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Author: JP Vijaykumar
Date: Jan 4th 2022

This article is intended for the coding/programming geeks.

This article/script is provided for educational purpose ONLY.

Please understand the script, test it thoroughly before use.
Please modify the script as may be required, and use it at your
own discretion.

I presented a simplified method of calculating squares and

square-roots of numbers in my previous article.

Here I am presenting another version of finding the square-root

of a number.

1) Find the square of 7, given the square of 1.

2) 1^2 + (difference between 7 and 1) * 2 * avg of 1 & 7
1^2 + (difference between 7 and 1) multiplied by two time the average of 7 and 1
3) 1^2 + (7-1) * 2 * (7+1) /2
4) cancelling 2 in the numerator and denominator.
5) 1^2 + (7-1)*(7+1)
6) 1 + 6 * 8 = 1+ 48 = 49
Reversing the process, I want to find the square-root of 49.
Applying the above formulae,
square-root(49) = 1 + 48 = 1+6*8 = 1+(7-1)(7+1)
In other words:
01) Find the square-root of the given number n
02) Subtract 1 from the given number, n.
03) From the remaining number (n-1) , find the factors for the number
04) Pick two numbers (say a,b) whose product(a * b) is equal to the number (n-1)
05) The difference between the two numbers ( a ~ b) should be equal to 2.
06) Then the square-root of the given number 'n' is avg(a,b) or (a+b)/2
1+ 48 = 1 + 6*8
then sqrt(49) = avg(6,8) = 7

Pls note, this method is intended to find the square-root of a perfect square.
I created it for my python project.

Happy scripting.


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