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Slide 1:

Now, it’s time to talk about cultivation. Ricinus is planted between May and July, with the
flowering between July and October. This is, obviously, an approximation, and this period
may change hugely based on multiple factors.
It’s mainly propagated by seeds for crops.
There are some recommendations about the sowing of them:

 Normally for an hectare of field we spread around 10-12 kg/ha (and is reduce to 8-10
kg/ha for hand dibbling and for intercropping) of seeds
 Between each potential plants, there must be around 90 cm x 45 cm of space or
90x60cm under irrigated condition
 The deeply of the seed is another important factor: normally a deep sowing of 8-10
cm is ***** rainfed coindition and a shallow sowing (6-8 cm) under irrigated
condition or heavy soils

Slide 2: Weed management is the most important intercultural operation in any crop
cultivation as it impacts on overall yield by competing for nutrients, fertilizer,
manure, light, and water.

The critical period of crop-weed competition is around 50–60 days after sowing (DAS), so we
have to do something before this period. There are two different strategies that we could
adopt. The first one is a Mechanical/manually weedings and hoeings after 25 and 50 days,
respectively. The second one is to use a classic chemic weed control or with a pre-plant use
of fluclarin or preemergence application of pendimethalin at 1 kg/ha is an effective control
measure of grasses and broad-leaved weeds.
The fertilizer must be use at specific time, since we don’t want to feed with nutrients weed
that could compete with our crop. The first time is Before land preparation 15–20 t/ha well
decomposed farm yard manure (FYM) in both irrigated and rainfed condition.
At the time of sowing, 50% of N fertilizer should be applied, and the remaining N fertilizer
should be top dressed after first weeding. Another fertilization is before the first flowering.

Slide 3:

The annual type of castor requires about 4–9 months to mature depending on the variety, and
the perennial type may continue bearing for 10–15 years.

The yield of castor may vary from 1 to 3 tons of seed/ha depending on agroclimatic
conditions, crop management practices, and the hybrid or variety used [8].
The percentage of oil is 37% and seed cake 63%.

Ricinus communis is a fast-growing plant – under the right conditions, the seed will
germinate between 15 to 20 days.
It’s a fast-growing plant that,

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