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English Outcome-Based Learning



Thank God to the Almighty, the author would like to thank the
mentor: Mr Muhammad Arhami, coach: Ms Rati, Reviewers: Mr
Faisal Mustafa and Maria Ulfa and all parties who trilled and
commented the materials.
Some extracts were taken from the source of the internet, such as
from the The Times, Breaking English News, Career Preparation
Workbook, BBC English News, etc.
This book is intended for vocational school majoring Information
and Computer Technology at State Polytechnic of Lhokseumawe.
Based on previous semester prior to make this book, the author
found many students learn. Based on the teaching experience of
the previous semester, the writer found that many of the materials
taught were not in accordance with the curriculum. Students must
be reproduced with communication skills in the world of work.
The author is fully aware that this book is not perfect and need to
be revised, so any inputs and suggestions are really required.
Self Assessment 3

1 Who I Am

2 What I Do Have Done

3 Specialized Knowledge You Learn at College/ School

4 Cross Cultural Communication 23
Teamwork Skills

Marketing Yourself 51

1 LinkedIn 53

2 58

3 Cover Letter/ Application Letter 71

4 Job Interview

5 106

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 Personal Skills

 Functional Skills

 Technical Skills

 Essential Skills


What do I do well? What do I enjoy doing???

What college subjects do I

enjoy in college?
Operating System
Embedded system
Logic and Algorithm
Big Data
Web Design
Data Mining
Network security
Artificial Intelligence
Internet of Things

What personal, functional, and technical skill

qualities, and essential skill do you

1 Personal Skill: Who I am

In English, there are several phrases to express your

opinion, these phrases are:

I think…
I believe…
I reckon…
I feel…
In my opinion…
I would say…
In all honesty…
In my view…
As Far as I can tell…
To my mind…
As far as I’m concerned…
The way I see things/ it….
It seems to me that…
I’m not going to lie….(informal)
Personally speaking…(informal)



Hi, my name is ……………………………………….

I work at…………………………………………………………now.

I am an/a……………………………………………………….

I think…………………………………………………………..

Hello everyone, I am ……………………………………….

I graduated from………………………………………………………….

Now I am working at…………………………………………………….

It seems to me that……………………………………………………..

2 Functional Skills: What I do/ have done

Functional skill is transferable skill that can be used from
one job to another



 Work with partner. Look at the following pictures.

 Decide the functional skills that you see from the pictures.
 Write short dialogue (4-5 lines) to accompany the pictures.
 Act out the dialogues to two other classmates


For the first table, tick that represent your character, you can
tick more than one.

Work with Work with ideas Work with data Work with
people things

Look at the table below. Fill in the grid. The answer must present
the real condition of you.

No Situation How does the work fit you?

1 Designing a web Optional answer:

 Prefer work alone based on other ideas
 I prefer work with my own ideas
 I keen on working with my ideas and data,
but I need others’ hand.
2 Build data security ………………………………………………………….
system ……………………………………………………….

3 Present the new ………………………………………………………….

ideas ……………………………………………………….

4 …………………. ………………………………………………………….
…………………. ……………………………………………………….
5 …………………. ………………………………………………………….
…………………. ……………………………………………………….

Check your friends’ answers, and discuss your opinion.

3 Technical Skills: Specialized Knowledge you learn at
college/ School


 Now, scan the QR Code below to listen Dona Sarkar

regarding Microsoft helps people Learn Computer Coding
 Discuss what technical skills or language features helped
you to understand the speaker

Look at the table below, fill in the technical skill you heard from
the video above
No Technical skill Meaning

1 Code n. a set of instruction for


2 Application
………………………………. …………………………………
………………………………. …………………………………

5 ………………………………. …………………………………
………………………………. …………………………………

 Discuss what technical skills or language features helped

you to understand the speaker

Track orders in MS excel

Spreadsheet. Yeah I know how to
do it, how about Network concept?

Networking Concept? I believe this

is knowledge of TCP/ IP

Photo by: Dreamtime


Microsoft Helps People Learn

Computer Coding
Computer coding was once an activity for computer programmers and software engineers. Now,
thanks to Microsoft Corporation, anyone around the world has the chance to learn coding skills.

Microsoft has partnered with, a non-profit group, to offer free in-store classes
and online training on coding. The programs are being offered in the United States and overseas.

A universal language

Every online website and mobile application program is coded with a programming “language,”
such as Java or C++. The step-by-step directions for each language are not hard to understand.
They can be taught to someone as young as 4 years old

Dona Sarkar serves as principal programs manager at Microsoft.

“Coding is a universal language,” she notes. “Coding is the language of solving problems. It’s very
rare that a new literacy comes along in our lifetime. It absolutely can be democratized.”

World-wide learning

On a recent day, a handful of students attended a class at a Microsoft store in New York City. They
studied the “Minecraft” video game to learn about coding. They learned to put together virtual
blocks of code for simple commands like “move forward” and “turn left.” These commands direct
the movement of the images in the game.

Microsoft is also expanding coding programs overseas. The company has given
computer hardware to 25 entrepreneurs in Lagos, Nigeria to help get their
business startup ideas up and running. It also provided technical and business training to them.

“Many of our entrepreneurs are not technical, Sarkar said. “But that does not mean they don’t
know what problems exist in Nigeria and they don’t have a solution to fix it.”

One of the Nigerian startup businesses is called OneTrack. It is creating mobile-tracking

technology to fight against child kidnapping.

Building and learning for different environments.

Yet coding students in different countries face different problems.

“We were coding one night,” Sarkar remembered. “We were working on prototypes. The
lights go out. No one notices. They (the coders) just keep typing. To them it’s a way of life.”

The incident served as an example of the day-to-day problems that can affect some Microsoft
users. It provided information for Microsoft officials on the ways in which they can improve
their products.

I’m Phil Dierking.

Tina Trinh reported this story for Phil Dierking adapted her report for
Learning English. George Grow was the editor.

Adopted from VOA learning English

n. a newly established business.

adj. connected to a computer, a computer
network, or the Internet
Words in This Story n. an application, especially as downloaded by a
user to a mobile device.

