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Teaching and Learning Activity

Module: Workflow Management 3 (HWFM300-1)

Week number (Date): 4 (02 September 2021)
Unit covered: Unit 3

To enrich your learning experience at Boston even further, and to ensure that you are exposed to a
variety of resources in this module, announcements will be posted every week containing additional
materials or activities for you to work through.

It is important to note that these activities are neither compulsory nor weighted, but that it will be to your
advantage to participate. The purpose of the activities is to help you better understand the content of
your weekly unit/s of study, and it will assist in creating insight and deeper meaning.

Activity 4 is based on Unit 3 of the prescribed courseware for this module.

The suggested solutions for this Activity will be posted at 5pm today.

1. You have called a meeting to discuss the software metrics for planning the
development of the application. Summarize notes for the Junior Developers, why
there is a need to determine software Product, Project and Process Metrics.

Provide five possible metrics for both Analysis Information based inputs and
Analysis Information based outputs, which they can use.

1 HWFM300-1-Jan-June2021-T&L-CMu-W4-09032021

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