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I WILL ...

These are Bob, Susan and their manager Robert. They

work for an important insurance company.

They are at a meeting at this moment. This is what they

are thinking...

If I don't get
If Robert asks me
to work overtime promoted soon,
today, I'll accept. I'll look for a new If the CEO does
job. approve our
budget, we wo
achieve our

1. Discuss these questions.

What structure do all the sentences have in common?
In what situations can we use this type of conditional sentences?
Can you work out the rule?
2. Complete these sentences with your own ideas.

- If Bob works overtime, _________________________________________.

- If Susan is promoted, _____________________________________________.
- If Robert gets the budget approved, _________________________________.

3. Try these ones now...

- The department will definitely need to reduce costs if ...

- He certainly won't earn extra money this month if...
- She'll probably have more responsibilities if ...

4. Put yourself in their shoes and answer these questions.

Why do you think...

Bob wants to work overtime?

Susan wants to be promoted?
Robert needs the department budget to be approved?

5. About you...

What will you do if you get a pay raise this year?

Will you accept if your boss asks you to work overtime?
What will you do if you get promoted?

6. Think of two more questions using this conditional type and ask your
classmates / teacher.



EFL Creative Ideas - Ⓒ 2021

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