Application – n. helpful information or criticism that is given to

Code – someone
Entrepreneur – n. an original or first model of something from
Feedback – which other forms are copied or developed
Hardware –
Literacy – n. a set of instructions for a computer
Online – n. the ability to read and write
Prototype –
n. collection of physical parts of a computer
Startup –

n. a person who starts a business


Scan the following QR code to listen the narrator

Adapted from BreakingEnglishNews

Gap fill

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

digital starting
apps compete
online skills
ruler launched
The United Arab Emirates is (1) ____________ a new programme to teach people
computer coding. One million people will receive free training to learn how to code (2)
____________ and computer software. The new initiative was (3) ____________ by
the UAE's Prime Minister and (4) ____________ of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Bin
Rashid Al Maktoum. It is called the One Million Arab Coders initiative. Sheikh
Mohammad wants young Arabs in the Middle East to have the (5) ____________ to
develop the (6) ____________ economy in their countries. Sheikh Mohammad said:
"Coding will create many job opportunities for young people to (7) ____________. It
will pave the way for them to participate in the global economy (8) ____________, from

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

own prize
top mission
encourage into
needed region
The new initiative will (9) ____________ the large number of young people living in the
Middle East to get (10) ____________ coding. Studies show that 50 per cent of the

Arab population is under 25 years old, and that 40 per cent of these hope to (11)
____________ their own business within the next five years. Sheikh Mohammad said:
"This project is part of [our] (12) ____________ to spread hope in the region, create
employment opportunities and give our youth the skills (13) ____________ for them to
successfully lead our (14) ____________ into the future." He added that: "From the
world's leading companies to the global economy itself, programming is the future." The
(15) ____________ ten students will receive $50,000, while the top student will win a
$1 million (16) ____________.




these to student B)

1. What did you think when you read the

2. What images are in your mind when you
hear the word 'coding'?
3. What do you think coding is?
4. Would you like to learn coding?
5. How lucky are the people to get free
coding training?
6. What is your country doing to train
people in coding? STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show
7. What kind of job opportunities are there these to student A)
for coders?
8. How important is the digital economy? 1. Did you like reading this article?
9. What would it be like to work from Why/not?
home? 2. What do you think of when you hear the
10. How good are your computer skills? word 'software'?
3. What do you think about what you
11. Would you like to take this coding read?
course? 4. How useful do you think coding is?
12. What questions would you like to ask 5. What are the bad things about coding?
the project leaders? 6. Should coding be taught at all schools?
7. Would you like to own your own
8. Hope much hope do you see in the next
five years?
9. Would you like to take this coding
10. What questions would you like to ask
the project leaders?

Follow-up: Critical Thinking
Complete the following exercise with technical knowledge and abilities that
have you learned from campus

Technical skills Role

Ms Office Track orders in MS excel
Security Software

Knowledge how to manipulate IP
Project Management

Skilled in creating mobile

…………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………..

…………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………..

 Are you attracted to any of school subjects above? Tell your opinion
 What subjects would you have to study to train for IT jobs?

Extra: How to Crimp RJ-45
See the sequence of how to Crimp RJ-45, then match the description with the
picture below.




Images from WikiHow

Arrange the wires into the right order

Stick the connector into the crimping part of the tool and squeeze twice

Arrange the wires into the right order

Remove the cable from the tool and check that all the pins are down.

Insert the wire into the RJ-45 connector

Untwist and straighten the wires inside the cable

Strip the cable back 1 inch (25 mm) from the end

4 Essential Skills: Cross Cultural Communication,
Teamwork skills


Teamwork Skills


Cross-cultural Communication

Hi, I am Ismail, I am from

Lhokseumawe, Nice to meet

Hello, my name is Aryo from

Solo, Pleased to meet you.

Photo by: Dreamstime

Ismail : Hi, I’m Ismail. What is your name?

Aryo : Hello, my name is Aryo.
Ismail : Where are you from, Aryo?
Aryo : I am from Solo, and you?
Ismail : I’m from Lhokseumawe.
Aryo : Oh nice place, I was there a week ago.
Ismail : You can say that again!

Noun. The customary code of polite behavior in society or among
members of a particular profession or group (Oxford Dictionary)

Hello, my Name Syamsul Bahri. I am From Langsa, Aceh,

Indonesia. In my work and living neighborhood, I am usually
called "Pak Syamsul". In Indonesia, Never use your left hand for
anything. Don’t eat with it, don’t pick things up with it, don’t
hand something in with it, as it is considered that the left hand
is to wipe yourself in the bathroom. Yet, for left-handed
persons, it is another condition.

Hello, I am Peter. I am from Ohio, USA. In my country,

Americans prefer directness in communication. When
Americans say “yes” or “No”, they mean exactly that. Also,
Americans are extremely informal and call most people by
their first name or nickname. And the most important, when
you are doing business in USA, it’s important to be on time.

Hello, I my name Takeshi from Japan. In our culture, don’t ever

wear black tie at the meetings of formal situation, black tie just
be used in funeral ceremony. Also, in business, women don’t
put heavy makeup nor a lot of perfume. The Japanese
communication is very indirect and far less verbose than what
English-speaking is familiar with. The Japanese often smile and
nod throughout conversation.


Etiquettes around the world

Etiquette in each country is different, try to write down the taboo things in the
countries below, discuss with your friend and do presentation.

















Compare your findings with other friends. You may

agree or not agree with other findings, and relate
your findings with the world of business.


Now listen the three videos from YouTube regarding Cross Cultural
Communication and High-Context and Low-context culture. Scan the QR Codes
below to listen.
Effective Cross Cultural Communication

High-context and Low-Context Culture

Scan me to play

Noun. The movements or positions by which you show other
people your feelings without using words (Cambridge

In the world of work or the business world, we find people or partners

who might say something but not in accordance with reality.
Psychologically, body language can translate what actually happens and
what someone thinks. This applies in two cultures, Low-context culture
and High-context culture. By knowing body language, we can find out
what the implicit meaning of one's statement and reduce consumer
inconvenience to us.


Picture from Shutterstock

There are two EXPRESSIONS of human face, that is:

a. Micro expression, an involuntary facial expression that
may reveal private thoughts or emotions (
b. Macro expression, facial displays of emotion that are clear
to see on a person’s face and no reason to hide them.

Decoding Micro Expression

Adapted from Micro Expression-Body Language


A. FACIAL EXPRESSIONS: Walk around the class and talk to

other students about facial expressions. Change partners
often. Sit with your first partner(s) and share your findings.
B. CHAT: In pairs / groups, decide which of these topics or
words from the article are most interesting and which are
most boring.

expressions / universal / researchers / different cultures /
emotions / Westerners / similarities / emoticons / cultural
differences / cyberspace / things lost in translation

Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and
partners frequently.

