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Claudia Arias Portela – Data analysis and visualization

In advance, thank you very much for your extraordinary course.

I. Following are the steps that could be considered in an action plan:

1. Definition of goal to be achieved in the amusement park

2. Describe the tasks that are tied to the main objective to carry it out
3. Assign responsible for the tasks
4. Assign deadlines and milestones for each task
5. Assign the necessary resources to complete each task
6. Make a control and monitoring plan (including indicators) to evaluate progress

II. Action plan

* Each part of the plan contemplates carrying out a data analysis loading platform that allows immediate actions to
be taken in each step of the plan. In addition, it contemplates the creation of a dashboard that integrates the strategic
goals and performance indicators.

III. Dominó effects

- Increase in the number of users that can lead to greater demand for the offer that can be given
- Increase in operating expenses due to menu proposals, which could trigger costs not included in the
- Increase in the number of users and in turn the expenses for costs of policies and insurance for those
who use the attractions of the amusement park
- Increase in the cost of operating expenses due to an increase in the number of people to be hired, which
could be considered a benefit increase.
- Cost of training of the new personal and Order inventory of the new products

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