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Nama : Faiz Arifandy

NIM : 1505518016

Prodi : D3 Teknik Mesin 2018

English (Task Speaking Lesson 1)


1. In the history part, what is the man talking about?

Answer : He explained about his current study at the King’s College and explained about
history of his campus. Like, why he chose study in medicine, daily activitites and facilities on
campus,history of the Warch Campus Center, and He tells his reason why he chose to study
2. What stories come first, second,etc?
Answer : First, He explained about history of the Warch Campus Center Second, he explains
his daily activities and his study Third ,He’s tells the history of the Warch Campus Center
3. What tense is used ? Are there any interesting keywords ?
Answer : - Simple past tense : : did, chose, was, loved, employed, were, gave, etc
- Use present tense : are, get, spend, have, etc
- Use present continuous tense : am studying


1. Identify the past experience of the speaker. What did he do before he studying medicine in
Answer: His previous study on first degree in Toronto, state to the Toronto University in
major immunology, biotechnology, and molecular biology. And he decided to do research
experience and also worked in hospitals to help doctor (Shadow doctor)
2. Identify the structure or organization. What does the speaker say first, second?
Answer : First, introducting himself and his campus. Like state name, year, and current
study. Second ,he will tell about his campus and the explaination of the major exist in the
Guy’s campus. Like life sciences, medicine, dentistry.
3. Identify the language. What does the speaker say when telling his story life?
Answer: -He tells his reasons why he chose to study medicine
-Use past tense : chose, had, was, could feel, loved, etc

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