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Case Study: Men’s Essential Needs

Alexandria Feasby (4176069)

American Military University

Professor Edward Sakiewicz


The proposed offer is well written, as it describes all the ins and outs of what a business

plan requires. Men’s Essential Needs provides major points like the executive summary, the

background of the company, its vision statement, the market analysis and competitive analysis,

its strategy, products and services and how those products and services will be marketed, as well

as operations. The business plan also offers an exit strategy and is accompanied by a few

financial statements. It could use a few revises, but otherwise is rather sturdy in stature. The

business plan has no grammatical errors and is well written, using excellent formatting.

Executive Summary

Men’s Essential Needs is a good business opportunity, as the entrepreneurs behind the

business idea have a solid executive plan. The executive summary of a business plan should

pique the investor’s interest, provide a general overview of the business idea, explain how the

business is going to work, and place emphasis on the main issues. The executive summary

described key elements needed in a business plan: who, what, when, where, how, and why

(Kaplan & Warren, 2013). The who is the customers (mainly metrosexuals), the what is the

product (hair products), the when is the timelines of the first five years, the how is established as

the steps the company will take, and the why is determined as providing quality products and

excellent service (Men’s Essential needs, n.d.). The when and where were a little unclear, as

Men’s Essential Needs never established an open store date or an initial location. This

information is made known in other parts of the business plan.


The marketing section displays different strategies than what the business plan previously

illustrated in the executive summary. The main categories of the products Men’s Essential Needs

is offering has changed in the marketing section. The market segment for the company is too

large, as the farther the company tries to stretch its products and advertisements by directing

them at different sets of customers, the less effective it will be. The figures shown in the

company’s marketing research does not display an effective use of the under 18 years of age

market segment, nor does it appeal to the other extreme end of the market segments, the 55 and

older. The survey results do not show a satisfactory amount of potential customers for Men’s

Essential Needs to be providing targeted advertisements to these two groups. Men’s Essential

Needs should more accurately and closely target the young professionals market segment, as

stated in the executive summary, as this segment will be where any competitive advantage lies.

Competitive Advantage

In the competitive analysis portion of the business plan, Men’s Essential Needs does not

outline a real competitive advantage. The research the company conducted shows 77% of adult

men do not change the brands or types of styling products they use. Once the consumer finds one

that works for him, he sticks with it for life. This will make an exceptional barrier to entry for

Men’s Essential Needs. Nowhere in the competitive analysis did it explain how it would

overcome this barrier.


Recommendations to this business plan would include revising the executive summary to

match the marketing strategies. They conflict each other by explaining different strategies on

different products. The market segment should be confined to the young professionals, as stated

in the executive summary, as the numbers analyzed in the marketing segment of the business

plan show this is where the money is to be made. The competitive analysis of Men’s Essential

Needs’ business plan should also be revised, as it does not stimulate any sort of competitive

advantage. Why would the target market choose Men’s Essential Needs’ products over another

brand? What sets the company apart? The marketing analysis and strategy analysis do not show

either solution.

The last main item that is worrisome within Men’s Essential Needs’ business plan, is the

operations section. The key personnel do not seem adequate enough for the company’s planned

growth and operations. The Director of Operations, Director of Marketing, and Director of

Advertising positions are all being filled by individuals who have no experience in these fields.

All of the candidates have some kind of training in either civil or electrical engineering. It is

advised these positions be filled with individuals more their speed. For example, for the Director

of Marketing, perhaps a marketing graduate, as the student-status seems to be a current trend in

the company. The Director of Advertising is the same – why not hire someone who has been

educated and trained in how to perform effective advertising? The Director of Operations chair

should be filled with someone with a little more experience than a survey technician for an

engineering company. If Men’s Essential Needs is going to grow as fast as it says it is in not only

the executive summary, but other parts of the business plans – the key personnel need to be

suited more for their jobs to ensure success in the years to come.


Kaplan, J. M., & Warren, A. C. (2013). Patterns of entrepreneurship management (4th ed.). 16.

Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Men’s Essential Needs. (n.d.). Business Plan. Retrieved from


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