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The basic ethos of our society is what an essential part of the infrastructure sphere of life and activity of each
one political philosopher has called of our national society. Without it, human being is bound up with the na-
possessive or acquisitive individual- the work and life of this society will tion-state in which that person lives
ism, the desire to acquire and possess soon prove unproductive and event- and functions. Scientific institutions,
wealth, power, public celebrity and ually lose its vitality. We Americans scientists, engineers, teachers as peo-
other individual goods held in general have been extraordinarily careless and ple, the tools of science, and especially
esteem. I f scientists were accused of disregardful of this infrastructure i n the social institutions and purposes
sharing this ethos, it would hardly recent decades. We cannot afford to within which scientific technology is
seem worthy of anyone’s even casual remain so much longer. applied -all are rooted in individual
attention. Yet scientists have been so Why speak of science and the nations (or in a few cases in Western
“accused,”and what makes the charge future? Why not science Europe, to regional coalitions of na-
noteworthy is that it is almost the op- and the future of mankind? After all, tions). One can emigrate from a na-
posite of the truth. as a body of knowledge, of theory and tion-state with greater or less difficul-
Academic scientists as a group, in- of technique, science is thoroughly in- ty; one cannot emigrate from the sys-
deed academics generally, rarely covet ternational. Scientific t r u t h . i f it is tem of nation-states.
wealth w i t h any great seriousness. valid, must be so by its nature, with- When one speaks of the develop-
would be hard to see w h y they had out respect to national boundaries, or ment of science and of its interaction
chosen such careers if they did. Aside to the races, creeds or national origins with technology, especially in the do-
from special classes of economists and of its discoverers. N o nation can hope mains of economic production or of
political scientists they rarely covet to monopolize scientific discovery or military power, one is speaking of na-
power, political or otherwise. Even if techIiiyue in any scientific area for tional policies, strengths, capacities,
their life goals are achieved to the full- very long, whether by intent or merely resources and goals. International sci-
est their celebrity rarely extends be- by accident. Moreover, through a entific institutions are feeble and have
yond their professional peers. I f they powerful and deeply-rooted tradition scanty resources, where they exist at
demand funds from the federal gov- that goes back to the very earliest days all. And even political entities like the
ern me tit (and ma y a re surprising y of modern science in the sixteenth and major states of the American Union
passive i n doing so), it is almost al- seventeenth centuries (and can be or the largest national or niultination-
ways funds needed to do their scienti- traced back even to the ancient world) al corporations have neither the stable
fic work, or, at very most, to have scientists have treated each other as power nor the resources to play a
students or collaborators to do this colleagues, without distinction of na- dominant, independent, autonomous
work with them. Of course, they have tional origin or allegiance. Even the role for very long in the rapidly ex-
to believe that this work is worth do- brief deviations from this principle, as panding and increasingly intense com-
ing and that it is important to find out in Western Europe in World War petition involved in the development
the basic laws of nature or to discover testify to the strength of this principle of science, technology and scientific
scientific truths. Perhaps society can through the abhorrence they tend to and technical education.
forgive them this vanity. produce i n the scientific witness to I f one pays more than superficial
There are of course issues of social their existence. Thus as knowledge attention to discussions of public poli-
value involved on a deeper level than and as discovery, science is trans- cy in countries like France, West Ger-
those reflected in accusations of ac- national in its roots in a way that many and Great Britain, one becomes
quisitiveness. Scientific research, like our culture, our political and so- intensely conscious of this fact.
the structure of our educational insti- cial traditions, and especially our Translations of corresponding discus-
tutions and the framework of techno- historical traditions are not. sions and wide-sweeping programs
logical innovation-with both of Yet, a primary fact is that we live in from Japan are also centrally featured
which it has been so closely linked - is a world of nation-states and that the in the European press. Many of us re-


