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A. Latar Belakang Masalah

Every company really needs quality human resources to achieve the company's
goals that have been determined. In this objective, a company needs a leader who is
capable of human resources in the company, namely to improve employee performance
efficiently and effectively in a company. To achieve the goal, the leader or manager will
assign each employee a task in accordance with their respective functions and positions in
the company. The task given by the leader or manager to employees is a responsibility that
must be carried out seriously in order to achieve predetermined company goals.

According to Rivai (2004) Performance is a function of motivation and ability. To

complete tasks and abilities, to complete tasks or jobs, it is appropriate to have a certain
degree of willingness and ability level. A person's willingness and skills lack an effective
way to do something without a clear understanding of what to do and how to do it.
Performance is a tangible behavior that displays each person as a work achievement that is
generated by employees according to their role in the company. So that in this case,
employee performance is one thing that is very important in the company's efforts to serve

(Richard: 2011) revealed that performance appraisal is the process of observing and
evaluating the performance of an employee, recording provision, and providing feedback to
employees. Job appraisal on appraisal and appraisal of employee performance, recording
and feedback. During employee service, skilled managers will provide feedback and praise
on an acceptable element of employee performance.

Managers also need to describe areas of performance that need to be evaluated.

Employees who use information from other employees to change their individual
performance. Positive performance appraisal in companies that are responsible for accurate
appraisal through the development and implementation of systems that serve appraisal and
effective manager training using performance appraisals, so that managers can provide
feedback to report good performance and motivate employees to develop into human
resources. quality and have the desire to develop better to meet needs.

Motivation factors have a direct relationship with individual employee performance.

Motivation is the driving force that stimulates employees to want to work as hard as they
can, in contrast to one employee and another. This difference is caused by differences in
motivation, goals, needs of each employee to work and because of differences in time and
place. Motivation can come from internal (intrinsic) motivation and external (extrinsic)
motivation. This can affect the performance of employees in the company.

In relation to performance, motivation has an important role in increasing employee

productivity, if an employee is motivated, he will always achieve high work passion which
will affect work performance.

The existence of high work discipline means that an individual has high productivity.
As for efforts to create a discipline in a organization can be done through clear rules,
simple work procedures that employees can easily find out. An individual who is highly
disciplined tends to be more organized in all matters such as entering and leaving on time,
always obeying the prevailing rules and regulations and fostering good relations with
fellow employees, are the main assets for the birth of a work ethic in a person which results
in improving employee performance.
With this, the author wants to prove whether or not an organization will succeed with
a high motivation and discipline drive that will affect the performance of a company by
making a thesis entitled: “ PENGARUH MOTIVASI DAN DISIPLIN KERJA

B. Perumusan Masalah
Berdasrkan latar belakang penelitian diatas maka diidentifikasikan masalahnya adalah
sebagai berikut :
1. Apakah ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara motivasi terhadap kinerja
2. Apakah ada pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja
3. Mana yang paling berpengaruh positif dan signifikan antara motivasi dan disiplin kerja
terhadap kinerja karyawan?

C. Tujuan Penelitian
Tujuan penyusunan penelitian pada PT. Dan Liris (Konveksi IV) adalah sebagai
berikut :
1. Untuk menganalisis pengaruh positif dan signifikan motivasi terhadap kinerja
2. Untuk menganalisis pengaruh positif dan signifikan disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja
3. Untuk menganalisis dari dua variabel yang paling berpengaruh positif dan signifikan
terhadap kinerja karyawan.

D. Manfaat Penelitian
1. Bagi peneliti
Menghasilkan bahan untuk menyusun skripsi yang merupakan syarat guna mencapai
gelar sarjana fakultas ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
2. Bagi perusahaan
Memberikan sumbangan penelitian bagi perusahaan terutama tentang pemberian
motivasi dan peningkatan kinerja kepada karyawan guna meningkatan produktivitas
diwaktu yang akan datang.
3. Bagi ilmu pengetahuan
Dapat digunakan bahan pertimbangan bagi rekan-rekan mahasiswa dalam menyusun
skripsi mengenai obyek penelitian yang berbeda dan sebagai sarana informasi dalam
pemecahan masalah yang sama.


A. Kerangka pemikiran
The framework is a conceptual model of how the theory relates to the factors that have
been identified as important problems. In this study, to solve the direction of solving and
analyzing the problems faced, it is necessary to first put forward a picture in the form of a
framework as follows



Disiplin Kerja

Gambar 3. 1 Kerangka Penelitian

Keterangan :
Variabel Independent : Motivasi dan Disiplin kerja
Variabel Dependent : Kinerja karyawan
: garis panah ini merupakan garis pengaruh variabel
X1 dan X2 terhadap Y
Untuk pengujian hipotesis yang akan diajukan, maka peneliti menentukan variabel
variabel yang hendak di ketahui kedudukanya, antara lain :
1. Variabel independent
It is a variable whose existence is not influenced by other variables. The independent
variables in this study are motivation and work discipline.
2. Variabel dependent
Variables whose existence is influenced by other variables. Included in the variables
in this study are employee performance.

