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Get: % Part tA SEMESTER FINAL EXAMINATION — 2020 SESSION & 2019-20 Ist Year 16t SEMESTER, Course Cove: Are 124 Covpee Tie: ARAT*ANcENT Ciwiization ReaistRATION No: 2019345018, Dave + 15/07/2024 20198-46016-O1 1. What f “Hanging, Gorden” and 14 special feokures? How afd Mesopetamtomn. solve ty bring water +p “Hanging Garden”, explain whieh technique was efical and ante Hanging Grarden ¢ Handing Garden & one of the most famous anefent architectures of Mesopotamian. cRiliaglion. Tt was one of She F wondensof ancient world and the a ann hae no eoltd archeolefieal evidence of ie existance. Time of building: He was built during, the Chaldean Emonre G12 Bc-52980) of Mesopotamian elviltegtton b: King, Nebuchandneagar IL. Location + Et % eaid to be located on the ancient city. lon. ea, nome was derived from the Greek word feremalos’ or the latin word “pensilis’ which means penny as inthe case baleony or terace- Measurements : Te forders were 4ooftwiie toy “T0ost with Godt high wall (as degeribed by Greeks Hetovfan Diodorus Steulus) “When of love : It was a token of love from king Nebuchand negoer Dt to his Median homeicl. wike ho was wiissing, the natural beauitiy os his ty W cies adter Comniing, to Mecopetamia. Special features 2 | Hanging, ardens were described | as a remarkable kat of s with an ascendin§ serfes of tf Bardens contening a wide vari of bees shrubs , and vines, 0 son Green man-made. Sountain. Ut er “The Garden would have. taken 200 Ballons of water each dayto keep the plants watered. So Lifting this wash bf water to approximately Godt hetght was ae a challengin joc: "They also had to take for checking the foundation Soom dutek by tiquid. eee vi ven vare. in Babel most of the ~ but Unb, were made of mul Bowe could aysicle disolve. fa water. So, they used bi! > a otly mice as a mortar. 4 Water 5: ry To cnet problem of ldting water to Bodt height they obaly used the principle of ‘Archimedes’ screw”. They had “to take water from Guphates River and lit tthe $avden- have used manual screw pump or Chon. pamp 4p solve the problem. “The VangirG Gnden Chain. Ramp *

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