sample will
of the control classes or class comparison, be grouped in two classes, namely class
i.e. the classes that use a model of learning control and experimental classes. The
Expository. The variable attribute is the control class is a group of students in
interest-free study divided students into high learning in the classroom using learning
learning interest and low learning interest in model Expository. Experimental class were
students of SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra a group of students in learning in the
Jakarta class X. classroom using the Quantum Learning
model. To determine the experimental class
The design of this research uses ANAVA and grade control is also done by random.
Treatment by 2 x 2 matrix, with the Level as
shown in table 1. Whereas to determine the groups of students
with an interest in learning high and students
Table 1 Research Design Matrix with low learning interest, performed by
calculating a score that students get on when
Interest Use The Learning Model (A) measured using a questionnaire study
In interest of the students. The data have been
Quantum Expository obtained a score of students through the
Learning Learning filling of the questionnaire will be sorted
Model (A1) Model (A2) from greatest to least. As many as 27% of
High the Group's top (score of students of the
A1B1 A2B1 most great) categorized as students with an
interest in learning, and as many as 27% of
A1B2 A2B2 group bottom (score students from the least)
categorized as students with low learning
interest. If the class of the control and the
experimental classes each consisting of 40
A1B1 = Implementation Model of Quantum Learni
students, then that will be used as a sample
A1B2 = Application Model of Quantum Learning i
in the research for each class is 40 x 27% =
A2B1 = Application Expository Learning Model on
10.8 or rounded into 11 people for students
A2B2 = Application Expository Learning
with an interest in learning, and 11 persons
Model on students with low
for students with low learning interest. So
learning interest.
the total sample in this research is 44
Populations and Samples
The population in this study are all the
The Design Of Treatment
students of SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra
Jakarta. However, since in this study will
Prior to treatment learning, first reviewed
examine the results of learning Physics in
the factors in common of all experimental
students of SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
groups i.e. similarity in the factors that (post-test) to find out the capabilities of late
influence the implementation of learning students. The overall results of the study
activities. Thus researchers are convinced data collected and then processed based on
that the experimental groups have the same descriptive statistics and statistics Inferential
characteristics (factors include learning in order to test the hypothesis that there is.
objectives, the same teachers, curriculum, Test data results are statistically analyzed
classroom conditions, implementation time student learning Inferential, whereas the data
of study) except in the treatment of learning. results of the questionnaires the students
analyzed statistically descriptive.
In addition to determining the above
treatment procedures, other things that need III. THE RESULTS OF THE
to be prepared in this stage is: (a) create a RESEARCH AND THE
questionnaire to determine the sample group
of students with an interest in learning high
The data used for the variables studied
and low learning interest. Starting from the
physics results obtained from test results
preparation of operational definition,
studied physics which are filled by students
preparation of the lattice, to validate the
from the class of controls (using the
grains statement; (b) drawing up planning
Learning Model Expository) and
implementation of learning (RPP)
experimental classes (using the Quantum
corresponding to model Quantum Learning;
Learning Model). Results of the instruments
(c) Make the test results of the study to find
studied physics consists of 20 multiple
out students ' ability when before, at the time
choice questions that have tested the validity
of execution, and after learning. Making
and the reliability.
learning outcomes tests done from the start
to design lattice up to test the validity and
Data results obtained then studied physics
reliability of grains of matter.
are grouped in accordance with the names of
students who become sample in the
The steps that will be performed during the
research. In each class, either a class or a
process of research is: (a) provide a
class experiment control, there are two
questionnaire to be filled by the learning
groups of samples based on their learning
interest of students to specified groups of
interests, i.e., a total of 11 students learning
students with an interest in learning high and
interest group lower and 11 students on
low learning interest; (b) divide the two
study interest groups is high, so that a
classes, which consist of class treatment and
sample of students in this study amounted to
control classes. In each class, there are
22 students in classroom experimentation
groups of students with an interest in
and 22 students in the class of the control.
learning high and low learning interest. On a
Overall, the results of the data studied
class of treatment (Class X Tel 1), applied to
physics can be seen in table 2.
the use of the learning model of Quantum
Learning, whereas in the control class (Class
Table 2 average results of Learning Physics
X Tel 2), applied learning models use
Expository; (c) Students are given tests
Learning Model
before learning (pre-test) for knowing the
Learni Quantu Number
initial capabilities of students; (d) the
ng m Expositor of Row
teacher carry out learning in accordance
with RPP have been made in each class and Interest Learning y (A2)
grade control experiments. (A1)
After the treatment was implemented, the (B1)
teacher gave the test the results of the study
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅ Criti
No Group Coun
n tics Results
Low . s t
(B2) ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ ̅̅̅̅̅ (Ltable
Numbe Normal
2 0.118 0.167
r of 1 A1 Distribut
̅̅̅̅̅ 2 3 6
Colom ̅̅̅̅̅ ̅̅̅ ion
2 0.167 0.167
2 A2 Distribut
2 1 6
Description: ion
n = Number of Sample Normal
2 0.160 0.167
̅ = Average Value 3 B1
2 7 6
Testing Data Analysis Requirements Normal
2 0.145 0.167
Inferential or inductive statistics requires the 4 B2 Distribut
2 0 6
existence of distribution model to estimate ion
the population parameters. Therefore, before Normal
1 0.215 0.249
making a hypothesis testing needs to be 5 A1B1 Distribut
1 5 0
done testing of normal distribution model ion
that is used to determine the data that each Normal
1 0.208 0.249
variable analyzed research that will form a 6 A1B2 Distribut
1 9 0
normal distribution. Test process ion
requirements analysis in this research is a Normal
1 0.186 0.249
requirement that must be met in order for the 7 A2B1 Distribut
1 2 0
use of the variant analysis including ion
statistical group parametric can be applied Normal
1 0.226 0.249
for the purposes of testing the hypothesis. 8 A2B2 Distribut
1 6 0
Test For Normality
Requirements testing normality is done Test for Homogeneity
using the technique of Liliefors test against Its homogeneity test was used to test a
the data retrieved. Ho stated that testing sample of the research comes from a
criteria score Gaussian, if L-counts is population that is homogeneous or not. Its
smaller or equal to the value of the L-table, homogeneity test made against: (a)
in other things, Ho is not acceptable. As for treatment of the two groups (A1 and A2)
the testing requirements of normality on the using the formula test Fisher; (b) two groups
acquired data can be seen in table 3 with the of attributes (B1 and B2) using the formula
test criteria as follows: the Fisher test; and (c) four groups of
H0 = normal distributed sample, if Lcount  experimental design (A1B1, A1B2, A2B1,
Ltable A2B2 and) use test Bartlett.
H1 = abnormal distributed sample, jika Lcount As for the testing requirements of its
> Ltable homogeneity on the acquired data can be
seen in table 4 with the test criteria as
Table 3 Summary of test result of normality follows:
H0 = homogeny population sample
H1 = non-homogeny population sample