C. FACE-TO-FACE: How does your face communicate? Complete

this table. Show what you wrote to your partner(s). Change
partners and share what you heard.

Facial How this Is this strange?

feature communicates

D. ALL THE SAME: Students A strongly believe we’re all the

same; Students B strongly believe we’re all completely
different. Change partners again and talk about your
E. CULTURES: How do people from these cultures
communicate? Discuss this with your partner(s).Change
partners and share what you heard.

 Americans  Maoris
 Russians  Japanese
 Arabs  Kenyans
 Chinese  Brazilians

F. FACE: Spend one minute writing down all of the different

words you associate with the word ‘face. Share your words

with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the
words into different categories.


Scan the QR code to access the audio.

Audio by BreakingEnglishNews

G. GAP FILL: Put the words into the gaps in the text.

The reading of facial expressions may not be

____________. This is the conclusion of features
researchers from Glasgow University in focus
Scotland. They ____________ that people favour
from different cultures read facial scan
expressions differently. In particular, they way
said there were big differences between the equal

____________ Westerners and East Asians

interpret facial expressions. The study
suggests East Asians ____________ mostly
on people’s eyes to read an emotion, but
Europeans and Americans ____________ the
whole face. Researcher Rachael Jack said:
''We show that Easterners and Westerners

look at different face ____________ to read
facial expressions.'' She added: "Westerners
look at the eyes and the mouth in
____________ measure, whereas Easterners
____________ the eyes and neglect the

Ms. Jack suggested there are

____________ in interpreting facial comes
expressions and the ____________ of use
emoticons. She said East Asians use the cyberspace
eyes in emoticons to ____________ emotion, lost
for example ^_^ means happy and ;_; is sad. findings
Westerners, however, use the mouth. For clear

example :) is for happy and :( is for sad. She

added: “Interestingly, there are
____________ cultural differences in the
formations of these icons. Emoticons are
used to convey different emotions in
____________ as they are the iconic
representation of facial expressions.” The
researchers said their ____________ showed
intercultural communication is more
complicated than we thought. They said:
"When it ____________ to communicating
emotions across cultures, Easterners and

Westerners will find themselves
____________ in translation."


Scan the QR Code and watch the video
regarding facial expression, then guess the
Micro Expression on the next page based
on the word listed in the table below

What expression do you see? And why?

What expression do you see? And why?

What expression do you see? And why?

What expression do you see? And why?

What expression do you see? And why?

Picture from Android App


In this highly competitive world, body language is extremely

significant. The corporate sector values good body language a lot,
and any signs of bad body language can break agreements, even
resulting in people losing network.

An old adage says “Actions speak louder than words"

Good Standing Rules:

1. Stand Erect
2. Face the person
3. Free your hands, not put your hands inside your
4. Look into the eyes
5. Mind your limbs, don’t fret too much with hands, and
try to keep your palms open, the legs must not be
crossed. Crossed legs signify uncertainty and closed

Good Sitting postures:

1. Look into the eyes

2. Face the person
3. Mind your legs, too much leg movement is not a good
sign. It is bad for a man to keep his legs crossed during
group discussions. Nonetheless, women can sit without
any problems with their legs crossed. It is better to sit
with uncrossed legs during interviews, as it means
transparency and acceptability
4. Don’t slouch, During a job interview, don’t place your
arms over the desk and don’t lean forward, spine must
be straight.

Types of Hand Shake

According to quick guide from the website tutorialpoint(dot)com,

there several types of handshake, as follow:

1. The Equality of Hand shake, the palms of both the

individuals must be in vertical position. Then, both the
people must apply the same pressure.

2. The Submissive of Handshake, your palm in facing up and is

below the palm of the other person.

3. The dominant Handshake, the opposite of the submissive
handshake. This handshake conveys authority and
dominance on your part

4. The Double Handler Handshake, It is known as one of the

world's most important handshakes because it reflects
honesty and a clear relation of the handshakes between the
two people.

5. The West Fish Handshake. This is one of the world's worst
shakes. The palms are cold and moist in this embrace. The
individual offering such a handshake is seen as a poor

handshake and is seen as poor with a lack of commitment.

6. The Vice Handshake. This loathed handshake is so rough
that the person giving such a handshake tends to be too
authoritative and dominant.

7. The fingertip Handshake. This handshake transmits a lack

of trust and self-esteem and the fingertip handshake is one
of the most despised handshake.

Detecting Liars

It is very important to know when a person lies in

this. It's not a difficult job to catch lies because
you know what it takes for liars to find.
1. The covered
2. The nose itch
3. Scratching the
4. Grabbing the ears
5. Rubbing the eyes
6. Pulling collars
7. Putting finger in

Extra: Follow-up

Teamwork Skills

Read the passage below. Then work with partner and look the
words in bold in the reading passage.

Adapted from: New Insight into IELTS 3 (ed)


With your partner, try to the best to answer the Game below. The
game relates to the passage above.

 GAME 1: Move the cursor to a word or phrase that has the

same definition, if true, the word or phrase will disappear
 GAME 2: Type your answer in the answer column. The
answer is the meaning of the word or phrase written on the
steroid. Answer before the asteroid hits the earth

1 2

Direction: work with your partner (4-5 students). You are going to
choose one problem below. With your partner, you have to identify
the problems, ideas to solve them, and make the hierarchy of
the completion process.


Have you ever found yourself waiting impatiently for the online release of a
product, one that you’re eagerly waiting to purchase? You keep refreshing the
page, waiting for that moment when the product will go live. Then, as you press
F5 for the last time, the page shows an error: “Service Unavailable.” The server
must be overloaded! This is what happens to a website during a DoS attack,
or denial-of-service, a malicious traffic overload that occurs when attackers
overflood a website with traffic. When a website has too much traffic, it’s
unable to serve its content to visitors


Phishing is a method of a social engineering with the goal of obtaining

sensitive data such as passwords, usernames, credit card numbers. The
attacks often come in the form of instant messages or phishing emails
designed to appear legitimate. The recipient of the email is then tricked into
opening a malicious link, which leads to the installation of malware on the
recipient’s computer. It can also obtain personal information by sending an
email that appears to be sent from a bank, asking to verify your identity by
giving away your private information


Rootkit is a collection of software tools that enables remote control and

administration-level access over a computer or computer networks. Once
remote access is obtained, the rootkit can perform a number of malicious
actions; they come equipped with keyloggers, password stealers and antivirus
disablers. Rootkits are installed by hiding in legitimate software: when you give
permission to that software to make changes to your OS, the rootkit installs
itself in your computer and waits for the hacker to activate it.


