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00/0 Molecular Endocrinology 19(9):2273–2282

Printed in U.S.A. Copyright © 2005 by The Endocrine Society
doi: 10.1210/me.2005-0134

Androgen Receptor Mutations Identified in Prostate

Cancer and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Display Aberrant ART-27 Coactivator Function
Wenhui Li, Claudio N. Cavasotto, Timothy Cardozo, Susan Ha, Thoa Dang, Samir S. Taneja,
Susan K. Logan, and Michael J. Garabedian
Departments of Microbiology (W.L., T.D., M.J.G.), Urology (W.L., S.H., T.D., S.S.T., S.K.L., M.J.G.),

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and Pharmacology (S.K.L., T.C.), New York University Cancer Institute, New York University School
of Medicine, New York, New York 10016; and Molsoft (C.N.C.), La Jolla, California 92037

The transcriptional activity of the androgen recep- E2K) show reduced transcriptional responses to
tor (AR) is modulated by interactions with coregu- ART-27, whereas their response to the p160 class
latory molecules. It has been proposed that aber- of coactivators was not diminished. Relative to the
rant interactions between AR and its coregulators wild-type receptor, less ART-27 protein associated
may contribute to diseases related to AR activity, with the AR E2K substitution, consistent with re-
such as prostate cancer and androgen insensitivity duced transcriptional response. Surprisingly, more
syndrome (AIS); however, evidence linking abnor- ART-27 associated with AR P340L, despite the fact
mal receptor-cofactor interactions to disease is that the mutation decreased transcriptional activa-
scant. ART-27 is a recently identified AR N-terminal tion in response to ART-27. Our findings suggest
coactivator that is associated with AR-mediated that aberrant AR-coactivator association inter-
growth inhibition. Here we analyze a number of feres with normal ART-27 coactivator function, re-
naturally occurring AR mutations identified in pros- sulting in suppression of AR activity, and may con-
tate cancer and AIS for their ability to affect AR tribute to the pathogenesis of diseases related to
response to ART-27. Although the vast majority of alterations in AR activity, such as prostate cancer
AR mutations appeared capable of increased acti- and AIS. (Molecular Endocrinology 19: 2273–2282,
vation in response to ART-27, an AR mutation iden- 2005)
tified in prostate cancer (AR P340L) and AIS (AR

T HE ANDROGEN RECEPTOR (AR) is a transcrip-

tional regulatory protein that transduces the sig-
naling information conveyed by androgens (1). Upon
general transcription factors and additional transcrip-
tional regulatory factors termed coactivators. Coacti-
vators have been identified that interact with the AR
androgen binding, the hormone-AR complex enters N-terminal AF-1 and the C-terminal AF-2 region to
the nucleus, associates with specific DNA sequences, enhance AR-dependent gene transcription (6, 7). AR
and modulates transcription initiation from nearby pro- also interacts with the general transcription factor
moters (2). Activation of AR is essential for the main- TFIIF (8) as well as the cyclin-dependent kinase-acti-
tenance of the prostate gland in adult males, and, in vating kinase of TFIIH (9).
the absence of androgens, the prostate shrinks to a AR trapped clone-27 (ART-27) was identified in our
rudimentary form. For this reason, nonsteroidal anti- laboratory as an AR N-terminal coactivator (10).
androgens are frequently used in conjunction with ART-27 binds to a region of AR encompassing AF-1a
LHRH agonists to lower circulating androgen to treat and AF-1b and activates AR-dependent transcription
advanced prostate cancer (3). in a dose-dependent manner in cell-based assays.
The transcriptional activation functions (AFs) of AR Endogenous ART-27 interacts with AR in nuclear ex-
(4, 5) represent surfaces capable of interaction with tracts of LNCaP cells, and velocity gradient sedimen-
tation of nuclear extracts suggests that native ART-27
First Published Online May 26, 2005 is part of a multiprotein complex.
Abbreviations: AF, Activation function; AIS, androgen in- Indeed, the components of the ART-27 complex
sufficiency syndrome; AR, androgen receptor; ARR, andro-
gen responsive region; ART-27, AR trapped clone-27; CAIS,
have recently been identified by mass spectrometric
complete AIS; DTT, dithiothreitol; GRIP, glucocorticoid re- analysis of ART-27-associated proteins from HeLa
ceptor interacting protein; HA, hemagglutinin; MMTV, mouse whole-cell lysates (11). ART-27 associates with pro-
mammary tumor virus; PAIS, partial AIS; SDS, sodium dode- teins that include RBP5, a subunit shared by RNA
cyl sulfate; SRC, steroid receptor coactivator; TBS, Tris-buff- polymerases I, II, and III, an RBP5 binding protein
ered saline.
called unconventional prefoldin RBP5 interactor and
Molecular Endocrinology is published monthly by The
Endocrine Society (, the
the ATPase/helicase TIP48 and TIP49, as well as other
foremost professional society serving the endocrine unidentified proteins. Thus, ART-27 appears to be part
community. of a large multiprotein complex in human cells that

