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Sociology syllabus for upsc mains pdf

This article will give you complete information about the UPSC Mains Syllabus for Sociology. BASICS OF SOCIOLOGY1. Sociology – Discipline:(a) Modernity and social change in Europe and the emergence of sociology. (b) Scope of the subject and comparison with other social sciences. For UPSC study material, click on the
handwritten notes on the UPSC Mains Examination of Sociology(c).2. Sociology as science:(a) Science, scientific method and criticism. (b) The main theoretical components of the research methodology. (c) Positivity and its criticism. (d) Value and objectivity of facts. (e) Non-tivist methodologies.3. Research methods and analyses:a
Qualitative and quantitative methods. (b) Data collection techniques. (c) Variables, sampling, hypothesis, reliability and validity. Click OnSyllabus of Electives4. Sociological thinkers:(a) Karl Marx – Historical materialism, method of production, alienation, class struggle. (b) Emile Durkhteim – Divisional work, social facts, suicide, religion and
society. (c) Max Weber – Social Action, Ideal Types, Authority, Bureaucracy, Protestant Ethical and Spirit of Capitalism. (d) Talcolt Parsons — Social system, model variables. (e) Robert K. Merton — Latent and manifesto functions, conformity and de deviance, reference groups. f) Mead — Me and Identity.5. Stratification and mobility:(a)
Concepts – equality, inequality, hierarchy, exclusion, poverty and hardship. (b) Theory of social stratification – Structural functionalist theory, Marxist theory, Weber theory. (c) Dimensions — social stratification of class, status groups, gender, ethnic origin and race. (d) Social mobility — open and closed systems, mobility types, resources
and causes of mobility6. Work and economic life:(a) Social organization of work in different types of society – slave society, feudal society, industrial capitalist society. (b) Formal and informal organisation of work. (c) Work and society7. Politics and society:(a) Sociological theories of power. (b) The power elite, bureaucracy, pressure
groups and political parties. (c) Nation, state, citizenship, democracy, civil society, ideology. (d) Protest, agitation, social movements, collective action, revolution. Click on OnTop IAS coaching in delhiTop IAS coaching centers in Bangalore 8. Religion and society : and sociological theories of religion. (b) Types of religious practices:
animism, monism, pluralism, sects, cults. (c) Religion in modern society: religion and science, secularization, religious revival, fundamentalism.9. In-kinship system:a) Family, household, marriage. (b) Types and forms of the family. (c) Line and descent. (d) Patriarchate and sexual division of labor. (e) Current trends.10. Social change in
modern society:(a) Sociological hypotheses of social change. (b) Development and reliance on it. (c) Representatives of social change. (d) Education and social change. (e) innovation and social change. Syllabus sociology exam UPSC: Paper – IIINDIAN SOCIETY: STRUCTURE AND CHANGEA. Introducing Indian Society:(i)
Perspectives of Indian Culture Investigation:(a) Indology (GS. Ghurye). (b) Structural functionalism (M N Srinivas). (c) Marxist social science (A R Desai). (ii) Impact of pilgrim rule on Indian culture:a The social basis of Indian patriotism. (b) Modernisation of the Indian Convention. (c) Protests and movements during the colonial period. (d)
Social reforms. B Social structure:i Rural and agrarian social structure:a Idea of Indian village and village studies. (b) Agrarian social structure — development of the land-holding system, land reform. (ii) Caste system:a Prospects for the study of caste systems: G. S. Ghurye, M.N. Srinivas, Louis Dumont, Andre Beteille. (b) Characteristics
of the caste system. (c) Forms and perspectives of inviolability (iii) tribal groups in India:a Definitional problems. (b) Geographical distribution. (c) Colonial politics and tribes. (d) Integration and autonomy issues. (iv) Social classes in India:a structure of the agrarian class. (b) Industrial class structure. (c) The middle class in India. (v)
Systems of kinship origin in India:a Line and descent in India. (b) Types of kinship systems. (c) Family and marriage in India. (d) Dimensions of the family household. (e) Patriarchate, entitlements and sexual division of labour (vi) Religion and society:a Religious communities in India. b Problems of religious minorities.C. Social change in
India:i Vision of social change in India:a The idea of planning development and a mixed economy. (b) the Constitution, law and social change. (c) Education and social change. (ii) Rural and Agrarian transformation in India:(a) Rural development programmes, Community development programme, cooperatives, poverty alleviation
programmes. (b) Green Revolution and social change. (c) Change in the production method in Indian agriculture. (d) Problems of rural work, slavery, migration. (iii) Industrialisation and urbanisation in India:a Development of modern industry in India. (b) The growth of urban halls in India. (c) Working class: structure, growth, mobilisation of
classes. (d) Informal sector, child labour. (e) Slums and hardships in urban areas. (iv) Politics and society:a Nation, democracy and citizenship. (b) Political parties, pressure groups, the social and political elite. (c) Regionalism and decentralisation of power. (d) Secularisation. in the Social Movement in Modern India:a Peasants and
Farmers. (b) The women's movement. (c) Reverse classes and Dalit movements. (d) Environmental movements. (e) Ethnic and identity movements. vi Population dynamics:a Population size, growth, composition and distribution. (b) Components of population growth: birth, death, migration. (c) Population policy and family planning. (d)
Emerging issues: ageing, gender ratio, infant and infant mortality, reproductive Challenges of social transformation:a Development crisis : displacement, environmental problems and sustainability. (b) Poverty, hardship and inequality. (c) Violence against women. (d) Caste conflicts. (e) Ethnic conflicts, communism, religious revival. (f)
Illiteracy and differences in education. UPSC Sociology Exam Sylabus 2020-21Civil Services Exam 2020ias syllabusSociology SyllabusUPSCupsc examupsc exam sylabusUPSC Examyllabus 2020UPSC Exam Syllabus 2020-21upsc mainsscsc mainssc examUPSC Mains Exam Syllabus 2020UPSC Sociology SyllabusUPSC Sociology
Sylabus 2020UPSC Sociology Sylabus 2020-21I completed its in information technology from Graphic Era University, Dehradun.I currently work at Ruva Customer Services Pvt. SEO Analyst.I like to share my views on education. «UPSC Mains Exam Syllabus of Psychology 2020-21 UPSC Mains Exam Syllabus of Public
Administration 2020-21 » As a result of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We do not currently allow internet traffic on the Byju website from European Union countries. No performance tracking or measurement cookies have been delivered on this page. 1. Sociology – Discipline: Modernity and social change in Europe
and the emergence of sociology. The scope of the subject and comparison with other social sciences. Sociology and common sense. 2. Sociology as science: Science, scientific method and criticism. Main theoretical sources of research methodology. Positivity and its criticism. Value of facts and objectivity. Non-tivist methodologies. 3.
