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Your Local Hospitals’ Wish for the New Year

To the patients, families and communities we are proud to serve,

It’s us, your southwestern Illinois hospitals who are reflecting on the coming New Year and have a wish
that you can help make come true.

We know you’re tired of COVID-19 — trust us, we are, too. You’re tired of being told to get vaccinat-
ed and boosted, wear your mask and avoid crowds. We know you are tired of hearing about the surge.
You’re tired of life being cancelled. You just want to get back to a normal.

We want that, too, but we aren’t there yet. We are here to serve traumas, illnesses, and yes, many
COVID-19 patients, most of whom are unvaccinated. Our teams are strained. Capacity is being pushed
to the limit.

We’re tired, but we’re not going anywhere. We’re here to care for you you, support you and give you
the best of ourselves, whatever may come. But we need your help to start 2022 with a chance to reduce
COVID-19 hospitalizations.

Our wish this New Year is simple — take one more step to protect yourself and those around you. Don’t
look back and think about the “what ifs.” “What if I had stayed home when I was ill?” “What if I had
worn a mask in crowded indoor areas?”

Please get vaccinated and boosted. Please get tested. And please mask when you should.

Alton Memorial Hospital | BJC HealthCare HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital Breese
Anderson Hospital HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital Highland
Gateway Regional Medical Center Memorial Hospitals | BJC HealthCare
HSHS Holy Family Hospital OSF Healthcare Saint Anthony’s Health Center
HSHS St. Elizabeth’s Hospital Touchette Regional Hospital

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