Dari gambar diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa faktor yang menjadi acuan untuk
meningkatkan kinerja adalah motivasi dan disiplin kerja.

B. Hipotesis
H1 = Diduga adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara motivasi terhadap
kinerja karyawan.
H2 = Diduga adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara disiplin kerja terhadap
kinerja jaryawan
H3 = Diduga variabel dispilin kerja paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan

C. Definisi operasional variabel

1. Variabel independent
a. Motivasi
The definition of motivation according to (Rivai, 2005) is a series of attitudes
and values that influence individuals to achieve specific things in accordance with
individual goals. Motivation is part of the activities in the process

coaching, developing and directing people as a workforce. In carrying out one's

work, one must have motivation, so that it can encourage employees to work
actively and in the end will improve work performance.
b. Disiplin
According to (Simamora, 1997) discipline is a procedure that corrects or
punishes subordinates for violating rules or procedures.

2. Variabel dependent
a. Kinerja
According to (Rivai and Basri, 2005) performance is the willingness of a
person or group of people to do an activity and perfect it according to their
responsibilities and the results are as expected.

D. Populasi, sampel dan tehknik sampling

a. Populasi
Untuk Populasi didalam penelitian ini adalah keseluruhan karyawan PT Dan
Liris Di Konveksi IV.
b. Sampel
Dalam penelitian sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 100 responden yang
diambil dari perusahaan PT Dan Liris (Konveksi IV).
c. Tehknik sampling
Peneliti akan mengambil kemudian dari hasil kuisioner tersebut akan diambil
100 yang layak untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian.
E. Penyusunan dan pengukuran skala
In the data collection step, the authors used a questionnaire method. The
questionnaire method produces qualitative data so that it needs to be converted into
quantitative data. To change it, a Likert scale is needed, which is a way of determining
the score in which the measurement method is to confront respondents with questions and
be asked to provide answers. For this purpose answers obtained in writing from
respondents are classified into five categories and given a score as follows:
Pernyataan bobot
1) Sangat tidak setuju (STS) 1
2) Tidak setuju (TS) 2
3) Netral (N) 3
4) Setuju (S) 4
5) Sangat setuju (SS) 5
F. Sumber data
In this study, researchers used primary data obtained from respondents' answers
in the form of filling out questionnaires and interviews, namely data obtained directly
from the research object. The data obtained is objective data because it is taken directly
from the company PT Dan Liris Konveksi IV about the problems described in this study.

G. Metodelogi Pengumpulan Data

a. Wawancara
Pengumpulan data yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian, penulis melakukan wawancara
secara lisan dengan pihak-pihak yang terkait guna mendapatkan keterangan yang
b. Kuisioner
Pengumpulan data dengan cara mempersiapkan daftar pertanyaan yang berhubungan
dengan berbagai masalah yang diteliti atau masalah dalam suatu penelitian.
H. Uji Instrumen
Untuk menguji data yang diperoleh menggunakan dua teknik yaitu :

1. Uji Validitas
Pengujian validitas instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan taknik korelasi
Product Moment yang dinyatakan dengan rumus :
n(xy) − (xy)
n.x2 − (x) 2n.y2 − (y) 2
Dimana :
r = Koefisien korelasi antara masing-masing pertanyaan
n = Jumlah responden
x = Skor tiap item pertanyaan
y = Skor total dari semua pertanyaan

2. Uji Reliabilitas
The purpose of the reliability test is to test the accuracy of the measuring instrument
with consistency between the question items in an instrument. Reliability relates to
the accuracy of measurement procedures and consistency. To test the reliability of
the questionnaire instrument in this study, the Cronbach Alpha method was used.
The Cronbach Alpha correlation value that is considered acceptable is 0.7 to 0.8
(Ghozali, 2002).

3. Uji asumsi klasik digunakan untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya penyimpangan dalam

model regresi. Pengujian ini meliputi :

a. Uji Normalitas
Normality is a test whether in a regression model the dependent variable, the
independent variable or both have a normal distribution or not. A good regression
modal is that the data distribution is normal or close to normal. To test the normality
in this study, the Kolmogorof-Smirnov statistical test was used with the criteria used
was by comparing the P-Value whose significance was clearly found, namely 5%
(0.05), if the probability value obtained was greater than 0,5 then the data is
normally distributed.