TEAM NAME: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


STUDENT 1 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
STUDENT 2 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
STUDENT 3 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
STUDENT 4 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
STUDENT 5 : …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Hierarchy of the completion process.

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 Social Media

 Resume

 Business Letters

 Interview

 Networking

Marketing Yourself

You have to recognize what

you sell to be competitive
on the job market in order
to succeed in marketing
itself. What makes you
special and how to express
it to employees is
important to you to
understand. Marketing is
often viewed as an
operation linked to Picture from CleanPNG®
companies, but is at the
core of any successful job
quest. You create your own
individual brand while at
the university or college


One way your own brand is to use social media. The social
media used by professionals is LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a
platform for anyone who wants to navigate their professional
lives. This includes small business owners, students, and job
seekers. LinkedIn members can harness the power of
LinkedIn to enter the network of professionals, companies
and groups in their industry and beyond.

Why do professionals use LinkedIn?

Hi, my name is Muhammad Arhami from

Indonesia. I am a professional in Computer
Science and Computational & Applied
Mathematics. I employs some IT staff in my
office. However, if I need new staff, I will open
the vacancy and post the job at the LinkedIn .

Hi, I am Ayana. I am a student of State

Polytechnic of Lhokseumawe. LinkedIn really
helps me. I use LinkedIn for online learning
and looking for freelance job while I am

Hello, my name is Thomas. I'm one of the

CEOs at Microsoft. I am happy with workers
who are always innovating. When I look for
prospective workers, I usually look at the
profile on their LinkedIn account as a
starting point for me.

LinkedIn is The Best Business-Related Social Network

Providing More for Business

than Any Other Social Media
(adapted from Eventige)

 LinkedIn's personal data

is more secure than

 Facebook is mainly
concerned with the
networking and posting of
social activities such as
marriages, holidays, pets
and birthdays.

 While Twitter is more for

companies, its message
capabilities are limited, Influence Your Target Market
reducing its value. It is
good for advertisements,
news and trends, but users Your LinkedIn profile offers a first
can't search past feeling about yourself, your brand
information or posts. or business, whether you are a
new entrepreneur or a top
executive director. The profile is
 Instagram limits users to
the basis for your business
sites for the iPhone and
Android. More than the
whole business it is about Each visibility by postings or
sharing images and videos videos offers legitimacy, which
which limit it to products. further strengthens the role of an
influencer. Additional benefits
 Pinterest includes the include gaining confidence and
compilation and posting of rising income.
product photos or events.
It is more appropriate for
cooking, home design and


 You will hear how your LinkedIn profile is attractive to

employers. Listen carefully from Linda Raynier, a Career
 Scan the QR code to listen and watch

 After listening, now time for you to make up your LinkedIn

profile, if you do not have one, go signing up. Discuss with
your partner, what something in you that can be a brand of

What skill can be a brand of you?
 Operating System
 Embedded system
 Database
 Logic and Algorithm
 Big Data
 Web Design
 Data Mining
 Network security
 Artificial Intelligence
 Internet of Things



How does a resume and a CV differ? When should you use a

curriculum vitae and when is it better?

The main differences between a resume and a CV are the length,

the content and the intended purpose. A resume and a CV are not
always interchangeable while both are used in job applications.

Most resumes in U.S. curriculum

the United States vitae, submitted for
are competency- jobs in academia,
based: they are scientific research,
personal marketing and medical fields,
documents intended are credential-
to showcase the based, providing a
candidate’s skills, comprehensive (and
often lengthy) listing
of one’s education,
achievements, and
work experience to
research experience,
the greatest
and professional
advantage. affiliations and

Parts of the Resume

Your Name should be bold and a

larger font than the rest of your
contact information

Your address includes the postal code,

city, and province.

Telephone Number: Use telephone

number where you may be reached

Use your professional E-mail address,

use your real name.

A profile statement is to inform an employer that
you are in pursuit of your work. This section will
answer the following question:
 What are you going to do?
 What place do you want to go to?
 What position are you looking for?

Adapted from CareerPreperationWorkbook

Brainstorm your skills, experience,
and abilities

Including an overview of the most

important qualification and
Review and critique your summary
on ongoing basis.

Take the summary of qualifications

and compare it to your work


Adapted from CareerPreperationWork

In writing an educational history on a resume, write from the
latest to the oldest ones, list the name of your schools/
universities, graduation date, show off your degree, and major
of study.



Figure from


Figure from

It is important to be transparent and succinct when you write
your curriculum vitae. Employers have your resume for just
seconds, so prioritizing relevant information will make it easier
for them to decide whether you are right for the job. Here are the
steps to write a strong segment on professional experiences:

• hard skill
• soft skill
Review the Job
Description • task you have experience

• the most impactful contributions

Two or three • duties your responsible for

• People,
measure your • Time
impact with • Money

Sample of Professional experience:

Warehouse supervisor

River Tech
Warehouse associate | Dec. 2013—June 2017

 Separated, labeled and verified count of incoming deliveries, contributing to a 15% decrease
in counting errors
 Created dynamic inventory system that ensured product levels supported demand without
 Responsible for construction of sturdy, balanced pallet loads for shipping
 Developed backup training on computerized inventory system resulting in 25% decrease in
onboarding time.

School counselor

Clearwater Junior High

Assistant counselor | Jan. 2015—Dec. 2018

 Developed comprehensive guidance and counseling programs in collaboration with faculty

and staff for 1,200+ students
 Conducted career awareness sessions and meet individually with parents and students to
explore education options based on career goals
 Pioneered and coordinated Career & College Day, introducing 800 students and parents to
60 universities, colleges, and companies

Adapted from Indeed Career Advice

Career Preparation Workbook

Qualities acquired from and expertise in the conduct of physical or
digital tasks are technical skills. There are many different
Many technical skills have been
utilized by people working in mathematics,
informatics, mechanics and information
technology. Nevertheless, today even more businesses depend
on technically competent workers.
As discussed in the previous chapter, technical skills in the ICT
field are:

Programming language
Operating System
Software Proficiency
Technical Writing
Project Management
Data Analysis
Front-end development
Backend development
Mobile development
Cloud computing
Network structure and security

There are significant variations between industry and

work form in technical skills. Knowledge of various
coding languages is a professional know-how for
computer programmers

Sample of technical skills in a resume:

Figure from

Figure from

Full sample of a Resume

NOTE: The traditional advice concerning a photo in

the resume is a strong "No." The only exception was
for actors and models whose appearance is important
to be hired. The response remains no to most job

1.Scan me to play

2. Resume: How important are these things on a résumé?

Complete this table with your partner(s). Change partners
often and share what you wrote.

