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Fithria Pratiwi - detikHealth

The need for blood in Indonesia is still not met by the large number of blood bags

obtained. Lack of blood availability due to low awareness

people to donate blood.

Blood is the most important component in the human body. One person

Donating blood can save three lives at once. Not only for

blood recipient, you as a donor also get benefits that can be

felt. Here are the benefits of donating blood:

1. Lowering the Risk of Heart and Blood Vessel Disease

Blood donors should be regular in order to help reduce the risk of heart disease.

Blood donation is known to help lower blood viscosity. Thicker

the blood that flows in the body, will make the friction higher

between the blood and the veins. The friction that occurs can damage the cell walls

blood vessel. This increases the risk of blockages in the blood vessels.

2. Lowers Cholesterol

In accordance with the explanation above, blood donation can help reduce viscosity

blood. By reducing blood viscosity, it can also help lower blood pressure

cholesterol. Increased cholesterol can create blockages in blood circulation.

3. Lowers Cancer Risk

Blood donation can reduce excess iron in the body. Iron levels in

Excess blood is considered to be one of the causes of the increase in free radicals

inside the body. Free radicals in the body that can be a risk factor for the occurrence of


4. Caring for Liver Health

Excess iron can also cause health problems in the liver. Iron

Excessive amounts can trigger several diseases, one of which is hepatitis C.

5. Lose Weight

You can lose weight by donating blood. Blood donation can

burned 650 calories while giving 450 ml of his blood. But you can't make
blood donation into a weight loss program. You still have to apply the pattern

live a healthy life by exercising regularly and keeping an eye on food intake.

6. Detect Serious Diseases

Before donating blood, you will undergo several examinations such as weight

body temperature, pulse, blood pressure, and hemoglobin levels. In addition, you are also asked to

undergo blood tests to detect the presence or absence of HIV, hepatitis B,

hepatitis C, syphilis, and malaria. This is to prevent the spread of

disease during transfusion. A series of checks carried out, can

help donors to detect certain diseases early.

7. Increase Blood Production

Regular blood donation can help stimulate the production of new blood cells.

By donating blood the body stays healthy and works more efficiently.

8. Helps Accelerate Wound Healing

After donating blood, the body will adjust to the reduction in blood cells

Red. This adjustment is also needed by the body when it experiences an injury that results in

reduced red blood cells. This condition makes wound healing more effective


9. Help Save Others' Lives

Donating blood can help save the lives of others. the blood that

that has been donated can be used by people who need help.

10. Prevents Premature Aging

Regular blood donation can help the skin to regenerate perfectly. Substance level

Excess iron can increase free radicals in the body. Free radicals can

be the cause of premature aging.

11. Make the Mind Happier

Donating blood can make you feel happier. You will feel able

help others with one's own body.

You can donate blood regularly up to 5 times in 2 years.

Men can donate blood every 3 months and women can donate

blood every 4 months. You can take care of food before donating blood

with adequate intake of fluids and iron, this is also the same with food after eating
blood donation is done.

Before donating blood, you should get enough sleep and it's good to avoid

blood donation during menstruation. You can first consult this condition with

PMI officers before starting blood donation.

The many benefits of donating blood above, hopefully it can motivate you to

do blood donation. Let's start donating your blood!

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