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My Own Philosophy of Education

I believe, As a Future BPED Educator it is important that I have a good relationship with my
students. Because I believe that the better and better I treat each of my future students will at the same
time make them more interested in what I teach And as a future physical education teacher I also want to
impart to them not only the talent I have but also things they should know in life to also teach them the
right and wrong things and I want to share with them my experiences in choosing the wrong decisions. I
also believe that studying academics is useless if you don't build your values as a person. And one of the
things I believe in, is the importance of loving and trusting our abilities especially in the subject of
Physical education, because it is not a subject that will measure excellence but it is a subject that will help
students show their skills. That they have or they can further enhance their skills. And another thing I
believe as one of the future BPED educators needs to be one to believe and give motivation to our
students because in the field of Physical Education’s activities and enhancing skills and learning good
values is needed by everyone student will feel that someone believes in them and they will feel they can.
And that is my own Philosophy as a Future BPED educator.

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