Table 4 Summary of test results of its

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
homogeneity Varianc d
e Source b
Stati Between 1 96. 96.02 4.72 4.08
No cs
Groups stic Results Learning 02
. Valu
Test Interest
Homogen Between 1 16 164.2 8.07 4.08
F Learning 4.2 0
A1 and count Ftable y
1 = Model 0
A2 = 2.8 populatio
2.36 Interacti 1 105 1050. 51.6 4.08
n sample
Homogen on 0.57 57 5
Fcount Inside 4 81 20.34
B1 and Ftable y
2 = Group 0 3.6
B2 = 2.8 populatio
2.26 4
n sample
A1B1, Homogen Total 212
A1B2,  2
y Reductio 4.43
 table
2 3
3 A2B1, = populatio n
and 0.96 n sample
A2B2 From the results of the calculations in table
4, it can be concluded that: (1) rejected the
zero hypothesis (H0) stating that the average
Hypothesis Testing score of the Group of students that are
Test the hypotheses used to process data interested in learning a high average score is
research results in the form of numbers, so equal to the Group of students that are
that it can produce a logical conclusion. interested in learning because Fh = + 4.72 >
Hypothesis testing is carried out using two Ft (0.05) = 4.08. With turned H0, means
lines of variance analysis techniques (anava there is a difference of the results significant
two ways) on the 0.10 level of significance studied physics between groups of students
- that are interested in studying high with
test. groups of students who have an interest in
learning. (2) Reject the zero hypothesis (H0)
Anava two lines stating that the average score of the group
use of ANAVA two line aims to look at the lesson that students use a Model of Quantum
two main influences and one influence Learning is equal to the average score of the
interactions. His main influence was the Group of students using a Learning Model
difference in the use of learning models Expository because Fh = 8.07 > Ft (0.05) =
against outcomes studied physics learning 4.08. With turned H0, means there is a
interest and influence against the results of difference of the results between significant
the study of physics. Influence of the studied physics Quantum Learning Model
interaction between the influence of the use with models of learning Expository. (3)
of the learning model with an interest in Reject the zero hypothesis (H0) stating that
learning against the results of the study of there is no interaction between the learning
physics. Statistical analysis of ANAVA two model with an interest in student learning,
lines in this research was conducted with the because Fh = 51.65 > Ft (0.05) = 4.08. With
help of a computer, the Microsoft Excel turned H0, means there is an interaction
program is summarized in table 4. between the learning model with an interest
in student learning against the results of the
Table 4 Summary of results of Anava two study of physics. This interaction is shown
lines in Figure 1.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Tukey Test
The results of hypothesis testing research
stated that there is an interaction between
the learning model with an interest in
learning, then the analysis followed by
Tukey test. Based on the results of the
analysis of the variance two, knowable
existence influences the interaction model of
learning and learning interest of students
toward outcome studied physics. Then
conducted further analysis using the Tukey
test, to find out which group was higher
significantly. Tukey test results summarized
in table 5.

