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I just want to live every three years I'm here and share some stories and what I've learned from an
introvert in his own right.
Maybe I'm afraid because in the end I just realized that I have a different lifestyle than I am tired of
living life to live in a new environment I have to learn how to deal with other humans.
Is realizing the most important thing I take away from all this is it's the wrong thing to do as much as
it's not your fault in the end it will happen doesn't excite you in a completely different way and it's
easy to complain h and put yourself in a state of self-pity I personally think that is always your fault.
I'm two completely different years but in terms of the impact they've had on me and the lessons I've
learned and how grateful I am for how each one plays they're very close.
i barely tried everything and i made it so the point is its just to go there its out of your control you
never see it coming so dont beat yourself up as long as you are.
May or may not succeed or fail is what so many of the most important factors learning that
predictable life helped me at all.
My College Experience and Its Value by Lisa - June 2013 Scholarship Essay
In high school, I think attending a two- or four-year college consisted of me working hard to achieve a
degree which would in turn help me land a job. The job would help me pay back the money I
borrowed in the first place to complete my higher education.
Then you can also explore completely new fields of math, science, literature, and even new languages.
You can even take a series of classes that interest you and fulfill your wildest desires, of course all
this time by working hard towards that degree in the end which will help you secure a job after you
Of course, your parents always say that they want their children to do better than they do; Therefore,
college is not only seen as a fun place but as a place that teaches each individual responsibility and
Not only did I get the freedom to take the classes of my choice and that also peaked my interest and
pushed me closer to the career I wanted. In the end, college for me was not just a place where I had to
work hard and study all the time to get my degree. to help me get a job and in turn pay off my college
years of my life and college will help me find the type of person I will become. Therefore my college
education means the world to me and it will be something you cannot put a price on, because it will be
invaluable and invaluable to me.
My experience is that when I was in high school I
participated in many competitions that I was
interested in, O2SN economics competitions with
many students from the city of Yogyakarta, having
many friends and adding insight and experience. And
I love all the economics and geography lessons.

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