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Abdul Aziz Nugraha Pratama, Fira Nur Maghfiroh

2012:4). According to Wibowo (2010:9) performance is a management

style in managing performance-oriented resources that carry out an
open and sustainable communication process by creating a shared
vision and strategic and integrated approach as a driving force to
achieve organizational goals. Rivai (2009: 548) reveals, performance is a
real behavior that is displayed by everyone as work performance
produced by employees in accordance with their role in the company.
Employee performance is a very important thing in the company's
efforts to achieve its goals.
Thus, it can be concluded that performance, as stated by
Wibowo, is a management style in managing existing resources to
create a shared vision in the company's efforts to achieve its goals.

Relationship of TQM and Performance

The increasing TQM will have a positive effect on managerial

performance, because the elements of TQM are proven to improve
managerial performance. If all the elements in TQM are implemented in
harmony, the company's goal of making a profit will be achieved so that
it can be seen that the company's managerial performance is going well
(Tjiptono and Diana, 2003:15).


Based on the theoretical description above, the hypothesis of this research

can be described briefly in the following table:

H1 Focus on customers has a positive effect on employee performance.

H2 Obsession with quality has a positive effect on employee performance.
H3 The scientific approach has a positive effect on employee performance.
H4 Long-term commitment has a positive effect on employee performance.
H5 Cooperation has a positive effect on employee performance.
H6 Continuous system improvement has a positive effect on employee

102 Muqtasid Journal

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