How important and What would you put on your

why? resume?






3. Make a resume by entering the resume sections and fill in

with the actual data and design as attractive as possible.

3 Application Letter
Regarding the execution of employment, the applicant's
documentation must be included in the cover letter and the
application letter. But in certain ways both vary as

Picture from

Do you know which

Application Letter and
Cover Letter?

Cover Letter Application Letter

 A cover letter template  A letter format for a job

is a letter presenting an application is a
applicant, it states the business letter which
job title for which a states the intention of
person is applying. an applicant to apply
 A cover letter is meant for a specific job.
to allow someone on the  It is a letter providing
recruiting department specific details on the
to read the resume of applicant.
an applicant.  It explains how a
 A cover letter also suits person has been able to
the expertise and discover the job, how
abilities the job needs. interested he is in the
 Closing a cover letter job, and the reasons
usually takes the form why he wanted to be
of a call-to-action. selected.
 Its intent is to capture  Abilities and skills are
the reader's attention therefore explicitly
enough to make the defined in a letter of
recruiter or hiring application, as this
manager want to review helps to assess how
the resume eligible the applicant is.

Parts of Cover/ Application Letter

Sample Cover Letter Template

[your name]
[your full address]
[your phone number]
[your email address]

[month] [day], [year]

Recipient’s info
[name of hiring manager]
[hiring manager’s title]
[company’s full address]


Dear [insert name of hiring manager],


State your Purpose. Mention the job you’re applying for and where you found the job listing.
Mention qualifications. It should be specifically tailored to requirements posted in the job
listing. You might also consider including why this specific company interested you in the first
place. Limit this section to two to three paragraphs.

Closing Statement: Discuss the next steps. If you are going to follow up in one to two weeks,
mention a specific date. If you would prefer to leave the ball in their court, say that you look
forward to discussing your qualifications further. Also provide your email address and phone
number. Don’t forget to thank them for their time.


[your handwritten signature]

[your typed name]

[your title, if applicable]

Enclosure: Resume


Picture from WikiHow

 Name on the top: BOLD your name, Font size

 Address, Phone number, and email: Normal
Font size 12; mobile number OK if you don’t
have landline phone; use professional email,
NOT weird one such as
 Use professional, legible fonts: Avoid Adds-on
and curly fonts
 Include extra line under the letterhead

There are two types of addresses in business letters,
namely British and American styles.
British Style American Style
Inside Address (Company)
Messrs Black & Sons, International Trading Company
159 Knightbridge, Sabas Building
London SWL 87C 597 A. Flores Street

The International Trading Company The American Magazine

24 Churchill Avenue 119 Sixth Avenue
Maidstone, Kent. New York, NY 11011
ZH8 92B
Addressing an Individual on Company business
The Manager Mr. C. C. Pan
The Hongkong and Shanghai Far East Jewelley Co.
Banking Corporation 68 Queen’s Road East
Main Office Hong Kong
Kuala Lumpur

Dear Sir, Dear Sir.

Messrs Mahmoud & Son The Standard Oil Company

329 Coast Road Midland Building
Karachi, Pakistan Cleveland, Ohio 44115

For the Attention of Mr. R. Singh Attention: Mr. E. G. Glass Jr.

Dear Sirs, Gentlemen

Addressing an Individual on Private Business
T. Hardy, Mr. C. Manzi
c/o Walton Ltd., Credito Milano
230 Snow Street, Via Cavour 86
Birmingham, England, Milan

Dear Tom, Dear Mr. Manzi,

Miss Claire Waterson Continental Suply Company

c/o Miller & Sons Pty. Ltd. 312 Surawwongse
Box 309 Bangkok
Sydney NSW 2000 Thailand
Attention. Mr. P. Wilson, Jr


Dates can be abbreviated as Jan. Feb. Aug. Sep. and so

on, but the names of the months are not written in numbers.
British Style:
12th November, 2020
12 November 2020
12 Nov. 2020

American Style:
November 12, 2020

Recipient’s Info

 Use 12-point Arial or Times

New Roman in the entire
 Set your margins to 1 inch,
and use single spacing.
 Make sure your font is black,
 Use standard paper (8 1/2
"by 11") if you are printing
out your letter.


 Be sure to refer by its proper title to the recipient

(Mrs, Mr, Dr, etc.)
 Write, "To Whom It May Concern:" and "Dear
Sir or Madame" If you are not sure who the
recipient is.

Note: All these greetings begin with the word

"Dear." Although you can start the letter by
saying the person's name, it can be
misinterpreted or even rude. It's safer to start
your greetings with the word "Dear" in a
business letter.

Salutation in Business Letter

British American
Formal or Dear Sir, Dear Sir:
Routine Dear Sirs, Gentleman:
Dear Madam, Dear Miss Smith:
Mesdames, Dear Mrs. Brown:
Informal Dear Mr Brown, Dear Mr. Brown:
Dear Miss Dear Miss Roberts:
Personal Dear Mr. Dear Mr. Brown,
Brown, My Dear Mr.
My dear Brown, Brown,
Dear Jim, Dear George,

If you are writing to someone who has a doctorate or

medical degree, use the short format: "Dr." However,

for other titles (such as "Professor," "Judge,"),

write the complete title and use capital letters at the
beginning. For example, your greetings in the letter
to the judge are, "Dear Judge William." Or, if
your correspondence with a professor, you can
write, "Dear Professor William."

State Your Purpose

 Write to them in two or three sentences to

tell your employer why you are writing to them.
 You don't actually need to mention how

you became aware of that position unless it

was through a shared contact or hiring program

Mention Your Qualification

 Make sure that they adhere to the position

 If you write to inquire about open positions, please
tell the employer how you can contribute, not what
you want.

