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Adverb or adjective

The dog (quiet / quietly ) sleeps on his bed.
Choose the right word. Circle it in
blue if it is an adjective and red if
it is an adverb.
Part 1:
1. My (poor / poorly) family can’t afford a new car.

2. Jonathan performed (poor / poorly) at his concert.

3. Peter is (calm / calmly) under pressure.

4. Mom (calm / calmly) removed the boiling pot from the stove.

5. The teacher spoke (firm / firmly) to the students.

6. Dad had to be (firm / firmly) with my older brother.

7. Mika (quiet / quietly) walked to the kitchen.

8. The (quiet / quietly) children listened to the teacher.

Part 2:
1. Mark has a (bad / badly) cold.

2. Fred was (bad / badly) hurt at hockey.

3. Maggie (honest / honestly) answered the question.

4. Leona is an (honest / honestly) girl.

5. This pillow is so (soft / softly) to the touch.

6. The woman (soft / softly) sang a lullaby (bài hát ru) to her infant
(= baby).

7. The kitten (mèo con) (timid / timidly) peered from under the couch.
(timid = shy)
8. Hannah is so (timid / timidly) that she turns red when
she speaks.

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