2274 Mol Endocrinol, September 2005, 19(9):2273–2282 Li et al. • AR Mutants Affecting ART-27 Activity

includes proteins that function in transcriptional rally occurring AR N-terminal mutations identified in
regulation. prostate cancer and AIS for their effect on the AR
We have also shown that in normal adult human transcriptional response to ART-27. We focused on
prostate, ART-27 protein is expressed in luminal epi- AR N-terminal mutations because ART-27 has been
thelial cells, in contrast to the stroma, where ART-27 is shown to bind exclusively to this region of the receptor
not expressed (12). During prostate development in (10). Eleven AR mutations, spanning amino acids
humans, ART-27 is expressed in differentiated luminal 2–491, were made in the N terminus. Of these muta-
epithelial cells but is not detected in undifferentiated tions, five were mutations identified in human AIS
epithelial cell precursors, suggesting a role for ART-27 (E2K, Q194R, N233K, L255P, and G491S), and six
in AR-mediated growth suppression and differentia- were mutations from individuals with prostate cancer
tion. Consistent with a growth-suppressive function, (K180R, E198G, M266T, P269S, S334P, and P340L)

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ART-27 expression levels are negligible in human (Fig. 1A).
prostate cancer, and regulated expression of ART-27 It is conceivable that these AR mutations induce
in the androgen-sensitive LNCaP prostate cancer cell changes in the receptor structure, such that unstruc-
line inhibits androgen-mediated cellular proliferation tured regions would adopt structural features or, al-
(12). These findings suggest that ART-27 affects AR ternatively, that structured domains would be dis-
target genes important to prostate growth suppres- rupted. Therefore, we analyzed the ability of the AR
sion and/or differentiation. mutations to alter AR structure before embarking on
To examine the physiological contribution of the functional analysis. Initially, we analyzed the sec-
ART-27 to AR-dependent processes, we examined a ondary structure of the wild-type AR N terminus from
set of naturally occurring AR N-terminal mutations a multiple alignment among ARs from different species
identified in prostate cancer and androgen insensitivity (Fig. 1A). This approach can achieve greater than 75%
syndrome (AIS) for effects on the AR transcriptional accuracy (16, 17) and revealed 16 regions with pre-
response to ART-27. AR mutations have been identi- dicted structural features. Although the majority of the
fied in up to 50% of advanced, metastatic prostate AR N terminus appears unstructured, this is in agree-
cancers, suggesting that AR mutations may confer a ment with biophysical studies (18). Of the AR muta-
growth advantage to the cells (13). In principle, AR tions analyzed, the majority had no apparent effect on
somatic alterations associated with prostate cancer the secondary structure of the AR N terminus (data not
may represent gain-of-function mutations that en- shown). The two mutations that did change the pre-
hance AR interaction with coactivators involved in cell dicted structure of the AR N terminus were AR E2K, a
proliferation. Alternatively, if coactivators such as germ line mutation identified in a patient with PAIS
ART-27 confer AR-dependent growth suppression (19), and AR P340L, a somatic mutation identified in a
and differentiation, the function of ART-27 may be localized prostate cancer (20). Analysis of the low-
compromised in certain receptor mutations isolated energy conformations (within 10 kcal/mol) accumu-
from prostate cancer patients. Interestingly, a growing lated during extensive peptide simulations of the AR
list of mutations localizing to the N terminus is emerg- residues 1–25 shows that the first 10 residues form an
ing, suggesting an important role for the AR N termi- ␣-helical fold in the E2K mutant, whereas this region is
nus and associated factors in prostate cancer. largely unstructured in the wild-type AR (Fig. 1, B and
Naturally occurring mutations are also found in in- C). The sequence-based prediction in Fig. 1A and the
dividuals with AIS. There is a broad range of androgen helical fold observed in residues 16–25 of the wild-
insensitivity from complete AIS (CAIS) to partial AIS type AR in Fig. 1B are in agreement with a recent
(PAIS). In CAIS, tissues are insensitive to androgen, report suggesting that AR amino acids 16–36 fold into
whereas in PAIS tissues vary in their sensitivity to a long amphipathic ␣-helix (21). Interestingly, the ter-
hormone. CAIS individuals are genetically male, yet tiary structure simulation for the AR 331–355 region
phenotypically appear female as a result of a loss in shows a dramatic preference for wild-type peptide to
AR activity, whereas a spectrum of phenotypic adopt an ␣-helical fold at its C terminus between res-
changes occur in PAIS patients depending on the idues 341–355, whereas the P340L mutation folds into
severity of the defect in AR function (14, 15). The AR a ␣-helix near the N terminus flanked by residues
N-terminal mutations isolated from AIS individuals are 331–345 (Fig. 1, D and E). Therefore, the E2K and
presumed to produce alterations in AR function per- P340L mutations generate new structural elements,
haps as a consequence of abnormal AR-coactivator suggesting that they may represent functionally rele-
interactions. Here we analyze naturally occurring AR vant alterations.
mutations identified in prostate cancer and AIS for The AR mutants were initially analyzed for their abil-
their ability to functionally interact with ART-27. ity to affect AR transcriptional activity as compared
with wild-type AR in a cell-based assay using an AR-
responsive mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-
RESULTS luciferase reporter (Fig. 2A). The AR alterations E2K,
Q194R, and P340L exhibited lower AR transcriptional
To examine the physiological contribution of ART-27 activation, whereas the remaining mutations, K180R,
to AR-dependent processes, we tested a set of natu- E198G, N233K, L255P, M266T, P269S, S334P, and
Li et al. • AR Mutants Affecting ART-27 Activity Mol Endocrinol, September 2005, 19(9):2273–2282 2275