b. Uji Multikolinierteritas
Uji multikolineritas bertujuan untuk menguji apakah nodel regresi ditemukan
adanya korelasi antara variabel bebas (independen). Mode regresi baik seharusnya
tidak terjadi korelasi diantara variabel bebas.
Pengujian Multikolinieritas dilakukan dengan menggunakan kriteria sebagai berikut:
(Singgih, 2001: 357)
a. VIF > 10 terjadi multikolinieritas
b. VIF < 10 tidak terjadi Multikolinieritas

c. Uji Heteroskedastisitas
Asumsi dalam model regresi linier klasik adalah bahwa tiap unsur distubance ( 1)
merupakan suatu angka yang konstan yang sama dengan 2. Apabila asumsi tidak
terpenuhi maka akan terjadi heteroskedastisitas. Meskipun tidak merusak ketidak
estimator OLS, namun estimator tidak mempunyai varian terkecil atau efisien.
Dengan kata lain estimator tidak mempunyai sifat BLUE.
Uji heterokedasitas pengujian yang dilakukan dengan uji Park. Park memberikan
saran penggunaan e12 sebagai pendekatan 2 dengan melakukan regresi sebagai
berikut: (Wahid, 2004: 88).
Ln e12 = ln 2 = ln X + v1
Jika ternyata signifikan secara statistik maka dikatakan bahwa dalam data tersebut
terjadi heterokedasitas, dan apabila tidak signifikan maka data terjadi tidak terjadi

4. Analisis Regresi Berganda

Analisis regresi ganda digunakan oleh peneliti, bila peneliti bermaksud
meramalkan bagaimana keadaan (naik turun) variabel dependent (kriterium), bila dua
atau lebih variabel independen sebagai faktor prediktor dimanipulasi (dinaik turunkan
nilainya), (Sugiyono, 2010). Dengan rumus persamaan regresi untuk 2 prediktor
adalah sebagai berikut:
Y=a+ + +e
Keterangan :
Y = Kinerja
= Motivasi
= Disiplin Kerja
e = Standar kesalahan
Analisis regresi berganda ini didukung oleh beberapa pengujian yang dapat
membuktikan benar tidaknya regresi tersebut, adapun pengujian tersebut adalah :
5. Uji F
Menurut (Djarwanto, 1998) mengatakan bahwa mean lebih dari dua populasi
normal adalah sama, asumsinya adalah bahwa variance (deviasi standart kuadrat) dari
populasi-populasi itu sama. Prinsip yang digunakan sebagai dasar dalam mengujikan
hipotesis ini adalah apabila mean dari kelompok bagian sangat berbeda dengan yang
lain, maka variance dari kombinasi dari seluruh kelompok akan jauh lebih besar dari
variance dari masing-masing kelompok bagian.
6. Uji t
Langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :
1) Hipotesis
: β = 0, tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari masing-masing variabel
independent terhadap variabel dependent.
: β ≠ 0, ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari masing-masing variabel
independen terhadap variabel dependent.
2) Tingkat signifikan
α = 5% ; df n-1
3) Kriteria Pengujian

H0 ditolak H0 diterima H0 ditolak
-t(α/2 ; n-k) t(α/2 ; n-k)
Ho diterima apabila = - tabel t tabel
Ho ditolak apabila = - tabel > t hitung atau t hitung < - tabel

4) Rumus uji t
t hitung = ,
dimana :
b : koefisien regresi variabel
sb :Standart erorr koefisien regresi variabel
7. Uji R2
Pengujian ini dipergunakan untuk menghitung seberapa besar varian dari
variabel dependen yang dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel-variabel independen. R2 yang
digunakan adalah R2 yang telah mempertimbangkan jumlah variabel independen
dalam suatu model regresi atau disebut R2 yang telah disesuaikan (Adjusted – R2).
Adjusted – R2 diperoleh dengan rumus sebagai berikut: (Ghozali, 2005).

Adjusted – R2 = 1 – (1 – R2) Dimana :

