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Name : Isnaini Latifah Wibawawati (202002077)

Shindy Indah Sellawati (202002100)

Class : 3b Keperawatan

Nurse Isna : Good morning ms

Ms Shindy : Good morning nurse

Nurse Isna : Anything can I help ms?

Ms Shindy : Yes nurse. My head feel illness and dizziness. That interferes my activities nurse. I also
feel hot cold

Nurse Isna : Ms I will check your blood pressure in a moment (take tools and take action)

Ms Shindy : Yes nurse

Nurse Isna : (to action) what is your blood pressure usually?

Ms Shindy : Usually my blood pressure is 120/80 nurse

Nurse Isna : (finished doing action) okey ms, this is your blood pressure enough 180/100. This is
seeming to cause your head become ill and dizzy

Ms Shindy : Ohh my blood pressure was higher than usual nurse?

Nurse Isna : Yes ms, next I will check your body temperature

Ms Shindy : Okay nurse

Nurse Isna : Sorry ms you will be a little comfortable (please thermometer in the bracelet)

Ms Shindy : Yes nurse

Nurse Isna : Your body temperature 38,5 degree

Ms Shindy : Is that a normal nurse?

Nurse Isna : No ms, this has already entered a hgh temperature, there are some diseases that can
because like fever wih differnces

Ms Shindy : Then what about my condition nurse?

Nurse Isna : I will give the result of this examination to the doctor, you don’t need to worry you can
do further consultation if you’ve meet the doctor
Ms Shindy : Okay nurse, when will I meet the doctor?

Nurse Shindy : You will be called accotding to you queue number

Ms Shindy : Thank you nurse

Nurse Isna : You’re welcome ms, please wait

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