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Assalamualaikum wr wb. Dear friends, I will tell you about the hearing sense of human.
1) First, I will give information about Parts of The Ears.
The human’s ears have some parts. The parts of the ears are
 Earlobe
 Ear canal
 Ear drum
 Three tiny bones called the ossicles which are Hammer, Anvil and Stirrup
 Cochlea
 Auditory nerve
2) Then, I will tell about how people can hear the sound

c) The sound waves are sent The waves get into ears The eardrum
to the ears lobe canal vibrates
d) The sound waves are b) sent to the ears lobe a) sent to

The nerve sends the The cochlea changes the The tiny bones (hammer,
audio signals to brain waves into electrical anvil, stirrup) are also
signals vibrates lobe

3) All right friends, that is my presentation about the hearing sense of human. Thank you for your

Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

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