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Fig. 1. AR Functional Domains and Predicted Structure
A, Schematic diagram of the functional domains of the human AR. Shown are a ploy-glutamine stretch (Q), AF-1a and AF-1b (black),
the DNA binding domain (DBD) (hatched), and the ligand binding domain (LBD) and AF-2. The predicted secondary structure of the AR
N terminus is also shown (bottom panel). The thick black line above the structure alignment depicts the ART-27 binding region. The AR
N-terminal mutations identified in androgen insensitivity (AIS) (top) and prostate cancer (PCa) (bottom) are shown. A list of AR point
mutations can be found at The secondary structure content for the AR N terminus from a multiple
alignment comparing AR from eight different species to the human AR; these include AR from rat (P15207) (38), mouse (P19091) (39),
dog (Q9TT90) (40), rabbit (P49699) (41), lemur (O97776) (42), chimpanzee (O97775) (42), macaque (O97952) (42), and baboon (O97960)
(42). Gray cylinders represent ␣-helices; gray arrows are ␤-sheets, and stippled gray lines are unstructured. AR mutants with a single
asterisk denote an alteration that was found in conjunction with another mutation outside the AR N terminus. Predicted tertiary
structures of wild-type AR (1–25) (panel B) and AR (1–25) E2K (panel C), wild-type AR (331–355) (panel D), and AR (331–355) P340L
(panel E) are shown. The N-terminal regions are in red and C-terminal segments are shaded blue.

G491S, did not appear to significantly affect AR activ- receptor variants are stabilized in the presence of
ity relative to the wild-type receptor. Immunoblot anal- R1881 and that some variability in AR protein expres-
ysis revealed that both wild-type AR and all of the sion is also observed among the mutant receptors
2276 Mol Endocrinol, September 2005, 19(9):2273–2282 Li et al. • AR Mutants Affecting ART-27 Activity

(Fig. 2A). For example, the Q194R and P340L display

elevated AR protein expression relative to wild-type
receptor, but show lower receptor transcriptional ac-
tivation, indicating that the decreased AR activity is
not a result of reduced AR protein expression. In con-
trast, E2K, which also shows reduced AR-dependent
activity, shows lower steady state levels of AR protein
compared with the wild-type receptor, and this may
contribute to the lower activity observed in the tran-
scriptional activation assay. The AR E2K mutation,
originally identified from a PAIS patient, has been pre-

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viously shown to exhibit reduced receptor expression
as a result of inefficient translation (19). Despite some
variability of AR expression, a majority of the mutants
exhibit activity comparable to wild-type AR. Thus, a
subset of AR mutants affects AR transcriptional
Next we examined the effect of ART-27 overexpres-
sion on wild-type and mutant AR transcriptional acti-
vation. The transcriptional activity of the wild-type AR
was increased approximately 3-fold by ART-27 over-
expression (Fig. 2A). Interestingly, the AR mutations
E2K, Q194R, and P340L displayed reduced ART-27-
dependent receptor transcriptional enhancement,
whereas the majority of the other alterations appeared
capable of increased activation in response to ART-
27. Thus, of all the AR mutants tested, E2K, Q194R,
and P340L appear to have a reduced capacity to
utilize ART-27 as a coactivator.
In addition to measuring total hormone-dependent
AR activity, we also compared the “fold-induction” or
the AR transcriptional response to ligand in the pres-
ence and absence of ART-27 (Fig. 2B). The relative
fold-induction of AR in response to ART-27 is constant
over a range of AR concentrations and, therefore, is
a valid means of comparison among the receptor
mutants that vary in expression (supplemental Fig. 1
published as supplemental data on The Endocrine
Society’s Journals Online web site at http://mend. The AR alterations E2K and P340L
showed a decreased fold induction in response to
overexpressed ART-27. In contrast, the Q194R muta-
tion maintained a fold induction in response to ART-27