Tabel 5 Summary Results of Tukey Test

Average Sta
Figure 1 interaction between learning with Aver tisti
student learning interest age c
Val Res
No Com Tes
Xi Xj ue ults
parat t
Figure 1 shows clearly that there is an (Qt
interaction between the model of learning ion (Qc
with the learning interest of students. This is
indicated by the intersection of a straight A1 – 81. 77. 4.0 3.9 Den
line between the use of the learning model A2 82 95 2 4 ied
(Quantum Learning and Expository) and a A1B
straight line interest learning students (high 1 – 75. 81. 4.3 4.2 Den
and low). A2B 45 36 5 6 ied
T-test 2 – 88. 74. 10. 4.2 Den
The results of hypothesis testing studies A2B 18 55 03 6 ied
States that there is a difference of the results 2
between significant studied physics using
Model of Quantum Learning with Learning Based on the above calculations, then the
Models Expository. Therefore, continued hypothesis that answered was:
with the analysis of the test t, with a (1) results of the first Hypothesis
hypothesis of statistics as follows: studied physics at students during the
H0 : µA1 = µA2 learning in the classroom using the
H1 : µA1 > µA2 Model of Quantum Learning on
students is higher than that for
Based on the results of test calculations learning in the classroom using
which show that t = t-count > t-table 1.88 Learning Model Expository. The
(0.05; 43) = 1.68 then H0 is rejected. With a average value of the outcomes
mean, mean H0 turned the Group of students studied physics students who follow
that use Quantum Learning Model higher learning by using Quantum Learning
than groups of students that use a Model of Model was 88.97 raw Byway with
learning Expository. 8.10; While groups of students that
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
use a Model of learning Expository between the learning model with an
average value of raw Byway with interest in student learning against the
77.95 5.27. Test results two lines results of the study of physics.
anava refused H ¬ 0 which States (3) a third Hypothesis: the results of a study
that the average score of the Group of physics learning interest in students is
of students who learn by using the high among students for learning using
Model of Quantum Learning (A1) is Learning Expository Model higher than
equal to the average score of the on a student during the learning using
Group of students who learn by models of Quantum Learning. The
using the Model of learning average value of the results of the study
Expository (A2) because Fh > Ft of physics learning interest of students of
(0.05). With turned H0 then it can be higher learning by using following
inferred that there is a difference in Model Quantum Learning is its junction
the results of studying the Group of with 75.46 raw + 5.22; While groups of
students who learn to use the Model students with an interest in high-learning
of Quantum Learning (A1) and the Learning Model with the following
results of a study group of students Expository the average value was 81.36
who learn to use the Learning Model with raw Byway 3.93. The results of the
Expository (A2). Test results t and test of anava reject H ¬ 0 which States
Tukey test reject H0 stating that the that the average score of the Group of
average score of the Group of students with an interest in high-learning
students who learn by using the learning by using the Model of Quantum
Model of Quantum Learning (A1) is Learning (A1B1) is equal to the average
equal to the average score of the score of the Group of students with an
Group of students who learn by interest in learning of higher learning by
using the Model of learning using Learning Models Expository
Expository (A2) because t-count = t- (A2B1) because Fh > Ft. With turned H0
table > 1.88 (0.05; 43) = 1.68 and Qh then it can be inferred that there is a
= 4.02 > Qt = 3.94. With turned H0, difference the average results of study
H1 then received, stating that the groups of students with an interest in
average score of the Group of high-learning using Models and
students who learn by using the Quantum Learning Group of students
Model of Quantum Learning (A1) is with an interest in high-learning using
higher than the average score of the Learning Model Expository. The results
Group of students who learn by of a test of Tukey reject H0 stating that
using the Model of learning the average score of the Group of
Expository (A2). students with an interest in high-learning
learning by using Quantum Learning
(2) the second Hypothesis: there is the Model the same as the average score of
influence of the interaction model of the Group of students with an interest in
learning and learning interest against the learning of higher learning by using
results of the study of physics. Anava Learning Expository Model due to Qh =
test results two lines rejected the zero 1 Qt > = 4.26. With turned H0, H1 then
hypothesis (H0) stating that there is no received, stating that the average score
influence of the interaction between the of the Group of students with an interest
learning model with an interest in in high-learning learning by using
student learning because Fh = 51.65 > Ft Learning Model Expository is higher
(0.05) = 4.08. With turned H0, then the than the average score of the Group of
alternative hypothesis (H1), so that it can students with an interest in learning of
be said that there is an interaction higher learning using models of
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Quantum Learning.
(4) the fourth Hypothesis: the results studied IV. RESULTS
physics at students with low learning
interest among students for learning Quantum Learning model used in this study
using models of Quantum Learning on aims to improve the learning results of
students is higher than that for learning physics. The results showed that use of
using Learning Model Expository. The Quantum Learning Model provides a more
average value of the outcomes studied optimal outcomes for students who have an
physics students with low learning interest in learning. Quantum Learning
interest for learning using models of model is less than optimal when applied to
Quantum Learning was 88.18 with raw students with an interest in learning. This is
Byway 4.62; While groups of students because the characteristics of a Model of