cognize the centrality of scientific and whether the United States has the the rate of change-even the accelera-
technical development and training as privilege of ignoring what these other tion of a trend-is often much more
a policy concern in mainland China countries regard as the central focus important. Take a simple and very ob-
and in the advancing countries of the for their future development. Are we vious example from economic data:
so-called Third World. so far in the lead in science and tech- The present population of Japan is
The central theme of these discus- nology, as some seem to think, that about half of that of the United
sions-is that the national survival, not we can afford to neglect serious consi- States; its gross national product is
to speak of national prosperity, for deration of national policy in scienti- about 40-odd percent of ours.
any of these nations depends on high fic and technical development? Can The comparison is mildly favorable
-or scientific - technology. The in- we ignore the grave national crisis in to the United States, and not drasti-
dispensable prerequisite is a scientific scientific and technical education at cally alarming. If you pay attention to
and technical infrastructure which can the precollegiate level? Can we contin- trends, however, what is alarming is
bring about the scientific and techni- ue not to take seriously the strong that over the 1970s and continuing to-
cal advances to sustain the momen- thrust of the Soviet system in mass sci- day, the average yearly rate of in-
tum of development of this technolo- entific and technical education as a crease of .production in Japan has
gy major component in their national se- been about 5 percent higher than in
Compared with statements on these curity policy? the United States year by year, in
themes emanating from policy groups Certainly there are some superficial good times and bad. Do a little arith-
in Western Europe and the Orient reasons to justify complacency. The metic and ask where we will be ten or
with the most diverse ideological orig- United States still has the largest gross twenty years from now if these trends
ins, the curious relative silence on the national product, though seven ,or ‘continue. One surefire way to main-
U.S. scene is striking. Over the past eight countries surpass us in this area tain complacency - and the argument
few years there have been occasional per inhabitant. The United States still has been seriously presented - is to ar-
statements of alarm in the business leads the world in scientific prestige gue that trends don’t exist and that the
sections of newspapers because the and productivity as it has since World experience of the last decade is mis-
Japanese, after subjecting U.S. auto- War 11 in most major fields of science, leading. S o m e h o w , p r o d u c t i o n
mobile manufacturers and steel-mak- though no longer all. U.S. scientists growth in Japan will disappear next
ers to a ruinous competition through still win most of the Nobel Prizes in year, and by a miracle of willpower
their technical superiority, have now the physical and biological sciences as and pious thought, our own produc-
dared to take over the world market in they have done for the last two de- tion will grow gigantically. Very nice,
certain categories of large integrated cades; still dominates the world but not very believable. The Japanese
circuits. They have even challenged market for mainframe computers; the are very hard at work, through their
in computers. Yet the difficulties United States has the only rocket shut- development policy in high technolo-
this competition might present to our tle. This is enough, say the compla- gy industries and scientific-technical
future as a world economic force.seem cent. Why. should we want more? development, to make sure that the
to have had, until very recently, no The answer to that question raises trend continues or even increases.
major impact on any broad sector of another, and question for Our national inability to think ser-
national policy-making in terms of fo- meaningful policy analysis, going far iously about the future seems to have
cused public interest in national policy beyond the present discussion. To some curious roots. Let me offer one
or science and technology. After all, analyze the effects of any given policy illustration. A couple of years ago
couldn’t our competition with the (or th.e lack of one), you don’t just ask there was a column in the Internation-
Japanese be resolved by some old- what the results will be tomorrow al Herald Tribune by a former sub-
fashioned measure like the renewal of morning, or the beginning of next cabinet-level official about this very
a tariff war, or perhaps through na- week, or the end of next month, or problem of economic competition
tional incantation? even the beginning of next year. The with the Japanese. The writer com-
Americans have been extraordinar- real question is what this policy-or mented that many observers had cred-
ily complacent over the last few years. its consequences either through con- ited the Japanese with a very rational
We ought to have looked carefully at tinuation or reversal- is going to approach to their economic develop-
the logic and facts behind these West- bring about five, ten, or even twenty ment but he did not agree. For exam-
ern European and Japanese discus- years from now..The current state is a ple, these analysts gave credit to MITI,
sions and policies and asked ourselves relatively small part of the analysis; the Japanese national planning agen-

November 1982 Bulletin of the AtomicScientists 27

Felix Browder is Max Mason distinguished service professor
of mathematics and chairman of the mathematics department
at the University of Chicago (60637). This article is
adapted from the author’s Woodward Court lecture delivered
at the University on February 7. 1982.