using an AR or an actin antibody, which serves as a control

for loading. B, The relative fold-induction in response to 100
nM R1881 of each AR mutant in the absence (gray bars) and
presence (black bars) of ART-27. Shown is a single experi-
ment done in duplicate with the error bars representing the
Fig. 2. Transcriptional Response of AR Mutants to ART-27 range of the mean. The experiment was repeated three times
A, Top panel: HeLa cells were transiently transfected as de- with similar results. C, Effect of the E2K and P340L mutations
scribed in Materials and Methods with the indicated AR expres- on the AR transcriptional response of ARR3 to ART-27. HeLa
sion vector or vector only (VO), MMTV-luciferase reporter gene, cells were transiently transfected with the rat probasin ARR
and CMV-LacZ, together with pcDNA3:HA-ART-27 (⫹ART-27) reporter construct, ARR3-TK-luciferase, along with the wild-
or pcDNA3 (⫺ART-27). Cells were treated with 100 nM R1881 or type AR (WT), AR E2K (E2K), AR P340L (P340L), or the empty
an ethanol vehicle, and AR transcriptional activation was as- expression vector (VO) in the absence and presence of ART-
sayed for luciferase activity, normalized to ␤-galactosidase ac- 27. Luciferase activity was determined in the absence and
tivity and expressed as relative light units (RLU). Bottom panel: presence and 100 nM R1881, as described previously. Shown
Whole-cell extracts were prepared from transfected cells, and is a representative experiment done in duplicate and re-
the expression of AR variants was analyzed by Western blotting peated three times with similar results.
Li et al. • AR Mutants Affecting ART-27 Activity Mol Endocrinol, September 2005, 19(9):2273–2282 2277

that was similar to wild-type AR. This suggests that the

Q194R alteration has a more general effect on AR
transcriptional activation, whereas the impact of E2K
and P340L alterations appear specific to ART-27-me-
diated AR activation and will be the focus of our sub-
sequent experiments (Fig. 2B).
We next examined the effect of the E2K and P340L
substitutions on the receptor transcriptional response
to ART-27 at other promoters and regulatory ele-
ments. Transcriptional activity of the mutations was

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compared with wild-type AR in a cell-based assay
using the ARR3-luciferase reporter from the androgen
responsive region (ARR) of the rat probasin promoter
(22) and the synthetic TAT3-luciferase reporter. A sim-
ilar reduction was also observed with the AR E2K and
P340L mutations at the ARR3-luciferase reporter (Fig.
2C) and from the synthetic TAT3-luciferase reporter
(data not shown). This indicates that the effect of the
E2K and P340L substitutions on the receptor tran-
scriptional response to ART-27 is evident at distinct
androgen response elements and promoter elements.
To determine whether the decreased activity of AR
E2K and AR P340L would be overcome by increasing
the levels of ART-27 relative to receptor, we expressed
wild-type receptor and the AR mutants E2K and
P340L in the presence of increasing concentrations of
ART-27 (Fig. 3A). Wild-type AR shows increased levels
of AR transcriptional activation in response to ART-27,
consistent with previous observation. On the other
hand, AR E2K and AR P340L show a greatly dimin-
ished response in comparison to wild type at all the
concentrations of ART-27 tested (Fig. 3A). Thus, in-
creasing ART-27 protein levels cannot compensate for
the receptor defects.
To determine the impact of AR expression levels on
transcriptional activation, we titrated the amount of
wild-type or mutant receptor and evaluated the ability
to activate transcription (Fig. 3B). The AR E2K mutant
cannot activate transcription to the level of wild-type
receptor at any of the levels tested (Fig. 3B), consistent
with its identification previously as a partial loss-of-
function mutation from a PAIS patient (19). AR P340L
also displays decreased responsiveness to ART-27 at
all AR concentrations tested relative to the wild-type
Fig. 3. Diminished Response of AR E2K and AR P340L to AR. Our findings indicate that AR E2K and AR P340L
ART-27 Is Not Restored by Increasing ART-27, AR, or Hor-
are defective in response to ART-27 at levels of re-
mone Levels
A, Transcriptional response of WT AR, AR E2K, and AR ceptor comparable to the wild-type AR.
P340L to increasing levels of ART-27. HeLa cells in six-well
plates (1.5 ⫻ 105 cells per well) were transfected with an
MMTV-luciferase reporter construct (100 ng), the AR deriva-
tives (WT, E2K, or P340L; 200 ng), and increasing concen- Cells were treated with 100 nM R1881 and AR transcriptional
trations of ART-27 (0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 ␮g). Cells were response from the MMTV-luciferase reporter gene was de-
treated with 100 nM R1881, and luciferase activity was as- termined as above. Western blot (bottom) shows the expres-
sayed as described in Materials and Methods, normalized to sion of the AR variants. C, Increasing hormone levels do not
␤-galactosidase activity, and expressed as relative light units compensate for the diminished transcriptional response of
(RLU). Western blot (bottom) shows the expression of ART- E2K and P340L to ART-27. HeLa cells were transfected with
27. B, Transcriptional response of AR to ART-27 as a function 40 ng of each AR variant and 100 ng of ART-27 and 100 ng
of receptor concentration. HeLa cells in 24-well plates (3 ⫻ MMTV-luciferase. Cells were then treated with the indicated
104 cells per well) were transfected with ART-27 (100 ng) and concentration of R1881 and luciferase activity determined as
increasing amounts of AR (20, 40, 80, 100, and 160 ng). above. WT, Wild type.
2278 Mol Endocrinol, September 2005, 19(9):2273–2282 Li et al. • AR Mutants Affecting ART-27 Activity