with low learning interest of learning Quantum Learning demands a lot of
with models that follow the Learning preparation in the beginning of the study,
Expository the average value was 74.55 such as working in groups, writing down the
raw Byway with 4.16. The results of the words of motivation, making notes with the
test of anava reject H ¬ 0 which States layout and less colorful according to the
that the average score of the Group of characteristics of individuals with an interest
students with low learning interest in in learning.
learning by using the Model of Quantum The results showed that for students
Learning (A1B2) is equal to the average with an interest in learning high then
score of the Group of students with low learning that gives optimum result is
learning interest in learning by using Expository Learning Models, but as a whole
Learning Models Expository (A2B2) it is evident that the results studied physics
because Fh > ft. With H0 turned it then it student group that uses Quantum Learning
can be inferred that there is a difference Model higher than groups of students that
in the results of study groups of students use Model Expository.
with low learning interest in learning by
using the Model of Quantum Learning Learning from the results of research and
(A1B2) and average score groups of data processing has been done, then there
students with low learning interest in are some research findings that can be
learning by using Learning Models summed up , among other things: (1) it is
Expository (A2B2). The results of a test evident that the results studied physics to a
of Tukey reject H0 stating that the group of students during the learning in the
average score of the Group of students classroom using the Quantum Learning
with low learning interest in learning by Model is higher than in the Group of
using the Model of Quantum Learning students during the learning in the classroom
(A1B2) is equal to the average score of using Learning Models Expository; (2) it is
the Group of students with low learning evident that there is an influence of the
interest in learning by using Learning interaction model of learning and learning
Models Expository (A2B2) due to Qh > interest against the results of learning
Qt. With turned H0. then H1 is accepted, Physics; (3) it is evident that the application
stating that the average score of the of the Model of learning Expository learning
Group of students with low learning outcomes of higher Physics for Students
interest in learning by using the Model which has an interest in learning high; (4) it
of Quantum Learning (A1B2) is equal to is evident that the application of the Model
the average score of the group is higher of Quantum Learning outcomes learning
than the low learning interest in learning Physics is higher for the Students Group
by using Learning Models Expository which has a low learning interest.
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
For the teachers at the school, can apply [13] Nieveen. Design Approaches and
learning models that can be adapted to the Tools in Education and Training.
characteristics and objectives of lessons Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
which will be achieved. Do not cover the
Publisher, 1999.
possibility of learning Expository learning
model and Quantum Learning experimented [14] Peraturan Pemerintah Republik
on level of education and different subjects. Indonesia No. 29 tahun 1990 tentang
Pendidikan Menengah, Pasal 1.
REFERENCES [15] Sagala, Syaiful. Konsep dan Makna
[1] Arends, Richards I. Classroom Pembelajaran. Bandung: Alfabeta,
Instructional Management. New York: 2010.
The McGraw- Hill Company, 1997. [16] Sanjaya, Wina. Strategi Pembelajaran
[2] Crow, Lester D. & Alice Crow. Berorientasi Standar Proses
Educational Psychology terjemahan Pendidikan. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada
Abd. Rahman Abror,. Yogyakarta: Nur Media, 2008.
Cahaya, 1989. [17] Siregar, Eveline dan Hartini Nara.
[3] DePorter, Bobbi dan Mike Hernacki. Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran.
Quantum Learning: Membiasakan Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia, 2010.
Belajar Nyaman dan Menyenangkan [18] Slameto. Belajar dan Faktor-faktor
terjemahan Alwiyah Abdurrahman. yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta:
Bandung: Kaifa, 2007. Rineka Cipta, 2010.
[4] Dimyati dan Mudjiono. Belajar dan [19] Syah, Muhibbin. Psikologi Pendidikan
Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, dengan Pendekatan Baru. Bandung:
2006. Rosda karya, 2011.
[5] Djaali. Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: [20] Tim Pengembang Ilmu Pendidikan FIP
Bumi Aksara, 2007. – UPI. Ilmu & Aplikasi Pendidikan
[6] Drills, Charles R. and Alexander J. Bagian 1: Ilmu Pendidikan Teoretis.
Romiszowski. Instructional Bandung: Imtima, 2007.
Development Paradigms. New Jersey: [21] Trianto. Model-Model Pembelajaran
Educational Technology Publications, Inovatif Berorientasi Konstruktivstik.
Inc., 1997. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka, 2009.
[7] Faisal, Amir dan Zulfanah. Menyiapkan [22] Trianto. Mendesain Model
Anak Jadi Juara. Jakarta: Elex Media Pembelajaran Inovatif-Progresif.
Komputindo, 2008. Jakarta: Kencana, 2010.
[8] Harrow, Anita J.. A Taxonomy of the [23] Winkel, W.S.. Psikologi Pengajaran.
Psychomotor Domain. New York: Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Widiasarana
Longman Inc., 1972. Indonesia, 1999.
[9] Kardi, Soeparman dan Mohamad Nur. [24] Wirjawan, Djoko. “Teknologi
Pengajaran Langsung. Surabaya: Kuantum dan Komputer Masa
University Press, 2000. Depan,” Harian Kompas 27 Mei 2001.
[10] Krathwohl, David R, “A Revision of
Bloom’s Taxonomy: An Overview” .cgi?cetakartikel&1227938582
Theory into Practice, Volume 41. (diakses 1 Juni 2013).
Number 4. Autumn 2002. Ohio: Ohio
State University.
[11] Miarso, Yusufhadi. Menyemai Benih
Teknologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Prenada
Media, 2004.
[12] Mulyasa, E. Menjadi Guru Profesional.
Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007.
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Ari Istiany
Cullinary Art Major-Faculty of Engineering-Universitas Negeri Jakarta
H building H 2nd floor, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur


According to WHO, Indonesia is in ranks 4th of people with diabetes mellitus in the world. The
reason is the wrong diet method. Thereby to prevent the occurrence of diabetes at an early stage, then
the pre-elderly, especially in urban areas, should be given an education about diabetes mellitus.
Therefore, this study was conducted with the objective to develop a video media about pre-diabetes
among the elderly. The research samples are 27 pre-elderly (45-55 yo) to assess the media as well as
one of the experts on diabetes mellitus issue. Data collection techniques are, preparation, assessment,
media development, assessment by media expert, survey, focus group discussion, and media revision.
The entire qualitative and quantitative data that had been collected will be analyzed descriptively in a
frequency distribution table, the average value, minimum value, maximum value, and standard
deviation. The result of the study, such as average value based on the result of expert assessment of
the overall material is good that is achieved with an average value 3.93, average value of individual
test result 3.2, limited trial with 3.4, and field trial with 4.4.

Keyword: Media, pre-elderly, diabetes mellitus

I. INTRODUCTION 159.1 ± 69.6 mg / dl. Pre-elderly and elderly

that indicated diabetes respectively of 33.3%
According to WHO, Indonesia is in ranks 4th of and 17.5%. A wrong diet method is the reason.
people with diabetes mellitus in the world. In Usually wrong diet method is done by urban,
2000, there are 8.4 million people in Indonesia not rural. Because, urban can enjoy a variety
who get diabetes. However, in 2006 in foods. This problem should be anticipate as
Indonesia rise sharply to 14 million, which only early as possible, so that number of sufferers
50% were aware of them have it and only 30% are not rising everytime. One prevention effort
who came for treatment regularly. It is estimate can be done through education.
in 2030 the number of people with diabetes
mellitus will rising until 21.3 million. The Nutrition education program is a strategy under
number of diabetics in Indonesia is very heavy directorate of community nutrition ministry of
to handle by a specialist, even by all existing health to prevent the problem of health and
health workers. Diabetes will have an impact on nutrition. This strategy based on the evaluation,
the quality of human resources and increasing such as food substitution, food fortification and
health care cost, then all parties, either public or supplementary feeding.
private should participate in a diabetes
prevention effort. The disease is not only
suffered by the elderly, but also among the pre- II. OBJECTION
elderly. As shown by the research results
Istiany in 2009 and 2012, the average blood
sugar levels of pre-elderly and elderly who live The objective is to develop a wide range visual
in Jakarta respectively 171.9 ± 87.7 mg / dl and
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
media about pre-diabetes among elderly. Central Institute of Technology and
Communication (PUSTEKKOM) and the
III. BENEFIT Faculty of Education, State University of
Jakarta (UNJ) that are commonly used in the
Education about diabetes mellitus is a must to development of learning products.
give to the society, especially for the pre- E. Analiysis data
elderly as prevention of diabetes mellitus. The research samples are 27 pre-elderly (45-55
yo) to assess the media as well as one of the
experts on diabetes mellitus issue. Data
IV. METHODS collection techniques are, preparation,
assessment, media development, assessment by
A. Place and Time media expert, survey, focus group discussion,
The research conducted in South Jakarta, and media revision. The entire qualitative and
because it is based on research by Istiany in quantitative data that had been collected will be
2009 and 2012 it is known that the prevalence analyzed descriptively in a frequency
of diabetes (11.1%) higher than in East Jakarta distribution table, the average value, minimum
(10%), Central (8.2%), and West (7.4%). The value, maximum value, and standard deviation.
research is from June to September 2015
B. Methods
The study was conducted using the method of V. RESULTS
development (model developed by Borg and
Gall) to make a visual video about diabetes Expertise Result
mellitus. Number of questions posed to the expert media
C. Sample and sampling technique as much as 8 closed questions and 2 open
The sample was one expert material about questions in the form of advice and product
diabetes mellitus determined by purposive feasibility. From the results of the assessment
random sampling. And 27 elderly people to by experts of material obtained from the data
assess to pre-visual media. The sample is that can be seen in table 2.
determined by simple random sampling.
D. Data collection techniques By looking at the description above, the
The research is the development of video media calculation of the average value of the overall
about DM In this development carried out results achieved are good that the point value of
several stages of evaluation by the respondents, 3.93. This figure shows that the material
namely: presented in the media has a quality that can be
a. Test experts (Expert Review) involves 1 considered good. From the comments of
expert material about DM experts who recommended the material showed
b. Individual testing (One to one the following results.
Evaluation) involves two people pre- • Impression: material about diabetes is
elderly good and interesting for pre-elderly
c. Limited trial (Small Group Evaluation) • Suggestion:
trial conducted back to 5 pre-elderly Some images need to be added
d. Field trials (Field Test) tests are There is a typo like indulin, should insulin and
performed simultaneously to the 20 pre- others that need to be corrected more
elderly Punctuation number of high glycemic index is
still wrong
Instrument testing three kinds of media on top
using the format evaluation refers to the A. Respondent characteristics
evaluation of audio-visual media issued by the

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Respondents in this study were pre-elderly aged In this phase is limited test, media product is
45-59 years. The results showed the average tested to 5 respondents simultaneously.
age of respondents 53 years old with the Number of questions posed by 5 closed
youngest 45 and the oldest 59 years old. A total questions and one question in the form of notes,
of 18.5% of respondents aged 45-50 years, criticisms, and suggestions. From the test
66.7% aged 51-55 years, and 14.8% of results of this media, information obtained as
respondents aged 56-59 years. Here is the follows:
frequency of data taken from the age of 27
respondents in this study: By looking at the results of the calculation
above, the overall average values achieved are
B.2. education level good, with overall score of 17 with an average
Here are the latest education data frequency value of 3.4. This shows that the media has a
taken from 27 respondents in this study: quality that can be considered good.

