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Ed (honors) Semester 4th Total Marks: 70

Subject: Teaching of Social Studies Time allowed: 2:30 hours
Part I (Mid Term)
Objective portion

Q:01. Short answers (20)

1. What is teaching?
2. What is the goal of social studies education?
3. Define teaching strategies?
4. What is co-operative learning?
5. Write down three components of teaching?
6. What do you know about graphic organizers?
7. How do you make social studies class interesting?
8. What are the qualities of social science teachers?
9. What do you know about the scope of social studies education?
10. Explain expanding of Horizon pattern of social studies?

Subjective portion
Q:02. What is education? Define purpose of education? (10)

Part II (Final Term)

Q:01. What is history? Define types of history? (20)
Q:02 Explain the nature of social studies education? (20)

Explain the topic of your Assignment in details (15)

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