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The Agony of Jesus in Gethsemane

We recall how bitterly Jesus suffered emotionally especially at the thought
of the terrible sins that people continue to commit. But in spite of his desire
to be spared such suffering, his concluding prayer was: “Father, not my will
but yours be done!”

2. The scourging of Jesus at the Pillar

We recall how Jesus, in spite of his being innocent, and having been
declared such by Pilate, was cruelly scourged like a criminal. He endured
that terrible physical pain especially in atonement of our sins of lust and self-

3. The Crowning of Jesus with Thorns

We recall how Jesus was crowned with thorns by the soldiers who also
mocked his as they shouted, “Hail! King of the Jews!” He endured all those
humiliations and tortures to make up for all the sins of pride and cruelty.

4. The Suffering of Jesus as He Carries His Cross

We recall how Jesus carried his heavy cross on his wounded shoulders. His
enemies kept insulting him while most of his disciples went into hiding.
Only his mother and a few friends followed him, while Simon of Cyrene
relieved him of his Cross.

5. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus on Calvary

We recall how Jesus was nailed to the Cross, while praying for his
executioners. There he agonized for three long hours. Before dying, he
promised heaven to the repentant thief and gave us his own Mother. Then he
died, entrusting his soul to his all-loving Father.

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