B.3. Gender C.3. Field Test

The following is the data frequence At this field test, these media products tested to
sexes taken from 27 respondents in this study: 20 respondents simultaneously. Number of
questions posed by 5 closed questions and one
C. Media Test to Respondent question in the form of notes, criticisms, and
suggestions. From the test results of this media,
C.1. Individual test information obtained as follows:
In the test phase individually, these media
products tested on 2 people pre-elderly. By looking at the results of the calculation
Number of questions posed by 5 closed above, the overall average value achieved is the
questions and one question in the form of notes, overall value of 22 with an average value of
criticisms, and suggestions. From the test 4.4. This shows that the media has a quality
results of this media, information obtained as which can be considered very good.

By looking at the results of the calculation D. Revision

above, the overall average values achieved is At this stage the product will be revised based
good, with the overall value of 16 with an on appraisals by experts of material and test
average value of 3.2. This shows that the media results to the respondents. Things that need to
has a quality that can be considered good. In be improved are:
terms of making the media already meet quality • Some images need to be added
media in general, which is good. From advice information
given by respondents include: • The use of long sentences should be
1. The duration of time that is too fast avoided
2. The use of long sentences should be • There is writing a typo like indulin,
avoided should insulin and others that need to be
3. Need to use words that attract so raises corrected more thoroughly
the curiosity of respondents • Punctuation number of high glycemic
4. There are some phrases (terms) that are index is still wrong, writing <should>
difficult to understand • The duration of time that is too fast
• Need to use words that attract so raises
the curiosity of respondents
C.2. Limited Test • There are some phrases (terms) that are
difficult to understand

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
[3] Barr, S.I., McCarron, D.A., Heaney, R.P.,
E. Product Analysis Dawson-Hughes, B., Berga, S.L., Stern,
J.S. & Oparil, S. 2000. Effects of
E.1. Product Name increased consumption of fluid milk on
This research resulted a product 'Media Video energy and nutrient intake, body weight,
about diabetes mellitus (DM) to improve the and cardiovascular risk factors in healthy
knowledge of pre-elderly "material that is older adults. Journal of The American
presented in the form of VCD is about the Dietetic Association 100:810-817.
definition of DM, the occurrence, how to
detect, symptoms, causes, types, groups at high [4] Bilous, R. 2002. Bimbingan Dokter pada
risk for diabetes mellitus, complications, Diabetes, Jakarta: Dian Rakyat
prevention and treatment, the recommended
foodstuffs, restricted and avoided, glycemic [5] Dictionary of Food Science & Nutrition.
index and diet for people with diabetes. 1998. Kuala Lumpur: Golden Books
E.2. Characteristic
To operate the media there are the system [6] Hadi, H. 2005. Beban Ganda Masalah
requirements that must be met. This program Gizi dan Implikasinya Terhadap
can be deployed and run on a TV set and a Kebijakan Pembangunan Kesehatan
DVD player, can also be used with a computer. Nasional. [7 Juni 2007].
E.3. Advantage
The advantages of these products can save time, [7] Istiany, A., Rusilanti dan Sachriani. 2009.
and can be played repeatedly. Revitalisasi Pos Pembinaan Terpadu
Dalam Peningkatan Kesehatan dan Status
Gizi Lansia Berbasis Pemberdayaan
VI. CONCLUSION Masyarakat. Jakarta: Laporan Hasil
The average value is based on the results of
expert assessment of the overall material [8] Istiany, A. & Rusilanti. 2012. Analisis
achieved is good that the points value of 3.93. Daya Terima terhadap Variasi Menu
This figure shows that the material presented in dengan IG rendah untuk Penderita
the media has a quality that can be considered Diabetes Mellitus. Jakarta: Laporan Hasil
good. Penelitian.

The average value of individual test results of [9] Karim, N.A & Kather, H.M.M. 2003.
3.2 (both categories), limited testing of 3.4 Nutritional Status and Food Habits of
(both categories) and field trials of 4.4 (very Middle-aged Adults in Selected Areas of
good category) Selangor. Mal J Nutr 9(2): 125-136.

REFERENCES [10] Karsin, E.M. 2004. Peranan Pangan dan

Gizi dalam Pembangunan. Di dalam :
Yayuk BF, Cesilia MD, A Khomsan,
[1] Arisman. 2004. Gizi dalam Daur
editor. Pengantar Pangan dan Gizi.
Kehidupan: Buku Ajar Ilmu Gizi. Jakarta:
Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya. Hlm 4-6.

[2] Badawi, H. 2009. Melawan dan Mencegah

Diabetes, Bantul : Araska.

