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COMMUNITY RELATIONS FIELD REPORT FEMA DR #1768 WI OUNTY: KING REPARED BY: Clark Argeris; Rhonda Brooks; Bon Vernarelli VATE: February 5, 2009 CR OUTREACH CONTACTS Fotal Residences (Houses, Mobile Homes, ndividual Apt. Unit: [otal Individuals, face-to-face fotal Individual Total Businesses Total CBO’s Faith Based Org ‘otal Agencies (county/local government) | 1 “Note: The above table is a total of your outreach in each town noted below. Today's Activities City of Pacific CR met with the Aigona/Pacific Library managers and they will distribute information to Spanish speaking people at the English as a Second Language (ESL} class, We returned to Gakiurst Drive and wi lor tn door and distributed flyers to 17 homes and talked to 6 individuals. Flyers were left at the other 11 homes. 3 individuals applied for assistance, 1 claimed they were not affected and 7 person had not applied. One homeowner reported that the city inspector had inspected each home dnd i requiting that repairs be made, Another resident said that he had roof damages and he was veludtant fa call his instance company because he was afraid he would be cancelled. CR referred him to the State Insurance Commissianer Office for assistance Damages reported appear to be limited to crawl spaces and foundations. Twa residents indicated they ad incurred respiratory problems since the flaeding. CR visited’9 homes on Butte Avenue South, 4 homes had red tags and 2 had yellow tags. We spoke uth 5 residents, 1 resident cisimed no damage, No one had applied for disaster assistance. oR distributed tel-reg and DRC flyers to each home and encouraged residents to register, State CR follawed up with the couple at the Meagan Court apartments te leam that their FEMA check arrived today and the wife received medical treatment. They were referred to the DRC to get assistance with their SBA loan application. Maple Valley CR met with the City EM who took us ona tour of the damaged areas. The extent of the flood damages was more extensive than the number af calls ins te King Gounty had indicated. Damage appears to be dispersed in approximately 8-10 pockets of homes which appear to have minor to major damages throughaut the area alang the Cedar River near Hwy 169. CR visited six homes and spoke with 5 people in the area. No one fad applied for disaster assistance, bulone persan indicate Page 1 of 2 hey were thinking about it He had heard from a neighbor that only SBA loans were availble at 8% [R explained that aid was made on a case by case basis and encouraged the person to go to Ine IRC or call the appkeation line to receive accurate information, Another person indicated that they iad not apolied for disaster assistance because he had heard that if you received FEMA assistance, hare would be 2 notation in their property description, which would then devalue their property, CR srovided him with telereg/DRG flyers and referred him to the DRC for mere information. We went to he Cedar Grove mobile home park where 30-40 mobile homes have damages. We spake to 2 of the residents who both had damages, but neither had applied for aide. CR provided the telireg and DRC lyers and encouraged them to register. This ig the mobile hame park that is under the county buyout”. The resident population 1s primarity Hispanic. Per the EM, the Maple Valley Reporter and the Covington Reporter weeklies are under the same root and are the best source of information for the community. Heads Up PIO. EM inquires about the snow declaration and when the PA applicant briefing will be held, A contact to the EM would be appreciated. Plan for Tomorrow (Future) hat the Cedar Grove mobile home park and OR plans fo return to Maple Valley ta conduct outreacl make contact with the Chamber af Commeree directer. -END Page 2 of 2 Lo COMMUNITY RELATIONS FIELD REPORT FEMA DR #1817 WA SOUNTY: Wahkiakum >REPARED BY: Toby Rice, Penelape Sells, Jill Immekus DATE: 2/5/2008 ‘CR OUTREACH CONTACTS tal Residences (Houses, Mobile Homes, “Note: The above table is a tt Today's Activities CR Team is canvassing affected areas: « Encouraging individuals to register * Explaining FEMA, SBA and other disaster assistance programs « Distributing Tele-registration flyers in English and Spanish » Introducing community leaders to the CR mission and FEMA, State and other disaster assistance programs; requesting their assistance in reaching out to affected residents and business owners Town of Calumet CR visited 1 major employer (2 largest in county, wilh 100 employees on