To evaluate the effect of hormone concentration on

the activity of the AR E2K and AR P340L mutants
relative to wild-type AR, cells were cotransfected with
the AR or AR mutants and ART-27, and treated with
hormone ranging from 10⫺7 to 10⫺11 M (Fig. 3C). The
results indicate that both AR E2K and AR P340L show
reduced receptor transcriptional activity at all hor-
mone concentrations tested. Interestingly, AR E2K
showed a more dramatic reduction in AR activity at
lower hormone concentrations. For example, whereas

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the wild-type AR and AR P340L achieved 80% of
maximal activation in response to 10⫺10 M R1881, AR
E2K achieved only 30% of its maximal activity at this
same hormone concentration (Fig. 3C). Therefore, in-
creased hormone concentration does not compensate
for the decreased AR transcriptional activity of AR E2K
and AR P340L to ART-27. Thus, increasing ART-27,
AR, or hormone concentration does not compensate
for the defect in the AR E2K and P340L.
To determine whether these AR mutants show de-
creased responsiveness to coactivators other than
ART-27, cells were transfected with wild-type AR, AR
E2K, and AR P340L along with ART-27 or the p160 Fig. 5. Aberrant Binding of ART-27 to AR P340L and AR E2K
coactivators, glucocorticoid receptor-interacting pro- Mutations
tein 1 (GRIP-1) or steroid receptor coactivator 1 A, HeLa cells were transfected with HA-ART-27 and either
(SRC-1) (23, 24). As before, the AR P340L substitution the wild-type AR, the AR E2K, or AR P340L, treated with 100
showed a diminished capacity to respond to ART-27 nM R1881 for 2 h, and were immunoprecipitated with an AR
antibody from nuclear extracts under low-stringency condi-
relative to the wild-type AR (Fig. 4). In contrast, the AR
tions as described in Materials and Methods. Associated
transcriptional response to SRC-1or GRIP-1 was not proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE. HA-ART-27 associ-
affected by the AR P340L substitution relative to the ated with AR was detected by immunoblotting with an anti-
body against HA. The left panel shows the expression of AR
and ART-27 before immunoprecipitation (input) and the right
panel reveals the ART-27 that was immunoprecipitated with
AR (IP). The total amount of AR immunoprecipitated (bottom
panel) was used to standardize the amount of associated
ART-27 by densitometry, with the wild-type AR:ART-27 ratio
arbitrarily set as 1. B and C, HeLa cells were transfected as
above, and whole cell lysates were prepared in RIPA buffer
(high-stringency conditions), and reciprocal immunoprecipi-
tations were performed using antibodies against AR (panel B)
or HA (ART-27) (panel C). The left panel shows the expression
of AR and ART-27 before immunoprecipitation (input). Asso-
ciated proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE and revealed by
immunoblotting with the corresponding AR or ART-27 (HA)
antibody. Shown are representative experiments that were
repeated three times with similar results. WT, Wild type.

wild-type receptor. Analysis of the AR E2K mutation

again showed a reduced ability to respond to ART-27
(Fig. 4). Surprisingly, AR E2K shows an increase in
Fig. 4. Specificity of the Mutant AR Transcriptional Re- transcriptional activity in response to SRC-1 (Fig. 4).
sponse to ART-27 Overall, our findings indicate that the E2K and P340L
HeLa cells were transiently transfected with the indicated mutations selectively affect AR functional interactions
AR derivatives, the MMTV-luciferase reporter gene, and ART-
with ART-27.
27, GRIP-1, or SRC-1 expression constructs. Cells were
We next tested the AR mutants for physical interac-
treated with 100 nM R1881or an ethanol vehicle, and lucif-
erase activity was determined as described in Fig. 2. Shown tion with ART-27 by coimmunoprecipitation. HeLa
is a representative of three independent experiments done in cells were transfected with a hemagglutinin (HA)-
triplicate with the error bars representing the SE. Western blot tagged version of ART-27 along with expression vec-
(bottom) shows the expression of the AR derivatives. RLU, tors for either the wild-type AR, AR E2K, or AR P340L.
Relative light units. Cells were treated with hormone and lysed under con-
Li et al. • AR Mutants Affecting ART-27 Activity Mol Endocrinol, September 2005, 19(9):2273–2282 2279