Closing Statement

 Please include in your final paragraph a

constructive comment or request that will
enable the employer to contact you


 It is a good idea to say thank you to the reader for

his time. Write "Sincerely," “Your Faithfully”
"Respectfully," or "Regards" after that, leave
several spaces, and print your name out.

Add your Signature

Give your signature. Make sure the size is

proportional, not too small and not too


If you include something, such as a resume, with

a letter, you should indicate that the letter
contains the enclosures at the bottom of the letter
by making the notation "Enclosure" or

I. Answer the following questions correctly
1. Which of the following a. Only when an ad
is not a function of a cover specifically requests it
b. Every time you send out
a. To inform the your resume
employer of the job
c. When you need to list
you are applying
your salary requirement
d. When you need to list
b. To show how well
you write
e. When you need to show
c. To inform the
off your marketability
reader of what you
expect to get out of 3. Which of the following
the job you're is NOT something that a
applying for cover letter writer should
always do in his or her
d. To entice the
opening paragraph?
reader to want to
get to know you a. Inform on why he or she
better by is writing
interviewing you
b. Impress he employer
2. When should you send a with knowledge of the
cover letter? company

c. Be specific about the c. Statement thanking the
position sought and employer for considering
what they can can offer the cover letter (and
d. Mention salary
specifications 6. Which of the following
is necessary for a
successful cover letter?
4. True or False: The
a. Opening, body and
effectiveness of taking
closing paragraphs
risks with the opening
paragraph of your letter b. Addressing the letter to
depends greatly on the a specific individual or
field in which you are are department
seeking a job.
c. Connecting your skills to
the ones profiled in the

5. Which of the following job advertisement

is NOT something that a

d. All of the above
cover letter should always
contain in its closing 7. What's the best way to

paragraph? make value judgments or

claims of personal
a. Request for an interview attributes more credible in

b. Statement that you look a cover letter?

forward to hearing from

a. Use very positive
the recipient
language in making the

b. Substantiate the claims 11. How can you make the
by backing them up with most of your college
examples experience in your cover
c. There is no good way to
make such claims, so  Describe skills gained in
omit them the classroom

8. True or False: Employers  Describe sports and

like candidates to express extracurricular activities
a willingness to perform
 Discuss hands-on
any available job.

 All of the above

9. True or False: If you are
not fully qualified, it's
always best to discuss the
12. True or
reasons why you aren't
False: Transferable skills
fully qualified in the
should be portrayed in the
resume only, NOT in the
cover letter.

10. True or False: It's okay

to mention skills gained in
school even if they have
nothing to do with the job

II. Read the following advertisement, then make a resume and
cover letter based on the advertisement

4 INTERVIEW: Job Interview

Being called a job interview is a great opportunity to show

ourselves that we are the right people for the job offered. But often
people who are academically smart and have a good work ethic fail
in interviews because small mistakes can actually be eliminated.

Preparation before an Interview

Here are some steps that can be taken before the interview day

1. Do a little research to deepen your knowledge of the

company where you are applying for a job
2. If you already know who your interviewers are, you
should also learn things about them, both their
professional background, interview style, hobbies, and
what issues they are happy to talk about.


One of the biases in the interview is "similar to me"

effect. You can use this to elevate your positive side.

After you learn the interviewer bases, you can prepare

your similarities with the interviewer, both work style
and personal character.

Other interview biases that you should beware of the

interviewer can be seen on What to Do during an

3. Prepare clothes and shoes according to the ethics of
the interview in a company and local culture.
4. Prepare for different types of interview: behavior,
experiential, or combination.
5. Practice in front of a mirror how to answer, facial
expressions, or other body language.
6. Reread your resume and train good body language.
7. learn the forms of questions in the interview
8. Have a question ready to ask


Imagine now that you have submitted your application in

BukaLapak and called for an interview.

 Do research about the company, how many divisions, the

needs of expert staff, and prospects for organizational
progress in the future.
 One of your interviewers is Mr. Ahmad Zaky, the founder of
BukaLapak. Find out about his habits, hobbies, work style,
and similarities with you.

What to Do during an Interview

Good Morning, sir!

Good Morning, have a

seat, please!

Being called for an interview is a golden opportunity. Here

is your chance to prove what you have written on your
resume and an opportunity to show your personality.

The interview is a good time to show off you verbal,

verbal, etiquette, ethical, intelligence, and
material expertise skills

Before discussing what needs to be done during the interview, it's
good we must know the biases during the interview, so you
can outsmart with certain techniques.

Interviewing Biases

1 Stereotyping: Gender, religion, race, appearance, country

2 Inconsistency in Questioning: this can obscure the purpose

of the interview

3 Primary Effect: Snap judgment based on first impression

Halo Effect: The interviewer accounts for one strong point

4 With respect to the candidate to overshadow or influence
anything else

Cultural Noise: Since the applicant wants the job, she or he

5 will give the words interviewer wants to hear, although
those words are not entirely true

6 Nonverbal Bias: Loudness or softness the voice, handshake

7 Contrast Effect: Strong candidates who interview after

weak candidates can show up
More eligible than those due to the comparison between
the two

Things to do during an Interview

You'll need to appear professional, confident and capable to land

the job. You should be judged not just on your ability to do the job
yourself but also on how well you're going to get along with the
people you are working with. The hiring manager looks at your
communication skills and etiquette to determine whether you
can fit well with others.

Here are some of things to do during an interview:

Be on time Thank the Interviewer

Dress Appropriately

Introduce yourself Hand Shake

Sit when you are asked to sit Place your loose item(s) on the floor next to
your seat

Mobile phone off

Do not ask for refreshments

Keep a positive and friendly attitude

The Tone of your voice

How to sound to be more confident during the job interview

1. Pause before answering to give yourself time to gather
your thoughts.
2. Stick with a factual but interested tone
3. Practice
4. Try to eliminate or reduce the number of time you say
“umm…”, “you know…”
5. Don’t use weak word
6. Don’t apologize for being nervous.

Pitch practice
 Read the normal tone for the first box,
 For the second box, fill in the blanks, and adjust your
intonation to the blanks.

Source: Career Preparation Workbook

Most Common Interview Questions

Although some job interviewees approach questions very

differently, most job interviews require sharing questions and
responses to the interviews (including some of the most commonly
asked questions in the conduct interview). Some of the most

Picture by CareerBlog

Frequently asked interviews are as follow.

1. “Tell me about yourself”

Actually everything about you is written on the resume
and cover letter. But here the interviewer wants to know
at a glance about what you wrote on the resume, just as
the reason you chose to go to university X and so on.