cy for economic and technical devel- major problem, would be the disinteg- ty. I t is a thrust we can reject only by
opment, for having made the decision ration of U.S. society from within rejecting the possibility of national
more than a decade earlier that the fu- through social or economic convul- survival and prosperity in the foresee-
ture of the Japanese automobile in- sions. Drastic discontinuities like able future.
dustry lay in the intensive develop- these cannot be meaningfully pre- Science is not a problem. It is al-
ment of computerized subsystems and dicted. And in certain domains, like most certainly our most important na-
robotized production. And this pre- the course of the economy from year tional resource in the coming histori-
diction is in fact coming true. How- to year, apparently no predictions cal period. is a resource that needs
ever, said our insightful columnist, that have any degree of consensus or to be maintained, possibly even im-
the agency decision was not rational sureness can be reached. proved, but certainly guarded against
because it was not based upon the The scientific and technological do- deterioration. The core of the U.S.
state of the automobile market at that main is one of the few arenas of scientific enterprise is our system of
It is a strange view of rationality human action in which large-scale research universities. They are the en-
that divorces it completely from ob- phenomena can be forecast with some vy of the world, and they must be pre-
jective consequences. What seems to degree of real security. What is techni- served at the highest possible qualita-
matter to our U.S. pundit is how the cally a n d scientifically feasible tive level. This is not a matter of the
process fits into a formal analysis bas- (though certainly not its detailed form self-interest of the universities which,
ed only upon the immediate situation. nor the precise time-scale for its if they were foolish, might be content
The Japanese had carefully analyzed achievement) can be roughly guessed to survive comfortably at a much
the future, and this commentator with a reasonable degree of confi- lower level of achievement and intel-
chastised them for not ignoring it. dence. Many of the problem areas are lectual contribution than they make
It takes intensive training and in- apparent without expert knowledge: today. I f the possibility of finding real
doctrination to think in such a specta- Energy resources: Whatever the solutions to our whole complex of sci-
cularly misguided way - the sort of time table for the depletion of avail- entific-technological problems is to be
social phenomenon that, more than able fossil fuels and their synthesiz- realized, the survival of strong re-
50 years ago, Thorstein Veblen gave able variants as well as of processable search universities as the world’s lead-
the general label “trained incapacity.” uranium, the only possible stable ing centers of scientific activity must
One suspects a thorough cost-benefit source of large-scale energy in the become a central principle of national
brain washing. Yet it probably cannot long run is nuclear fusion-if and policy. This whole complex of institu-
be rigorously established that it is when the latter can be put to effective tions and resources is a national sys-
cost-effective for any given human be- operation. tem. It was built up since the end of
ing to keep on breathing. The more Implementation of the computer World War by an intelligently or-
sensible among us will therefore tend revolution in U.S. industrial produc- ganized system of federal incentives
to ignore this learned advice. tion and in the organization of U.S. and support for initiatives by individ-
society. ual scientists, groups of scientists, and
Suppose that we accept the chal- Effective use of bio-engineering scientific and academic institutions.
lenge to be future-oriented, at least in techniques in industry and medicine Despite its detractors, it represents
trying to diagnose the central prob- and particularly in agricultural food one of the major areas of federally
lems the United .States faces in the production. sponsored activity run almost solely
next 20 or 30 years and the general Reorganization of industry on a on the basis of critical assessment of
steps necessary to meet these prob- more technologically innovative quality of achievement rather than
lems. Can we d o so with any degree of basis. private interest or political or ideolo-
sureness? Probably yes, though this Reconstruction of the bases of gical criteria. I t was built over a rela-
affirmative answer has a significant our primary and secondary education tively short period of time, and is one
qualification: barring catastrophes. to produce a scientifically and techno- of the glories of our society. It has
The most menacing potential catas- logically competent population. great momentum today, but could
trophe is the possibility of nuclear These are heterogeneous problems. easily be torn down or allowed to
war, whose outcome would certainly The first three involve scientific chal- dwindle into mediocrity.
be the reduction of all civilization to lenges; the latter two, drastic changes
absurdity and chaos. A less absolutely in institutions. All five are focused on In the short run, its broadest prob-
menacing catastrophe, which would the scientific-technological thrust of lem is that of recruitment of new tal-
prevent the positive solution of any the future development of U.S. socie- ent. Because U.S. graduate schools of


