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Working women in Islam

In the initial phase of Islam, Muslim women had freedom and contributed to different walks of

life. The women participated in wars and house chores along the men. The then circumstances

and way of life let them use their abilities in different spheres of life. Meanwhile, women

excelled in the fields such as; music, theology, philosophy, literature, leadership, poetry, war,

Islamic studies and so on and so forth. Initially, Muslim society provided the women of that time

with their due rights to get themselves educated and have the exposure to so many things and

because of that today they are known to many in the history. Therefore, hazrat Ayesha (R), the

wife of prophet Muhammad (PBUH), is known as Umul momineen which means that she taught

Islamic laws, hadith and many things to Sahab e karam (companions of prophet). Similarly,

Zainab (R) used to teach theology who was the daughter of Hazrat Ali (R). Furthermore, Fatima

Binte Abbas and Sikha Syeeda were the two female scholar who regularly had lectures on Islam

inside the mosque (Alam 1984).

Islam is the religion of hardships and working hard, appreciates man to take a every fair step in

his work to earn for his bread. Remembering this view that as indicated by Islamic conjunctions,

man is provider, and he is answerable for all monetary necessities of the family. He is bound to

meet the monetary necessities of subordinates. Man is guardian of the family and lady is

answerable for inside obligations in the house, for example, growth of kids, support of house and

to protect the resources and property of spouse. However, man needs to attempt to procure for

the family, similarly, Islam does not deny a lady to acquire abundance by reasonable means. She

can possess her property and can deal with her business in the event that she has abundant

opportunity to do monetary exercises however not at the expense of family government

assistance. Her essential obligation is to socialize the family plantation where new blossoms
sprout and their aromas the society. Assuming a lady needs to take an interest in monetary

exercises, she should be careful of family necessities and needs.

The idea of females to work in Islam guarantees that this monetary movement doesn't in any

capacity deprive her kids from the affection of a mother. This is because of various cultural jobs

of people, as the result of their unique nature credited by Quran. wrong impressions of this

Islamic thought alongside other social marks of shame wild in Pakistani society confine the

financial improvement of ladies. While these thoughts win, neediness has been on an ascent

particularly in immature nations like Pakistan where it is more bountiful in the country area. On

top of this, low proficiency level and unavailable innovation; ladies in country regions are more

powerless against neediness. This issue can be settled by presenting the idea of cabin industry in

the country spaces of Pakistan on the grounds that provincial ladies are more inclined to

generalizations because of low proficiency rate. Bungalow industry would give a stage to these

ladies at their homes where they can bring in cash while keeping a harmony between their work

and home at moderate expenses. Simultaneously they can utilize their abilities to bring in cash in

the characterized furthest reaches of Islam.

Status of women in Pakistan

Elius (2011) state that women are given very low status in the under-developed countries such as

Pakistan compared to men. This status of inequality starts right from the birth of a girl and later it

gets difficult to vanish such inequality. Meanwhile, not only the misinterpretation of religion is

the cause of this inequality in Pakistan but also the cultures in these underdeveloped countries.

At the other hand the situation in Pakistan is worst because of the wrong definitions associated

with Islam and the narrowmindedness of the masses. In Pakistan, women find it difficult to go

outside frequently and they are also not allowed to take part in the economic activities. Women
are expected to focus on their children and Husband such as in a statement of one of the famous

actresses Sadaf Kanwal in an interview in which she said that “our culture is our husband and we

should know the needs of our husbands, I am the one to serve him and Iron his clothes”. Now

this is a complete mindset of the Pakistani society considering serving husband as the prime duty

rather going out and earning, even such educated women just like Sadaf Kanwal. Women are

also very less educated and that results in a low literacy rate in Pakistan particularly for women.

There is very less exposure given to technology to women and hence ends in less possibilities for

women to excel in technology. The financial status of ladies in Pakistan is additionally risked by

the absence of offices for ladies, an absence of abilities alongside a hazardous climate for ladies

to work, particularly in the rustic spaces of Pakistan .Rural ladies in Pakistan especially face the

approaching danger of disintegrating jobs, expanded relocation, shortage of food and water 18

These reasons together, forestall ladies to go out to work and saddle their abilities to bring in


The financial status of ladies in Pakistan is additionally risked by the absence of offices for

ladies, an absence of abilities alongside a hazardous climate for ladies to work, particularly in the

rustic spaces of Pakistan .Rural ladies in Pakistan especially face the approaching danger of

disintegrating jobs, expanded relocation, shortage of food and water 18 These reasons together,

forestall ladies to go out to work and saddle their abilities to bring in cash (Elius, 2011).

In Pakistan rural population shapes almost 68% of all out Pakistan's population so utilizing

country females would not just assistance them but also, help the economy of Pakistan.

Worldwide financial asset's investigation uncovered that in Pakistan the poor are predominantly

moved in rural regions. As expressed over, the destitution headcount rate in country regions is

27%, more than twofold the size of metropolitan regions. Moreover, 80% of the aggregate
helpless population lives in areas regions. Rural women in Pakistan are dependent upon a more

significant level of separation as a result of the restrictions against working ladies. The mind

edge of rustic individuals is more inflexible when contrasted with urbanized regions on account

of low education among the two guys and females. As a outcome, there are less paid female

works in light of the fact that the capacity of monetarily dynamic females is exceptionally

sabotaged and when they work they are paid less as thought about their male partners. The ladies

in provincial regions are additionally confined in view of numerous youngsters and the weight of

family work. Simultaneously social practices don't particularly urge ladies to work thus bringing

about the absence of female investment in monetary exercises (Al-Qalam, 2013).

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