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Mutiara Dahlia 1, Rusilanti2, Sachriani3, Nur Riska T4
1234Cullinary Art Major, Family Welfare Studies, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas
Negeri Jakarta


This study aimed to analyzing the effectiveness of media using in form of DVD and Video in the
design of educational model of the formation of the child's favorite food is nutritionally balanced
against the mother based on community empowerment that can be used by the cadre's and housewives
Rawamangun village. This study uses Quasi Experiment by using two groups: the control group and
the experimental group. The first year has produced media in the form of DVDs and videos containing
material about nutrition related to the nutritional needs of infants, the selection of nutritious food
ingredients and processing methods that a healthy balanced diet and loved by children under five.
Results of analysis of variance of two lines between the columns of F = 15.89 price obtained is
greater than the F table = 4.11 at significance level α = 0.05. This value indicates that the cadre's
learning outcomes with the media in the form of DVD and video better than the media handout.
Results of analysis of variance calculation obtained by the interaction of two lines of F = 5.72 price is
greater than the F table = 4.11 at significance level α = 0.05. This value indicates that there are
significant interactions between instructional media and teaching methods on learning outcomes
cadre's. With these results we can establish a model of nutritional education is media in the form of
DVD and video on the Establishment of the child's favorite for a balanced nutritious diet is applied,
the media and the method can improve learning outcomes in the form of knowledge and skills in
nutrition counseling to mothers, cadres Posyandu and society thus indirectly help the government
program in community development.

Keywords : Model education, formation of preferences, food balanced nutrition, empowerment

I. INTRODUCTION children ( In 2008 also

decreased from the previous year, the
Nutrition is one of the important factors for number of malnourished children reach 4
determining the quality of human resources million children (Department of Health,
(Almatsier, Sunita, 2002). Child is one 2010).
group of malnutrition, which in this age of 1. Children depend on the upbringing
rapid brain growth is still ongoing (Istiany of parents, so that knowledge of the
Ari & Rusilanti, 2013). Lack of knowledge mother role in the nutritional status
of nutrition and health of the parents, of children (Moehji, Sjahmein,
particularly the mother is one of the causes 2003). Parenting of children
of malnutrition in children (As'ad, Suryani, influence the onset of nutritional
2002). According to the data of 2006 in problems (PERSAGI, 2003).
Indonesia, the number of children suffering Attention sufficient and appropriate
from severe malnutrition reaching 4.8 parenting would give a great
million children. In 2007 there was a influence in improving the
decrease, the number of children suffering nutritional status (MOH, 2002).
from severe malnutrition reached 4.1 million Empowerment as a process of
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
developing, memandirikan, resulting mean = 13.70 min = 8 and
menswadayakan, strengthen the max = 16. Post Test: Based on the
bargaining position of the lower SPPS with the Wilcoxon test with a
layers of society against suppressive resulting mean = 13.95 min and max
forces in all areas and sectors of life = 10 = 16. Thus, the average ratio of
(Sutoro Eko, 2002). Regulation No. the value of pre-test and post-test
7 of 2007 concerning Community respondents after a given learning
Empowerment Cadre, stated that media such as DVD and Video
empowerment is a strategy used in answer the question, an increase of
the construction of society in an 0.25 points. Through the results table
effort to realize the capabilities and Wilcoxon signed rank test was
independence in society, nation and obtained a significance level (α)
state (Article 1, paragraph (8)). which is equal to 0.005. It is known
2. The first year has produced that 0.0075 <0.05 indicates that the
interactive media in the form of a level of significance obtained H1
DVD that contains material about will be accepted. That is, of the
nutrition related to the nutritional Wilcoxon test results can be known
needs of infants, the selection of that the results of post test of the
nutritious food ingredients and respondents to grade the
processing methods that a healthy development of interactive media
balanced diet and loved by children (DVD and Video) is greater than the
under five. The validation results pre test them.
obtained are as follows: Assessment 3. As a follow up of the results of the
Test Expert Matter (Subject Matter study in the first then the second year
Expert) for interactive media in the will test the effectiveness of using
form of a DVD with a point value of interaktifdalam DVD and Video on
32. The average value of 4.5 is the Posyandu by dividing into two
criteria very well. Assessment for groups: given the treatment by using
interactive media in the program interaktifdalam DVD and video and
Video with point 30. The value is an a control group that did not use the
average value of 4.28 was the media , but only using a hand-out. It
criterion very well. Test Expert is to see how the effectiveness of the
Media (Media Expert) on media is media used in teaching children to
achieved is good, with the points form a preference for a balanced diet
value of 107. The test results are gives good results.
material to the media Video is good, 4. Further explore whether the mothers
with point values 110. The overall who have children and have to get
average value in the can is 3.67. Test counseling from the cadre's using the
Effectiveness Model of Education media to apply in preparing food for
determine the extent of the toddler according to what he knew,
usefulness of this medium done. Test and seek information on whether
the effectiveness of these media in children under five like the mother's
two ways: Pre Test: Based on the food prepared.
SPPS with the Wilcoxon test with a