science are the wonder of the world it Recruitment of engineers and tech- tions that a federal agency to mobilize
is not surprising that they attract for- nicians is one of the prime difficulties U.S. efforts in scientific-technological
eign students of great talent and moti- to be faced by U.S. high technology development should be established,
vation. But one ought to be surprised industries. Another is the lack of any but the Reagan Administration’s pre-
to find that close to half their students focused national effort comparable to judice against a federal role in the
in many fields of science come from the massive efforts of the Japa.nese economy makes it unlikely that such
abroad. The situation is even more ap- planning agency. The scale and imag- initiatives will soon be carried for-
parent in the engineering field, and is ination that go into the Japanese pro- ward. Yet, in today’s world, our prin-
sometimes represented by federal jects are difficult to envisage unless cipal competitors are organizing their
spokesmen as a threat to national se- you have heard the details of such resources on a national basis and, in
curity. The reasons for the dwindling audacious projects as the Japanese the case of Japan, have succeeded in
numbers of U.S. graduate students in Fifth Generation of Computers, de- wiping the United States out of the
both science and engineering have signed to begin shortly and run over lead in major high technology indus-
common elements as well as sharp dif- the next decade. tries and markets. It is therefore sui-
ferences. The most important com- Comparing the details of this pub- cidal to allow the U.S. response to be
mon element is the rapidly deteriorat- lished plan with the fragmentary and guided by ideological considerations
ing situation in the past few years with short-range effort in the United which make no practical sense in the
respect to the mathematics and sci- States, one begins to think we are liv- world environment where we must
ence education of the mass of students ing in the horse-and-buggy age. Even compete.
in the primary and secondary schools IBM, freed of anti-trust worries, may Similarly, there is a massive contra-
nationwide. This has clearly generated not be able to compete, in the long diction between the widely recognized
an increasing percentage of students run, on an equal level with the re- inadequacy of current U.S. pre-col-
entering college without the back- sources mobilized by MITI from the legiate education for producing a sci-
ground and motivation to go into sci- Japanese economy. There is a hint entifically and technologically literate
ence or technology. that the IBM people are not sure they population, and the Administration’s
In the engineering field, difficulties can either. There have been sugges- clear lack of interest in any kind of
in recruiting for graduate work federal role in science education. Pro-
among U.S. students who have com- fessor Izaak Wirszup, my colleague at
pleted engineering undergraduate the University of Chicago, has spent
programs is a consequence of the tre- much time and energy in publicizing
mendous market for such graduates the contrast between science and
on the bachelor’s degree level, particu- mathematics education in the United
larly in computer-related fields, as States and the enormous efforts made
well as the relatively weak economic in these fields in the Soviet school sys-
, incentives for doctoral study. In sci- tem since the educational reform of
ence and mathematics, the basic fac- 1966. These efforts were first directed
tor is undoubtedly the much higher at the need for trained military and
valuation placed on personal af- industrial personnel in the- Soviet
fluence as an individual goal by recent Union, a nation which remains our
college generations and the accurate major potential military adversary. .,

perception that academic and scien- Wirszup’s analysis was confirmed

tific careers are not a reasonable path by a similar comparison of trends in
to such affluence. Whatever the pre-collegiate education in Japan and
causes, the figures are in and the trend West Germany, published in a Na-
is drastically unfavorable. Including tional Science Foundation Report to
both domestic and foreign graduate the President in August 1980. Reac-
students, the numbers of PhDs likely tion to these facts, however, has been
to be produced a couple of years from both confused and confusing. The
now in either physics or the mathe-
matical sciences (excluding computer
PI confusion resulted from empty talk to
the effect that, by recognizing the ex-
science) .will be less than in the 1950s istence of the problem, we would
before Sputnik. a of commit ourselves to emulating many
November 1982 The Bulletin of the Scientists 29