2. “What are your biggest weakness?”
Just select a theoretical weakness and magically
transform it in disguise into a strength! You must learn
how to answer that question!
e.g., “My biggest weakness is getting so absorbed in my
work that I lose all track of time”.

3. “What are your biggest strengths?”

Here is an opportunity to prove the qualifications that
you write on the resume.

4. “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

This is a matter for all companies, as each employee of
each company needs to have a business attitude. DO
NOT provide a meek, self-deprecating answer: "There
are so many talented people here. I just want to do a
great job and see where my talents take me." Or don’t
answer over confidently: “I am going to be in your sit!”

5. “Out of all the candidates, why should he hire you?”

You just don't respond with a generic respond like "I'm
intelligent and competent and I'm going to want that
job.” Read in detail the complete job description and find
some skills that allow you to perform the tasks.

6. “Why do you want this job?”

Go further now. Now. Do not only think about why the
company is going to succeed with it; explain how the job

suits well with what you plan to do in the short and long

7. “Do you have any question for us?”

With this question, the interviewer wants to know your
enthusiasm about the company, so NEVER answer “No,
all is good, I do not have any question”

8. “What are looking in new position?”

“Good salary!!”, that is the worst answer. Let the
interviewer then know that this job at this organization
suits you perfectly. Mention your short and long-term
priorities and how this is associated with them.

9. “What are your salary requirements?”

It's always a difficult matter.
Keep these three things in mind when you reply:

 What is the average salary for a skilled person?

 How much does the company pay the staff??
 Finally, how much is your current company
paying? In most situations, you can be able to
negotiate a bump from what you get now.

10. “Are you considering other positions in other


When you have other interviews scheduled with other
companies, state that you keep your doors open but
prefer this job compared to the others.

Don't you have several additional options? Keep on the

same track.

Don't make anything you do appear desperate or have

no other options. No matter what you do.

Extra summary

Adapted from Career Preparation Workbook



Listen to the job interview to practice you and improve your listening
Do preparation first, then listen the audio and do the exercise.
Match the abbreviation (1-4) with the definition (a-d)

Abbreviation Definition
1. …B2B a. Learning and development
2. …B2C b. Human Resources
3. …L&D c. Business to Business
4. …HR d. Business to Customer

Now scan the QR Code to listen the audio

Task 1
Circle the best answer

1. Four years ago, Maria worked for a small HR services

provider ...
a. in the B2B sector.
b. in the B2C sector.
c. in both B2B and B2C sectors.

2. Maria has been in her current job ...

a. for four years.
b. for three years.
c. for one year.

3. Maria’s current role is focused ...

a. only on learning and development.
b. on a number of HR topics
c. only on payroll and she wants to do L&D.

4. Maria ...
a. did a diploma in L&D two years ago.
b. is doing a diploma in psychology at the moment
c. Both options are true

5. Maria will need to ...

a. identify and devise an L&D strategy.
b. devise and implement an L&D strategy.
c. implement an L&D strategy that has already been

6. Maria ...
a. will hear back from them next week.
b. has been invited to a second interview next week.
c. needs to call them next week to find out the next steps.

Task 2
Complete the sentences with words from the box.

personal good fit aligned replicated

stability measured responsible report

1. Maria feels her skills and experience are a ………………………………

f o r the company.

2. Maria changed jobs because she was looking for


3. She was ……………………………… f o r learning and development.

4. She feels ……………………………… with the company’s brand and


5. She’s used to taking a ……………………………… approach to


6. Her ideas can be ……………………………… on a larger scale.

7. She would ……………………………… to the HR manager.

8. Performance will be ……………………………… in different ways.

Task 3

1. Scan and answer the questions

2. Act out with your partner, try to practice as an interviewer

and interviewee! Use the common question to practice.

How do you prepare for an interview?
List your preparation step before interview and during


We do not speak here about computer networking that can link

devices and endpoints on a local network (LAN) or a large Network,
such as the Internet or the WAN, but about career networking.

A lot of research shows that networking leads to more

employment and business possibilities.

Networking is about establishing

partnerships and creating ties. Networking
helps to find ways of helping one another


Hi, nice to meet you. I

heard a lot about you
from Mr. Riley

You are the man

from the TV show,
right? Nikolai, right?


You are going to graduate this year and ready to open your own
business or apply for the job. You are good in academic, your GPA
is flawless, but you rarely join in any organization. Based your
opinion, how is your chance to succeed in opening a business or
applying for a job? And what does off-campus success have to do
with joining an organization?

The Importance of Networking

Building your network doesn't always have to be with strangers.

You can start building networks with people you already know.

A. Networking succeeds for job seekers:

 Most job opportunities are not openly advertised.
 Most employer would rather hire people they know or people
referred to them by those they trust.
 Each networking contact provides new information
 Network is more stronger than plans

Yes, sir! He is my best

Abdi is one of the best manager
friend. Regarding your
in this company, and he
offer, I highly appreciate
recommend to hire you as new
it. I can’t say ‘no’!
site manager, what do you say?

108 Picture from Dreamstime

B. Networking succeeds for career:
 Place to change ideas
 It makes you noticeable
 Place for new opportunities
 Reassessing qualifications
 Improve your creativity
 Growth in status
 Growth in self-confidence
 Developing long-lasting relationship



1. Work with your partner(s), discuss and elaborate the ideas

in the points stated in A and B.
2. Present in front of the class with your partner(s)

In what way to network

A. Mastering the Basics

1. Start with existing acquaintances.

For example, school friends, relatives, family.

Who is in your network right know?

Name (i.e., Dr. Harry,…) Relationship (Instructor,

2. Locate who you want to talk to.

Be selective! Approach someone confidently and introduce

3. Have your elevator pitch prepared
Show how professional you are, show your qualifications
in a proper ways so as not to appear arrogant

Picture from WikiHow

4. Learn the art of chit-chat and small talk

Big talk starts from small talk. Show a good way to
communicate, so that the other person is comfortable
talking to you and confident of you.


Steps the arts of small talk to big talk

• “Hello, how are you today? My name is [Your Name]. I’m still
learning English so please let me know if I make any mistakes.

• Things like the weather, current news, sports and entertainment

• “This weather is crazy! It was cold yesterday and today I came in
Universal with an open jacket. I hope it stays warm, don’t you?”