Research methods and analyses: qualitative and quantitative methods. Data collection techniques. Variables, sampling, hypothesis, reliability and validity. 4. Sociological thinkers: Karl Marx – Historical materialism, method of production, alienation, class struggle. Emile Durkheim – Division of Labour, Social Affairs, Suicide, Religion and
Society. Max Weber – Social action, ideal types, authority, bureaucracy, Protestant ethical situation and the spirit of capitalism. Talcolt Parsons – Social system, sample variables. Robert K. Merton – Latent and manifesto functions, consensus and de deviance, reference groups. Mead – Me and identity. 5. Stratification and mobility:
Concepts - equality, inequality, hierarchy, exclusion, poverty and hardship. Theory of social stratification- structural functionalist theory, Marxist theory, Weber theory. Dimensions – social stratification of class, status groups, gender, ethnic origin and race. Social mobility - open and closed systems, types of mobility, resources and causes
of mobility. 6. Work and economic life: Social organization of work in different types of society - slave society, feudal society, industrial /capitalist society. Formal and informal organisation of work. Work and company. 7. Politics and Society: Sociological Theories of Power. Power bureaucracy, pressure groups and political parties. Nation,
state, citizenship, democracy, civil society, ideology. Protests, agitation, social movements, collective action, revolution. 8. Religion and Society: Sociological Theories of Religion. Types of religious practices: animism, monism, pluralism, sects, cults. Religion in modern society: religion and science, secularization, religious revival,
fundamentalism. 9. Kinship systems: Family, household, marriage. Types and forms of the family. Line and descent. Patriarchy and sexual division of labor. Current trends. 10. Social change in modern society: Sociological theories of social change. Development and addiction. Agents of social change. Education and social change.
Science, technology and social change. Optional sociological article — II Syllabus 1. Views on the study of Indian society: Indology (GS. Ghurye). Structural functionalism (M N Srinivas). Marxist Sociology (A R Desai). 2. Impact of colonial rule on Indian society: the social background of Indian nationalism. Modernization of indian tradition.
Protests and movements during the colonial period. Social reforms. Social structure: 1. Rural and agrarian social structure: The idea of Indian village and village studies. Agrarian social structure – development of the land-holding system, land reform. 2. Caste system: Views on the study of caste systems: GS Ghurye, M N Srinivas, Louis
Dumont, Andre Beteille. Characteristics of the caste system. Inviolability – forms and perspectives. 3. Tribal communities in India: Defining issues. Geographical distribution. Colonial politics and tribes. Issues of integration and autonomy. 4. Social classes in India: the structure of the agrarian class. Industrial class structure. Middle class in
India. 5. Kinship systems in India: Line and descent in India. Types of kinship systems. Family and marriage in India. Dimensions of the family household. Patriarchy, entitlements and sexual division of labor. 6. Religion and society: Religious communities in India. Problems of religious minorities. Social change in India: 1. A vision of social
change in India: The idea of planning development and a mixed economy. Constitution, law and social change. Education and social change. 2. Rural and Agrarian transformation in India: rural development programmes, Community development programme, cooperatives, poverty alleviation programmes. The Green Revolution and social
change. Changing the way production is done in Indian agriculture Problems of rural work, slavery, migration. 3. Industrialization and urbanization in India: Development of modern industry in India. Growth of urban settlements in India. Working class: structure, growth, class mobilization. Informal sector, child labour. Slums and deprivation
in urban areas. 4. Politics and society: nation, democracy and citizenship. Political parties, pressure groups , social and Elite. Regionalism and decentralization of power. Secularization 5. Social movements in modern India: Peasants and farmers. The women's movement. Backward classes and Dalit movements. Ecological movements.
Ethnic and identity movements. 6. Population dynamics: Population size, growth, composition and distribution. Components of population growth: birth, death, migration. Population policy and family planning. Emerging issues: ageing, gender ratio, infant and infant mortality, reproductive health. 7. Challenges of social transformation:
development crisis: displacement, environmental problems and sustainability. Poverty, hardship and inequality. Violence against women. Caste conflicts. Ethnic conflicts, communism, religious revival. Illiteracy and differences in education

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