of the undesirable features of the So- serves public attention and praise. U.S. productivity; another, the im-
viet system of education. How empty The zeal of the Office of Manage- portance of technically educated and
this talk is can be seen i f one asks ment and Budget to cut science educa- literate personnel in industry and the
whether recognizing an even less fav- tion out of the federal structure is military; a third, the importance of
orable comparison with Japan would probably not a simple consequence of improving pre-collegiate mat hematics
force us to adopt Japanese customs or the budget-cutting mood, nor even of and science education; a fourth, the
styles. Perhaps the National Science the passion for states rights and local- importance of stable, well-organized,
Foundation Report merely went to the ism invoked in the “New Federalism” adequate funding for scientific re-
wrong President. The present Admin- progam. more likely and more im- search; a fifth, the importance of
istration has chosen to abolish science portant explanation lies in the connec- maintaining the research universities
education as a concern of the Founda- tion of science education with the as a major national resource.
tion; and after the Department of ideology of one of the major political The crucial point is that these prob-
Education made some feeble efforts clan:; gathered under the banner of the lems cannot be attacked singly be-
of its own to consider the problem, present Administration- the Moral cause they are inseparably linked. We
that whole Department was disman- aj ori t y . must achieve national realization that
tled. For several decades, the fundamen- we live in a world dominated by sci-
To transform and improve the mas- talist religious movement now gather- ence and science-based technology
sive and unwieldy system of U.S. pri- ed under this name has been carrying and must organize our policies around
mary and secondary education in- on guerrilla warfare with the school that central fact. essential step in
volves difficulties that beggar the im- systems of the nation, and with the the formulation of such policies is an
agination. My own acquaintance with National Science Foundation in parti- explicit recognition that our problenis
the details of the problem came during cular, over their desire to have biology in this domain are national and there-
a recent period of service on Nation- and cosmology taught from the test of fore can be tackled adequately only at
al Research Council Committee which the Bible, or simple paraphrases the national level by leadership from
was asked to survey and make recom- thereof. Since it is illegal under the the federal government. How such
mendations on national policy for sci- U.S. Constitution to teach religious leadership can be exercised to achieve
ence, mathematics and engineering doctrine in the public schools, the significant positive results within our
education. The Committee report movement has taken the name of “sci- political and economic system de-
reached the National Science Founda- entific creationism.” As an Arkansas mands careful study and analysis. The
tion just at the time the Office of judge recently ruled, there is nothing growing chorus of voices demanding
Management and Budget first sig- scientific in taking the date of the such analysis and policies gives hope
naled its interest in abolishing the creation of the Earth and all living that before too long the issue will ac-
Science Education section of the species as 4003 B.C. or 6000 B.C. or tually be met.
Foundation. The Report asked for a 20,000 B.C. on the authority of Alfred North Whitehead was one of
National Council on Science, Mathe- Genesis, Bishop Ussher, or his the most penetrating of this century’s
matics, arid Engineering Education somewhat less learned epigones of re- thinkers. Some of his words, written
similar to the President’s Council of cent times. (One might even comment in 1916, are pertinent to my theme:
Economic Advisers. No such Council that there is something very odd from
seems likely to appear i n the near fu- a religious point of view in labelling “In the conditions of modern life
ture, but it should be held to the honor the Deity a systematic faker in the rule is absolute, the race which
of the National Science Board, the creating the fossil record to make it does not value trained intelligence is
governing council of the Foundation, look. as though the Earth is several doomed. Not all your heroism, not
that in spite of marching orders from billion years old.) all your social charm, not all your
David Stockman and his cohorts to I t appears that responsible people wit, not all your victories on land or
march out of science education, they are beginning to realize the gravity at sea, can move back the finger of
have taken the rebellious initiative of and importance of one or another as- fate. To-day we maintain ourselves.
founding a Commission on Science pect of this whole complex of prob- To-morrow science will have moved
Education under the direct sponsor- lem:;. Thus, i n one morning’s news- forward yet one more step, and there
ship of the National Science Board. papers a writer recently emphasized will be no appeal from the judgment
This is probably only a gesture in pres- the importance of technological in- which will then be pronounced on
ent circumstances. but one that de- novation and its role in the increase of the uneducated .” 0


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