average, though only 20 were employed at time of incident). Spoke with staff, who stated no physical damage and no employees reporting residential damage: economic impact to company unknown. CR visited County Health and Human Services, and met with Outreach Coordinator, who stated she knew of 7 people with damage; registration unknown. ‘The office serves the entir county; disaster information will be made available. CR also met with Operations Manager who stated he would like information regarding, FEMA’s role in Long-Term Recovery, Page 1 of 2 OR visited Library and spoke with director, who stated the facility serves 300 families ona regular basis. Director stated disaster information will be made available, as well as internet cess. CR visited County Health Department and spoke with staff, who stated no employees affected. Disaster information will he made available to clients. CR visited Chamber of Commerce and spoke with staff, who stated 250 member businesses; 3 report physical damage; economic injury uncertain; loss of work uncertain. Many businesses are based out of people's homes. CR visited 2 schools, and met with principals, who stated superintendent on vacation. The district is the only one in the county, covering most students residing in Skamokawa and to the east. High school principal stated 170 students, 30 faculty and staff. Disaster assistance information will be distributed in a daily bulletin and posted at the school. No staff or students known to be affected. Elementary principal stated 320 students attend K-8 school, with 40 faculty and staff. Large number of student families affected, but no faculty of staff. 5 Russian families voluntarily evacuated and residences probably affected; family reported to have English-speaking ability. Principal stated some Spanish-speaking families: damage unknown. CR discussed documentation issues. CR visited 17 residences in area reported affected by County EM; 9 contacts; 2 damaged; | insured for flood; 0 registered; both will register. 1 home currently uninhabitable; resident staying with family. 1 resident is underinsured and has flood damage 3 years ma row. Resident enquired regarding mitigation measures, CR discussed ICC and referred to DRC. Plan for Tomorrow (Future) Canvass areas reported damaged by Gourty EM. Page 2 of Z COMMUNITY RELATIONS FIELD REPORT FEMA DR 1817WA JOUNTY: Pierce -REPARED BY: Bonnie Frabasilio, Reynaldo Aguilera, Chuck Rokoski (WA) JATE: Feb 5, 2009 GR OUTREACH CONTACTS | 7 _ Total Residences (Houses, Mobile Homes, — | 103 dividual Apt. Units. , etc) Total Individuals, face-to-face 58 Potal Individuals with damages 34 Total Individuals, registered 20 Total Businesses eee ae —— — 3 Note: The above table is a total cof your outreach in each town noted below. Today's Activities City of Tacoma State and FEMA CR Team canvassed River Road area, 2 total of 20 residences, 19 not hame, 25 had visible damage, and 3 registered with FEMA, Some ‘of the residents inquired if there was going to be 5 buyout of their properties, residents were referred to the County Emergency Management. Two agricultural businesses which sustained damages were referred to the Farm Services Bureau for possible assistance, CR Team distributed disaster information including DRC Lecations and provided an overview of the application process. Nan registered residents wert encouraged ta register for possible FEMA disaster assistance. CR Team met with the manager of the Tacoma Country Estates and pravided an averview af the application process. Manager ‘stated will distribute disaster information te the 87 residents of the mobile home park. Manager stated that damage fo the hames in the mobile home park was minimal, although damage to the sewer and draining system was sustained, Manager was provided information regarding SBA assistance, manager stated will forward information té the owners of the park City of Sumner State and FEMA CR Tear did a blitz st Rainier Mobile Home Park, the entire mobile heme park sustained flood damage. A tatal of 47 mobée homes were canvassed, 25 residents contacted, 57 mobile homes with visible damage, 17 were registered, Some of the residents ware apprecaative of the expedient process for registration and inspection of their properties. In the vicinity of the Mabile Home Park, the CR Team canvassed four additianal homes, and eight apartments, eight not home, ‘CR Team clarified the registration process and encouraged the resident to register for passible assistance. Page 1 af 2

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