ditions that preserve the interaction between AR and indicate that this mutant shows a diminished interac-
ART-27. AR immunoprecipitates were analyzed by im- tion and transcriptional response to ART-27. Because
munoblotting with an HA antibody specific for the the AR E2K mutation is located outside of the ART-27
HA-tagged ART-27. As seen in Fig. 5A, ART-27 was binding region (Fig. 1A) and induces a local conforma-
coimmunoprecipitated with both wild-type AR, AR tional change (Fig. 1C), we suggest that the change in
E2K, and AR P340L. About half the level of ART-27 conformation affects the global architecture of the re-
was detected in association with AR E2K as compared ceptor, which reduces ART-27 binding (Fig. 5). The
with the wild-type receptor. Thus, the AR E2K alter- unexpected finding that the AR E2K displays an en-
ation reduces interaction with ART-27. In contrast, AR hanced transcriptional response to SRC-1 is consis-
P340L showed an increase in its association with ART- tent with the notion that the E2K mutation affects
27, despite its inability to enhance AR transcription. To global AR conformation. Such changes in the AR re-

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investigate whether the increased ART-27 associated sponse to coactivators may be an important determi-
with AR P340L mutant might reflect a tighter binding, nant in the AIS phenotype.
reciprocal immunoprecipitation experiments between Our results also indicate that the ability of ART-27 to
AR and ART-27 were performed under more stringent function as an AR coactivator is greatly decreased by
conditions. Under these circumstances, little ART-27 the P340L substitution. Although the expectation was
is detected in association with the wild-type AR (Fig. that this reduced activity is a result of diminished
5B). In contrast, ART-27 is readily detected in associ- ART-27 binding to the receptor, this is not the case
ation with the AR P340L substitution, indicating that (Fig. 4). Instead, our findings demonstrate that the AR
the interaction of AR P340L with ART-27 is more sta- P340L mutant associates more avidly with ART-27
ble than that of the wild-type receptor. This finding (Fig. 5). In principle, increased ART-27 binding to AR
suggests that the AR P340L mutant is binding inap- could affect the association of a different regulatory
propriately to ART-27 and thus fails to facilitate AR- cofactor. In support of this idea, AR P340L lies near a
dependent transcriptional activation. stretch of amino acids that has been shown to interact
with TFIIF, a component of the basal transcription
machinery consisting of two subunits, RAP74 and
RAP30 (8, 31). Elegant work from the McEwan labo-
DISCUSSION ratory (8) has revealed that RAP74 interacts with AR at
multiple sites including two motifs (PSTLSL) located
Although AR plays a role in normal and malignant between residues 159–164 and 340–345 in the AR N
prostate cell function, the impact of AR N-terminal terminus. It is possible that the AR P340L mutation
mutations in the etiology of prostate cancer and AIS is creates a new surface for ART-27 binding and elimi-
not clear (25). One possibility is that the AR N-terminal nates a motif existing in the wild-type AR for cofactor
mutations increase or decrease interaction with AR binding, which is consistent with the structure predic-
cofactors. AR mutations in prostate cancer could en- tion (Fig. 1E). This could explain the tendency of AR
hance the function of a coactivator involved in AR- P340L mutant to exhibit increased ART-27 binding,
dependent proliferation or inhibit the activity of a co- but decreased AR activity.
activator mediating AR-dependent differentiation. The Another possibility is that ART-27 functions as a
cofactors themselves could also be altered and col- chaperone to help “load” TFIIF (or another factor) onto
laborate with AR mutations to promote cellular prolif- the receptor or maintain AR in a conformation com-
eration. A recent report indicates that recurrent pros- petent for cofactor binding. Once this is accom-
tate cancers express higher than normal levels of the plished, ART-27 would then dissociate from the re-
p160 coactivators, transcriptional intermediary factor- ceptor. In the AR P340L mutant, however, ART-27
2/GRIP-1 and SRC-1 (26). In addition, the expression would be unable to correctly place the cofactor onto
levels of multiple AR coactivators varied between nor- the receptor or promote a receptor conformation com-
mal and malignant prostate tissue samples (27–29). patible with cofactor binding and would neither disso-
Further, our group has found that ART-27 protein lev- ciate nor coactivate. This idea is not inconceivable
els are decreased in prostate cancer, suggesting a role because ART-27 shows homology to prefoldins, which
for ART-27 in growth inhibition (12). The AR N-terminal are small molecular weight proteins that assemble into
mutations in AIS, which presumably reduce AR activity molecular chaperone complexes to affect protein fold-
in vivo, could also result from an alteration in cofactor ing. Recently, ART-27 has been shown to be part of a
binding. Recently, a patient with AIS was described transcriptional regulatory complex that contains an
whose cells lacked AR transcriptional activity, prob- unconventional prefoldin that controls a transcription
ably through the loss of an as-yet-unidentified AR program in response to nutrient deprivation (11). This
N-terminal cofactor (30). This underscores the im- highlights the biological relevance of prefoldin-type
portance of the AR N terminus and associated factors proteins in the regulation of gene expression.
in AIS. Our recent studies indicate that ART-27 is present in
Previous studies have shown that the AR E2K mu- normal adult prostate but is absent in prostate cancer
tation decreases receptor translation, resulting in (12). Further, examination of ART-27 protein expres-
lower steady state AR levels (19). Our results also sion in prostate development demonstrates that
2280 Mol Endocrinol, September 2005, 19(9):2273–2282 Li et al. • AR Mutants Affecting ART-27 Activity

