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Past simple:

1) The boy (grow) _______ twelve inches last year. (regular / irregular)
2 ) It was time for the race. The swimmers all (dive) _______ into the pool at once. (regular /
3) The children (cheer) ________ when the ice cream truck arrived. (regular / irregular)
4) I (build) _______ a bird house in September. (regular / irregular)
5) A snake (bite) _______ the ranger’s hand when he reached into a pile of wood. (regular /

Past continuous:

1) Hannah (sew) ______ _______ costumes for the play; she finished them.
2) The girls (row) _______ _______ their canoe down the Chattahoochee River.
3) When we saw Prince, he (dig) _______ _______ a hole to bury a large bone.
4) He (map) _______ _______ the city last year.
5) Red ants (bite) _______ _______ our ankles yesterday until we used insecticide.

Present perfect:

1) The letter you sent me (not, arrive) _______ _______ _________ yet. I (check) _______ ________
my mailbox for it every day. I wonder where it could be.
2) I (visit) ________ _________ Spain before. It is a beautiful country. I love the old, southern city of
Cádiz, which has wonderful plazas and beaches.
3) Ariel (be) _______ ________ a gymnast for eight years. She (break) _______ ________ six bones
since she began practicing gymnastics. She likes to get her friends to sign her casts.
4) The President (speak) _______ _________. His decision is final. Many people don’t agree with him,
but making hard decisions is part of his job. I would not want that job!

Present perfect continuous:

1) The criminal has not been caught yet. The police (chase) _______ _______ _________ him since
2) The construction workers (build) _______ _______ _________ that house all winter. They (not,
work) _______ _______ _______ _________ on it this week, though, because it (rain) _______
_______ _________
3) Akira (learn) _______ _______ _________ about plants in her biology class. She is paying close
attention to the lectures. She wants to become a botanist some day.

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