Adjusted –R2 = koefisien determinasi disesuaikan

R2= koefisien determinasi
n = jumlah sampel pengamatan
k = jumlah variabel

1. Based on the hypothesis which states that "it is suspected that there is a positive and
significant influence between motivation on employee performance" it can be proven from
the results of the t test analysis that the t-count value of the SPSS version 16.00 computer
calculation can be obtained by the motivation t count of 3.293. This proves that tcount =
3,293> ttable= 1.98, then Ho is rejected so that there is a significant effect of motivation on
performance. From these results prove that the hypothesis is proven correct.
Giving motivation to a subordinate is an important one because by motivating a
subordinate to work better and as expected by the company. Managers can meet all the
needs of employees, then these employees will be motivated again to work. Employee
needs are increasing, so that it becomes an impetus for employees to meet these needs.
Motivation has an influence on employee performance. Motivation for high-performing
employees affects employee behavior and attitudes, namely feeling that they are still with
the company, or working more productively. Providing motivation will be able to cause
employees to reduce their efforts to find alternative jobs. Motivation from outside to
employees contributing their services to the company in the implementation of HR
functions related to all types of giving individual motivation as an exchange in performing
organizational tasks. This means that good motivation from outside will improve
employee performance.
2. Based on the hypothesis which states that "It is suspected that there is a positive and
significant influence between discipline on employee performance" it can be proven from
the results of the t test analysis that the t-count value of the computer calculation of SPSS
version 16.00 can be obtained.can be obtained t count of 4.882 discipline. This proves that t
= 4.882> t table = 1.98, so Ho is rejected so that there is a significant effect of discipline on
performance. From these results prove that the hypothesis is proven correct. Based on these
results it shows that there is an influence of work discipline on employee performance,
because with the existence of work discipline with the aim of encouraging the
implementation of organizational standards, this is training that leads to efforts to justify and
involve knowledge of employee attitudes and behavior so that there is a will in employees.
to lead to better cooperation and work motivation. Work discipline can be carried out by
providing guidance to employees, carrying out good and routine supervision to correct
mistakes in the event of an error, as well as giving awards to employees for their work
performance so that it will further increase the self-worth of the employees themselves and
improve employee performance.
3. Based on the hypothesis which states "It is suspected that work discipline variables have the
most influence on employee performance" it can be proven that the results of multiple linear
regression analysis can be obtained by the equation Y = 4,933 + 0.308X1 + 0.466X2 + e
From the multiple linear regression equation, it shows that motivation and discipline have a
significant and positive effect on performance. And the coefficient value of the discipline
variable of 0.446 is greater than the coefficient of the motivation variable of 0.308. This
proves that the hypothesis is proven correct.


A. Kesimpulan
1. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda dapat diperoleh persamaan Y =
4,933 + 0,308X1 + 0,466X2 + e
Dari persamaan regresi linier berganda menunjukkan bahwa motivasi dan disiplin
mempunyai pengaruh signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja. Dan
Dan nilai koefisien variabel disiplin sebesar 0,446 lebih besar dari nilai koefisien
variabel motivasi sebeser 0,308. Ini membuktikan bahwa hipotesis yang menyatakan
“Diduga variabel dispilin kerja paling berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan”
terbukti kebenarannya.
2. Hasil analisis uji t dapat diperolah nilai thitung hasil perhitungan komputer SPSS versi
16.00 dapat diperoleh thitung motivasi sebesar 3,293. Ini membuktikan bahwa thitung =
3,293 > ttabel = 1,98, maka Ho ditolak sehingga ada pengaruh yang signifikan motivasi
terhadap kinerja. Dari hasil ini membuktikan bahwa hipotesis tersebut Berdasarkan
hipotesis yang menyatakan bahwa “Diduga adanya pengaruh yang positif dan
signifikan antara motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan” terbukti kebenarannya.
3. Hasil analisis uji t dapat diperolah nilai thitung hasil perhitungan komputer SPSS versi
16.00 dapat diperoleh thitung disiplin sebesar 4,882. Ini membuktikan bahwa thitung =
4,882 > ttabel = 1,98, maka Ho ditolak sehingga ada pengaruh yang signifikan disiplin
terhadap kinerja. Dari hasil ini membuktikan bahwa hipotesis yang menyatakan bahwa
“Diduga adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan antara disiplin terhadap kinerja
karyawan” terbukti kebenarannya.
4. Berdasarkan uji F dapat diperoleh nilai Fhitung = 152,037 > Ftabel = 3,09, maka Ho
ditolak sehingga secara bersama-sama ada pengaruh yang signifikan motivasi (X1)
dan disiplin (X2) terhadap kinerja.
5. Berdasarkan Koefisien determinasi (R2) diperoleh nilai = 0,758, ini dapat diartikan
bahwa 75,8% perubahan/variasi Y (kinerja) dikarenakan oleh adanya
perubahan/variasi variabel X (motivasi dan disiplin) sedangkan 24,2%
sisanyadikarenakan oleh adanya perubahan variabel lain yang tidak masuk dalam

model misalnya rotasi jabatan, lingkungan kerja, komunikasi dan sebagainya.

B. Saran-Saran
Berdasarkan analisis dan kesimpulan, maka dapat disampaikan saran-saran
sebagai berikut:
1. Pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja karyawan mempunyai pengaruh yang positif
dan signifikan terhadap variabel kinerja, maka diharapkan pimpinan perusahaan
dapat mempertahankan dan memotivasi yang lebih baik dan berwibawa sehingga
karyawannya dapat mempunyai kinerja yang lebih baik.
2. Sebaiknya kedisiplinan para karyawan di perusahaan semakin ditegakkan dengan
tujuan agar hasil kinerjanya lebih maksimal dengan cara memberikan sanksi kepada
yang melanggar peraturan yang disepakati bersama.


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