ART-27 is detected only when the prostate gland has MATERIALS AND METHODS
proceeded from a solid mass of undifferentiated cells
to a stage at which differentiated luminal epithelial Plasmid Construction
cells are evident (12). In light of these findings, we
suggest that ART-27 plays a role in suppressing pros- The AR mutants were generated by QuikChange Site-Di-
rected Mutagenesis system (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) using
tate cancer development by contributing to the main- the oligonucleotides described in supplemental Table 1,
tenance of a program of AR-mediated differentiation. which is published as supplemental data on The Endocrine
Thus, the AR P340L mutant would facilitate prostate Society’s Journals Online web site at http://mend.endojournals.
cancer progression by preventing the normal “growth- org and the wild-type pcDNA3:hAR expression plasmid as
the template. All mutations were confirmed by DNA sequenc-
suppressive” function of ART-27. This may represent a ing. The p160 expression vectors, pcDNA3-GRIP-1 and

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novel mechanism of pathogenesis, whereby an AR pCR3-hSRC-1A, have been described previously (33).
mutation acts in a dominant negative fashion to re-
duce the action of ART-27 in maintaining differentia- Cell Culture and Transient Transfection
tion and further highlights the importance of loss of
ART-27 function in oncogenic transformation of pros- HeLa cells were maintained in DMEM (Invitrogen) supple-
tate epithelial cells. mented with 10% fetal bovine serum (HyClone Laboratories,
Inc., Logan, UT) and 2 mM L-glutamine (Invitrogen, San Di-
Unexpectedly, our findings indicate that a defect
ego, CA). Cells were seeded in a 24-well plate at a density of
in ART-27 coactivator function may play a role in AIS 3 ⫻ 104 or a six-well plate at a density of 1.5 ⫻ 105 in phenol
as well as prostate cancer. This may seem surpris- red-free DMEM supplemented with 10% charcoal-stripped
ing in that AIS results from a loss of AR function, fetal bovine serum. Transfection was performed using Lipo-
fectamine Plus (Invitrogen) according to manufacturer’s in-
whereas prostate cancer is generally thought to
structions. For transfection of cells in 24-well plates, each
stem from enhanced AR activity, through, for exam- well received 40 ng of the pcDNA3:hAR expression vector,
ple, increased receptor expression (32). However, 100 ng of androgen-responsive reporter plasmid MMTV-
both the E2K and P340L AR mutations may reflect luciferase, and 10 ng of cytomegalovirus-LacZ, together with
100 ng of pcDNA3:HA-ART-27. The total amount of DNA
defects in the induction and maintenance of differ-
transfected was held constant using the corresponding
entiation by AR and ART-27. It is well recognized empty vector. For SRC-1 and GRIP-1, 100 ng of each plas-
that AR exerts a range of effects during develop- mid was used. For six-well plates, all plasmid amounts were
ment and in fully differentiated adult tissue. The AR increased 5-fold. After a 3-h incubation, the transfection mix-
tures were removed and the cells were refed with phenol
E2K mutant results in a developmental defect be-
red-free medium. The next day, the indicated amount of
cause it is a germline mutation causing PAIS. In R1881 (PerkinElmer, Norwalk, CT) or an equal volume of an
development ART-27 is expressed in differentiated ethanol vehicle was added. After 24 h, the cells were washed
epithelial cells of the urogenital sinus. During pros- with PBS and lysed in 1⫻ luciferase cell culture lysis reagent
(Promega Corp., Madison, WI; catalog no. E1500). The cell
tate development, ART-27 is not expressed until a extracts were analyzed for luciferase activity, and the values
solid mass of cells in the prostatic bud begins to were normalized to ␤-galactosidase activity. Luciferase ac-
differentiate into luminal epithelial cells. The fact tivity was quantified in a reaction mixture containing 15 ␮l of
that AR E2K exhibits decreased protein levels due to lysate and 100 ␮l of luciferase assay reagent [25 mM glycyl-
glycine (pH 7.8), 10 mM MgSO4, 1 mM ATP, 0.1 mg/ml BSA,
inefficient translation explains, in part, the androgen 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT)], using an LMax microplate reader
insensitivity phenotype. However, we suggest that luminometer and 1 mM D-luciferin as substrate. Parallel sets
this phenotype is exacerbated by reduced receptor of cells were analyzed for AR protein expression.
binding ART-27 and decreased transcription from
the ART-27/AR complex. Together, this would have Coimmunoprecipitation
a negative effect on prostate epithelial cell
differentiation. For each 10-cm dish of HeLa cells, 10 ␮g of the wild-type or
mutant AR was cotransfected with 10 ␮g of HA-ART-27. The
The AR P340L mutation is a somatic mutation found
cells were treated 3 h posttransfection with 100 nM R1881 or
in prostate cancer. Therefore, a phenotype caused by ethanol vehicle for 16 h, washed with cold PBS, scraped, and
this mutation would not be revealed in development. collected into a 15-ml conical tube by low-speed centrifuga-
Our previous findings suggest that ART-27, in con- tion. For interactions under low-stringency conditions, nu-
clear extracts were prepared from cell pellets resuspended in
junction with AR, represses cell growth. We hypothe-
1.5-fold of the packed cell volume (typically 300 ␮l) of buffer
size that the aberrant interaction of ART-27 with AR A [10 mM HEPES (pH 7.9), 1.5 mM MgCl2, 10 mM KCl, 2 mM
results in derepression of growth-stimulatory genes, DTT, 0.2 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and protease in-
thus contributing to cellular hyperplasia and cancer. hibitor cocktail). The cells were then lysed by five passes
through a 24-gauge needle and centrifuged at 14,000 rpm for
Thus, the AIS mutation AR E2K is unable to induce
5 min at 4 C. The nuclear pellet was resuspended in two
AR-mediated differentiation during development, thirds of the original volume (typically 200 ␮l) of buffer C [20
whereas the prostate cancer AR mutation P340L is mM HEPES (pH 7.9), 25% glycerol, 420 mM NaCl, 1.5 mM
unable to maintain growth arrest and differentiation in MgCl2, 0.2 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT, 0.2 mM phenylmethylsul-
fonyl fluoride, and the protease inhibitor cocktail] and
the adult prostate. Therefore, it is conceivable that
incubated on ice with stirring for 30 min. The nuclear
ART-27 is an important element in the pathogenesis of extracts were obtained by centrifugation at 14,000 rpm for
both AIS and prostate cancer. 5 min at 4 C.
Li et al. • AR Mutants Affecting ART-27 Activity Mol Endocrinol, September 2005, 19(9):2273–2282 2281