• ask someone about their day, or you can talk about yours.
• Has anything exciting happened today?
The Day • What are you planning for after work?

• “Hi Tom. How are things going over at the IT department today?”
• “What a busy day. This is the first time I’ve gotten up from my
Workplace seat all day! Are you busy too?

• “Did you see? They finally fixed the light in the break room. It’s
been broken for almost a month!”

• “I tried baking cookies like yours last night and they came out
Common terrible. How do you make them so good?”

• “I’ve been meaning to ask you this for a while:

Questions how long have you been working here?”

with friends, make a conversation that starts from small talk into
big talk. just follow the flowchart above.


You are invited to your friend's wedding party. it turns out that
his guests are professional businessman. so that it doesn't look
awkward, you have to start the conversation.

Student A: as a friend
Student B: Professional businessman

Student A :…………………………………………………………
Student B :…………………………………………………………
Student A :…………………………………………………………
Student B :…………………………………………………………
Student A :…………………………………………………………
Student B :…………………………………………………………
Student A :…………………………………………………………
Student B :…………………………………………………………
Student A :…………………………………………………………
Student B :…………………………………………………………
Student A :…………………………………………………………
Student B :…………………………………………………………

5. Don't be afraid of going deeper.
After the superficial chitchat you will want to dive deeper
and say something which really makes your contact think
about you.

I Think we have same passion in

software program, but my expertise
is in creating eye-catching web and
you make fintech. Are you going to
move to Silicon Valley? ((laugh)). Perhaps we will work
to make it real someday. Valley
Silicon? Let's work on that.

6. Thinking before you speak.

It's natural in normal
conversation to build up a
conversation flow and to
avoid the dreaded
awkward pause. This one
or two seconds is much
longer for you than it does

for your conversator-in-crime. If afterwards something
clever comes out of your mouth, that investment has
been worth it.

7. Find out who knows whom

Find extroverts. Find extroverts. When you start to
network, other people will find that they know everyone
even better than you are. You would profit first of all from
meeting these people as they will introduce you to
others who share your interests and goals. In other
words, find the extrovert who can "set you up" when you're
an introvert.

Common Signs of Extroverts

Picture from VeryWell Mind

8. Exchange Business card
Take the time to find a design that is a polished
professional for you. Low-printed flimsy cards will give
future colleagues a message that you don't take business
Getting a good chat, a discussion or getting shared views
about a lousy boss, don't be scared to say you enjoyed it.
Provide something like:
“I 'm glad that we spoke.
You are like a very
experienced and trusted
individual, can I contact
you sometime?”

9. Follow Up
Find a way to stay in touch. Maintain your network.

Hallo Mr. Putra, it’s me, Adam from Politeknik

Negeri Lhokseumawe. I am in Jakarta right
now for project presentation. If you have free
time, I would like to ask you to have a lunch in
Menteng today, or tomorrow, maybe?

B. Using Internet to Network

1. Network through hobbies and interests

For a variety of interests, the chances for a successful
network connection are improved. Many good hobbies
include networking:
 Blogging
 Computer
 Automotive
 Photography

Hi. I need someone to

maintain our website,
do you know

Yeah,I think I know!

2. Use your Social Media
Most social networking platforms used to connect with
friends and loved ones may also provide powerful
networking resources for companies and jobs. Study
business networking services on certain websites and link
your profile to those that are useful for your network

3. Research people you admire on the internet

There are two reasons to research the people you admire:
 It allows you to be conscious of different career
paths and job prospects. Checking at the
professions of others, you know that you can enter,
for example, into ads and become a merchant in
virtually infinite numbers.

 Your personal past is familiar to you. Such
knowledge is useful when you hit it; it indicates that
you have completed your homework.



A. MOST ADMIRED: Who have you most admired this year?

Complete this table and share your answers with your
partner(s). Change partners and share again.

Who? Why?
World leader

B. POLITICIANS: Students A strongly believe politicians

deserve to be admired; Students B strongly believe the
opposite. Change partners again and talk about your

C. VIRTUES: Rank these virtues

and share your rankings with
your partner. Put the ones you

most admire at the top. Change partners and share your
rankings again.

 looks  leadership skills

 intelligence  fashion sense
 sense of humor  knowledge of technology
 honesty  creativity

Read the article below and discuss with your partner

The most admired woman in the world is Hillary Rodham Clinton, according to the
annual USA Today-Gallup poll. America’s Secretary of State scooped the award for the
ninth year in a row. US President Barack Obama was the most admired man for the
third straight year. Sarah Palin came in second place and Oprah Winfrey in third. Ms
Clinton has been in the most admired woman top ten 15 times since 1992. She first
appeared after husband Bill Clinton became president. President Barack Obama’s wife
Michelle came fourth in the recent poll. Unsurprisingly, only three non-American
women made the top ten. These were Britain’s Queen Elizabeth and former prime
minister Margaret Thatcher, and Myanmar’s pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

The yearly survey asked people what man and woman, living anywhere in the world,
they most admired. It is always dominated by Americans. It is surprising that President
Obama still came top, considering his slump in his approval ratings and the poor state
of the US economy. His lead has slipped compared to previous years. In 2008 he led the
list with 32 per cent, in 2009 30 per cent and this year 22 per cent. The other top three
places for men were taken by former US presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
The only non-American males in the poll were former South African president Nelson
Mandela and Pope Benedict XVI. It would be interesting to see how the poll might
change if it was given to citizens from all over the world.


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

a) What did you think when you read the headline?

b) What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘admired’?
c) Who do you most admire?
d) What do you think people admire about you?
e) What do you think of Hillary Clinton being voted the world’s
most admired woman?
f) What do you think of Barack Obama being voted the world’s
most admired man?
g) Are you surprised politicians won the awards for most
admired man and woman?
h) Who do you think should have won the awards?
i) What do you think of awards like this?
j) What do you admire most about politicians?


STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

a) Did you like reading this article?

b) What would you consider in voting for your most admired
c) What other Americans do you admire?
d) Do you think Clinton and Obama will win again next year?
e) Why do you think George W. Bush is still in the list?
f) Why do you think so many Americans were on the lists?

g) How would the awards have been different if everyone in the
world had a vote?
h) Who would you vote for from your country?
i) What prize would you like most?
j) What questions would you like to ask Hillary Clinton?


Write about admired people for 10 minutes. Correct your

partner’s paper.













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Oxford dictionary


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