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Alexis Cando O.

Class: _____
Name: ___________________ 4-5

Eva Mascaro B
Teacher: _______________

Date: ___________

CINDY, USA When I was a little girl I lived in a

small village in Texas. We lived on a farm with lots Read what these teenagers have to say
of animals. It was very relaxing and quiet. You about the city and the countryside.
could hear the birds singing in the morning.
It was great during the week because I was with 1. Match the parts of the sentences
my friends at school and we had lots of after- about Cindy. Write only the numbers.
school activities. But there wasn’t much to do at
the weekend when I was at home. My school a) Cindy lived in the countryside
friends and I couldn’t meet because there were no b) She could hear the birds singing
buses. So basically I had to watch TV. It was so c) She only had fun
boring. d) She had to stay at home at the weekend
Now that I’m older my parents moved to New York e) In the city she can meet her friends
City. It’s easier now to be with my friends because 1) at the shopping centre whenever she wants.
I can take the bus or the underground to 2) when she was at school with her friends.
everywhere I want to go. My favourite place is the 3) when she was younger.
shopping centre. I always hang out with my 4) because there were no public transports.
friends there. 5) because it was very peaceful.
PETER, GERMANY I live in a big city in
Germany and it’s quite exciting! There are lots of a) b) c) d) e)

things to do. My parents bought a flat near a park 1

3 5 2 4
where I can ride my bike or go skateboarding. My
brother is older than me so I also go to the cinema
with him. The city library is a great place too. I 2. Complete the sentences about Peter.
usually meet my friends there and we do our
school projects or study together.
bike and
a) Peter likes to ________________________
Of course living in a big city is not easy. City life can
be fast, tiring and stressful. The streets are always skateboarding
___________________________ in the park.
crowded and noisy. Because of the cars the air is than his brother so he
b) He is younger ________________________
polluted sometimes. People are so busy that they goes to the movies with him.
rarely have time for their neighbours or friends. But I
can’t see myself moving to the countryside. I just make school projects
c) He likes meeting his friends _______________
love living in the city too much. and study together.
d) The sense of community is not very strong in a city
3. Answer the questions on the text. because _____________________________
people are always busy.

a) What did Cindy do at the weekends in the country? 4. Find the synonyms in the text for the
She had to watch tv all weekend and it was boring.
_____________________________________ words below.
b) Where does Cindy live now? hushed
a) silent _____________________________
In New York
_____________________________________ monotonous
b) uninteresting________________________
_____________________________________ fatiguing
c) exhausting__________________________
c) Why is the city such an interesting place for Peter? crowded
d) full of people ________________________
He can go to the movies with his brother and he can
_____________________________________ noisy
e) loud______________________________
also ride his bike or go skateboarding.
_____________________________________ hygienic
f) not fresh or clean______________________
Write the names of the public places and shops. Match them with the corresponding picture.

1) _____________________ - you go there to pray and get married. 8
Post office
2) _____________________ - you go there to buy stamps and send letters.
3) _____________________ - you go there to buy meat and sausages.
Magazine shop
4) _____________________ - you go there to buy newspapers and magazines.
Train station
5) _____________________ - you go there to catch a train.
Clothing store
6) _____________________ - you go there to buy a dress or a pair of jeans.
Fruit store
7) _____________________ - you go there to buy fresh vegetables and fruit.
8) _____________________ - you go there to see paintings and sculptures. 6
1 2

D In about 12 sentences explain if you like/don’t like living in the countryside.

I think living in the country would be very nice but as I’ve always lived in the city,
I’d have to get used to it, although, I like its nature, animals, in the city there is a lot of noise and it is
also very stressful and very expensive but I think if I could ever live in the countryside.










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