The coimmunoprecipitation under high-stringency condi- Acknowledgments

tions was performed by lysing the cells directly on the plate
in 300 ␮l of RIPA buffer [150 mM NaCl, 0.2% sodium dodecyl
We thank R. Miesfeld for the human AR expression vector,
sulfate (SDS), 50 mM Tris (pH 7.4), 1% Nonidet P-40, 1%
R. Matusik for the ARR3 reporter construct, and I. Pineda
deoxycholate) on ice and centrifugation at 14,000 rpm for 5
Torra, I. Rogatsky, and N. Tanese for critically reading the
min at 4 C.
The total protein concentration was normalized and 10 ␮g
of a mouse monoclonal antibody to HA (Covance Laborato-
ries, Inc., Berkeley, CA) or AR (Santa Cruz Biotechnology,
Inc., Santa Cruz, CA; catalog no. sc-7305) was added and Received March 22, 2005. Accepted May 11, 2005.
incubated overnight at 4 C. After the incubation, 60 ␮l of a Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to:
50% slurry of Protein G Sepharose beads (Amersham Phar- Susan K. Logan or Michael J. Garabedian, New York Univer-
macia Biotech, Inc., Arlington Heights, IL) was added and sity Cancer Institute, New York University School of Medi-

Downloaded from by guest on 06 August 2019

incubated for an additional 2 h at 4 C with rocking. The beads cine, 550 First Avenue, New York, New York 10016. E-mail for
were collected by centrifugation, and the immune complexes M.J.G.:; E-mail for S.K.L.: logans02@
were washed three times with HEMG buffer (20 mM HEPES,
pH 7.9; 12.5 mM MgCl2; 0.2 mM EDTA) for the low-stringency This work was supported by National Institutes of Health
precipitation. For the high-stringency conditions, the immune Grant DK58024 (to M.J.G.); Edwin Beer Foundation (to S.K.L.)
complexes were washed three times in low-salt buffer (150 the St. Lawrence Seaway Corporation (to M.J.G. and S.S.T.)
mM NaCl; 20 mM Tris, pH 8.1; 2 mM EDTA; 0.1% SDS; 1% and a Department of Defense Prostate Cancer postdoctoral
Triton X-100), twice with high-salt buffer (500 mM NaCl; 20 fellowship (to W.L.).
mM Tris, pH 8.1; 2 mM EDTA; 0.1% SDS; 1% Triton X-100),
and twice with a nonionic detergent containing wash buffer
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