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In the world as a global village, social media is an easy approachable platform to record the

protests for all. There are 46 million users of social media in Pakistan (citation). These social
media users protest, share their views and emotions on social media on different occasions.
Similarly, we can see social media is a kind of bridge to protest for the youth of Pakistan
particularly. Youth has an active participation on social media. It is found that the use of
facebook is linked significantly with protest, sharing feelings and giving verdicts. It is also
observed that protests made on facebook for the issues raised by the news and society rather than
self-researched and observed problems. Which simply means protesting for an issue which might
be unknown to majority of the people.
We can examine that social media relates to protests for the youth as they want to bring change
through social media. In some cases, social media become pivotal for protest behavior as it really
affects the mainstreams of the state. Such as Qasoors Zainab rape and murder case in which the
youth started protesting against the rapist and culprit and as a reaction to that social media protest
the rapist was arrested and punished later. Similarly, youth from different walks of life registered
their protest against the murderers of textile factory manager Priyantha Kumara of Sri Lanka
who was killed brutally by the mob after a news blasphemy was circulated against him.

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