II. METHODS Retrieval of data held on 2 IHC. The

Posyandu cadres in having as many as about
This study was conducted in IHC located in 20 people. As well as mothers who have
the Village Rawamangun, East Jakarta. children with a number of 20 people.
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
This study was carried out aimed at Data that has been tested when it comes
analyzing the effectiveness of the use of from a population that is normally
interactive media in the form of DVD and distributed and the fourth group of data
Video in the design of educational model of (samples) that are not interconnected has a
the formation of the child's favorite food is population variance is homogeneous then
nutritionally balanced against the mother qualified to be analyzed by using a technical
based on community empowerment that can analysis of the data through analysis of
be used by the cadre's and housewives variance (ANOVA) two-lane design with
Rawamangun village. treatment 2 x 2. If the results of the analysis
This study uses Quasi Experiment by using of variance showed differences of treatment
two groups: the control group and the group, the difference of the independent
experimental group (Sugiyono, 2010). variable on the dependent variable and there
is interaction between the independent
Research procedure: variables with the dependent variable, then
1. The group is divided into two, the analysis will be followed by Tukey's test
namely the control group and the in order to test the hypothesis further
treatment group. (Arikunto Suharsimi, 2007).
2. Before the extension in the two
groups carried out the pre-test
3. In the control group counseling was III. RESULTS AND
using a hand-out. DISCUSSION
4. In the treatment group counseling is
done by using interactive media in Testing Requirements Analysis Normality
the form of DVDs and video with the Tes Population Distribution
opening and preceded by a brief The calculation results are described in the
explanation of the purpose of following table:
5. Once completed counseling in both Table 1. Results of Normality Test Data
groups were post test. Distribution of Population Research
6. The difference in the results obtained NO Group n Lo Lt Result
were tested using ANOVA test 1 A1 20 0,112 0,190
All data collected is analyzed to know how 2 A2 20 0,078 0,190
the respondents' assessment of the program Normal
that has just been tested. Each aspect is 3 B1 20 0,12 0,190
considered a minimum must obtain a score Normal
of 3 (quite), if less than enough then in that 4 B2 20 0,14 0,190
aspect should be corrected. Normal
5 A1B1 10 0,154 0,258
Data from the measurement of learning Normal
outcomes in the form of knowledge and 6 A1B2 10 0,221 0,258
skills must meet the requirements of data Normal
analysis through the test of normality and 7 A2B1 10 0,14 0,258
homogeneity test. Testing normality of the Normal
data is done by using Liliefors. Data analysis 8 A2B2 10 0,17 0,258
consisted of descriptive analysis and Normal
inferential analysis

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
From the above table shows that the eight
groups were tested with Liliefors smaller Based on the description of the research that
than Lt (Lo <Lt). Thus concluded that all has analyzed the above that the media in the
groups of data in this study come from the form of DVD and video on a balanced
population of normal distribution. nutritious diet for infants have better results
b. Research Hypothesis Testing than the media handout so that media
After the test requirements are met then the interaktifdalam form of DVD and video can
two lines of analysis of variance (ANOVA effectively improve learning outcomes
2x2) can be performed to test the hypothesis cadre's better than using a media handout.
of the study, if there is an interaction then With these results we can establish a model
tested further by using the Tuckey test. of nutritional education is media in the form
Based on the calculation ANOVA two lines of interactive media in the form of DVD and
above can explained that: video on a balanced nutritious diet for
1. There are differences between the infants, the media and the method can
cadre's learning outcomes are using improve learning outcomes in the form of
media in the form of DVD and video knowledge and skills in nutrition counseling
with others use the cadre of media on cadre's so indirectly assist government
handout. The average result of programs in community empowerment
learning cadre's group A1 = 79 is (Sunyoto Usman, 2004).
significantly larger than the average
group A2 = 70; Based on the IV. CONCLUSION
calculation table of F> F table (0.05);
12.47> 4.11, then reject H0 so that For models with media education in the
there is a very significant difference form of DVD and video will be tested
in the learning media A1 (media in effectiveness to mothers who have children
the form of DVD and video) and A2 in the village Rawamangun as a source of
(media handout) research data untu analyze how effective the
2. There were no significant differences education model. Expected after this study
in learning outcomes between the housewives may have knowledge in
cadre's drill method (B1) with STAD choosing a varied menu for children. So that
method (B2). The average cadre's the education model of the formation of the
learning outcomes from group B1 = child's favorite food is nutritionally balanced
75.5 is not much different from on community-based mother received the
group B2 = 76; as a result of F <F Community and to improve the knowledge
table (0.05); 0.54 <4.11 then Fh <Ft and skills of research defined as urgency.
then there is no significant difference
in the learning method B1 (drill Through research and testing, it can be
method) and B2 (method STAD). concluded as follows in general the media in
3. The third hypothesis: Calculation the form of DVD and Video on nutritionally
results of analysis of variance two balanced meals to children better than the
lanes Fhitung price obtained media handout in improving learning
interaction = 5.34 is greater than the outcomes cadre's. That is, the learning
F table = 4.11 at significance level α outcomes in nutrition counseling cadre's
= 0.05. This value indicates that about nutritious food for children under five
there are significant interactions increased by more effectively using the
between instructional media and media on DVD and Video. In addition there
teaching methods on learning is an interaction effect between instructional
outcomes cadre's. media and teaching methods. That is,

Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
posyandu cadres must determine
instructional media and teaching methods [12] Sutoro Eko, 2002. Pemberdayaan
are appropriate and precise in nutrition Masyarakat Desa, Materi Diklat
counseling to increase knowledge and skills. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa,
yang diselenggarakan Badan Diklat
Provinsi Kaltim,
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Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Dewi Sartika Building, 2nd floor UNJ
Jakarta, October 27th 2015

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